That's why i never even get to finish most of my games... As an example i started playing Tomb Raider a long time ago and i can't finish it.

Whenever i get excited about playing it,i hover the mouse over it in my library,i imagine me playing it and i'm thinking "meeh..i don't really feel like it"

Do you guys experience this? What can i do to make this go away ? Because i really want to finish those games

Edit: Thank you all for all your sharing and suggestions! Weirdly reading your comments made me want to play a game so i'll hop right on. I guess many of us experience that at some point or another. Thank you! I'm not gonna close the thread yet because i'm still curious about other answers

10 years ago*

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Force yourself to click the play button. And hope for the best.

10 years ago

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I tried that..sometimes it makes it worse

10 years ago

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welcome to the 'i have a lot games, idk what to play and every game is boring' club...

10 years ago

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Yeah, I know that feeling and I wish I had a solution for this as well.

10 years ago

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Hit me up when you have one,it's driving me crazy

10 years ago

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Listen to music you like while you play the game. That's what i did the first 2 hours of Mafia II, i really hated the beginning of that game (and the ending too).

10 years ago

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Story of my life...
Haven't played anything in ages...
Maybe i have just reached a certain age when gaming no longer appeals to me...

10 years ago

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I don't know,I'm only 19 and i've experienced this since ...well,since i was really young.It's not just gaming in fact,it happens to other things too.

10 years ago

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that sounds more like you are really lazy and you don't give a s*** about anything.
more or less like me...
p.s. the only thing that i do know is to play MTG irl. but not the "standard" type of game, Commander. maybe you should try it

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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The thing that makes me insane is that i spent a huge amount (at least for me) of money on my computer to be able to play games and now i sit and watch tv shows most of the times xD...

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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how come i didn't think of that? That's brilliant! Thank you kind sir

10 years ago

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looks like you don't like games anymore... a real shame.
give yourself a rest. log off your steam account for a couple of months, read comics, watch movies, read books or do something creative... if you really like games, you will come back at some point, and play those lovely 8 hours long runs again...

10 years ago

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Don't like games? Never say such a terrible thing! :)). No,but seriously,trust me,a brake isn't the solution. I had a really REALLY crappy laptop until recently and i wasn't able to play anything. So i didn't.. And as i said above i spent a lot of money on my computer so i could play those games,and although i play a game for hours and i am so into it,i never get to finish it...after some hours if the game is too long i get bored of it. There are exceptions but rarely

10 years ago

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Look, you spent a lot of money on your PC to play games... but now you don't want to play those games, you get bored playing games... looks like you are not into it anymore...
i don't know... try old games were difficult was a bit high (that doesn't mean they were better), try different genres, try using mods, play 1 or 2 hours every 2 days...
if you can't finish your games, because you get bored of them then you don't like said games... if you don't play 100+ of skyrim is because you don't like skyrim...

10 years ago

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all the time, i cant finish most games i get in the last 2 or 3 years, still remember getting a new game and spend days playing it, it was so exciting because it was a rare thing to get a new game

10 years ago

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Maybe we have too many games xD

10 years ago

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Me too :(

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Same, why I stopped playing skyrim

10 years ago

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I have the same problem. It's like 2 years now since I ended any game.
I don't know if this had something to do with my age or I grow out of games :/

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yes, could be, but I'm only 20.
I have depression, and I think this might be my answer.
Another strange thing is, I like watching people plays. Like, you know streams, LetsPlays on Youtube etc.
Actually I better like watching games than playing myself. Ehh :/

10 years ago

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Same here! I thought I was all alone

10 years ago

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" Because i really want to finish those games" well, obviously you don't

10 years ago

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I sometimes get those moments where I just sit in front of my laptop and while I would like to play or watch something, I can't get myself to do it...

10 years ago

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I get the exact same thing. It's why I do "let's plays" on youtube. The fact that some people are watching me play and expect me to finish the game motivates me to play it. If it wasn't for this weird laziness with gaming I probably wouldn't do LPs but they're damn useful in making me finish it and seek out new games to play after.

10 years ago

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I get the same thing. The trick is, if you launch a game, chances are that you will most probably spend at least 30 minutes playing around with it.
Just keep that in mind when choosing a game, and launch the game even though you don't think you want to play it.

(And by the way, Tomb Raider is a terrific game, play it!)
10 years ago

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Happens from time to time to me. Mostly when I've been gaming too much for a period of time. I usually end up going through a few good books, until I get a craving for games again.

10 years ago

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I also experienced this. You just got bored of those games that you know. I found new games and played them and I got back into gaming :P Maybe it was too much games or just boredom. I still have games that I do not play, like Skyrim or Morrowind- I wanted to finish it but I start and then meh I do not want to play it. I play only around 4 games at the moment. Same story with Gta 4, I instaled some mods, hoping I would play it but I don't play it now. Before playing a game you should read a story about it oto get the feel of game. Maybe it is not enough time :D Don't worry, the will to play will come back.

10 years ago

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I have that with every game I own, I know I'll enjoy playing them, but then I'm like meh I'll watch a film or show instead.

10 years ago

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Try playing something unusual. A genre you never played before.
I have about 150 games. Lots of variety in genre's and such.
For example: When I feel like playing something casual I have a few good titles to play.

Try finding some friends to play with. That kept me playing for another 2 years now.

10 years ago

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I think it's because we own way too many games. I know if I thought about that statement when I was younger I would probably say "too many games!??? you can never have too many games!" But the thing is... I own 487 games on steam as well as a lot of console games. So whenever I play a great game I never end up finishing it because I've got others to play and I keep buying more and more and more. It's almost like I've become addicted to colecting games that are a great deal, but then I don't play them because If I start playing I know that I'll never finish it because I have more games that are really good. I know it's silly but I almost miss the days when I had a console and I slowly bought games with my allowence. It made me appreciate the game more because I had to save up and buy it, and then I had plenty of time to play it before I bought a new one. Don't get me wrong I love steam, it's just that with all these deals and Humble Bundles/ other bundles I've been acquiring games wayyyy faster than I can play them so i've just been giving up recently. I usually just end up watching anime instead of playing any games XD I also noticed ive been playing more online games because I don't have to worry about finishing them, I can just have a few matches with people. Now I know it's truly a silly thing to complain about and I really hope that the deals and bundles don't stop, the problem is with me not all the deals. But for now I think i'm going to take a break from gaming (besids like CsGo and other online games).

10 years ago

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Thank you all for all your sharing and suggestions! Weirdly reading your comments made me want to play a game so i'll hop right on.Thank you!

10 years ago

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The problem, at least for me, is that I need to finish the game relatively fast. Otherwise I'll get bored of it. In general, open world games are bad for me because I get sidetracked and get bored by the time it is over. Wait until you have time for games and play through one in several days (take breaks though).

10 years ago

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Stop being a pussy and get in the fucking robot, shinji.

10 years ago

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Guess every gamer goes through stretches like this. I've tried everything as well, even as much as just not playing games for a few weeks... yet I always find myself in the same little rut.

For some reason, the light bulb turned on for me a few days ago when I started trying to get 100% of the achievements in Trine 2. Hard/hardcore mode is proving to be a real challenge but not an unreasonable one like so many other games (I'm looking at you Max Payne 3, The Witcher 2, Deadlight, etc). So I've just let my gaming time be completely occupied trying to beat the game on that difficulty. Which may be the answer... to just find a game that you find fun and completely immerse yourself in it.

10 years ago

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Personally I made list of all games that I want to beat. I used randomizer to set them in random order and now I play them 1 by 1, or 2 at once (fps/rpg + horror at night). I want to play the game that is at the bottom of the list, but I have to finish 745,3 games above it - it's an amazing motivation. Gl to everyone lost in the boredoom.

10 years ago

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