Hey guys, I was going to go on a buying rampage for games series, but I wanted to look for games that can be played for months constantly sometimes. I'm looking for a content crammed game. I'm looking for people who love the genre PLAYABILITY. For example, the Mount and Blade series, for me right now this is the most playable game(s) in my collection. I've played it constantly ever since it was my first purchase on steam over a year ago and nothings changed. So now that you know that situation, help me make my birthday special and recommend those games to me people!! Cheers.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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oblivion goty delux edition

1 decade ago

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+1 I remember putting hundreds of hours into that game, quadruple the time i played on skyrim.

1 decade ago

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I guess it depends on your taste in games .. 100 people, 100 tastes.. People will tell you here the games that they play the most, but there's no way to tell if you will feel it the same way.

.. it's like saying: I don't like badly tasting food, recommend me some food with good taste.
.. unless you mean the unlimited gameplay time.

1 decade ago

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Binding of Isaac. Infinite replayability. Huge amounts of content. Only $8 with the expansion.

1 decade ago

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What does "playability" even mean? Is "replayability" the word you're looking for? If so, rogue-likes are the way to go. Binding of Isaac and Dungeons of Dredmor (Haven't played DoD, but lots of people say its pretty awesome game)

And happy birthday. My birthday is also this month, on the 27th.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Diablo 3 I guess.. or counter strike lol.. I played CS since 2005.. nothing changed

1 decade ago

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Just Cause 2, or some other open-world sandbox game?

1 decade ago

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+1 just cause 2

1 decade ago

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1+ jc2

1 decade ago

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Europa Universalis III , it takes weeks to complete a run , and there are so many countries to choose from . endless replayability

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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i believe you can transfer saves from game Eu , Victoria and Hearts of Iron , so you have almost 700 game years of playing

1 decade ago

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Dungeon Defenders is a good choice. There's much content in the basic game, lots of DLC and new DLC is released every now and then.

1 decade ago

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I personally need a FPS game, thinking of getting Counter Strike even though I suck at FPS (old ones of course :|...)

Binding of Issac gets old... it's fun for 2-3 weeks though. Games that last long are usually games like Dungeon Defenders (even though it has a crappy community), RPG/Strategy type games. Pretty much any competitive type game is something you'll be playing a long time (MMO's/RPG's are the way to go)

1 decade ago

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Someone said it before but,if you like strategy...go for Crusader Kings 2,best grand strategy ever made

1 decade ago

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Multiplayer games are an obvious suggestion. You probably won't have much of an interest in a generic FPS but there are several games offering a rather unique multiplayer experience such as Assassin's Creed, Hero Academy or, as they say, The Ship, seriously.

1 decade ago

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Bindings of Isaac, Dungeons of Dreadmore, Dungeon Defender, um...Im enjoying Symphony and Audiosurf when bored. Also Divinity 2 and Dragon Age (Not 2) awesome RPGs, Divinity Im almost 30h into it and hardly even half way through the game, taking out it has 2 stories. Really recommend them.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Games with extensive mod communities can also keep it fresh, although with some of the total conversions I suppose it's debateable whether or not your really playing the same game anymore. Elder Scrolls games (oblivion, skyrim) are pretty good at this and offer a huge base game as well. My personal vote is for the Fallout series though, I still fire up the original 2 every so often.

1 decade ago

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+1 fallout 2 is my all time fav game
the game itself has a LOT of content,and incredible replay value,not to mention mods

1 decade ago

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Dark Souls. 70 hours to finish the game, then theres PvP, NG+, and other classes with other combinations.

1 decade ago

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Doom II. Have you SEEN the mod community for it?

1 decade ago

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dragon age origins perhaps?

1 decade ago

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Garry's mod! Heaps of Replay ability because it has a lot of gamemodes (multiplayer if you don't have a strong connection it can get laggy). I have currently clocked up 202 hours in over a year so its really fun for people who like playing around and creating stuff. But I would wait till the christmas sale where it goes to $2.50 I think.

1 decade ago

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I put a huge amount of time into Magic 2012, so maybe that if you like Magic (Granted I was playing a lot with a friend, no idea how much you'd play by yourself). Other than that, Terraria, L4D2, and Killing Floor. All of those I've put atleast 30 hours into (rounded up 30 minutes for Killing Floor). Not really sure how many hours you are looking for.

Guess you can check out Kenshi http://www.lofigames.com/ it's only in Alpha and a bit expensive considering that ($10), but it reminds me a bit of Mount and Blade in that you can hire people and later on (Or maybe it was added, I last looked into it way back during the IndieFort Bundle from Gamersgate had it) make your own town.

Roguelikes tend to have good replayablity right? Maybe try Binding of Issac or Dungeons of Dredmor. I haven't put much time into either of them, but if you like those types of games you might have fun with them. Also, Faster Than Light is coming out tomorrow which looks to be amazing. Control a ship and crew as opposed to a single person.

If you are willing to put up with the horrible port, Dark Souls wouldn't be bad. I put more than 80 hours into Demon's Souls and more than 60 in Dark Souls. You could probably get a good deal out of that, assuming you like that type of game and can deal with the port. (Throw Demon's Souls in there as a recommendation if you have a PS3 also, didn't see you mention if you want only PC games or if you have a console too)

If you have a PSP, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is good, as is Portable 3rd, though if you want that you either need to know Japanese or have CFW for the english fan translation patch. Unite has more monsters though Portable 3rd has an additional weapon type (switchaxes) along weapon charges for longswords and two kitties instead of one. I've also heard people say Unite is harder, and I have to agree with that, though that might just be that I got pretty good at unite so Portable 3rd seemed easier in comparision.

1 decade ago

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Learn to play Dota 2 and you are fine for the next 2-3 years.

1 decade ago

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saints row 3 ,just cause 2 ,get those :)

1 decade ago

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Something interesting about sequels. It sounds kind of stupid I know, but no matter what it is. I need to buy the entire series. Or play it, whatever. No matter how old it is. So, what I'm picking up here is Just Cause series, so I think that would be nice on the list. Already got DOOM series on the list, with Quake, and Unreal Tournament as well. A lot of the games mentioned are ones that I own, so that's very awesome.

Lastly I just want to give the biggest thanks to you guys and all your suggestions! It means a lot to have such a nice community and once I get a job going, I'll be returning the favor :D. And happy birthday to all you September babies who posted! Cheers and keep posting!

P.S. Playability = replayability, but just massive content, so there's only a low chance I'll be RE doing again.

1 decade ago

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Oh and also, I play almost every genre. Trading card games and sports games are two unexplored parts for me, but I'm digging the suggestions.

1 decade ago

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I just recently got the hang of Payday again. There are so many small details and different ways to complete heists, there is alot of replayability in it. You'd have to check though first if you like it ofc :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Ajdino.