By this I should still be fine - ... So what is going on? Maybe Saw is not available for purchase anymore but ... everyone who gave it away now has 0 CV for it?

9 years ago

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Maybe the system had accidentally given you cv for your giveaways with less than 5 entrants, and has just now been corrected?

9 years ago

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It is not that case, I had lvl 4 even before that for Silent Hill and Saw giveaways!

9 years ago

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oh, then maybe it's what Jasmine said below.

9 years ago

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Silent Hill Homecoming was added to the bundle list.

9 years ago

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In which bundle? I gave it away before some bundle with it started.

9 years ago

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It was added as if bundled the 19th of March. Games which are sold at 95% off or more are added to the bundle list as well. I guess that's the case here, though not sure.

9 years ago

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What I don't understand is why they have waited several months to finally add it to the list. They added it today even though the deal was months ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The bundling isn't automatic and there's only 1 person doing it so it's most likely backlog. One can easily ask anything to be updated if they are able to ask them directly.

9 years ago

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Leaving this responsibility to one person when there are more and more bundle sites and special deals than ever is the single biggest remaining problem in SGv2. I don't know why the responsibility isn't shared amongst all Support staff.

9 years ago

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I don't see the problem though? Most people know bundles are going to drop kick your values. A lot of people do bundle giveaways hoping to temporarily boost their CV until the adjustment kicks in. The effect is belated but ultimately timeliness is the only issue I see. Losing CV via bundles is kinda similar to losing CV via price change and price change doesn't have a "start" date. What's the difference to losing value automatically to losing it a few days/weeks/months later?

9 years ago

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There's no reason for these things to be applied months after the fact. A simple change to share the responsibilities would help resolve it. Putting it in the hands of one person means delays at best. At worst, stuff is missed entirely. Not sure if you remember how long it took Crazy Machines to get bundled -- and that was with people publicly complaining for months and months.

Also, to more directly answer your question, it is not easy to keep track of what was bundled. I have bought stuff for ratio groups that was disallowed because they were bundled. Unfortunately, this list wasn't updated and money was wasted.

9 years ago

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I've only really participated in the site for 2-3mos so no idea when Crazy Machines things happened. I know stuff can get missed or the wrong item can get added. I've done research and double checked with Shobo only for ALL iterations of it to end up in the bundle list as it should have. It is more work but I tend to make sure about things like this if I'm spending my money.

To be fair, it is up to your own due diligence to fully know what items are bundled are especially with sites like Sorry for wasting money but the primary service of SG wasn't built upon ratio groups but rather the opposite. I'd like to think SG wasn't built around ratio groups.

9 years ago

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I was just giving you a real life example of why it does matter to some people since you felt there wasn't any difference to the list being fully up-to-date or not.

Given that application of the bundle list has a fundamental impact on how the site is run, it should be fixed and it can be fixed quite easily, so why not fix it? I can't think of a good reason, so I'm hoping it's just a case of admin having prioritized other things to this point.

9 years ago

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Might be a mixture of technical and manpower. I mean it did have to remove literally visible numbers for the site to run better.

9 years ago

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Silent Hill was never sold at 95% off, it was sold cheap at nuuvem but at lower discount. I think this new bundle restrictions are totally unfair in cases like this.

9 years ago

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Do the Math, it was about 1.7$ and retail price is 40$ for US so he is right.

9 years ago

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If they consider the US price maybe it's ok (in Europe it's 19,99€ so no 95% off), but I think this retroactive measures are really bad for the community.

9 years ago

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You are right these retroactive changes are so idiot, we know we will drop our level if started giveaway after the game get bundled, but what if we did this a lot of time before this, the reason for they do this is because its easy to program the code.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I thought that if the CV value of a game later changes (via bundle, or steam price drop) then the CV you had received from the game also changes once the game has been added to the right list and CV updated on SG. No matter when you gave the game away. I might be wrong though.

9 years ago

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I thought that if the CV value of a game later changes (via bundle...


I thought that if the CV value of a game later changes (...or steam price drop)...


9 years ago

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I thought it was if the giveaway finished before the game was bundled?

9 years ago

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and you call yourself support. :P that was also what i thought until i got a harsh reply from a sg vet. i'm still scared inside.

9 years ago

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There is so much stuff support doesn't know about the site >.<

9 years ago

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I was going you type up a brilliantly caustic reply, but then I realized that Khalaq's name autocorrects on my phone to Koalas. How awesome is that? Nothing else matters.

9 years ago

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Surely, you meant "scarred?" D

9 years ago

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typo. :/

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I can tell you from my experience that it's true.
At least on SGv1 and it seems the calculation is still correct.

I had created a GA for Serious Sam - running for 1 week. 5 days after the GA was created (and thus still running) the game appeared in a bundle.
At that time bundled games were not allowed at all on SG.

Anway, I got full CV for the GA once it ended.

9 years ago

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I did check that once with someone who created a Dead Space 2 just before it was bundled and they got full CV for it

9 years ago

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If that article is correct and Silent Hill was sold at about USD 1.50, then that's ~ 96% off the US Steam store price.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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hehehehe now i have to give 30$ to come back to level 8 hahahhaha :D

9 years ago

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if a game you gave away got bundled it will be adjusted

9 years ago

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Yes but if you give it away before it is bundled it should be ok. Nearly every game will be bundled once.

9 years ago

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sorry mate, thats how the seahorse do :/

9 years ago

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Still if you make giveaway for GTA V and it will be bundled once you we always have the normal CV for it, the problem here is that they made it way back because it was on sale (I am not sure if the game is bundled if the sale is over 85 or 90%)!

9 years ago

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Its just an easier way to run the site. The code only has to look at the game title. It'd be hard to code specific dates for bundles. Someone who buys the game after the bundle as a gift is in the same position as you. It'd be hard to code the bundle dates and times for each game. This would ultimately fail because then people would just buy the bundle and wait for it to be over before giving the keys away to get the larger amount of CV. Sorry bud but thats the easiest way to do it.

9 years ago

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Actually, not hard at all.

If the giveaway features a key, count it as bundled. If it features a gift, full cv.

If [game] was bundled 24th Dec 2070, then all giveaways before that should have full cv too. After that, follow above rule. The same should be applied to permanent price drops on games.

The way it is now discourages gifting and it wasn't like that before. I dropped almost a full lvl myself and it's a huge bummer, especially if you can't really afford to give away yourself.

9 years ago

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However it is like that ... if you give it away before it is bundled you get full CV forever. Only change is if the game disappears from Steam or goes Free to Play.

9 years ago

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If a game's full price drops on steam, you also lose CV regardless of when you gave it away.

9 years ago

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+1 ... I forgot about that but it is same as if it disappears and you get 0 CV ... it is regulated by Steam base price ... not found? - 0 CV

9 years ago

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Yep, after finding that out I've cut way back on giveaways using SG. Bad enough stuff I buy out of the steam store is counted as a bundle game when it's not. Not saying most of what I do give away on here's worth much, but the current system will discourage people like me who can't do pricey giveaways if I still wanna get myself something every now and then. :/

9 years ago

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Another lovely thing is price errors ... sometimes they are added to bundle list and sometimes not ... it depends on how long it lasts and how many games are purchased.

9 years ago

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Codewise I'd have to say it's not significantly harder when using a proper database-model to take the dates into account.

Specifically if the start-date of a bundle is used then it doesn't matter how long you wait after buying from a bundle. It'll always be bundled price after that.

Only downside is, you gotta have the time to properly code it (and make some potentially drastic database-changes to the current model without breaking it).

9 years ago

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sometimes i think it´s just gravity

9 years ago

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Because Silent Hill Homecoming was over 95% off from regular pricing at Nuuvem and that dates back to March 19.. which is before your gave your 2 copies away. 80$ going from non-bundled to bundled. Don't tell me you paid 40$ for those ;)

9 years ago

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I paid the Nuuvem price but they should have added it to the list sooner. Also there are more game that were over 95% sale, so I am not giving them away now when I know it will be bundled (mostly Nuuvem etc.) also every Monday there is some game on Steam on sale for over 95% sale so they will be also bundled and all these giveaways will be worthless.

9 years ago

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... but it was at 85% at nuuvem.

9 years ago

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85% off on a Brazilian site where the base price is under the US price which is the basis for the points here.

9 years ago

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85% from brazillian price not US ... see my post above

9 years ago

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So if i buy something at full price at nuuvem, it counts as if it has discount because the reference point is Steam-store-value?

9 years ago

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Depends on the game ... you can calculate it by yourself with

9 years ago

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Oh, i see. I was looking at Silent Hill in particular, where fullprice with calculation < steamprice, but there are other examples where that is not the case.

9 years ago

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yes, the US Steam store price is the reference.

IIRC, Payday was once 90% off on Steam store, but since the Russian Steam store price was already half the US store price, the game was effectively 95%off (at least for Russian users) - so the game ended up on the bundle list.

9 years ago

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Well, not worthless, but they give value at a significant discount, just as they were bought. :P

And we do appreciate them anyway!


9 years ago

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Those games being 95% off on Steam are added to the Bundle List. As for being worthless that's based on what your intention was.. farming CV or Giving away games for cheap.. I don't think people winning those games consider them worthless because of that.

For Silent Hill Homcoming you get 15% of the 40$ price tag so 6$ worth of CV.. when you paid about 1.50$. That's just like any non-bundled game at 75% discount.

9 years ago*

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As far as I know, bundled games give you full value if you gave them before the date they got registered as bundled. That is, sometimes games get retroactively marked as bundled, so that might have affected your value. To see the dates, check here.

Another possibility: when a game price drops (really drops, not just a temporary discount), I believe your "Value Sent" decreases with it. So, it is possible a game you gave long ago had an actual price drop recently.

But, I often say stupid things, so pay no heed to this old decrepit mouse skeleton.


9 years ago

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My case was the problem with Silen Hill giveaways.

9 years ago

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Yes... Sorry about that, sort of, but again: we appreciate them! Thanks!

9 years ago

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Sorry, but this is just not fair. I understand when value decreased for bundled games, but decreasing value for every game with high discount? Maybe it's better not bother with this shit and just mark every goddamn game that released on steam as bundled? And who the hell was think that adding game in bundled list almost 2 month after deal ended it's a good idea?

9 years ago

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Not fair.. we're talking about games being 95%+ off, that's not high discounts.. that's Super High Discounts and those are the Exceptions. You think it would be more fair to receive 40$ Worth of CV for less than 1.50$ spent.. That's Fair to you ?

9 years ago

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Lots of free games from Playfire promotions are counting here for free CV. So there are a lot of "unfair" things happening on here. There are lots of profiles with CV levels 1-3 with only free games given away.

9 years ago

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I wasn't the one calling this as unfair.. take time to read maybe.

The system isn't perfect and Level 1 is a joke.. you need 1 cent of CV to get it. Level 3 on free games means the person gave a shitload of free games.. still bringing in games for people who want them since they get enough entries on them, so contributing in a way.

9 years ago

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Yes but you know what I mean: someone who bought a copy for Silent Hill get less CV than someone who got tons of free copies on Playfire. It was easy to get 50 keys in some minutes with fake emails.

9 years ago

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Easy? 50 e-mails.. to get 50 copies which will drop in CV value for each extra copy past the 10th one given away.

Anyway whatever the rules set there's always people who are gonna try and work around them.. that doesn't mean the present rules don't need to stay around.

9 years ago

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50 copies of 14 different games (maybe more). There was more than one Playfire promotion and thousands of free games were given away.

This site is encouraging to give shitty bundle games instead of good non-bundle ones, enough said.

9 years ago

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Thousands of free games.. lol.
If you don't like it.. make your own.
You're right on one thing.. 'nuff said.

9 years ago

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What if someone bought the game 1 month after it was on sale for 95% of, thinking "Hey, its not bundled, why not buy this one and gift it?" just to now get here and think "... wait a second..." ... how can i trust any deal now? :D

9 years ago

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Always check the game before buying/giving ... - ... but sometimes even this will not save you!

9 years ago

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Yep, that is what i meant. Checking bundle-list, seeing that it's not there, buying it with .. dunno, 50% or 75% or even 85%, thinking to make a good deal in making someone happy AND gaining CV, but then it gets bundled.

9 years ago

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1 month later it would 99% of the time already be on the Bundle List and if your only goal in buying games to giveaway is to farm CV maybe you should see that as the source of your worries. Be aware of the list and be aware that any game 95%+ off should be added later on even if it wasn't already.

9 years ago

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I'm not even mad :D
I just see it as a problem, if a game gets on the bundle-list that late (almost 2 month now)

9 years ago

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I usually get them added quite quickly. This one was one of the rare exceptions.

9 years ago

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hey Shobo, while you're here, looks like The Night of the Rabbit is still not in the bundle list. .-.

9 years ago

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It's added now :)

9 years ago

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and one more: Crusader Kings II: African Unit Pack. it was in the humble jumbo bundle 2 and in the humble daily bundle: crusader kings. sorry to tell you one by one and not all of them at the same time. i'm not hunting for them. just bumped into it while i was checking one of my winners. :D

9 years ago

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got it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I just wanted to chime in and say that the reason this system was implemented in the first place was because people were complaining that it was too easy to CV farm by giving away really cheap games. This seems like something that you just can't win because people will always complain.

9 years ago

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It seems to be a matter of which group is complaining

9 years ago

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this was a suggestion for something else but it's somehow related.

9 years ago

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I have a question, why are people still able to give away ARMA: Cold War Assault or whatever when it was given away on Steam at one point?

9 years ago

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why not? was there a way to acquire it in gift form? afaik there wasn't. so it's irrelevant.

9 years ago

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As bananarepublic, there was no way to get it in gift form. You could only link it to your own account.

9 years ago

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bananarepublic *said

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Good observation

9 years ago

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I think jatan is banana's alt account. I REPOT YOU FOR HAVING ALT!!

9 years ago

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i leave you guys alone just for several hours and see what happens...

9 years ago

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I support this conspiracy.

9 years ago

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My english is still not perfect, but i'll try to explain. I'm not against 15% CV rule for bundled games. When game becomes bundled and on the same day support added it in bundled list - i 100% agree with that. But when game SUDDENLY becomes bundled after 2 month when deal ended - this is bullshit. There was no problem with single high discount games before, and if you now thinking that this is a problem, you shouldn't start digging for every deal that was before that rule came up. And in FAQ still not a single word about bundled games decreasing value, and not even about this new -95% rule. This is just not right.

9 years ago

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The one problem with what you're saying is.. the 95%+ rule was there a long time ago (active rule on SG v1).. way before you got here, it's not a new rule that was added lately. About the 2 months delay, yeah.. that's long but it's the first time I see it happening, hopfully it's not a trend.

9 years ago

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Not a trend, I usually catch these deals right away but I had missed this one and a friendly user reported the game as missing from the bundle list so it was added.

9 years ago

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There was no problem with single high discount games before

this is not true. it is not a new rule. it was always like this. since i registered at least. obviously i can't know how it was before i was here. if you think a game is overlooked, please contact support.

edit: looks like BoGG had already said what i told. i should have read before replying. oh, well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

9 years ago

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I wonder who complained about cv not dropping along with steam store's base price ;)

9 years ago

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the admin, who has to code it :P

9 years ago

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Just do not bother with levels at all. All my wins were on lvl 0 or 1 giveaways anyway, so there is no point in high level I guess.

9 years ago

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ale je, někteří dělají giveaway pro level 5 atd... myslím, že levem 5 by měl hravo stačit na plnohodnotný vstup do většiny giveaways

9 years ago

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To ano, ale s tím jak ti padá CV a těmito omezeními, tak za lvl 5 bys utratil opravdu spoustu peněz. Někdy se člověk chce chopit příležitosti, ale teď nevíš jestli to pak nedají o pár měsíců později do bundlu, jak třeba byly slevy na Nuuvem a Amazonu.

9 years ago

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jop, tomu systému nerozumím... každou chvíli čekám, že mě dropne do lvl 2

9 years ago

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Máš Valve Complete Pack, takže pokud tehdy nebyla sleva 95% někde, tak jsi v pohodě, dokud ho neslevní na Steamu, což je nepravděpodobné. ... ale jak koukám, tak ten se ti nepočítá, protože máš jen 1 entry ... tak ani nevím kde jsi to nabral, kouknu na calculator. ... Tak jsou to ty Half-Life předtím a Black Mirror III

9 years ago*

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ten compete pack byl test steamgifts... neocekaval jsem contributor, ale byl za 16 euro na steamu

9 years ago

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Potřeboval bys víc jak 5 entries, aby se zamezilo, že se domluvíš s kamarády.

9 years ago

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jo no, ale to jsem zkousel jeste predtim, nez byla tahle nova verze steamgifts

9 years ago

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Neřešit to... ten systém je úplně na píču. Uděláš giveaway na hru, která nebyla v bundlu ale je v bundlu o týden později, tak ti dropne CV... protože fuck you, steamgifts logic

9 years ago

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The only problem I have with the value-dropping system is when a game drops permanently in value or goes FTP that your CV falls accordingly. Money was spent on it, it was given at the time when it was at its full price so there's no reason that that should be allowed to happen. Basically, the system seems to make it better to give bundles as you can lose way less when one of the games there goes FTP or drops.
If I'm reading the rules correctly xD

9 years ago

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You want to offer your services to build and manage the database system which will be handling the multiple price changes and the dates that go with it.. go ahead !!

9 years ago

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Trust me, if I had any idea about programming I'd jump right in :)
I'd love to be able to contribute to the community by more than just making gibs when I can afford it.

In theory, and I'm guessing here as I have no experience to draw from, a database could be made which would pull the prices daily and set the point and CV value (as it does now) but make the change to prevent it from retroactively apply the prices. Meaning- today the game costs (at full price, unless over 95% on sale- then apply bundle value) XY and someone gives it away so he gets XY, tomorrow the game costs YZ (at full price, unless over 95% on sale- then apply bundle value) and someone gives it away so he gets YZ.

Or am I missing something?
I would love to learn more about it :)

9 years ago

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And you have to set your system to check XYZ number of sites and convert their prices according to daily currency exchange and then there's price mistakes here and there. You're asking for something that you'd wish for but that no one has time or money to build and handle.. just think of all those errors that would need to be manually corrected. Don't go think that all this will be automated and running without an itch once you made it (which is not happening in the first place), what you're talking about is a full-time job for a site that makes no profit.

9 years ago

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Why according to the currency exchange when all the prices are now drawn from the US Store?
We all live in a 1$=1€ world here.
Also, most of the programming for that has already, obviously, been done already. We're just talking about a small change.
Then again, as I've said before, I have no idea if that change could be made without some major overhauling so I won't be getting into it.. xD

9 years ago

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Small change.. really? You clearly don't understand all that it implies. And Currency Exchange because people can buy games in other regions where the pricing is in a different currency, yes the site is based on US Dollar but games can be bought from multiple sources.

And I'm out..

9 years ago

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It can be bought and it is bought, but as far as I know the current system doesn't take that into consideration.
Also, I said that I don't have the first idea about programming so why are you being hostile? Can't you just exchange opinions in a calm manner without being condescending?
I have certainly tried my best to show a positive disposition towards you even though you came on pretty condescending right away.
No, I have no idea about programming because I never felt the need to learn it as my profession deals with people, teaching and helping others overcome their social issues (like being hostile for no apparent reason).
Not everyone has to be a computer expert to be able to be a part of the community and want to learn and participate.
I, personally, appreciate those with manners far more than computer experts. Not that I'm saying you are one.

9 years ago

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Really sorry if you consider these few exchanges from me to be condescending, but.. I didn't ridiculised you or called you names, I just keep telling/explaining you why your idea is not so simplistic. If you consider those as being hostile then maybe we should get a few trolls in here so that you can see the difference.

9 years ago

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Well, it seemed condescending to me but if that was not your intention I will happily accept that. :)
Name calling and ridiculing someone are not the only ways of bringing insult but, as this is the web, those are rather more often seen than other forms of offense.
As for the trolls, those aren't a very common breed here as the community deals with them quite efficiently, and those who do appear in my vicinity simply get ignored. Since I didn't consider, or call you a troll, I don't know what that has to do with it. All I said was that you were, in my opinion at the time, being impolite.
You could have just as easily replied "I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. It was not my intention to offend you" instead of having to name worse examples but I do realize that we're not all the same and that my words might not come over as softly as I intend them when writing.
Just for future reference, there is absolutely no need to get defensive with me as I'm not an offensive person. I just like to make myself clear as to avoid confusion :)

9 years ago

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what you're talking about is a full-time job for a site that makes no profit.

What site are you talking about?

9 years ago

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The small profits that SG does make, the admin just makes giveaways with the extra money. I don't think there's that much revenue to be had though.

9 years ago

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they are doing it worse and worse for contributors and better for those who are just here to win, not to give

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago*

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Join the club! At least you weren't bumped a level for 30 seconds...

I think i posted this question about an hour ago, but closed the topic figuring it was resolved. Seems like S.H> Homecoming was indeed the culprit. judging by what I lost in Cv

Guess we'll see more of these.

9 years ago

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A lot of people gave so many Lego games because of Nuuvem ... I do not know exactly what % sale it was but it would be epic if they all were bundled because of that cheap pack!

9 years ago

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The Lego games were coming out at about 92-93% off.. just under the 95% rule. As close as they were they have to set a limit somewhere and not handle everything and consider them case by case (kinda time-consuming).. 95% was set a while and they stick to it.

9 years ago

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Epic as in screw me again :P

9 years ago

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My level is dropped too, but when i checked, my real level still Lvl 4

9 years ago

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Maybe because of this? -

Yes I see it now ... it got bundled.

9 years ago

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Yeah, maybe because its got bundled . i heard that if a game are gived before it got bundled , we still get full CV. maybe that policy has been changed

9 years ago

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Before it is bundled, not before it is added to the list. The list shows the date, you can check - it was on November last year when the pricing error on Indonesian Steam store occurred.

9 years ago

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Don't forget the tool only updates its copy of the bundle list once a day at 03:00 GMT

9 years ago

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It seems like someone is doing new big list of bundled games/programs ... no one is safe! Do not try to giveaway something that was too cheap to be true :D

9 years ago

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"Do not try to giveaway something that was too cheap to be true :D"

You can still give it away, just don't expect to get full CV for it forever. We'll find the exploitable deals eventually ;)

9 years ago

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That sucks man... if you gave away a game BEFORE it was bundled or dirt cheap then you shouldn't be affected by it, that's really unfair

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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But OP lost CV way after he gave away the game in question :/

9 years ago

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Well if you give it before it gets bundled it won't be affected. Going on a perma-sale is, clearly, a different thing.

9 years ago

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That seems fair, but it seems that OP's problem is that a game he gifted before was put into the bundle list and thus he lost CV :(

9 years ago

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The game was put into the bundle list now, but it was put in a bundle before OP made a giveaway. It's just that the list wasn't updated till now for that game.

9 years ago

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So I misunderstood, that makes way more sense! Thanks for clarifying :]

9 years ago

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Just noticed in the Level 3 GA I made today was a Level 1 entrant! O.o
What hacker is he... Checked his gifted games list and noticed one of his games is Silent Hill Homecoming.
So yeah. He lost 2 levels right after he entered my GA.

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9 years ago

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Wow! Crazy :o

9 years ago

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Thank God I am not a greedy miser.

  • I make giveaways so that other people can be happy winning them. The value of a smile never goes down.
  • I don't worry about my CV getting nerfed due to price drops because it will keep going up as long as I keep gifting.
  • If I fail to get much CV from a gift, I know that I can always wait for a Steam sale and abuse the hell out of the system.
  • I have been blessed with gratitude for the things Life brings to me, even if they are considered insignificant by others.
  • I realize that virtual points mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, so my happiness is not tied to my CV.
9 years ago

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CV is my e-peen though! It must get larger or else I will be sad!

9 years ago

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If you really want your CV to go up, then I suggest you pick you giveaways accordingly. My CV is pretty stable because I give standard, non-bundled games which I've bought on sale. Delta's CV is pretty stable because he is constantly giving things away. Some people on the site just stay at level 10 because they make giveaways of newly released games and depreciation can't keep up.

Pick a style that works for you.

9 years ago

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"The value of a smile never goes down." - well, at least until it appears in a bundle :P

9 years ago

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+1 I make giveaways so that other people can be happy winning them. The value of a smile never goes down.

+1 I make giveaways so that other people can be happy winning them. The value of a smile never goes down.

+1 I make giveaways so that other people can be happy winning them. The value of a smile never goes down.

+1 I make giveaways so that other people can be happy winning them. The value of a smile never goes down.

9 years ago

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I get your points, but when this topic comes up, I have a different perspective:

  • The bundle list is pretty core element of the site, so it should be kept as up-to-date as possible.
  • The responsibility for adding games to the list should no longer be in the hands of one person, in particular as there are more sites and special deals and freebies than ever before.
  • If Support staff like yourself can be entrusted with gray areas and interpretation of rules when addressing tickets, why not entrust you with shared responsibility for helping with the bundle list, the criterion of which is pretty straightforward.
9 years ago

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I agree that the bundle list is a core element and should be kept up to date. One of the things Staff is working on is addressing impacted (i.e. "swamped") functions of the site. Major changes take time, however, because we want to make sure we get them right.

9 years ago*

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I have noticed that my CV dropped today from 3.43 to 3.09 . I honestly cannot understand why i got this huge drop (around $20 in value). Here's my calculated CV : which is still 3,43

Strange... Is it a bug or something else?

9 years ago

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Probably not a bug - that sites updates with the bundle list once per day at 03:00 GMT

9 years ago

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Thank you for the info, we're close to 03 GMT , i'll check again in 15mins :)

however I cannot understand it, it's either some of my giveaways are totally zeroed or else i can only imagine that "Hackers" DLCs are being marked as bundled. It's $20 CV for pete's sake and i don't have any controversial brazilian-ed gifts ...

9 years ago

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Yep, seems the Hacker DLC-s got finally added to the bundle list. I've seen high level ppl with only Hacker DLC-s, now it is fixed.
Not all though, "Hacker Evolution Duality: Hardcore Package Part 2 DLC" is still not bundlelized for a strange reason.

9 years ago

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It's the only logical explanation, however, is not updated yet but i think it a matter of time.

You can check my profile to see which Hackers DLC might have changed status:

9 years ago

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I had missed that one, thank you for pointing it out. It's been fixed.

9 years ago

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This is totally unfair. The game wasn't in a bundle, and the "extreme" discount doesn't make sense. Your CV should have the price for the time you GA the game; price drops aren't our fault.

But the most annoy part here, is this happening like 2 months after the games was "on sale".

9 years ago

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Well, not much you can do but move on from it.

The worst part for me was, it happened immediately after I bumped to level 6... Which I COULD get back tonight were I willing to come off a bunch of my 'Level 6 celebration" stuff... So there probably just won't BE a level 6 celebration... Unless I also decided to get off my ass and find some of these bundles I buy and never even open the email for :P

9 years ago

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I don't get it. You can make a celebration and the result will be the Level 6. (If gifting enough games in your event.)

9 years ago

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I'm sulking now, so not really "in the mood" for a "celebration"

... Not so much that it happened, just that the timing was about as obnoxious as physically possible.

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9 years ago

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And that's the worst part, we must to "move on from it". Site administration seems to be under some kind of dictatorship; the reasons to put the game under the "bundle" does not consider those who own the game the legit way, or which currency do you have to buy games... Besides, all games will be bundled some day; all games should be low CV price if we consideer it.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I like how games in a single bundle, that sold less then 1,000 bundles, are still considered bundled.
Well, after 1,000 giveaways for said game, maybe it could be taken off bundle list.
There is not infinite of these 'bundled games'.

Groupees keeps track of how many bundles they sell, maybe humblebundle too.

edit: I thought the usa store version of $40 is twice what it is in other regions, just wait for the base price to drop to $30 or less USA store price, then remove it from bundlelist, then it will be closer to 90% off and could be removed from bundled list.

9 years ago*

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Ummm, this is a bad idea.

9 years ago

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Once in bundle, it will never be removed from that, It is just how it goes because there can be some hidden keys by the people from the particular site which are given away later.

9 years ago

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Well, I'm down from 8.01, to 7.96, down to 7.91 currently lol.

9 years ago

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falling down, step by step

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9 years ago

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Let me join your party, droped from level 6 to level 4, haha.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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...which means 11 accounts o_O

9 years ago

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just when i was about to abuse the MAGIX PC too XD

thanks getting it to bundle before i did it :P

9 years ago

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I can buy Witcher 3 and GTA 5 for 25$ in Nuuvem. Let's add those games into the bundle list too.

9 years ago

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I didn't realise $25 was 95% off the Steam US store price

9 years ago

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When games get cheaper then your CV goes lower. For example I gave Payday2 but if it drops in price then my CV will also.

9 years ago

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i was level 6.49 somedays ago, then it went to 6.47 and now i am at 6.46 after a bundle giveaway

9 years ago

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