I have $0 disposable income because...
ok but that leaves out most of the readers since I think it's not that's common to have really -0$- disposable income! at least an option for us please! XDD
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You can use the option "Other (comment below)" which is what I'm doing (but this isn't the correct reply for my .. reply...)
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People who always say, "I'm broke," typically have some money, but virtually no budget whatsoever and have never examined their financial habits closely. These are the same people who will never have money to throw down on a communal item or activity, yet always seem to maintain their personal pleasures and habits (games, movies, smoking, going out for drinks, dining, etc.)
These people have realized that if they just say they're broke, no one will force them to pay for anything, long term relationship effects be damned.
Edit: Naturally, this discounts people who actually get by with little to no income. I'm simply shedding light on why you seem to hear people say this so often. Crappy people have taken cues from those truly without, and have learned that people will not pry into their finances if they refute having any to begin with.
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The weirdest kind of people are who buy bundles to GA like a maniac, then complain and loudly debate whether they should/could buy a game that costs less than their monthly bundle expenses. They really, really crave attention and generate the reasons to get it.
But in general, as you said, no disposable income (for games) means I can not afford to spend more (on that) - either because really budgeting, other focus, or really not budgeting. It's never really the "I'm so poor I can't even afford to spend a dollar" but having other priorities, for reasons of their own. and yes, sometimes it is greed because they matter only. Others are just broke in countries they better spend money on food
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Yeah, I'd say it's true for the most part.
I usually end up with around 20-40€ per month to spend on anything. I find it difficult to save money for something bigger than the purchases that are in that price range. Mind you, I'm good at being frugal. For example, I rarely get things that are more expensive than 10€.
So for example I'm planning to buy an SSD. It'd be useful for me overall and it'd just improve my quality of life, considering that I play games, I like fast bootups and so on. It's not a huge necessity, mind you, but it's still one of the best ways I could spend my money currently. The SSD I'm eyeing is the Samsung 860 EVO 500GB. The price tag of that is 90-100€ depending on the store. To get it, I'd have to save up. But the problem is that every time I have some money, there will be some sale that'll make me spend a bit of money. It's never a huge amount of money either. It's just small increments of cash that seep away from me. Like some Disney/Lego games from the Gamersgate sale. The prices have never been this low, they're on my wishlist and I have some nostalgia with them. On their own they were from 0.49€ to 2.29€. In total for 5 games I spent 6.5€. Not a bad deal either. It's just that I didn't need to spend that much. I have a lot of games and in the end, it's a useless purchase.
There are some games that I'll spend my money on when they're on sale, no questions asked and with no regrets. Those games mainly being currently the Assassin's Creed's Ezio Trilogy for Steam. I want to play them, they'd entertain me a lot and so on.
But had you taken me around 5 years back, I would've called you a dick for assuming that. I was not in a good place when it came to my mental state. I was depressed a lot, everything around me was in a bad state and games were my only real escape from that. And at that time, I truly think that these now-stupid monetary decisions were ones that helped me a lot and they improved my life a whole lot. Finding friends, communities and just the satisfaction of actually buying games instead of pirating them, playing them and so on.
So I hope that when you see people who do have seemingly bad spending habits, that you don't immediately assume they're bad with money or that they try and avoid criticism when saying they're broke. Sometimes those things are essential for them. More mentally essential than physically essential.
But also, then again, that doesn't mean that everyone has that issue. I'd dare even say the majority don't have that issue.
Just wanted to bring out the other side of that coin. Even if the way I presented it was a bit of a mess.
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You seem to be budgeting your spending. Therefore, i will suggest you get a Flash SSD instead of a physical SSD. Its a little investment for your future. Much faster too as they are placed onboard so reaction time will vastly increase. Of course it pertains to if you MotherBoard has the functionality.
Its more expensive but I will say a SAMSUNG 970 EVO NVMe M.2 250GB. IMO, 250GB is sufficient but games a getting more data nowadays, I can't remember the name of the game but I heard there was one "that is" getting more than 100GB with updates and patches. Depending how you use/play games one at a time, uninstall and reinstall, 250 is alright. Depending on the price range too. I'll say 500GB is the ideal threshold for now if its within you budget.
As I am looking into getting a new PC setup, the option provided to me seems that 500GB cost me $100+ more so I am going for 250GB. Cheers, Cruse~
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i will suggest you get a Flash SSD instead of a physical SSD
How is an M.2 SSD not a "physical" SSD?
Also, if you're on a budget, I would definitely stay away from M.2 SSDs. Yes, they are faster in benchmarks, but no, you won't notice a critical difference between that and even the slowest SSDs (except from the really, really broken ones, but I'm not even sure if there are still any of those around). What you will notice though is the lack of space (if you favor a "faster" but smaller SSD), the slowness of an HDD if you still get one beside your SSD because it's too small, and possibly the shorter lifespan of your SSD if you take one so small that you keep it near-full all the time.
I'm not on a very tight budget myself, but still the only time I got an M.2 was for physical constraints reasons (limited slots in my laptop), and I still picked a SATA M.2, not a PCIE M.2 (so, not faster than 2.5" SSDs, and also barely more expensive).
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Flash SSD is affixed on the motherboard itself therefore it does not take up or if you really want to count it takes little space in your casing, Meaning due to its flat and small size its almost non-existence. Physical SSD meaning you have the bulk of the drive to put into the slot of your casing.
Nowadays, there are Monitor-Only, Small-form builds which is a cube case, Smaller Tower cases that has only 2 slots for physical drives. In smaller and space deprived cases, and if you still has a need for a DVD/CD Rom Drive like I do with some backup files. Then you'll need to use up 2 slots. Now, more than often new builds use 2 Drives, the SSD as the boot/main drive while the secondary drive is a HDD for storage. Thus the Physical term used here is to imply on the space taken/need for the Tower slot.
Indeed, there might be little or not much difference in speed or efficiency but what I am suggesting is future proofing. Rather than getting a large drive you can jump into a lower budget but reliable drive for now. Having a small SSD is exactly how you plan using your SSD. I've seen streamers that plays lots of games with large files. What you do is install and uninstall 1 game at a time for them. Obviously the game which they are streaming.
If the game you are playing is not resource heaving like a HoG game, then i will suggest to fire it up from the HDD. If the game you are playing is Assassin's Creed Odyssey then you want to install it to the Flash SSD. On drive management, of course its always better to be in the green and not use up every bit of the memory nor down to the last GB but going mildly into the red should not affect the longevity of the drive. The HDD I am using lasted me at least 3yrs. I've only replaced my previous HDD because of its size not because it broke and thus far HDDs I've used have no such issue after you use.
In the event, if your SSD or any drives encounter writing issues, memory leaks. Do not hesitate to approach the Brand Manufacturer. Drives to meant to last. Pertaining to different kind of usages Drives imo are supposed to "Die" last. That is why I suggest making an investment into the future.
As for your case of laptops. you cant buy a physical drive either, it just doesn't fit and if you're thinking about external drives, I do not think there is a need for so either. If you need additional space for storage on laptops, External HDDs which are cheaper or custom storage towers where you feed in several HDDs are better for storage imo.
Although I am by no means a computer expert nor someone who works in the field, my advise comes from personal usage and experience and sharing them here. Cheers, Cruse~
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Flash SSD is affixed on the motherboard itself therefore it does not take up or if you really want to count it takes little space in your casing, Meaning due to its flat and small size its almost non-existence. Physical SSD meaning you have the bulk of the drive to put into the slot of your casing.
You can put a regular SSD just about anywhere in your case, with nothing more than a little double-sided tape. If anything, it's more flexible for placement than an M.2, which has to be placed in a PCIE slot. In rfact, in a small form factor case with limited space (and PCIE slots), the regular SSD (edit: or, as DingDong suggested, a SATA M.2) would be preferred.
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@Tzaar and @DingDong2 I guess things got mixed up in between when I search "Samsung 860 EVO 500GB" it shows a 2.5" SSD from the price range stated by @zeruel132 it seems they are referring to this https://www.samsung.com/uk/memory-storage/860-evo-sata-3-2-5-ssd/MZ-76E500BEU/
Rather, @DingDong2 may be referring to this https://www.overclockers.co.uk/samsung-860-evo-500gb-m.2-2280-sata-iii-6gb-s-solid-state-drive-mz-n6e500bw-hd-23d-sa.html which I may have mixed up as I had the 1st SSD in mind. Thanks for pointing it out @Tzaar and I took a 2nd look. My apologies for the confusion.
Regards and Cheers, Cruse~
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You cut the "if you're on a budget" part though.
As in, "if you're on a budget, you don't get a laptop you get a desktop" :p
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this is something very interesting sociologically speaking mmh.. =P
for those two countries only, for us Northern Italians: Bulgaria is seen as the "richer Romania" (the average Northern Italian doesn't really make a distinction between the two and probably isn't even aware that Romanians speak a language similar to ours while Bulgarians are Slavic xD), while Serbia is seen as the "wealthiest ex-Jugoslavian country" (again the average Northern Italian tends to see all those countries like Montenegro, Bosnia and so on as way poorer than Serbia which is still seen as rich compared to most Balkan states - the average N.I. just knows something about Slovenia due to the pre-war times and so on)
well, interesting read anyways.. we really don't know anything if we don't study by ourselves about Slavic countries at all..
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Wow, that's funny and interesting. If we don't count Slovenia (which may have been in Yugoslavia, but is culturally not part of the Balkans), I think Croatia is currently the richest one, but that's not to say it's all roses over there. But Serbia has some sort of status as the "regional leader" which is true in some cases, but still, the entire Balkan landscape is incredibly sad. I haven't officially compared the economies, but I know that there have been headlines about Serbia's rising GDP, but I can tell you it's all just statistical manipulation and that we're doing really bad.
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I always saw Slovenia and Croatia the wealthiest countries for the area. Interesting.
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Yeah, talking about the point of view of an average Northern Italian - we don't even know the differences between all those states xD We just "know" that Serbia is the biggest and wealthiest heir of Jugoslavia, and if you ask someone here they most likely won't even be able to distinguish on the map between Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo and so on.. as many pointed out, Slovenia "stands out" even for a non-educated Northern Italian 'cos we had lots of links with her when it was part of Venice's empire, Austria, then Italy, then Italy lost Istria (basically no one knows that actually we owned lots of cities that are Croatian now xD we all think it was 100% Slovenia).. so we have lots of people with Slovenian heritage and we know "something" about Slovenia being "small and rich", but really nothing about the other Balkanic countries..
Here in Italy there's a huge lack of knowledge for whichever entity speaks a Slavic language, even in school we're taught only about Latin Europe and a little bit of Germanic Europe, mainly Germany and England. We literally know nothing (speaking always from the point of an average Northern Italian) about Slavic countries.
This is also why we often think Romania and Bulgaria are the same country or, worse, we link Romania with gypsies and Bulgaria with "wealthy Romania" without really knowing nothing xD
The average perception of Romania in Italy is a big extremely poor country filled with gypsies, while Bulgaria is seen as a small Slavic country quite rich and isolated. And the average perception of Serbia is the biggest and richest ex-Jugoslavian country, while the other ones are interchangeable regions around her. I highly doubt that more than 1 on 10 Northern Italians are able to say something about Vojvodina or Macedonia.. as I said, we almost all think Istria and the other cities like Zadar and Split are Slovenian..
Some funny facts about Northern Italy ahah XD
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Lol, Vojvodina is still part of Serbia, but seeing how we lost so much territory in the past decades, you never know...
All I know about northern Italy is that Umberto Eco was born there (although not sure where). I just know he talked about Piedmont a lot.
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yeah, that's their problem.. the piedmontese all talk a little bit too much about piedmont, which in the last decades doesn't really count that much in the economy of northern italy given that apart from turin it's all made of forests, skiing resorts and wine fields.. and nutella.. xD but you know, all the men who "unified" italy came from piedmont and so..
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sì sì scusami, generalizzo un attimo parlando di italia del nord, io sono emiliano ma sono più verso mantova, lodi brescia.. quindi effettivamente avrei dovuto precisare ancora meglio, ma se mi metto a dire north-western italian allora diventa un problema sul serio ahah sì qui in emilia (magari a ferrara o in romagna è diverso non so xD) proprio credo che nessuno sappia nemmeno che confiniamo con la slovenia e che avevamo qualcosa a che fare con l'istria, sicuramente in veneto e in altre zone è diverso.. ma sempre parlando di "average northern italian" e avendo due lauree in storia purtroppo un po' di sondaggi ne ho fatti e letti ç_ç
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tranquillo! io sono del friuli quindi queste cose le conosco, soprattutto Istria e il resto, perche' qua almeno un tempo le insegnavano a scuola. Ora non saprei, vivo all'estero e non ho figli quindi chissa'. Pero' hai ragione purtroppo storia (e geografia e tante altre cose) non vengono studiate bene. Parlando di storia proprio ieri volevo cercare un qualche libro sulla storia della mia regione o perlomeno della zona, mi da' "fastidio" non sapere bene il nostro passato ora che non sono piu' un ragazzino
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ah beh certo, quella è tutta un'altra storia! =) qui proprio zero, io ho due lauree in storia e la tesi magistrale l'ho fatta in storia dell'emilia-romagna nel medioevo, eravamo in 3 a laurearci ahah geografia poi proprio manco c'è il corso, lasciamo stare.. e parlo di livello universitario.. alle superiori noi avevamo 2 ore di storia a settimana e 0 di geografia a ragioneria, all'università sono stato io a scegliere esami di geografia apposta perché in scienze storiche e in civiltà orientali (triennale) nemmeno c'erano a parte uno di base xD fai benissimo e ti fa onore documentarti e conoscere il vostro passato, poi lì è una delle storie più intricate e complesse di tutte le regioni italiane.. meglio per te però in generale che vivi all'estero mi sa xD qui come insegnamento vedendo quel che succede ai miei parenti ogni anno si abbassa ulteriormente il livello, sanno due cose giusto su bin laden e su hitler a dire tanto, ma ora nessuno saprebbe collocare carlo magno e napoleone in un secolo a caso.. figurati se gli vai a chiedere che stati componevano la jugoslavia o cos'è successo in istria e dalmazia in quei decenni.. qui se guardi i sondaggi in emilia ti dicono che ancona è in romagna e piacenza in lombardia.. xD
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grazie mille e scusa se non ho mai tanto tempo queste settimane tra ragazza lavoro e robe varie perchè di solito sono sempre qui XD poi non preoccuparti comunque ci sono sempre e ho la mail e tutto ahah non sentirti in obbligo XD grazie =)
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@anetbok - Hey brother Serb - yes we are almost the same, as well as other Balkan countries.
@helevorn - well, a person can't really know how it is unless he/she lives in the country for a few months at least. But still, this article is devastatingly true. Also, Romanians have a bit more income per capita, but their food is a bit cheaper, so overall they are a bit better. To me, Serbia is also like us - in some towns a bit poorer, in others a bit richer. So, very similar.
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real life and internet taught me that when people say they have no money (most of the time), they don't have for others except for themselves.
they own a nice pc that can run new games ("i'm so poor i need to win a game to play at 144fps with my gtx1080 ;_;"), they go out every weekend and spend money in a club, drinks, smoking, clothes, travelling.
but no money to make a few giveaways, so poor...
but it's easier to say "i'm broke" than admit they are selfish, with the added bonus of gathering sympathy by playing with others feelings and generosity. 👍
there are exceptions, especially considering there's people from countries with very different economies, but that's the usual behavior i've noticed especially on sg (aka "i have no money but i'm connected to internet sitting in front of my pc 24/7, instead of working, clicking enter giveaway"). 🤦♀️🤷
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Yea I get some LoLs from looking at their steam accounts and seeing 2 or 3 of the newest $60 games that have never been on sale past 10%
Plus I've always fallen in the You have a computer, internet, and $100+ steam account... I have news for you .. you aren't THAT poor.
Of course followed by the 1-2% of those that (for some reason STILL have all that) yet are reasonably impoverished. But I feel it's mostly just a cop out, especially with folks from developed countries.
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real life and internet taught me that when people say they have no money (most of the time), they don't have for others except for themselves.
they own a nice pc that can run new games ("i'm so poor i need to win a game to play at 144fps with my gtx1080 ;_;"), they go out every weekend and spend money in a club, drinks, smoking, clothes, travelling.
looks at his perpetually RAM-starved machine with a nearly decade-old low-end CPU
wonders when he last went out to have fun
tries very hard to recall what year it was when he last ended a month with at least as much money as he started it
is aware that he isn't even that badly off compared to many others
There truly are all kinds of "poor" people out there... :)
Edit: I'll put this out here just to make it clear, but I (sadly) agree with you there. I was mostly trying to crack a joke with my reply, but I realized it may not be very obvious. (Also, if you care, here is the story behind my situation.)
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Im a student.. I did get at least student aid - 100 eur a month. But last semester was rather difficult and I slipped belove top students and didnt qualify for aid..
Also started my internship - I do get some money now and then, but here I agreed to go without official salary in order to learn.. Im a mechanic at rally team, I get teams clothes, when going to rally hotel, food and whatever we do is paid by the team (in Lithuania we rode carts, had a ride on boat, spa zone with beers and awesome discussions). So my parents help me out until I start full time job here, but until that got to stretch it.. Mostly for the fuel - have to drive 100 km a day to get to work and back home (50 each way). But I love driving and hours are flexible so I just hope I get to wok with these guys later on
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I think there are a lot of kids on this site that are still in school and live with their parents or are in college with no job because their parents pay. I also think that there are a lot of adults in our modern society that still live with their parents after high school or college and don't work for many different reasons including mental problems, severe depression, disabilities, or they are just lazy and their parents don't do anything about it. These people may not be given any money to spend, but can have the necessities like clothing, food, and electricity provided, or maybe their parents just give them whatever they want.
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I only have part-time employment and my money goes towards supporting my family as they, as I am, financially fucked due to years of poor decisions. However, I do have some disposable income. I'll occasionally buy myself a few games or things I want/need for entertainment purpose - I can't say I'm absolutely fucked, else I'd go get a shitty full time job. It's simply that after years living on the edge of losing the roof over my head, I have the habit of being very careful with my spending.
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It's simply that after years living on the edge of losing the roof over my head, I have the habit of being very careful with my spending.
That's a Great advice and attitude to have. I came from a financially modest family. When I was young I was raised in a single apartment with a family of 2 adults 3 children, calling it a studio apartment will be too fancy. There is no bedroom doors. You could hardly call a space living room or dining room. Well, I see roaches all the time too and developed a phobia due to those flying roaches. Filthy Pests!!!
Ever since I grew and we moved to a 3 bedroom apartment when I was 13+. Quite frankly might not have been what my parent's could afford with their budgeting. If they had budget wisely, my life would had been different, so is quality of life. Do note, i am not blaming them. Nowadays only my father is working and my mum became a housewife. Only until recently, I am able to manage my father's spending and from the result, there's quite a sum saved up after almost 2 yrs of saving. That tells me if they had sufficient budgeting, though life will still be tough with 3 kids to feed. We probably would not have that much quarrels, worries and anxiety throughout. Well, that's life, a journey we all go through.
Some people are just more fortunate with their conditions to go through their journey. Some people starts with the absolute worst being born with STDs/Warzones etc. I considered myself very lucky to be still breathing "Freedom" everyday. If you're short on money and budgeting, always look at the necessity of life. Do not over buy even when 5 apples at $3 is cheaper than 1 apple at $0.80. If you're going to eat or use only 3 apples, you're just using $2.40 and the $0.60 goes to waste. Little by little you'll save.
My father, has a heavy smoking habit(Smokes est. 1 pack a day), coffee addict(at least 1 cup/packet non-instant nor home-brewed each meal cost maybe $1-1.40 each), a lottery habit(used to spend at least $300+ each week; reasoning is "striking rich") which is the worst of the problem, I managed to curb it to $100+ each week. He is readily to spend on lottery/gambling, when I asked him to make a new dentures? Nope, "I don't need it, its fine". Me: "Looks at his coffee + cigarette stained dentures" . . . .
Life really can be simple, you do not need to be fancy, get fancy on the food, eat healthily, on occasions. I do not smoke, even when I came contact with it at a young age and hang out with friends that do. Nor do I drink coffee often. Nowadays often, we brew Green Tea during the weekend and drink for health reasons.
Hopefully, you can improve your conditions in near future. I would dare say that once I start do budgeting for my father or even my mother's spending when she have the odd funds on things; she consults me at times when she wanted to buy something or spend on a treatment. Life is better, the air in the house is fresher, everyone is happier. Answer to the simple needs of life and be happy of what you have. If you have anything you struggle to budget with, maybe we can discuss.
Warmest Regards and Best Wishes, Cruse~
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I more or less don't have an income because I take care of my granny in a very rural area. She gives me around $500 in summer and winter to use for the very few bills I have (my phone mainly). i should also add I have some severe anxiety issues (and PTSD) so I'm perfectly fine with my situation. More time to work on myself and I do enjoy being a hermit in the woods helping my family.
On the other hand, for gaming, I don't really spend much. I only buy bundles when there's a game in my wish list and then I give the games I'm not interested in. And when I do have extra cash, I do try to give back something better than bundle games if I don't have a reason to be saving my cash (vet bills/PC upgrades/meds). any PC upgrades, I usually have to plan way in advance and it's never been the newest parts.
edit: Not posting to get in on the giveaways or whatever. Just adding another point of view :)
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Pardon me if I am wrong but did you recently get hitched? I vaguely remember your profile pic but I did not reply to the thread.
I am sorry about your anxiety issues. I get anxious with crowd and was very shy when I was younger. Well, I still is in a way. I still find it awkward to speak to strangers on the phone or face to face. Somehow, I muster the courage to face it though. Even if I find it awkward/uneasy I tell myself its necessary to do so.
I prefer to talk to someone face to face as I can observe their reaction and react accordingly. I can strike up and converse well but often shy to start a convo in a room of strangers.
Indeed, my 1st thought of joining SG was giveaways. I have no idea what the community is like and on 1st look, the site looks too simple and odd. Looks too scummy in a way where lots of scammers will hang out. WELL! Don't ever judge a book by its cover. Apart from Twitch, this is the 2nd community that I have enjoyed on the internet since a decade on the internet.
I am glad you are looking out for grandma and living sufficiently. I do enjoy the comfort of able to advise my parents at times and as they grow old and older I am able to understand them and along the way help them in every way. Life would be much easier for myself if I move out though, That! I know. From my late teens, I've already decided to in my means care for them as much as I could until I have a mental breakdown perhaps or unable to do so physically and mentally though life can get tough physically and mentally at times.
At a certain point in life probably 18+ to 20+ I have a period of time that I doubted my relationship with my family. I am sure alot of us have gone through it. I feel detached and they are just family by name, I do not feel any emotional attachment at all. Slowly, day by day and repeatedly I try to find and assure what it means to be family and what it is to love your family. I can't talk Big about loving my family but I will say I have come to an understanding to appreciate my immediate family more. In a way, though not everyone has learnt to appreciate me for the way I am.
Well, to not strafe off the topic too much, i do enjoy buying good bundles too. Although new and current games are great, I simple can't justify spending $60 at a game or I am not in the position of luxury to do so. Feeling tells me though, even if I could . . . I might not do so either. Hahaha
Sincere and Warmest Regards,
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I'm unemployed and surviving with the money that i've put away with my last job, currently looking for something, anything.
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I've generally worked, even when I was at school I had part time jobs, but there have still been times when I've had little or no 'disposable income'. I remember being a student and all of my money from part time work going on rent and bills and text books and my weekly food budget going entirely on tesco value loaves and cans of tesco value beans and tesco value margerine for twice daily beans on toast plus some sausages for Sunday dinner.
(Obviously based on my giveaways I'm currently doing a bit better than that).
And then I do know people now who have serious difficulties due to health problems, especially mental health issues, and rely on the kindness of others for pretty much anything other than basic survival without even being able to say they are working towards anything resembling light at the end of the tunnel. I can believe there are actually people here with $0 disposable income.
But then on the other hand there are at least several people here who complain about having absolutely no money for giveaways who boast about the specifications of their gaming rigs that I couldn't afford on their Steam profile pages. Disposable income clearly means different things to different people...
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I'm from Algeria in "Africa"
normally it's enough for you to add me to your list LoL <3
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I prefer not to work
Unemployed for more than year. Although I wouldn't call myself "broke". I just have to be careful with my spendings :)
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Don't really like to share this but basically home the 2nd year due to illness. No income; eating on my parents and what I saved.
Well it's getting better and a bigger treatment is coming up somewhere next month hopefully making a fresh start in 2019.
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I hope that you will improve your health and after that you will fix all your problems, just keep fighting.
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Don't worry and don't fret. At many times, most of the times everyone has their own issues. Whether its mental or physical issues. Not everyone is comfortable speaking out and look for sympathy or empathy. Do not feel the need to state any conditions if you are uncomfortable to do so. Always have the option to say No if you are not in your constraints to share.
I enjoy sharing experiences and at times share further information that is not without thought. From my opinion, what I am sharing about my experience may help or brighten someone's day. Discussing about a condition may allow me to be able to acquire a different knowledge or view on my conditions.
Throw the apple to the right crowd, if you feel its right and comfortable to speak to the crowd or person. Do so to share. Always keep in mind anyone no matter on the internet or real life have the tendency of making use of your weakness. While sharing also keep in mind and decide/judge for yourself if the advise is relevant/helpful to you like what I have just typed.
Again, Feel positive and bright, a brand new day might not be better but why not at least make yourself think its a little better than yesterday? ;)
Warmest Regards and Cheers,
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I used the "other" option as I have disposable income. Actually most if it is disposable because I'm a pretty simple person. Most of my purchases are impulse buys, and my life is eat, sleep, work, play a bit. I'm pretty anti-social but most of my work involves dealing with people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gaming is my retreat. Games, music, and comics :D
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I do see you having your fun in your comments a lot of times. I believe its a way of being fun and at the same time enjoying the input you have put out. I do not think you are anti-social as being anti-social to me is to not only avoid communication which you're not doing now. Also with a level of hate, which you aren't hateful.
You're probably too tired with dealing with others in the day thus its a norm wanting to relax in the night or when you're off. Entertainers/Comedians, Celebrity chatterboxes have often said they are a different person off-screen. They prefer not to talk much but do so when they are on air or performing, well, for entertainment purposes. :)
Gaming at times gives me anger and sadness but after I put the game down. I should let those feelings go too. But! It relives the next time its picked up hahaha Its a vicious cycle.
Cheers to your simple needs, have a great conversational and fruitful day at work today ;)
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... are you secretly my therapist in disguise? Am I that transparent? Pretty much nailed that all over!
Thanks for the kind words of wisdom!
Have yourself an exceptional weekend!
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Hahaha, no, I would have "Charged" you for that. ;) Being an introvert, I am silent at times, I probably could go silent for a day in a crowd a whole day if I wanted to. I enjoy observing others, those around me and analyze. I think personally, I've been depressed but I was never clinically diagnosed as never seek help. I was negatively influenced but came to realization that wasn't my true character as I was suppressing my emotions.
I guess, its mostly soul-searching then you understand yourself more. After which you start to understand those around you more. Most of the time now, I prefer to influence those around me positively especially my mother as she was possibly my most negative influence from the past; I am not blaming her by the way. Its just a life journey and you learn to adapt.
I comment my thoughts to others, I used to refrain from doing so as its a sign of weakness. However, I know now, that there maybe others that exploit you for your weaknesses but there are so others genuinely being a listening ear and helping hand. It all depends on your own judgement whether you do believe those words at all.
There's never any wrong if you put in a little fun that is not harmful to others, and spread that positivity to others too. I am already dealing with an exceptional week. This weekend will be fun as Football/Soccer resumes which is my favorite sport to watch. Thank you for your well wishes. The same to your weekend, Cheerios :D
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I have severe depression and social anxiety which doesn't let me live a normal life, let alone getting a job :3 (I'm trying my best so no worries)
I actually had the chance to get a job recently but then my phone broke and started to not read my SIM card so they couldn't reach me and I missed the job opportunity. I guess I'm just unlucky :')
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I'm between jobs! When I had a job I had disposable income! I recently just spent a bunch of money on a friend's wedding, (Travel, Suit rental, gift, etc). I try to have enough to buy bundles for myself but even those reserves are dwindling.
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I was inspired by this post by AmanoTC: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/E3kD0/sg-how-high-is-your-monthly-income
I will not put a giveaway here, but instead will pick commenters at random and will add them to my whitelist. I usually have at least 1 whitelist GA running at any given time, so hopefully this will be enough of encouragement for people to participate in the discussion.
EDIT: Around 10 random users were whitelisted.
Sorry, but I didn't keep track who exactly.
If you want to see if you were, just check if you can see any of my whitelist GAs.
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