Anyone else feeling like some things aren't adding up?

Let me quote this; "So the reasoning behind giving away this game is to encourage people to buy the rest of the series. So if you enjoy it, please do so!" David Gilbert via Twitter.

If the purpose of giving something away to in turn garner interest for my other projects I want you to pay for, then why wouldn't I want as many copies going out as possible?

This fiasco has gained Mr Gilbert and his game a LOAD of attention, as well and an interview and a write up in the Escapist (something Gilbert claims he always wanted.)

All through the day, tweets came about the servers not being able to handle the traffic. If the servers had held stable, then I could only guess that perhaps 20 times the keys would have been given out. But then you have to ask, would all that free publicity have been there?

How many keys are actually good to use out of all that were issued? I have a feeling that there aren't many.

Yes my key was taken away, but I honestly don't care about that because I wouldn't spend 10 dollars on that game in the first place so it was a nice gift. Maybe living in a country full of deception has me jaded, or maybe people are getting more clever about being deceptive.


If you can't participate in a conspiracy discussion properly, you only out yourself as a complete moron, so go ahead.


How much does it cost to get featured in Forbes? Could you ask for better marketing than this?

1 decade ago*

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Go cry somewhere else.

1 decade ago

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^What this guy said.

1 decade ago

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How's about you learn to read, so that you can participate in a discussion instead of just being a tumour?

1 decade ago

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I can assure that my reading comprehension skills are above par (Considering that, on average, they are ridiculously low)

And I don't consider a discussion a stream of nosensical affirmations coming out from what it seems to be a butthurt brat.

1 decade ago

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I'm a butthurt brat because I am questioning motives... makes a lot of sense, guy. You have to be ill mannered or spoiled to be a brat, and my original post eluded to none of this. I wonder if you even read it.

1 decade ago

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You are not questioning motives. You are making things up out of thin air. Also I might have to remember you that you started with the disrespect thingie. Just so you know.

1 decade ago

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People should post something like [spaceholder] if they want to comment first, then read the post, edit and make your point.

1 decade ago

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I was able to read the whole topic before commenting. But thanks.

1 decade ago

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Then what's it about? You may have read it but you certainly don't comprehend it.

1 decade ago

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I certainly have done both.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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This is far from an opinion. It is a question of sorts being asked to generate a real discussion, something this forums lacks severely.

1 decade ago

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oΒ·pinΒ·ion (-pnyn)


  1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: "The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion" (Elizabeth Drew).
1 decade ago

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I never said I believed anything. I posed a question, with a few facts to back up what I was wondering about.

1 decade ago

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It's aliens I tell you....

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Haha throw a mohawk on that guy and thats about how I look!

1 decade ago

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The servers couldn't handle the traffic because people abuse the heck out of free Steam key giveaways. The giveaway was posted to Reddit, which has in the past brought down web pages and services with the surge of interest. It was made even worse when people realized the keys were good for the entire Wadjet bundle, and not just the intended game. Blackwell Deception giveaways immediately started appearing on SteamGifts and grew through the night, and copies were probably being traded and sold elsewhere.

When Wadjet tried to fix the issue, people complained. People complained about losing their free "extra" games. People were upset that the site stopped giving free Steam keys, even though it still let you download a DRM-free copy of the game. When the giveaway was taken down, people apparently went further in exploiting it, stealing a large number of keys.

A company was too trusting and too nice, trying to give a gift to people without considering just how greedy people are.

1 decade ago

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^ This one gets it.

1 decade ago

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I think it might be because a few people got a majority of the 30,000 keys after 12 GMT?

I honestly dont know the whole story but this new humble bundle system where you link the games to your steam account so you never see the key, well I love it, and I hope it will be used by more and more people to give out games or keys.

For example that guy who got 200 mafia 2/civ 5 keys just to trade them.

1 decade ago

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why wouldn't I want as many copies going out as possible?

Because perhaps you're not in a good enough financial position to lower one of your game's value to near zero for a foreseeable future, for the chance of increasing sales of your other games? Because your profit prospects from potential new buyers aren't that optimistic enough to cope with the losses of giving away free games by the truckload? Because you don't want to compete with resellers who hoarded a bunch of keys (keys that were meant for potential new buyers, lowering further the aforementioned prospects)?


1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by hoveurt.