I hope the other games to be added are the rest of the Star Wars Collection ;)

9 years ago

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i wish ppl would beat the system by paying a dollar till 2nd tier is cheap. then buy 2nd tier... cuz this 9+ dollar crap is insane

9 years ago

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That is a min price, people should be paying what they find is to be fair

9 years ago

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Not gonna work on large scale like Humble. Humans are selfish individually.

9 years ago

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yeah better beat the system of good organisations who to stuff for charity ... and giving you awesome games for nearly nothing too ...

9 years ago

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i never give to charity i always reset the funds so developer gets all the money.

charity donation is more then half the time a scam and they dont get all of it anyways

9 years ago

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That's not actually true though. While there are scam organizations, there are also checks in place to make sure that these scam organizations don't run wild. The ones on Humble have all been large organizations who quite simply can't get away with trying to run away with the money, due to these checks.

9 years ago

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Not everybody earn in euros/dollars. Living in NZ or germany, you wont see the problem, your currency is strong.

9 years ago

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$9 for 9 Star Wars games is insane.

... Wow.

9 years ago

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Damn it. I deeply regret purchasing both KOTOR games during the Steam sale now. I could have gotten more than 9 games for the same price.

9 years ago

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Damn it! I'm broke right now. I don;t think I will have 12 dolars to spare in two weeks time.


9 years ago

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Buy the bundle paying anything you want, and when you have more money raise to 12 dollars (you have one month after the bundle ended, https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202340444-Beating-the-average-How-to-add-money-to-your-original-purchase-)

9 years ago

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Thanks for the idea. I will probably try that.

9 years ago

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Is it worth paying 12 dollars for just the Force Unleashed games? I already own Jedi Academy and Republic Commando(definitely the 2 most awesome of the bunch), as well as the 2 KOTOR games, I'm not really interested in Empire at War and Dark Forces (space RTS's aren't my cup of tea and the latter is really dated and has no light saber and Jedi power game-play, like the rest of the series) and I know for a fact that Battlefront II is a boring piece of shit. I heard that the first Force Unleashed is really badly done on the PC and the second is short and shitty.

9 years ago

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I had no issues with first TFU and was quite fun and interesting while 2nd game is short and repetetive(go figure how its possible). You may ask your friends if they are interested in some of the SW games, otherwise is not really worth it just for TFU games.

9 years ago

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Battlefront 2 is my favorite game of the bunch

9 years ago

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Well...I guess an opinion is an opinion. But seriously, I played it back in the dark days before Steam and...it really has nothing to offer. I mean, what kind of boring person would prefer being a front line nameless, faceless, cannon fodder twat clone trooper(who gets replaced by an equally unimportant one after he dies) instead of a bad-ass mofo who slices people's limbs off with a fucking light-saber, throws lightning from their hands and pushes enemies in deadly chasms with telekinesis...FUCKING TELEKINESIS!!!!!

Battlefront II is basically the sci-fi equivalent of shitty modern realistic military shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield. An edition of pure spunkgargleweewee(whoever watched Yahtzee' s Zero Punctuation reviews knows what that term refers to) dressed with Star Wars thematic skin. Hell, at least in Call of Duty your character has a name and history and when you die you just restart from a checkpoint, not get put in the shoes of another piece of cannon fodder. You at least have the false feeling that you achieve some kind of impact in this virtual world(small as it may be). Battlefront II doesn't even have that.

But perhaps the greatest insult to my inner Star Wars nerd is the fact that they had the balls to implement controlling a Jedi in this piss-ass epic failure of a game. And it's done by reenacting the most important battles of The Clone Wars and putting you in the shoes of the Republic Army generals. Like saying: "Hey look, we got Jedi game-play, we can be cool too. And unlike those OTHER STAR WARS GAMES, you actually control important people. Jaden Korr? Kyle Katarn? Ha!! Who are those tossers? In this game you play as Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Hell yeah!!" Well...apart from the fact that they all control like ass and feel about as powerful as a drunken Kratos while also high on heroine, each of them has just one Jedi power, like some passive-aggressive bureaucrat who refuses to do anything other than his designated task. And when you die, it's bye bye forever. "No more cool Jedi game-play for you, mister. What? You thought you deserved it, or something?" Even considering you're a god at this game and you don't die, the Jedi sequence is always towards the end of the chapter, which is short enough as it is. So you still won't be walking around in Jedi shoes for more than 10 minutes at a time. Whoopty-fucking-doo... And good luck even scratching General Grievous if you don't reach him as Obi-Wan.

And no, I don't hate on this game just because it's not like the Jedi Knight series. Republic Commando proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can have a really fun and engaging Star Wars FPS with clones, without any Jedi or their Force involved. But that game, had cool level design, clones with actual names and personalities that you could give a shit about, it purported itself as a tactical shooter and it actually had SOME fucking TACTICS(other than charging blindly like an idiot towards the marked objective while getting mowed down by enemy fire coming from...EVERYWHERE), good voice acting and actual story-telling. All things that Battlefront II was SEVERELY lacking.

9 years ago

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It seems like you like stories in games, while I don't as much for them. My favorite part of the game was the instant action, in the 2nd game you could actually have battles where you are a jedi the whole time. It seems you mainly played the story mission and are judging the whole thing just by that.

9 years ago

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Most of the things I talked about are game-play related, not story related. Like I said, the front line clones part of Battlefront II is Call of Duty and Republic Commando is Rainbow Six or Delta Force. Not even on the same level. As for the Jedi part, in Jedi Academy you can do anything from Vader's Force Grip to the Jedi mind trick and the bad-ass Force lightning, with EVERYTHING in between. What can you do in Battlefront II? Well, if you're Obi-Wan you can throw your light saber and if you're Yoda you can use Force lift. Whoopty-fucking-doo. That is if you ever manage to do it properly, given that the controls are God awful. Yeah...a real peach of a game Also, if you actually don't give a shit about the story of a game when said game is highly story driven(and how can it not be? It's Star Wars, ffs) it means you're a complete and total twat.

9 years ago

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Would buy it for the Kotor

9 years ago

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$12 USD is over $16 or $17 AUD including the paypal fees. A little too price for me.
Dang it! :(

9 years ago

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$15 and change for me...

9 years ago

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$16 when I checked just now

9 years ago

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$15.89 via PayPal, just found my receipt

9 years ago

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AUD exchange rate is getting lower then :(
You can pretend to buy another $12 tier and see that it's not $15,89 anymore.

9 years ago

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Well, from my point of view, apart from the 1$ tier, it is not such a great deal; ja and the kotor games are the only ones I am interested in.

9 years ago

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thanks :D

9 years ago

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Not sure if I will buy this, some of these games seem... unoptimized to say the least. Guess I'll look around for fan patches.

9 years ago

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Already own the first tier gams , retail version, so there is no need for me to buy them on Steam considering they dont have any steam function achievment or other extra).i dont like RTS so no need for the higher tier too.and the action seems a smash brawler game and i dont like them too..so no buy forme this time.

9 years ago

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Just wondering, how much time do you have to bta? I wanna buy the 12$ tier but right now my card is empty.

9 years ago

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Just got 12$ tier, fist time paying that much in a bundle lol

9 years ago

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Too bad, Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast is not in the bundle..

9 years ago

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Depending on your timezone in about one and a half days there will be new game unlocks in the bundle, Outcast can appear
Honestly I do hope it will appear as well, played the hell out of Academy but when I got a copy of Outcast, I stuck in one level. I really want to see that game in full glory and maybe finish it as well :D

9 years ago

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meh. Where is my next Humble Indie Bundle D:

9 years ago

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I broke down and got this even though I was only missing one game in the 12 tier

9 years ago

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I'm getting all the games just about before buying it so I can give the extras to my friend :P

9 years ago

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I did something similar except for my bundle groups. :D

9 years ago

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It is well worth it, although I just increased my backlog exponentially. I actually rediscovered my love for Empire at War, as I went mod-hunting and found this:
I had 112 hrs in the game but hadn't touched it for a year.Within the past 3 days since installing the mod I'm sitting at 124. Help me Obi-wan Kenobi!

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Oh I know, I bought the game years ago in store before I discovered Steam. I'm really excited to try some mods out on it :D

9 years ago

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I got steam because of Star Wars Battlefront 2. Last game I ever bought at full price...

9 years ago

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Ah! That's awesome!

9 years ago

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No poll?

9 years ago

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Got BTA while it was 6.44$ and got Empire at War from trading a Key.. Don't want the 'Force Unleashed' ones anyway.

Just wanna see what bonuses it's gonna be.. there's still 5 games missing from the SW Collection on Steam and they're mostly cheap older games except for Clone Wars which is still priced at 20$ and is GFWL crapware. Hope they feel generous :P

9 years ago

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Is it too early to ask when the bonus games will be added?

9 years ago

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Usually at the half way mark, so in 1 hour 4min (when theres 7 days left on the bundle).

9 years ago

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You could you know click on the ? and find out?

Or just take this:

  • More games will be added to this bundle next Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Pacific!
9 years ago

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I never realized the ? was a button. I just figured it was a static image. So despite your sarcasm, you were actually helpful!

9 years ago

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just added

  • Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Star Wars
  • Star Wars Starfighter
  • Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
9 years ago

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So glad they added jedi outcast as that is an amazing game.

9 years ago

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they should have added Mysteries of the Sith as well, to make the Jedi Knight series complete(?). but well, it's just 3 bucks on steam

edit: actually Mysteries of the Sith is the only SW game left on steam (except for the cartoonish game and the lego crap), which was not in this bundle!

9 years ago*

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I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, and now I own 12 Star Wars games which I'll probably never play.... fml

9 years ago

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i've seen all star wars movies, for several times, and now I own 12 Star Wars games which I'll probably never play.... fml

9 years ago

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Ive watched all the movies.
watched the last 3 on cinema release.
own 12 games but have no time for it yet

life is good

9 years ago

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You have no idea how much good stuff u are losing

9 years ago

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Watch the movies sometime (or at least the original version of the first one). They're fun!

9 years ago

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The original trilogy is well worth your investment of time, especially if you have any interest in mythology, existentialism, theology, and the human condition.

Or if you, ya know, like to watch explosions and shit.

9 years ago

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only 1 game missing from that bundle is that Mysteries of the Sith

but i am damn gratfull for this bundle. for only 12 bucks

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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OOps, nice catch. Surprised none else caught it.

9 years ago

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I wish these games had achievements or Cards... :(. Still bought it though :P

9 years ago

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I bought this bundle. Mainly for the KOTOR games and The Force Unleashed 2, which I didn't own yet but wanted. Now I have a shitload of Star Wars games that are pretty old and look pretty much the same. Can anyone please explain the differences to me (you can leave out that Starfighter game cos obvious)? I'm talking mainly about the following games : Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Dark Forces, Battlefront II, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Thanks alot in advance!

9 years ago

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Battlefront 2 is one of the best games ever made. It's really good. Pretty much a different kind of Battlefield and it's worth playing. Sadly the servers were shut down (at least that's what it says on the steam main page). Republic Commando is one of the best story based FPS games out there. The graphics were great for the time and the squad commanding is/was fun. The story is also really good and every member of your squad has a unique personality. A lot of people are just pissed since it has a cliffhanger ending and they never made a second one, but with Battlefront 3 coming out at the end of this year hopefully we'll eventually see Republic Commando 2.

9 years ago

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