Hey everyone, I'll try to demystify the contributor levels you see on the site.

To get started, the levels range from 0 - 10, with level 0 being the default after registration, and level 10 being the highest level attainable. Users increase through these levels by creating giveaways that are marked received. If you mouseover your level in the navigation bar, or the level on profiles, you'll see a tooltip with the level rounded to 2 decimal places, giving you a better idea of small increments in level, and when you're about to level up.

Levels increase almost exponentially, meaning each level requires double the contributions of the previous level. For example, level 4 would require double the contributions of level 3, and level 3 would require double the contributions of level 2.

How much a giveaway increases your level is based on the gifts price, so a $20 game would add twice as much value to your level as a $10 game. There are three other factors that may influence the value of a gift...

  1. After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) in value towards your level. This has little effect on the majority of users, but prevents individuals from receiving a high level from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.

  2. If a giveaway is invite only, or for a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add value towards your level if it receives 5 or more entries. We made this change to combat small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The new whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.

  3. Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value. For example, if you gift 2 copies of a $20 bundle game, you would receive $6 (3 + 3) in value towards your level. In the previous site, you could potentially receive no value for bundle games, but this way users will always receive some value for contributing to the site. Keep in mind that changes to the list of bundle games will apply retroactively, so if a bundle begins today, attempting to gift the game before it's added to the list will offer no advantage.

We hope you like the new contributor system. It's similar to the previous one in a number of ways, but addresses a few holes and possible exploits, allows all bundle games to receive some value (even if small), and it's a little easier to use and understand when creating and viewing giveaways. We'll be testing it out for now, seeing the feedback from the community, and deciding whether any adjustments or tweaks need to be developed.

9 years ago

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Just a suggestion : There should be mechanism to combat gifts that are attained during price bugs. This is so that all players are on the fair terms.

I wholly happy with the decision that bundled games will give more value (though only at 15%) because giving out bundles is also a gift, a lost opportunity for the giver.

9 years ago

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If a price bug results in over 95% discount, it's usually added to the bundle list. If the bundle list operator forgot about it, you can submit a support ticket to add.

9 years ago

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Where can I see my CV? How many CV need for every level?

9 years ago

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"How many CV need for every level?"

Somebody answer this pls

9 years ago

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Looks like not I am the only one who can't figure out the necessary contributor $ for the base contributor level ? :)

9 years ago

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"retroactively": what does this mean for, say, I'd gift something now that's unbundled, and it later appears in a bundle: would my points from this GA be reduced at that point? Even if maybe months of time passed between GA and bundling?

9 years ago

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Retroactively means that if the bundle list operator is a couple of days late adding a bundled game to the list, you will still get reduced CV even if you created the giveaway after the bundle date but before addition to the list.

Bundle began on Jan 30, but is not added to the list until Feb 7. Any giveaway created between Jan 30 and Feb 7 will give full CV during that week, but will then drop to 15% on Feb 7. Any giveaway created after Feb 7 will receive 15% CV. Any giveaway created before Jan 30 will receive full CV.

9 years ago

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I like the new system. Seems pretty good at least from reading it. Also gifting bundle games people at least get a little credit now so a plus for many.

9 years ago

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Does the bundle games count as steam gifts or it's only for key giveaways? Well there were obviously some price bugs on some games..
My example is if i create steam gift giveaway of killing floor bundle, will it count as bundle game?

9 years ago

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It will count as a bundle game. There is no reliable way to differentiate between keys and gifts without being a middleman.

9 years ago

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Well the thing is you can now make a steam gift or key giveaway. It's just for user to be able to insert keys in key giveaways so they don't have to send them?

9 years ago

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Yes. So the giver doesn't even have to email the winner the key, or even add the winner as a friend to chat the key over :P.

Sadly, it takes the "human" out of any key giveaway beause no interaction :(

9 years ago

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So because I'd rather only open giveaways to friends now due to problems with all but three of the recipients of my public/group only ones, I'm trying to cheat the contributor system? Wow, that's harsh. Kinda wishing I'd read that before creating five giveaways, I'd not have bothered.

9 years ago

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You are not abusing anything(really you have contributed more to the community than like 95% of it) but certain people are and as any law, rule or regulation in the history of humanity the innocent get some restrictions because of shitty people. It is why there is the hundred dollars from non-bundles/free requirement to join for example.

That said your giveaways end in 4 days and there are 5,4,4,3 and 3 entries so should be easy to meet five for all... five.

9 years ago*

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15% seems a lot for bundle fodder, please consider drastically reducing that, I agree they should have some trickle value, but you guys weren't putting 85% off games on the bundle list (wasn't it like 92% or something like that?) so a steam game that goes 85% off on a sale has the same ratio value of a bundle fodder game bundled a billion times that can be had for a couple card drops, 15%. I mean I understand we still get the full value for the non-bundled game unlike the bundled game, but there are some people in the community that buy 0day $50 or $60 games just to make giveaways, this really is a cut above contribution-wise, and I could easily surpass them by making all the bundle rounds, overlord, fortix, RIP, PAM, etc. You're gonna have people who will be milking it, are you ok with that?
IMHO you should make the spigot dwindling returns, if over half their contributions are bundle they only get 5% value or something like that, anything like that, I'd say 5% across the board because that's 5% more than the last system, but I'm not TRYING to be petty about it. :-/

Also consider restricting level 10 to a lower bundle:non-bundle ratio, or giving due credit to those who make such a huge point of gifting premium content to the community?

9 years ago

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I am actually glad that bundle games now get more value. In general this leads to more giveaways. 15% seems ok to me.

9 years ago

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I agree. Encouraging people to give away more games should be a higher priority than trying to achieve value parity.

9 years ago

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+1 I agree, any game from the actual steamstore that has been 85% off or more, should be added to the bundle list (if they are not all ready on it that is :P).

9 years ago

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few concerns/things/questions:

  1. What are value ranges for different levels? - it would be awesome to see it in F.A.Q. instead of announcements/forum.
  2. How to check my value used for levels... or some progress bar - I would love to know how far away I am.
  3. I'd like to see possible value/level change/effect when making giveaway because calculating starts to get complicated.
  4. This means most of small group, puzzle, short, high contribution value and DLC giveaways I made in the past are not taken into account. Too bad number of users who could possibly join (eg. group size) are not taken into account.
  5. Limit of giveaways made in past will hit me (and even way more some contributors) but I guess it could be worse.

Anyway, it's hard whether it's for better or for worse - I guess time will show it. For me it's still a bit down not up in CV but there may be many other people not so lucky and many very lucky. Primary problem might be it concerns past giveaways and not only those made before update... usually rule/law updates shouldn't concern past.

PS: any chance to get post preview button? I'm still not used to formattings.

Thanks for update and see you around!

9 years ago*

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Would love a progress bar,yeah

9 years ago

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Seems logical and a lot better than the old system, but it would be nice to see your CV and the games CV rates.

9 years ago

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cg, based on one person's profile it looks like you've set minimum entries to 5 for CV no matter how many copies are being given away. Is there some error here? I assumed that it would be copies + 4.

9 years ago

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I'd like to know the answer to this as well.

9 years ago

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Now that you are support, have you figured out an answer to this one?

9 years ago

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This topic is really helpfull

BTW the giveaways with 0 points are gonna stay forever like that?
Because 5 months ago i gave away Battlefield 2 Complete but i have 0 points for that giveway it should be $20. Are you guys going to fix the games of 0 CV instead of normal CV?

Here is a screenshot, This is how looks in my profile

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Cheers for the info.

Shouldn't it be in the FAQ though?
That's the first place I went looking for this info.

Would also be good to have something like a CV till next level indicator in (or upon hover over) the level info up the top left.

9 years ago

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Ooh! Scrap that last bit! It pretty much does this.
Sure it didn't last night. :D

9 years ago

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My level decreased and i dont know why.
It used to be 4.04
but i check now and it transformed to 3.92
Why is that ?

9 years ago

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My best guess would be a price error that got fixed. There were a lot of them in the first days after the site went back up.

9 years ago

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You don't have anything with less than 5 entries, or anything with more than 5 copies given away, nor is there any obvious price bugs like a price of $0, so most likely reasons are either that something you gave away recently got a price cut, or it got added to the bundle list. Since they all ended a year ago, I'd say price cut is probably the reason.

9 years ago

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People who have given less than me have 4 levels over me despite the fact that I don't give away bundle items :(

9 years ago

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Errr, everything except Tomb Raider there is a bundle game. Doesn't matter if you had it as a Steam gift, since the site can't know that - as long as it has been in a bundle before you gave it away, it count as a bundle game.

9 years ago

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Is there a list of all bundle games available anywhere?

9 years ago

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Yes - here. It's listed under point #3 in the OP.

9 years ago

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Thanks. So if Tomb Raider ever gets a bundle I guess I'm at a loss?

9 years ago

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No, it considers the day it got bundled so as long as you created the giveaway before the bundle was available you get full value.

9 years ago

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As I already said - if it was in a bundle before you gave it away, it count as a bundle game. OTOH if you give it away now and it gets bundled a day after your giveaway was created, you get full value.

9 years ago

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Bump due to the amount of newer users not searching the forum before posting.

9 years ago

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Should probably put this in the FAQ page, or at least link it from there. could not find anything about levels there.

9 years ago

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So what would your CV have to be to get to level one?

9 years ago

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more than 0

9 years ago

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My level was down. What's problem?

9 years ago

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Is anyone going to fix the issue with games dropping to 0P = 0CV like Batman Arkham Origins, Bioshock 2 etc?

9 years ago

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Gifts Sent: 9 ($79.91)
Contributor Level: 1.48

I'm getting tired of sending games and see no real change.

9 years ago

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Yeah,an actual defined value for each level would be nice

9 years ago

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It seems to me that bundle games should increase in value the longer the time span is between the last time it was bundled and the giveaway date. I mean, what are the chances that people would have just sat on a bunch of bundle keys for several years without having already used them or given them away? I am giving away some copies of The Walking Dead but I didn't realize it was actually in a bundle a few years ago. Are people really still giving out bundled keys from that?

Or perhaps for bundled games, part of the CV calculation could be recalculated every so often depending on how high the demand is for them when that game does get gifted (based on how many points get spent on entering them). I should think we would always want to encourage games that are in the highest-demand to be gifted, even if they were previously in a bundle.

9 years ago

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Ii does sound sound. While there are games that have been bundled a lot, and/or are constantle seen in giveaways ot trade topics, there are also certain formerly bundled games that are pretty rare

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well, there are still people giving away humble bundle 1 and 2 which were the first bundles around. There are some bundle games that have been in bundles 8 and 9 times or more. There have been people in the past that have asked when games from X bundle were going to be removed so that they could make giveaways with games from those bundles that they have held on to.

Just think how complicated things would get trying to figure out how long for each game and each bundle and stuff like that. It would put a large load on the server trying to do all the stuff you suggested.

9 years ago

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I see your point -- time-based might not be a good way to go about it. But still, if a game that was previously bundled is actually in high demand, then steamgifts should encourage it to be gifted. The only way to get an idea of how much demand there is for a game is to look at how many entries or how many points get spent on public giveaways. It couldn't be a real-simple algorithm because there are factors like the time and duration of the giveaways, whether it is restricted to certain contributor levels,...etc. But I think if enough thought were to be put into it, there could be ways to programmatically increase CV rewards for giving away a previously-bundled game in high demand such as The Walking Dead, and decrease CV rewards for giving away something like Terraria.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Why did i lose a level? How does that happen???

9 years ago

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I have one doubt.

The GA of complete bundles, how does it work with them?

I saw yesterday some "humble indie bundle nºx" GA, at 7 P - 9 P range...

9 years ago

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They need to be manually inputted into the database. But that stopped happening a while ago, so you can give away only whole old bundles. Value in points represents BTA prices on that bundle.

9 years ago

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Some GA's i made in SGv1 for a private group had less than 5 entries (old page raised the CV), Now in SGv2 that giveaway won't raise my CV?

9 years ago

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No. If the group is less than 5, the value of GA for your contributor level is 0.


9 years ago

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