He really is. Opinions will vary drastically on what makes up a good game. If a consumer yes/no is all you need to make your decision, you can see the steam reviews at the bottom of the store page (the tabs themselves give you a summary number of how many recommends it has).
Rogue Legacy is one of those games that you'll either love or hate. Not particularly difficult save for some boss fights, but there will be plenty of deaths while you grind your castle and unlocked stats/classes/etc up. Procedural castle layout but out of premade rooms. I found it was okay, but mostly time-burningly addictive. You're curious. It's cheap. It's not a big gamble really.
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I have it on the Vita and its a fantastic game, i highly recommend it.
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I want a Vita just so I can play games like Rouge Legacy in comfort!
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I have 37 hours into it and there were still some things I didnt end up completing.
Its very much the "roguelike" that i prefer. There are some things that carry over to a new playthrough. You play as a family and you build your castle for example. And the new additions give you increased abilities or stats. Every time you play a new descendent in your family line. I very much prefer that to something that completely zeros you every time, like in spelunky.
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I bought it last year. it's a fantastic game to play in short bursts
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Decidedly yay. I sunk way more hours into this game than a responsible adult should be allowed to.
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Ok, now I wanna buy it, I didn't even think of buying it, but now I want to. But my budget won't allow it, but, but, please, help, +1 or -1 for what to do, helphelphelp
PS: I have 4.89, the game is 2.99 and I want CS:GO too, which is 5.49 atm, HELP ME
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If you havent made a choice already, bear in mind that if you don't have a good internet you're going to have the worst time with cs:go. It's not exaclty funny when 90% of your bullets don't register.
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I actually had that problem back with CS:S, but in CS:GO I had a cousin correct me on a vital thing I had overlooked.
Spray patterns. CS never tells you itself, but your bullets aren't flying directly at your crosshair.
Most games cause their guns to become inaccurate when you spray, but by making the bullets randomly stray further away from the middle of your crosshair. In CS, it's different. The bullets stray UPWARDS, every time. A person with perfect aim and controlled short bursts who doesn't know about the spray patterns mechanic will find a good half of their bullets miss. You actually have to deliberately aim downwards (depending on the gun, that can be to the waistline, to the feet, or even lower!) when you fire more than a few rounds in succession, and thats even before you learn the side-to-side variations.
Sure, the hit detection can be wobbly, but I found that the game not telling people about the dumb spray pattern mechanic was a far worse culprit.
Check this site out from the top of a quick google search for a more articulate and visual explanation. Hopefully it'll help!
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I know about that, didn't really knew I had to point upwars though, but I knew the bullet didn't hit at the crosshair. Either way no matter where I point I can waste 3 cartridges with a dude and only get around 40% damage. Of course, there are times when I point correctly and I do hit the dude, but those are the less. I should mention I have a 150 ping.
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You actually have to point down.
I found it helps a lot if you host a practice session with bots, and then just take a moment to look at a wall a medium distance away, and then just fire at it. Hold the fire button down, but don't move the mouse at all. Watch where the bullets go.
Training yourself to not fire directly at a target, but to drag your mouse downwards with any sustained fire... it's tricky and counterintuitive, but it's possible to struggle against the ping and get a decent score. It's not easy, don't get me wrong. I totally get your frustrations, but it's possible if you're willing to practice.
Either way, good luck \:3/
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Well, yeah, that >.< I doubt I'll keep playing anyway, I never get any drops.
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I hated it, and thought it the worst roguelike I'd ever played: And I've played as many rogue-likes as anyone.
In fairness, I played it on first release, so they may have fixed the (bumbling controls, bland level design, boring descendant system, overall profoundly generic feel, etc) since.
Just know that as a platformer, it's not very good; and as a rogue-like the only really original thing is the specifics of the descendant system, which weren't well implemented at the time I played it.
If you're really hankering for a platformer/rogue-like then.. well, honestly, I'd STILL not recommend it, I really did hate it :P
I'd REALLY recommend playing the demo before buying:
Flip side, while I do know other people that hate the game, we do seem to be in the minority, so you're probably not going to have as extreme a reaction, even if you don't end up loving it.
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Yep. I don't get a lot of modern games that don't release demos for their games, that's like begging to be pirated :P [To first try the game, and then, since you have it already, just keep playing.]
Anyway, it does have a unique flavor, so if you CAN enjoy it, by all means :)
:points up: I really just wanted to post here to make sure there was an opposing perspective to all the unanimous glee over the game, ha.
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Well, I believe nothing is black or white, the game is worth the money, but not worth giving up on my older wishlist titles for.
Edit: The real reason I don't like it that much is because I find knights in shiny armors dull and boring and slow, "rogue"+knight in shiny armor=Nope
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Good way of looking at it;
There's definitely an endless supply of rogue-likes to choose from out there, so unless this one 'speaks' to you, there's not much reason to go out of your way to get it.
But yeah, maybe part of the control clunkyness is design-intentional; you're looking at a Castlevania/Metroid/classic Prince of Persia layout, and then approaching it with the world's third most bumbling, clunky hero :P
I really think it's the weak platforming that kills the game most [for those of us who don't care for it], since the other things I mentioned- being generically rogue-like, bland in layout, etc- are pretty general to the genre, and like JRPG-grinding, pretty easy for core fans of the genre to accept.
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Well, it isn't a rogue-like, the controls are ok (but melee always sucks in 2D, so does ranged, everything sucks in 2D unless the game is turn based = rogue-like, which this game isn't)
But it's an Ok game, just not worth the choice between this and CS:GO
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:glances at the name of the game:
:glances at the genre listing:
:glances at the critic descriptions of the game:
Well, I think, in this day and age, it's pretty safe to say rogue-likes are no longer just considered turn-based with all the action-rpg, shooter hell, arcade-style, and first person shooter variations of the genre.
And I actually generally don't have any problems with 2d platforming; The Metal Slug series, for instance, along with the games I mentioned above, handle fine. Prettier games, as well, which is sad, given how much more modern this game is; though hardly the top issue I have with it.
Well, if you're into FPS games, and you haven't already, look into games like Tower of Guns, Paranautical Activity, Rogue Shooter, and top of the list, Ziggurat.
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I own it on Vita and it's brilliant. I highly recommend it to everyone.
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It's around 2 bucks right now, you think I should buy it? I love roguelikes, but if I buy it, it will be the only game I buy due to a low budget.
Okey then, I'm getting it, thanks.
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