This is quickly becoming one of the worst events in the history of Steam. If boost capacity doesn't reset daily there is no salvaging it.
But hey, at least we get a 1:20,000,000 chance to win a free game.

4 years ago

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Enjoying the new event?

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I think EGS h4x0r3d Steam.
I don't understand this game.
Worst event/sale ever.
Why do I have negative tokens?
Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?
It's okay, I like it.

"Your account received 2,000 Boost Meter capacity based on your previous spend on Steam."

My starting capacity was 1096. It said I have two boosts remaining but the button couldn't be clicked at the time.
I idled a 1-achievement game that I previously completed because I didn't wanna waste those several 10k points in other games I recently played.

The 1-achievement game was worth 933 points. So I claimed them. 933/1096 capacity shown.

Used a boost. Down to 0/163 capacity.

Bought the first level badge for 100 tokens, 833 remain.
Pitstop pages tells me "Compete in the races to unlock 996 more."

I don't get it. And aside from them getting their numbers wrong, the capacity reset is ridiculous too. So my left-over Lunar NY tokens/previous non-sale purchases didn't amount to much (not that I had an inkling they'd be considered to begin with).

Add to that that my current internet speed is atrocious. I took a screenie of steam telling me that downloading Stardew Valley will take over a year lol. And that game isn't even big in size. So Task-based quests, assuming they work (if comments are anything to go by) are out, all I can do is rack in points from games I previously earned achievements with, but if even a 1-achievement game is worth almost 1k points and the capacity in general is reset after each boost, a plethora of points are going to waste by default.

Unless of course I buy something, but if those capacities reset too, what's the point. I'm not gonna wait forever for steams bloated pages to load for me to may or may not have a purchase go through (and if the connection dies mid-way I might end up on a suspicious list and get locked out so yeah).

Even just loading the event pages takes forever for me. I didn't even wait for the claim button, I stopped the loading, then used the mouse to highlight the general area to find where the clickable button would eventually pop up and clicked there. Psssh.

Gimme back my event cards, steam. I saved so many badges up for this. Hmph. And it's a lot easier on my current internet. And nerves. If anyone does have any helpful advice I'd be grateful but right now I only see frustration and 500 errors ahea XD

4 years ago

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Most of what you stated at the start is just bugs. You're not alone. Out of 4000 initial I "should" have gotten I got... 100. Isn't this event lovely.
We'll see if they fix stuff on day 2 or getting shafted like us is being shafted the entire event.

4 years ago

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Well so far it looks like getting shafted alright. Do we bother keeping fingers crossed? XD

4 years ago

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I found it hard to understand at first but managed to find my way with it eventually.
I see many people complaining: worst sale ever, worst event ever, worst discounts ever but personally I think it's ok. Complaints are a part of every sale now and they have been for quite a while now. If the prices are good (and some of them are) then there's nothing to be raging about imo...

4 years ago

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Awful - even dont try to participate as with probably this sale ;).

4 years ago

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It looked interesting and fun at first.

And then I noticed a bunch of clowns rigged the race by organizing to all join the same team. Which of course lead to newcomers seeing team Corgi far ahead of the others and logically choosing to join it, tipping the balance further.

I thought "fine, I'll just join team Pig and see if we can get in the top 3, it'll be fun getting back to TF2 to earn points, and it's also a nice incentive to play some of the games I haven't touched at all, since the achievements will also give points.

And then I realised the "boost capacity" depletes as you use boosts, and can only replenished but buying things. And a tiny amount by logging in each day. Joy.

So then, I'll just do it like during the Lunar Sale: get as many of those 5€ discounts I can to buy games for myself and others (hint, hint), and then be done with it. In hindsight, it's a good thing I forgot about all the Lunar tokens I had left back then. Gave me a good twenty of so boosts from the get-go.

4 years ago

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Let's look at the bright side, members of "normal" teams have better chances to win something, compared to those "clowns".
Sure, Team Corgi WILL surely win first place everyday, but then, there's lots of them sharing a relatively small prize pool.

Even if they win a total of 3600 games (300 per day, for 12 days), they have to share them between several millions of users, compared to 2400 (2/3) or 1200 (1/3) divided between teams that are approximately 1/25 of theirs (rough estimate based on the leaderboard).

Doing some quick (and dirty) math, we have more or less 7x chances to win something... if, and when, our team actually wins.
That, and the feeling of "doing things right", playing fairly rather than resorting to the "push to win" button.

4 years ago

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Can someone explain to me how the quests get solved? Launched Stardew Valley, did a few requirements on an old save - forage an item, harvest a crop, give someone a gift they love, etc - closed the game, refreshed the Grand Prix page and no points updated, nothing changed.

So when do these 'Quests' update?

4 years ago*

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According to many posts in here the Stardew Valley ones are just broken entirely.

4 years ago

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I just got 50 points from playing Stardew Valley (one in-game day)

4 years ago

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They might have fixed it now day 2 started? Good to know though.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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I think Steam broke the level system with this...

4 years ago

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no it's the suckers who use cheatengine like SAM for unlock chivos. I saw a 22k lv steam user

4 years ago

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They already rolled back the badge for those accounts.

4 years ago

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Kept steam level intact though. Last I checked anyway.

4 years ago

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"Your account received 4,500 Boost Meter capacity based on your previous spend on Steam."

  • Turns out my boost capacity is 1497 and I got 10 boosts in total to use for the entire summer sale.

This makes zero sense.

4 years ago

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Yay, day 2!

We encountered an issue while loading the Grand Prix. Please try again.


4 years ago

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Because it "something interesting and 100% best event"

4 years ago

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Having a blast!/s

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4 years ago

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Why I have negative tokens is a question.

Anyone can answer it?

Event is strange but -70-90% for many of my wishlist looks tempting and tasty.

4 years ago

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Did you get extra Lunar New Year tokens while the page was up? That's the only explanation I can come up with past Valve shitting the bed.

4 years ago

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Yeah I did so maybe that is that :P

4 years ago

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Its a little shitty, I did so many of those quests related to TF2 and stardew valley got no points

4 years ago

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I've supposedly earned boatloads of points but no capacity available and 0 'Max points you can earn'.

4 years ago

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Glad they didn't do cards this year but this event is hardly any better.

4 years ago

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Why do i think that this new error is Valve rethinking this whole grand Prix quest.

4 years ago

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Either Dog will be nerfed, either others will be buffed or Valve will execute mp_autoteambalance

4 years ago

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I doubt it. Right now i personally think i'm done with this event. Even the achievements are broken now. Not to mention that i thought different days will have different games, turns out they will stay the same.

4 years ago

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Well, we can't say anything for sure till they fixed the giant mess we got now.

4 years ago

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Well they might try to fix it, but in my opinion this is a disaster that needs to be removed and maybe add an easier way to get tokens or at least do something else. Because this sale and so called game is one day participation for pretty much 95% of the people.

4 years ago

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Yesterday I bought a game and didn't get boosts for it, today I bouht a game and right after the error message popped up, let's see if I get 0 shit again, yay.

Edit: Oh and the game tasks to earn points didn't work for me either.

4 years ago

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Aaaaaaand... I got zero points. Welp.
Works great.

4 years ago

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Either I still don't get how this thing works or it broke already.

4 years ago

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It appears the first day was the only tokens you're going to get. Capacity remains at zero, rendering this useless for anyone not shopping

4 years ago

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I've heard some people claim that even purchases aren't giving them capacity. And, of course, people were supposed to get +100 per day for participating.

4 years ago

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Yeah, i'm not seeing my 100.
Don't like any of the emotes or backgrounds, so i'm not seeing the point either.

4 years ago

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I'm one of those people. I have 0 capacity. Had 0 yesterday, I've got 0 now, and I made a purchase of about 5€... still 0 capacity.

4 years ago

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I had a 1.7k capacity yesterday, it even registered my 5€ purchase. Got zero today.

Edit: Interesting, I have 100 capacity now. I thought these 100 would come on top of the capacity we had the previous day. This event gets worse by the day.

4 years ago*

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It is genuinely amusing how fucked up this is :D
"Don't worry about having to buy to get capaticity, you'll get an emoticon's worth a day. If you save it up, you can even buy a background" :D

4 years ago

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That's exactly what I originally thought too! 100 each day? Might as well give us none, like, come on....

4 years ago

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According to the FAQ we should get atleast 100 points.
So it's just... Reeeeeeeeeaaaallly broken. AGAIN.

4 years ago

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the event got broken on the 2nd day! Half-Life 2 Remastered Confirmed!

4 years ago

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Just once.
I would like to see an event where Valve doesn't utterly fuck up the coding.
Really. Just once.
It is not like they need to code some elaborate industry-grade software. Just a goddamn stupid little event with simple little rules.

4 years ago

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EGS screwed their sale, Valve is like: "Hold my beer" :D

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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At least they did not mess up a simple random number generator, something they managed to do last event. So... improvement? Or is it worse that they tried to do something marginally more complicated, when they messed up one of the simplest things possible?

4 years ago

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+1 for not getting extra boost capacity. At least now I don't have to waste a few seconds of my life checking the page every day of the sale.
Think I'll just play Monster Girl Island instead...

4 years ago

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Yes it's buggy and broken event but what did you expect from a "small indie company", it's not like it worth $5+ billion dollar.

4 years ago

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I'm so confused. I thought it was 100 capacity that you have to refill using quests, but it increases every day. I used my 5 boosts yesterday and then played an eligible game. It even says I earned points, but there's no capacity available. My 'odometer' says 0 points, and the hover-over description says that's the 'Max points you can earn'. Does that mean it's impossible for me to earn more points? Also, where do I see my maximum boost capacity? This event is ridiculous.

4 years ago

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I hold out hope. Remember when "Turn into Gems..." had it's disastrous launch? It took some time but Valve shut it down, fixed it, relaunched it, and gave us all CS:GO to apologize. There could be some pretty good make-up swag coming our way for this clusterfreak.

4 years ago

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I doubt it, especially since there seem to be less and less items these days that can be turned into gems. Mainly recent event-related stuff, but now there's no way to get rid of it beyond giving it to a trashbot.

4 years ago

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Like the lunar event, you can't even give this stuff to a trashbot. It's flagged non-tradeable.

4 years ago

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Oh that's even better. So anyone who gets anything is basically clogging up their inventory with garbage that can't be removed in any way. Marvelous.

4 years ago

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Yep. Best to spend it on the badge unless there's an emote or background you actually want.

4 years ago

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Exactly what I'm going to do. I have no issue with the idea of an event, but given how horribly broken this one is I think I may avoid purchases on principle, unless they get their act together and apologize.

4 years ago

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I forget, what did they give people who already owned CS:GO? The finger?

4 years ago

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I never got CS:GO? Did you have to do something specifically to get it back then? I did win an auction, that was their introduction...

4 years ago

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My interest level in this event is coincidentally the same as my boost capacity. 0. What happened to the +100 per day?

4 years ago

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Seems to be pretty much busted, as far as I can tell. Does anything work in it?

Boost capacity was at 0 yesterday, it's at 0 now,

4 years ago

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Is it 0 / 0?
You have to "Complete Quests & Claim Achievements" to "Fill your Boost Meter with points & Nitro".

4 years ago

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Yes, it's at 0/0. Can't claim achievements either, it just says
Upgrade your Boost Meter's capacity or wait until tomorrow to claim your points"

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4 years ago*

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So there's actually no chance to earn the amount of tokens needed for the discount without spending money? The achievements points I gathered are not shown and I don't have any boosters available.

This event is really bad. I don't like it.

4 years ago

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Ah don't worry about it, it's so broken that not even purchases work.

4 years ago

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Well, that's kinda funny :)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Refund time?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The steam summer & winter sales have not been anything special in ages now. It used to be that big sales were rarer (heck, there was a time when Steam would only have a few discounted games every day, outside of the big sales), and that was really what made the sales "special", most games were discounted all at once. That's not really special anymore, there are big steam sales quite often, and you often have hundreds of games on sale every day nowadays.
The big steam sales just tend to have discounts that match the usual discounts, so you're not saving any money buying on them compared to on a typical weekly sale or anything like that. The only thing that really sets the summer & winter sales apart are these events, and yeah, they don't work well.

And don't think that steam sales events are anything good either. You've seen how absolutely broken this one is. Usually they work a bit better, but they're also usually made in such a way that if you play "fair", you're not rewarded for participating, it's the people who use bots & scripts that end up getting rewarded, and Valve generally even set the limits in a way where only the bot & script users really can be among the high performers. They've been encouraging this for a while now.

GOG tends to have far better big sales events. Sure, they don't have much in the way of silly minigames, but I would take a free game and regular discounts over a silly minigame and regular discounts any day

4 years ago

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The only thing that really sets the summer & winter sales apart are these events, and yeah, they don't work well.

They give such memorable events to us, and all we do is complain. Wow. /s

4 years ago

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Boost capacity? Odometer? I read twice what you wrote, but I can't get behind what you are actually saying. Nevermind explaining it to me though. I decided not to bother with this sale anymore.
Except for when you can explain to me how to get that friggin discount without spending a shitload of money ;)

And was gonna suggest what Hassat already did. ^^

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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No worrys my friend with 50games and less money spend gained 3x as much token than me
and he played less than me :D
its too broken and most of my token are the tokens from the lunar sale .

4 years ago

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I'd like to know how it's calculated. I spent shitloads of money on Steam but: ''Your account received 1,000 Boost Meter capacity based on your previous spend on Steam.''
Oh, and my booster capacity have reset to 0. Thanks Gaben I guess.

4 years ago

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No fun, but saved 5€ for my purchase.
so finished now with this "event"

4 years ago

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I hope to get there, but still missing 4,1k tokens :(

4 years ago

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I absolutely love it. :3

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4 years ago

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I start to get it. It's a present from Valve. They invite us to go out and enjoy the summer instead of wasting our precious time with their shitty event. Kinda nice from them, ain't it? ;)

4 years ago

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Yeah, it sure is. Would be better if I didn't have seasonal allergies though. ;) (yes, I have pills, but they aren't doing much this year)

I guess I'm just kinda salty that I will never get a meager $5 discount...
Now, lemme tell you a story. I busted my 6ft long smartphone USB cable the other day so I logged into eBay to buy a few ones. It had been ages since I last logged into my account... a year or two, maybe? But guess what? I had a $5 discount code sitting in my account as a "welcome back" gift. I was super happy.
Why can't Steam do that? I mean... I know I'm not a big spender on Steam, but making the discount more accessible without having to spend tons of money would definitely be appreciated.

4 years ago

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Aww, sorry to hear about your allergies. Used to think their high time is spring tho, no? Ever tried EFT?

Nice story, sis. I'm totally with you on that. Even Epic gave us some real disounts ;)

4 years ago

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Dang, your reply went completely under my radar. Sorry, miss.
Yeah, but spring (well the weather associated with it) kinda got delayed over here this year. We've had colder than usual temperatures. At least, I'm doing a bit better than now. I had to google that... still not sure. Does it stand for "Emotional Freedom Technique"? If so, you've tried that?

4 years ago

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