He even got no money for bread and you could't gift him a game ;-(
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I kinda want to be that guy who sees a topic like this and then is like "PLZ GIV MEH A FREE GAME!!!!ONE!!!!ELEVEN!!!" but does anyone really like the guy who does that? lawl.
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Best to accept and see what they want. Not all of them come to beg, you know. I made a couple of really good friends that started with a random invite like that. If it turns out to be a beggar or another idiot, removing him back isn't really that hard.
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A lot of people don't know that they don't have to pay for games, even though they still have to work for them. The ones that can't even put the effort for that don't deserve it really.
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Bad way to treat someone just because you dont like something. He didnt offended you in any way and he even say "you can delete me right now if you want". Even so you chose to call him cunt, take a ss, and start a thread here just for -insert some shi**y reason here- .. You must be a nice guy in rl...
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He called him a cunt because he IS a cunt. He could work part time and earn enough money buy himself whatever the hell he wants but he chooses to resort to begging. It's a choice he makes, which in turn makes him a cunt. Stop trying to be the "kind hearted soul" you are trying to seem to be and open your eyes.
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He had his message pre-written, therefore he's probably used the same bullshit sob story on other people. Frankly, I don't care if I offended him. If he's going to add random people & beg them for games, then he should be ready for that kind of message. & you're right, I am a nice guy, in real life. Don't judge me from one screenshot.
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tbh I'm more annoyed with how you replied than how he begged. Way to take the higher road and remain calm and respectful. not.
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I hope you mean internet beggars. Because most beggars are ashamed of themselves, not many beg with pride. I am talking about the people out there who were thrown on the streets not by choice. People who deserve better but the system won't acknowledge it. Not to mention people who live in poverty simply because they are born in that particular environment. Of course there are people who choose it and it's called Asceticism.
I am not saying you should feel bad about this particular beggar or about beggars in general. I am simply saying you should treat people with respect, no matter their financial status.
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Holy shit, no. I don't mean real life beggars. I just mean the beggars on Steam. Just because I act this way to Steam beggars does not mean I always act this way. I'm generally a kind person. Why did I act that way towards him? Because it's just some bullshit sob story for him to get a free game. He had 170+ games in his library.
If you don't have the money to support your hobby, you shouldn't have that hobby.
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Real life beggars are, by and large, professional panhandlers. Trust me, actual homeless people who have been on the street for a few days, completely reek, you can smell them 20+ feet away, and the vast majority dont ask for money. Panhandlers? They smell like they have been sitting out in the sun asking for money all day, only to go back home, shower, sleep in a bed, and repeat the next day.
If you want to give money, give it to a homeless shelter, not the fake 'bum' with a cardboard sign.
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Ehh thats not really true, I have known actual bums without homes that do not smell, I had a friend that showered every 2 months about. Guess what? He smelt fine, we hung out, all you really need is a public bathroom...not sure where you are from but this is not true here in NYC. Wash the privates and pits with a rag and in reality you are fine....
Hell I knew one guy that just paid 10 bucks for the use of the Planet Fitness showers....
Its not that black and white.
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All these sob story "poor" folks on the internet who can't afford games :P
It's so easy to make money online to buy your games with; beggars are not too poor they are just too lazy.
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i couldn't stop laughing after watching this video.
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Wow, a PewDiePie video that I didn't shut off within 10 seconds? Tis be a rare gem ye have thar matey.
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Ninja success.
You are a kind and generous person, and I hope one day to have the budget to do the same.
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Note to self:
Start collecting money-maker scheme spam messages.
I think "My uncle makes $1400 a week just using the internet" would make a better reply to beggars than just simple name-calling.
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The only begging "problem" i had was about steam trading cards XD the guy wanted some so badly he harassed me for i-don't-remember how many hours until i deleted him x)
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This is why I no longer accept friend invitations unless they state why they added me in the profile comments. I'm also really good at detecting beggars by just looking at their profile when they add me (Anybody can do that with time and experience).
Some people try the "I want to discuss something with you" comment, which is a really stupid reason to add somebody. If you want to discuss something and you're not telling me exactly WHAT you want to discuss then you're wasting even more time from me.
It worked wonders, no more beggars with stupid copy paste messages since then
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So, I've heard a lot, & seen a lot of screenshots of beggars & their shameless attempts at trying to get games from good, kind hearted people.
I've never had a beggar, until now.
What makes it even worse is that he had his message already written out. Directly after he said "but", he copied & pasted his beg message in. Pathetic.
Since I just lost my beggars virginity, I thought I'd share it. Sorry, no GA.
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