:( i must wait... i can sell and buy again the 5/2/2106

9 years ago

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Give us the Google Translate in English, because I'm not typing that up myself.

Or is it just a total lack of info on the page beyond the date?

9 years ago

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So much this

9 years ago

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Short version: he asked for a refund through his purchases... But lol at dat creepy Market bug/ban!

Edit: well, lots of people reporting the same, so it's just coffee spilled on Valve servers again...

9 years ago*

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A mi amigo le esta pasando lo mismo (2106) y esta desesperado jajajaja

This same thing is happening to my friend LOL, he is desperate hahaha

9 years ago

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Tons of ppls have same issue right now. mine is restricted too until Fri, 05 Feb 2106 06:28:16 +0000

9 years ago

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I also have the market restriction. Something about a refund. Same expiration date and time.

9 years ago

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This happened to me yesterday... After a couple of days without being able to log in to Steam (it always returned to the login page, without giving any error), apparently due to angry modders banging Gabe's servers, it finally worked, just to ask me for a security code because I was trying to log in from a new device (yeah, sure). As a result, one week without market.

Thanks, Steam.

9 years ago

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