With the way things are shaping up right now in the PC gaming space, I wouldn't be surprised if CD Projekt decides to release Cyberpunk 2077 exclusively on GOG. (Assuming it will see the light of day before the year 2030). I remember reading somewhere (I forget where) that sales figures weren't exactly rosy for Thronebreaker on GOG, and the game may have fared better on Steam. Cyberpunk would be a different proposition though, and maybe the studio would be confident enough to release it exclusively on their own platform. That's just wild conjecture though, I have no idea what will happen.

I know that on this site especially, a game not being on Steam is a huge deal for many, although that has never really bothered me personally my most played game is actually on Origin, so a GOG only release of Cyberpunk 2077 would still be a purchase for me. What about you, though? Assuming the game releases to good to great reviews, would you buy it if it were exclusively available on GOG?

Also, I seem to have left this here.

5 years ago

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Would you buy Cyberpunk 2077 as a GOG exclusive?

View Results
Yes, of course.
No Steam, no buy.
Not buying it, regardless of store.
I'm getting PotatoPunk 2019 instead.

So far I have not strayed from Valve's grasp so I'm doubtful I'd do so for Cyberpunk 2077 either. I haven't had any touch with GOG, the only other ones I use along side Steam are uPlay and now the Epic Games one. I have not purchased (nor do I intend to at the moment) any games from them but both have offered freebies that were wishlisted by me. GOG hasn't even done that for me so it is unlikely I would jump right into them just for Cyberpunk 2077. I won't be buying it at launch anyway so I'm content with taking my time for it to make it to Steam. :P

5 years ago

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Assuming that for some weird reason it really doesn't release anywhere else, I would. That's if I do get the game though.

5 years ago

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I honestly couldn't care what platform any game is on. If I like it, I get it.

5 years ago

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As much as I'm looking forward to this game, there are also enough other good games coming soon that I could certainly live without this one.
Add to that my not being terribly fond of "exclusives", and they've moved their game to the "wait for a sale" list for me.

5 years ago

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I've bought W3 with expansions all in Boxes and they were only for gog(later there was option to get steam key but I didn't) so I don't think there is any problem. And galaxy works pretty good.
And looking at release policies of CDP Red this poll is pointless. ;p

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I'd be getting a physical collector's edition, which would have a GOG code by default.

5 years ago

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DRM-Free, why not?

The best dream is a launcher with Steam community features(discussion, workshop, market...etc) + DRM-Free games & software management within an account. 🀣🀘

5 years ago

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I'd buy it for the game Cyberpunk 2077 saw it mentioned somewhere years ago, probably after 1-3 years like most of the other games I buy, if it's only on GOG, fine, if it's also on steam, that's good too.

5 years ago

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I won't be buying it regardless of store. The entire production of this game is a better example of what's wrong with capitalism than what will be included in the cyberpunk aesthetic the game is coopting.

Every form of punk is just being ripped of the critique and rebellion and sold to the masses ass cool and edgy or faux activism and this is the lamest example yet. It's going for straight "coolness" and does not look fun at all.

Is a shame, I live cyberpunk and was really excited for a game in the genre.

5 years ago

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