So you want to create public GAs, but you don't want bots and auto-join scripts to enter? Good. Just post a comment in this thread with a link to an invite-only giveaway. The idea is very simple and is really not different from many (most?) of the other threads in the forum, except that you don't need to invest much time or thought into it. Just post the link in a comment, and you're done :-)

A few additional guidelines:

  • Feel free to obfuscate the link to make it more difficult for bots/scripts to enter. This is completely optional and may not make much of a difference, because the forums are probably not as infested with bots and auto-join scripts as public giveaways (see example).
  • You may use, or other sites as filters to the link, but do try to keep things easy (for humans) to enter.
  • Don't feel obligated to write anything to accompany the giveaway link. If you have stuff to share beyond just the link, you probably should create a dedicated thread for it. Needless to say, you can also write it here, but it's not required.
  • Cross-posting giveaways your posted in other threads is fine, as long as they are your giveaways.
  • If you want to add a dynamic signature showing the game name, giveaway end date and current number of entries, but without revealing the URL to bots, you can use this tool created by Reforced. It takes the signature created by SG and provides you with a new URL that hides the original giveaway address. Just add it to your comment using the regular format for posting images: ![](URL)
  • Just like public GAs typically have a lot of entries, there's no need to maintain a low number of entries in GAs posted here. If you want to give especially good odds to people who enter and still get CV, you may want to instead consider posting the link here (and then remove it when you have your 5 entries). This is not needed here in this thread. The more (humans) the merrier :-)
  • The best way to bump this thread is by posting a link to your own invite-only giveaway. With that said, if the thread drops from the first page a regular "Bump" would also be appreciated.

I'm trying to find how serious the issue with bots really is. So far the results don't really prove things one way or another. Here are some stats from my latest experiment:

Game: Space Trader: Merchant Marine
Number of giveaways: 5
Period: 3 days

Giveaway # Level Type Number of entries Winner's Sent:Won Reroll needed?
1 Level 0+ Public 891 0:82 No
2 Level 0+ Invite only, direct link 55 4:47 No
3 Level 0+ Invite only, SGTools (no restrictions) 48 6:71 No
4 Level 0+ Invite only, shortened URL, captcha-free 50 1:205 No
5 Level 0+ Invite only, shortened URL with "I'm not a robot" captcha 54 162:86 No

Yet some more stats:

Giveaway game Period Level Type Number of entries Winner's Sent:Won Reroll needed?
Tales from the Void 5 days Level 0+ Public 755 0:37 No
Tales from the Void 5 days Level 0+ Invite only, obfuscated link 183 42:514 No
Hyper Box 4 days Level 0+ Public 554 0:32 No
Hyper Box 4 days Level 0+ Invite only, obfuscated link 193 178:188 No
Ace Combat Assault Horizon 3 days Level 0+ Public 1596 0:28 Yes
Ace Combat Assault Horizon 3 days Level 0+ Invite only, obfuscated link 234 88:107 No
7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Actually this one is part of my (late) weekly giveaways:

1 year ago

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GD7+1NE-BGYWV-QQJCQ - Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Already have but Happy Cakeday :)

1 year ago

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Happy cakeday

1 year ago

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Wishing you a happy cake day :)

1 year ago

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Happy cake day! 🍰

1 year ago

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Happy cake day! :)

1 year ago

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happy cakeday to you :)

1 year ago

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Happy cake day and meow =^.^=

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Cov's humor: If a room feels too cold, go stand in the corner, it's "90 degrees" there. ;-)

1 year ago

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Gloria Victis\CG\eaf\WHY\76-7\THIS\9f3-4\THREAD\677-b\HAVE\d0f-\TOEXSIST\0cadeebb7cfa

1 year ago

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good question!

1 year ago

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First I deduced that 76-7=69, then I tried to un-escape \eaf. Must have been too tired today... At least I managed to figure it out.

1 year ago

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Hehe, I did the same at first! Glad to see I wasn't the only one.

1 year ago

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This is a DLC for a F2P game. To enter the giveaway, you need to add the base game, you can delete it from your library afterwards:

The actual giveaway... ? = number of wheels in normal cars

1 year ago

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So your "normal" car doesn't have a steering wheel, eh? ^^

1 year ago

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I knew people would start with this stuff! lol
I immediately thought of the steering wheel. The spare wheel took me by surprise.
Next time I'm using polygons...

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Hmm. I count 5 on mine, mandatory spare wheel :D
same the mandatory bump

1 year ago

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What is normal anyway? In other planes of existence we have 6i +2.3 wheels.

1 year ago

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I'd move to a plane of existence where you don't need cars, because moving that number of wheels will contaminate a lot, albeit part of it is imaginary contamination, it's still a lot.

1 year ago

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I am a car on that plane and I find your comment offensive for my imaginary wheels.
Shame on you sentient compute core.

1 year ago

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View attached image.
1 year ago

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Literal! XD

1 year ago

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I noticed that you noticed my avatar...

1 year ago

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These wheel jokes are getting "tired" ;-)

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Hi hi, I really wanna enter some of these (specially out of space) but for some reason sgtools won't sign in through steam? Am I doing something wrong? :(

1 year ago

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As a new user, I had the same issue aswell. Ever after using different browsers i couldnt sign in, I even tried with all extensions disabled. I commented about it on the SGTools thread, a few months back.
And the issue was solved, Im still unsure how. The developer probably tinkered with something in the backend.

1 year ago*

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Ooooh, thanks for the heads up! I'll drop a comment over there as well :)

1 year ago

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Tired of "relaxing" puzzle games and generic multiplayers? Want to

"King of the Castle" is a simple multiplayer game with lots of political intrigue!

1 year ago*

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I am trying SGTools for the first time, and I need five to get there: There is no level requirements but you need to have made more giveaways than you've won (if I did the filters correctly).

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Food for the thread:
? = Number in the game plus one

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

Comment has been collapsed. regions, oh mores)5daea(9/3)26-68dd-4ae2-bcfd-fd2811592f7f

According to HB send gift popup, code is region restricted to Europe (without Ukraine, Belarus and RF), Africa and Middle East.

1 year ago*

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Thanks! It's tricking putting an American reference in a link for an Europe-only giveaway. :D

1 year ago

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Wrestling Bump!

View attached image.
1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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Deleveled - Lv 3+


View attached image.
1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 year ago

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@@@ = an international code signal of extreme distress (all lowercase).

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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