What are some games that came out (or will come out) this year (2014) that have disappointed you (whether you played them already, or just from previews and such)?

1 decade ago*

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wolfenstein the new order boring,bad gameplay,bad storyline.

1 decade ago

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I can't tell if you're just downing the game because you're probably a Jew and it has Nazis in it, but Wolfenstein was pretty darn awesome in all regards.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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nope its a game about killing nazis and i finished the game,only 1 boss.
i dont know about what wolfenstein ur talking about but i finished em all.
this 1 was the worst from all the series.i dont like your racist comment but i dont mind.

1 decade ago

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You're replying to the wrong person.

1 decade ago

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Didn't mean to be racist, I just had such a different experience to you, I thought the only thing that could have turned you sour to the game was the evils committed by the nazis in the game. I thought this game had really great pacing, brutal action with some really fun guns, and the storyline really touched me. Personally, having played them all as well, I thought this better than 2009 by a long shot.

1 decade ago

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First off, thanks for being an idiot suggesting he's a jew, and making it about "butthurt jewish people", thereby disrespecting jews by suggesting they're all easily offended and over-sensitive asses.

Second, you don't even make a jot of sense - you kill nazis in the game, in droves. If you were a jew playing the game with a hate of nazis, surely this would be a great game to play.

1 decade ago

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He has a star as an icon, guessing thats why he trolling it up.

1 decade ago

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Not an excuse to be yet another lame internet troll abusing the image of jewish people placed in a negative context to insult or belittle someone else, especially since he's ignoring everything else the guy said about why he dislikes the game.

1 decade ago

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True, its all opinions after all, personally I think its an amazing evolution of the old game, I played the first one, loved it to death, this ones nice...I am gonna wait for a price drop though since I am poor as shit right now, from what I played though over my friends its great.

1 decade ago

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What do you mean by "the first one" though? :P

Could be Wolfenstein 3D, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, or Wolfenstein you're talking about, here, since they "rebooted" the IP every time :P

1 decade ago

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Wolfenstein 3D of course, wasn't that the first? I might be wrong, I don't know for sure.

1 decade ago

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This?? I assume you don't mean Wolfenstein 3D, rather RTCW, this game, probably.

1 decade ago

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This one

I have been gaming on PC for a long time. I played the newer one but prefer the older one and the current one is pretty on par.

1 decade ago

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I thought you meant RTCW because, well, you said the new game is a nice evolution of the old one, when you can't really even compare the two, they're leagues apart - the old one didn't even have strafing, and gameplay was mostly just "walk into room, spin around and shoot anything that moves, maybe move back out of room and wait for guy, and run into all the walls head first in case there's secrets" :P

Anyway, I was real sceptical about the new game before launch, but now it actually looks pretty nice :)

1 decade ago

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RTCW did not wow me at all, its not bad at all but the fun factor is not there like in 3D and The New Order if you ask me, not sure what it is, these two games might be very different but both have a very high fun factor for me.

1 decade ago

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Sure, your experience playing them, or an assessment of your general enjoyment of the game might be compared quite nicely, but to compare the actual games themselves doesn't really make sense - it's like comparing the Wright brothers' plane designs to the latest top of the line jet fighter.

Sure, you might have enjoyed flying them both just as much, albeit for somewhat different reasons, but you can't really compare the actual planes themselves.

See what I mean / what made me think you were talkin' about RTCW? :3

1 decade ago

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Of course, I was just making sure you knew which I was talking about, and yeah I know both are vastly different, both are really fun though, I didn't find RTCW that great.

Not trying to compare them really, just saying its a nice edition to the series.

1 decade ago

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reported for racism

1 decade ago

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I'm still so butthurt about Rome II, that I haven't played a brand-new game since >__<

1 decade ago

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I'm looking forward to Watchdogs, Murdered: Soul Suspect and Destiny.

1 decade ago

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Got Murdered Soul Suspect on pre-order although I dont think itll be getting much love until ive played Watch_Dogs to death.

1 decade ago

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runesecape 4

1 decade ago

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Pacman The Return of the Devil

1 decade ago

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Ghost Recon: Phantoms, great game ruïned by P2W.

1 decade ago

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I Love the gameplay, but the level designs are awful IMO :/

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nothing so far, haven't touched many 2014 titles and those that I've actually played were pretty decent.

1 decade ago

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The Witcher 3 - its not out

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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watch dogs, wildstar, d3: reaper of souls, titanfall, the cancellation of the world of darkness and many more

1 decade ago

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The Elder Scrolls: Online, I was in the beta three times, each time I wanted to puke more.

1 decade ago

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agreed, but I would not call it "disappointed", because I expected it :s

1 decade ago

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Killer is Dead is broken. Can't get past mission 3 because of a bug.

1 decade ago

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watch dogs ended up being horrible. ive been watching gameplay on twitch and jsut nasty... its basically saints row with a different story

1 decade ago

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  1. Subjective opinion, based on watching a little gameplay instead of playing it.
  2. Saints Row games are pretty cool, in the eyes of many, many gamers. So if it is similar, that's not a bad thing.
  3. It's an open-world sandbox game. Of course it will be similar to many other games with a similar genre / style. But its' features, game mechanics, gunplay, tone, and storyline set it apart.

In short, useless opinion, 0/10, would not read again.

1 decade ago

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i played watchdogs and is so trash... don't spend ur money with this...
the story is really bad...
gameplay nothing awesome..
is better wait gta V, ps i have played gta V too.

1 decade ago

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You most likely pirated the game, and are basing your opinion on an unreleased game. Good idea.

1 decade ago

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You know that you can play this game already if you bought it on uplay?

1 decade ago

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  1. The way he, and many others on the official Steam discussions are lambasting it, suggest they've played through a significant portion of the game, something that would only really be possible with a pirated copy, as the official way of playing it hasn't been available for so long.
  2. Incomplete opinion, as you can only play it on offline mode, so no opinion whatsoever about the online / multiplayer / coop features, which can be quite a game changer.
  3. Even if he has pirated it and played through a lot of the storyline, there still hasn't been enough time for someone to properly review the game, as there's a plethora of content most have likely not seen yet, including those digital trips, as well as things in the world such as side quests or spontaneous events.

As I've said to tons of others already - the game is not even out yet for the love of christ. How can people be so dumb as to form very thorough and harsh opinions on it already?

1 decade ago

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Actually the pirated version became available after the uplay leak happened....so no you are not correct here, why are you mad? I actually like the game but oh god as of now its a chore to play thanks to the bad optimization, its like Saints Row 2 all over again...:-/.

1 decade ago

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Uplay "leak"? I admit I don't know much about this, mainly because I am just waiting for the damn game to be officially released before playing or commenting on it, but I thought people who bought it legit on Uplay could simply activate their code on Uplay, and play the game offline. I know nothing about a "leak". Or is that what happened - people who bought it accidentally got keys too early?

Whatever the case, all my points still stand - the game isn't officially out yet, and even thought pirated copies / leaked or whatever copies are being played, it's not been available long enough (again - the unreleased game that still will likely have a day-1 patch, if not more patches later) for people to form such thorough, and extremely butthurt opinions, yet.

As for its' performance? I know a couple of people with varying ranges of hardware "oomph" who played the game from an "arrrr" source, who say it runs absolutely fine, albeit in some cases with all settings turned down. Still, yet again - wait for the release of the game and potential patches. At least we're not seeing tons of people reporting game-breaking bugs or the like.

1 decade ago

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Point is that people who had legit cd codes from the promo or boxed copies got to play it before pirates.

That said, its been "out" for a couple days, plenty of time to play through a whole game if thats all you do for a couple days.

The performance is terrible on a 660 ti right now for example, I mean bad, on low it gets 20-30fps....and stutters like mad. I think it can be fixed by drivers personally so we might not wanna judge that yet.

It seriously feels like Saints Row 2 all over again, I mean it even has console in the config, idk whats going on, maybe its a bad port and they lied about making it for PC as the main game....

Who knows, lets wait and see I guess.

1 decade ago

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I have a 660 ti with i5 2500k (both stock speeds) and can run the game 45-50 fps with everything at high setting, temporal smaa, and hbao+ low

1 decade ago

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You basically just stated the issue.

Its not optimized and is doing odd crap, some people with lower specs are getting better performance then those with higher and vice versa, we must wait for drivers and a day 1 patch hopefully.

1 decade ago

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I find it really shocking that 660 ti is getting 20 fps at low on your pc, assuming you have a decent CPU and at least 6 gb of ram aswell to match with your GPU. Maybe you downloaded that problematic p2p release by any chance? People who got their physical copies are pretty satisfied with the performance of the game as I see from reddit.

As from my end I don't think there is an issue here. My hardware is basically 2-3 years old and still can run this "so called" next-gen game on high settings with a playable fps. To be honest, I didn't expect this kind of performance from my rig.

I agree about the optimized nvidia drivers tho, which will probably come on monday or tuesday. I expect a significant increase on fps.

1 decade ago

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First off its my friends PC, second off its legit, third thing is as a gamer for 15+ years I have seen it all and if a game is badly optimized it might work great one one computer and terrible on another even if specs are similar, only takes a couple things to throw it off its performance.

It's confusing, I mean when a system can run Crysis 3 on high, Sleeping Dogs on max(Btw that game still looks better maxed compared to this one), and Farcry 3(also made by ubi) maxed with decent fps, why isn't this? I really hope its a driver issue.

I say wait and see, I mean its technically not out yet, they could be hiding some performance tweaks.

Look at Saints Row 2, worked great on some low end systems, ran like shit on some high ends...all about making sure different configs work.

1 decade ago

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i watched the entire story be played on twitch by other users, as well as all the mini games and its just way over hyped and ended up being a bust for 60 bucks.... i didnt watch a "little" gameplay. i watched the "full" gameplay

like i said im sure ill enjoy it but ill enjoy it only if its 75% off i would feel scammed to have bought it for 60

1 decade ago

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Dynasty Warriors 8 on Steam

The damn store page for the game proudly says "Multiplayer", while it has no multiplayer, only local co-op. They still haven't changed this, either, when the community discussions board for the game is rife with complaint after complaint about this. Oh and, all console versions of the game (which was released across two gens) do have online MP, just so you know. Nice cash-grabbing tactic, jackass publisher!

Also, it's a lazy-ass port in every way. Shitty textures lifted straight from the PS3 version of the game, not even the PS4 one. So, no new texture compiling done for the PC release so we can get high-res textures. UI / controller issues on release. Black screens when loading missions reported by lots of people, or game crashes. Typical lazy, bad port work.

I bought this via a trader before release while I was choosing between either this, or the new Carmageddon, thinking it would have multiplayer, so I could play with friends. You know, because the store page for this game that has online MP in all console versions of the game proclaimed "Multiplayer"? Not that dumb an expectation, huh? Yeah, guess what customer, "f*ck you jack".

Should have gotten Carmageddon, dammit.

1 decade ago

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+1, I loved old Koei games.Was expecting this to be good, it turned out to be the shittiest Dynasty Warriors game ever :(

1 decade ago

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Enemy Front ?

1 decade ago

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Batman Arkham Origins
It's going back a little further, but this is the biggest disappointment in a LONG time. A lot to live up to with Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Super unsatisfying.

  • Horrible gameplay. I mean, all they had to do was copy Arkham City, and I would have been happy. Instead they had to mess it up. Combat camera is the worst in the series, enemies attack waaaay to often that your most used ability is easily Counter (which is super boring when it's what you do 70% of the time). Those idiotic Shock gloves break the game, making it extremely easy, and destroys all variation in combat. Who needs counters, rock/paper/scissor gameplay when you can hit the "win button" of shock gloves. It literally does everything. unblockable, very powerful, and has priority over every damn attack in the game. Ruins every single combat arena, as you'll be getting almost twice as much score required for Gold status for basically mashing on one button.

  • Bosses. Horrible bosses. They advertised Deathstroke to death as this awesome character, and pretty much the only one that can stand up to Batman in hand to hand combat. He was the second boss, and is beaten in less than a few minutes and never seen or heard from again. Other bosses like Bane are fought more than a few times. Also the difficulty. Difficulty for bosses range from boringly easy, to stupidly hard. When I say hard, I mean unblockable attacks coming at you from off screen. Attacks that can't be avoided if your too close, which is fun when you find yourself in a corner. Bosses with little henchmen everywhere, which if you saw my last comment, are actively attacking you 70% of the time. This takes out any satisfaction of actually pulling off a combo on a boss, as your constantly interrupted. If you counter henchmen, it takes too much time and the boss hits you. If your flipping over henchmen, it takes too much time and a boss hits you or you just spend most of the time flipping around.

  • Combat equipment. This needs to be emphasized again. In previous Arkham games all your gadgets became battle viable battle options, each useful for certain playstyles or variation. In this game, most get eliminated as an option, based on how the next gadget just dwarfs it in usefulness and power. So less options and variability to break up the gameplay. Shock Glove in particular just straight up breaks the game. You will destroy bosses and huge groups of enemies, and feel no sense of accomplishment whatsoever. It's like flipping a "win" button, and just watching a CPU beat the game for you.

  • Multiplayer. Unbalanced, broken, time sink. Just... Just... Don't even try it.

  • Story. Without giving too much away, the game was decent first half, then terrible last half. It was also VERY unoriginal. If you pay close attention, the ENTIRE game will seem extremely familiar to you.

  • General environment and focus. A lot of the actual map is just a repeat of Arkham City. Often times, there is no clear direction of where to go for story or side missions. Collectibles can be annoying to get (ANNOYING, not challenging). Heck, some of the collectibles are not even challenging at all when they want them to be. "Ooh, they want me to hit these 3 targets, set off a bomb, them jump on that pad... Or I'll just use my Bat Claw AGAIN to just get it in 2 seconds. Hmm, maybe I'll go for this challenge where I use bat claw 3 times at different locations within 8 seconds. Okay, flipping between these two targets, whips the camera around and makes it hard to see, and there is no auto target on the 3rd location so it makes targeting and hitting within the time just plain idiotically luck and frustration based! Yay!". Collectibles that you can never get an ability to locate on a map, and be standing right up against and not see it. A collectible that absolutely requires you look it up online... Not a good thing.

  • DLC and unlockables - Oh hey, you like side missions? Spoiler, they suck. DLC you purchase or get for free with the game, are also the rewards for beating some of the long side-quest challenges. Which makes it super unsatisfying when you beat any side-quest. Side-Quest are kind of decent for a couple of them, but end with virtually no pay off at all. One of the hardest and most indepth side-quests ends literally with something written on a wall... Wow.

  • Bugs. Lots of bugs. Required henchmen to defeat getting to unreachable areas, then not being able to advance as a result. Extreme common bugs for me, were flying through the city, then suddenly losing all impact detection with the environment. This means I just fly through buildings, and fall through floors. All textures disappearing, and everything becoming greyscale. Henchmen bodies warping and contorting when often times getting stuck in geometry (mostly when dead though, thankfully). There are too many to list. I experienced at least 1 bug each session I had, and more than a few times my session ended because of these stupid bugs. But, you may ask yourself "Hey ElvisPrime, maybe that's just you! you could have a horrible setup on your PC, and your bugs are unique!" NOOOOOPE. Look it up, or check the forums. Bugs were very common, and generally still are as of May 2004. The fun part is, that for many people the bugs are not even the same. It's like every user gets to pull out 5-10 bugs out of a hat that will be common to them. It's fun like that!!. Keep in mind, i'm not even mentioning the bugs that don't happen anymore. Like game save bugs, where you have to restart your campaign. Losing all progress in multiplayer unlocks and XP. Areas of the game you couldn't get past, and everyone had to wait for a bug fix, just to play through the basic main campaign. Collectibles that were bugged, and could not be accessed. You know, nothing too bad.

  • Final Summary. It's kind of a okay to decent game. The developers took what Rocksteady made, in the masterpiece that is Arkham City (literally a copy/paste of all their code), then managed to not only add nothing new that was good, but ruin many things that were already amazing and downgrade them to "Meh" at best. The only good parts of the game, are the parts they left the f* alone. So yeah, this is a pretty terrible game, and a horrible effort by this new Developer in the Arkham Franchise "Splash Damage/WB Montreal". Just terrible.
    TL;DR** Not a good game. Play either of the other Arkham games first, then if you want more, just punch yourself.

1 decade ago

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i disagree. i had a lot of fun with Origins and liked it more than Asylum, just because it was more like City and i like the pseudo-open-world style. it's just more of what i enjoyed earlier with City, and that was not a bad thing.

i don't want to respond to all your arguments. in many cases you are simply right, but i don't care too much (e.g. because i have absolutely no interest in the MP; didn't even try it). just one more thing: in over 20 hours i didn't experience a single bug. i even checked this famous bug, where you are in a room for a enigma challenge and can't get out. it worked absolutely fine for me. no crashes, no weird movement, no nothing (just a few days after release). overall it was a really nice game. nearly as good as City in my opinion.

1 decade ago

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BF4. I bought Premium becuz I enjoyed bf3 but it sucks

1 decade ago

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That's a real shame, I bought it like a month ago for 50% off (base game not premium) and I've got around 70-80 hours clocked and love it - Didn't get premium though, didn't with BF3 either. I think it's too much to be paying for 1 game - extra content but still the same game.

1 decade ago

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Take a look at this site ;)

There's tons of bugs and issues with the game, some quite significant, aside from the core issue of the game not having been finished before release, meaning they had to push out shitty, rushed netcode that requires way more performance than should be needed, meaning that the game runs at a far too low tickrate to be acceptable by any standards. Do you wanna know what BF4 runs at? And let's not forget that most FPS games since friggin' Unreal Tournament run at a tickrate of between 60 and 100 (some recent games even use tickrates in the 120+ range on some servers).


BF4 runs at ten fucking updates per second, both ways (server > you and vice versa).

DICE have even responded to this (after they censored, banned and otherwise ignored several months of complaints from players) in one of their news updates a couple of months back by promising to at some point, perhaps, try out some "high tickrate servers". Now, note, this was months ago, and they've said jack shit about it since. Also, note that they said that perhaps they'd do this, not even making any hard promises. Check your Battlelog thing and see for yourself.

Just to illustrate how big an issue this is, consider that the automatic guns in the game with the lowest fire rates fire at 600 rpm. If the game runs at a tickrate of 10, that means 600 updates a minute, which is just enough to match the firing speed of the guns. What if you're killed by a guy with a gun that has a firerate of 700 rpm - as many of the guns have? What happens is that you die between updates from the game on his end, and the next update you receive has a couple of damage dealing bullets "squished" into one update, causing you to suddenly drop to 0 health while you had 100 health before the hit. This has been the cause of a plethora of bugs and issues that they addressed in several news posts, but they never admit to the real culprit. They keep lying and pretending that things like the "0 health bug" (when you die, but see your attacker has 0 health left right after), or that you not getting a kill even though on your end, you see the guys' health bar drop to nothing, as well as other issues, are all separate, unique "bugs" of their own, when they all have one core underlying problem causing them - shitty netcode, running at far too low a tickrate. Simple.

Then you've also gotta look at movement speed. How far can you move running, walking, and crouched, in a tenth of a second? Pretty far, actually. It can cause someone shooting you on their end because they still see part of you sticking out around a corner and hitting you, while on your end you were already around that corner and safe, resulting in you magically getting hit by bullets that seem to bend corners or go through objects. They refer to this as "rubberbanding". This happens to me all the time while playing, and it pisses me off to no end. When I'm safe around a corner, I should be safe, not still be receiving updates from the server telling me I got hit, because the damn server hasn't yet received information on me having changed strafing left to strafing right, back behind cover.

Anyway, I haven't played it in about a month or 2 now, because a number of my friends that I used to play with have gotten too pissed off by these issues, as well as stuff like the "death shield bug" (which they promise has been fixed now), and have decided to boycott it. I'll start playing again in a little while, between sessions of Watch_Dogs, because the game is still fun enough to me, although the devs, their way of running their PR and communications, and the game's current state cause me to feel pissed off at the devs - perhaps more EA for forcing them to release an incomplete game - and just fuck around and treat it more like some version of GTA than in any way play seriously or competitively, or try too hard to win. It's pointless now, due to all these issues causing random deaths, random "not kills", etc.

Oh and don't even get me started on how many of the people with ludicrous scores are hacking. Heck, a lot of people who hack now even "play it safe", and let themselves die a couple of times, so as to not arouse suspicion. You can safely assume that on every public server you connect to, the top 20% of players have their hacks on. There's a bunch of free hacks floating around, and the paid hacks from people like HeLios are all undetected. I have a friend (not online, in real life - and yes we have had fights about him hacking in games I am also taking part in), who uses HeLios framework, and I've been over at his house and seen with my own eyes how the hacks work, how configurable they are, how unbeatable they are, and what they all do. He'll join a server together with a bunch of his "Artificial Aiming" clan buddies, and they'll dominate the server while talking on Teamspeak, sometimes reminding each other to tone it down a little and let themselves die, and not be so overt in their hacking in their general behaviour, to avoid bans. Anywhere on the map, they can see where you are with a big red marker. They can see what gun you're using and what your health is at. They have aimbots that don't snap but rather move realistically to their target, mimicking human aiming, and can be set to only aim for the player when there's an enemy within a certain "bounding box" (which you can set yourself), meaning that they still look like they're aiming themselves, because they do have to aim at an enemy, but as soon as their crosshair is within <x> degrees away from an enemy, they don't have to aim anymore, and all their shots hit. Oh, and they see everyone and everything on their radars, too. A lot even run a second account in a hacked commander mode, or spectating, connected to the server, and throw that up on a second monitor so they can easily see where everyone is. And DICE? Hah, these hackers laugh at DICE. Again, I actually know a couple of them. Some have even posted that they hack, blatantly, and get ignored, or their post just gets censored.

In short - have fun playing, but don't bother trying too hard, or giving that much of a damn about winning or losing. Also, if you keep dying because some jackass keeps shooting you from halfway across the map at full auto fire with a gun with a bunch of recoil, when you've taken your time to flank around, you're by yourself, there's no commander (so no drones to give you away) and you've given 0 indication of where you are, just find a different server to play on - the guy is most likely in the mood to piss people off, or boost his stats for e-peen, and has his hacks on full power, not giving a shit.

1 decade ago

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No offense but, wow.

1 decade ago

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Umm, what do you mean? Why should I be offended? What does "wow" mean?

1 decade ago

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I believe he meant, wow, I don't think I can be bothered to read all that.

1 decade ago

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That's his problem. If he doesn't care about quite important facts concerning a game he's playing, that's his deal. I posted some facts, and my opinions. If he didn't want to spend the 1 minute needed to read my comment, he might as well not have replied with a useless say-nothing comment.

1 decade ago

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Your'e exaggerating the 10hz update on servers, BF3 also had 10hz tick rate and it was fine. There was some weird bf4 netcode issue and it is not because of the 10hz tick rate.

Can't deny the amount of bugs still present though lol

1 decade ago

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Well, again, the majority of individual "bugs" DICE has been mentioning and "addressing" (yeah, hah, not) have been caused by the low tickrate, nothing else.

And if you think a tickrate of 10 is enough for a first person shooter, or any online game, really, take a look at this or even better, this. Then tell me you don't see the problem with a) the distance a player (or other clients - his targets) can travel between ticks, and b) what I already said in my post concerning gun fire rates. You don't see the issue with having a game update 600 times a minute, and yet having guns firing at 700+ rpm? Again, this is the sole cause of the "0 hp bug" (which they also said they fixed or no, wait, "greatly lowered the incidence of" - although me and my friend, together with loads more online, agree it's just as bad as before that news post), and "kill trading", as well as being shot by bullets while already having retreated behind cover. A very important note, here - in Frosbite games, simulation (so, interpolation / lag compensation) and hit detection is done on the client side while a limited hit test is done by the server.

As far as comparing to BF3 - that game had far longer dev. time, as well as dev done on it after release, than BF4 does, now. You can work a little magic with client side interpolation and lag compensation, insofar as fixing animation bugs and making things look smoother / feel a little more responsive, but you can't magically fix the problems I mentioned by those means. Also, a plethora of BF3 players - including several friends of mine as well as lots of quite knowledgeable folk on forums and the like - would tell you BF3 was also far from "fine". It might have worked a teensy bit better than BF4 at most times, but it still was rife with issues, including far too low a tickrate causing rubberbanding, etc., etc. (One of the videos I linked below even elaborates on this and explains that some people noticed delays of 1 or 2 seconds even, concerning getting hit behind cover).

But don't take my word for it. Let me throw you some more links proving that not only is 10 way too low a tickrate for this, or any online game (especially considering DICE kept and keep trying to push BF4 as a "competitive game" fit for ESL etc., which makes me just wanna laugh my balls off), but also proving that DICE themselves know this is a real problem, and probably have for far longer than they're willing to admit - they're actually addressing the tickrate. Finally.

1 - A nice video getting a little technical - the guy knows his stuff, and disproves things people say as a counter-argument against upping the tickrate in fanboyish defence of the game, idiotic like "upping the tickrate would cause way too much network traffic for a game so complex as BF4" or "it would cause way too much CPU load". And what he says is entirely right concerning interpolation and lag compensation - that causes more CPU load than receiving a little more data would (depending on how much more data is being delivered, of course).

2 - Another video the guy made about it a day or two earlier, with some further explanation of the problems associated with too low a tickrate, from a wider perspective, also referring to ping and how the issues have nothing to do with it, as well as looking at FPS and how it relates to this all. He relates it all quite well, a very thorough explanation. He also shows a couple of videos of the delay in seeing people shooting causing some shots to not even show up on the receiving end, which has all to do with what I mentioned about the relationship between the games' tickrate, and fire rates of guns. If you don't check out any other links of mine, check out these first two at the very least, please.

3 - A Kotaku article about the new CTE ( Community Test Environment) DICE has launched, a closed ongoing beta where they test new features / fixes / tweaks before launching them, live. Just like CSS beta used to work. Guess what? They're messing around with a tickrate of 30! 3 times as many updates a second, both ways, also from client to server! So, DICE knows very, very well how big a deal this tickrate malarky is, and are trying to finally address it (although they have of course known this was a problem for far, far longer - as long as Frostbite games have been played online, really). And everyone playing is noticing far, far less rubberbanding issues, kill trading, incidences of the "0 hp bug", and all those other nasty bugs associated with too low a tickrate. Oh, another interesting "bug" that the article mentions that I even forgot about because of DICE "fixing" it somewhat fast when a player made a video about it, was that sometimes, if the range was far enough, shots / hits would get counted twice, resulting in double damage from 1 bullet. "A competitive BF4 player, JackFrags, managed to replicate the bug.. ..So when you fired a bullet at a certain distance, it would be intersecting with a player for two ticks instead of one, and the game would count it as two hits. The fix for that was to make sure the game never counted the same bullet twice, but the tickrate remained the same." Yep, they "fixed" it by hard coding the game to say "this cannot happen, a bullet cannot hit a player twice", which is a shitty workaround rather than a proper fix.

4 - The video from LevelCapGaming linked to in the Kotaku article, above. This guy is one of the most knowledgeable and well-known video makers for BF4, and plays a lot of the game. He always fact-checks his stuff, and doesn't spout nonsense or conjecture. Watch what he thinks about the new tickrate of 30 they're playing around with in the CTE. Heck, look at the video title - Battlefield 4 CTE Tickrate Fixed Netcode?

5 - A forum post about the CTE update. What strikes me as a true sign of the unwillingness of DICE to admit to its' mistakes, and admit that all the earlier "bugs" they professed working on were caused by the low tickrate, is the wording of this updates' notes. They basically say that all the stuff people have been complaining about is affected by the update, but word it very carefully so as to not actually directly address specific "bugs" they've mentioned before. Also, what's very telling about how the entire engine needs re-working from the ground up in its' netcode, is the fact that - as they say - the tickrate increase has an actual range limit, unbelievably. So instead of the tickrate being a map / server-wide increase, the games' netcode is apparently so performance heavy and / or so fragile / vulnerable to packet loss and choke, etc., that they need to limit the increase in tickrate to specific ranges, which is a very convoluted way of upping the netcode that likely causes them a lot of coding nightmares, as you need to constantly keep comparing player distances and adjusting tickrates on the fly, per client.

This is about as exhaustive a proof for the issue with such a low tickrate you'll find, which is why I took my time to type this all out. There is no more arguing against what I'm saying / linking to here, no way to offer any form of reasonable counter-argument, or in any way be left with delusions concerning the "netcode problems" or low tickrate issues present in the game, as well as earlier Frostbite engine games. It's plain to see, and understand.

All this being said, though, consider that - as I mentioned earlier - other games like CS:GO (128 in this case) are running many, if not most of their servers at 100+, or at a minimum 60+ tickrate. However, Frostbite games run client-side stuff at 30 steps a second, and currently the tickrate is running at 10. The engine running stuff at 30 steps a second is what's causing them to go for a tickrate of max 30, as more would be pointless - the game itself isn't producing frames of data faster than 30 times a second, which is still pretty damn low, all things (such as gun fire rates, bullet velocity, and player movement speed) considered.

I'll end with a theory one guy had in a forum I was reading concerning all this stuff while typing out this long post. If they up the tickrate of the game across all clients, client-side, CPU load would likely not increase much, if at all. However, there would be an increase of bandwidth by about 3-fold (give or take), considering an upping of the tickrate to 30. This would mean higher server costs for DICE, who rent them from a collocation. Also, this would increase CPU load on the server end somewhat significantly, meaning they could run less virtual servers per physical server they rent, meaning that they could rent out less servers to clans etc, or they'd have to up the cost of renting a server for players, or - shock and horror - they'd make less money off renting servers to players! Oh no! :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I think I'm the only person that HATED Banished and was very disappointed when there was so much acclaim for the game and that I wasted good money on this shitfest! :(

1 decade ago

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I loved it =/

1 decade ago

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it got all that acclaim due to one guy making everything in the game. Also for what it is it is really epic. Though you are free to loath the game. . just I don't think it is your type of game. As far a city survival sims it is one of the better games out right now.

1 decade ago

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Like a few other people, I'm disappointed that GTA 5 isn't announced for PC. I still have faith that RockStar will smell the money and put it on PC. So I'm disappointed for now, but nothing one GTA 5 announcement won't fix.

1 decade ago

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It will come. They just need to let the hype from its' initial release fully die down, and expectations from PC gamers fully crank up, as well as make sure the game doesn't have the same glaring performance issues and bugs GTAIV did on release, before they announce / release it. It's better marketing to first let the hype die down, so that when it does come to PC, it feels fresh and like a big deal, a new release, rather than releasing soon after the console release and being met with a lukewarm reception. Also, you get more console people double-dipping and also buying it on PC so they can crank graphics up and play with their PC gamer friends, this way. And probably - as I expect it to happen at least - the announcement and release won't be too far apart. I speculate that they'll announce it around September / October, with a release being slotted in around November / beginning December, right before the holiday rush, to avoid competing with other things peoples' wallets are gonna be used for. At least, if they're smart (and the game is ready, of course) ;)

1 decade ago

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At the risk of sounding like a five year old a few weeks before his birthday, I don't care about any of that stuff. I want my GTA 5 now. lawl.

1 decade ago

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Any AAA, and some indies...actually f it, every game disappoints me.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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cant really afford new games so Im not sure what to reply to this but from what I read, I would say Elder Scrolls Online.

Way too many expectation for what is an essentially cash grab shitty game

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Watch dog's..

I'm kidding. Game will be epic.

1 decade ago

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Just one more day.

1 decade ago

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watch dogs

1 decade ago

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BattleBlock Theater, that trailer is a lie, the game does not support 5 oculus rift or runs on 1000000000p

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Plaidygami.