This discussion is regarding this previous discussion post started by Fyantastic

  • Should giveaways creators be required to provide proof they attempted to contact their winners before being granted a new winner?

Okay before move forward, I will answer my part to the previous discussion, I think despite some little to no work, I think creator should at least try to contact the winner and be able to proof that to the support upon request.

Now, why so much heat always on the creator? I am a humble citizen of the SG community and continue to will be cause I feel this world is about sharing and I honestly think winner should at least appreciate that. It's a simple gesture of gratitude. Some of you may feel that you should give and not expect anything in return, all I mean is to be human, share and love, and that's just my opinion in the free world.

6 years ago

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Is it okay to blacklist winner who doesn't even have courtesy to say thank you?

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it is okay to blacklist someone for whatever reason.

6 years ago

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If I did that, I would have to ask for around five times as much blacklist spots just for my past winners. frankly, I do not care about them saying anything.

6 years ago

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Yes, as there is nothing to say you can't. How you choose your blacklist is entirely personal and no reason needs to be explained. That being said, I wouldn't do it but that is my personal choice.
Also note that some giveaway creators have been posting don't say thanks in their giveaways and that may scare off some people. I used to say it frequently in larger giveaways when I entered until I started seeing more and more people ask for this and then I stopped completely, even with wins. I eventually started doing it again for wins, but I was being paranoid for a time.

6 years ago

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They can do whatever they want in my eyes, tbh I've stopped blacklisting and whitelisting people.

As long as I say thank you that is all that matters. As long as the creator of any giveaway I win gets shown appreciation whether its a free game, bundled or non-bundle. I'm thankful they spend time and/or money on the giveaway.

Sometimes I'll follow through with an update on how I felt about the game I played. Moreover, I thank them again.

6 years ago

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You can blacklist whoever you want.

6 years ago

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I don't think it's wrong to do so, but I don't think I'd blacklist somebody for it. I had a few people go a step beyond and enter a giveaway for a game they owned already and didn't even realize it until then won. Then I had to put extra work in making a support ticket and sending out to a new user, etc. I'd give them a light admonishment like 'pay more attention next time' but I didn't blacklist them.

I really only blacklist or block in the case of someone being actively rude to me or conducting themselves on the forums in a way I don't like - passively rude like just taking the game and going is less crappy to me.

6 years ago

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Of course it's ok. I don't personally do it, but wouldn't mind a "dark gray" list specifically for these users ;-)

6 years ago

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Personally, I think that's taking it a bit too far, but we're all different and I support your right to blacklist anyone you deem impolite and I voted "Yes".

I never expect the winner to thank me because the entire giveaway process is pretty automated and impersonal as it is. I don't think I can judge about a person's "goodness" or any other character trait just based on their SG or Steam profile anyways.

6 years ago

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I have never blacklisted someone for not thanking me. It doesn't bother me and honestly I don't even keep track. I do blacklist for other reasons though. Usually I have between 50 and 200 ga's end at the same time [I'm lazy and often let the keys accumulate] and I always post on my ga's that I'll check every single one of the winners and that takes time. So when someone leaves an obnoxious message or add me on steam because they haven't received the key right away I always blacklist them. I do have 7 days after all. All they have to do is be patient and wait. They will get a free game and still act like we owe them something.

6 years ago

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I can understand the feeling. You don't have to be bitch about it. Since i create mostly one giveaway a time, I make sure my giveaway ends at that time when I am usually on the PC and right away send the key.

Also I take extra effort to write them on their steam page or sometimes email them if its past 5 days as a reminder.

6 years ago

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I'm not being bitch about it. It's basically common sense.

6 years ago

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you in that sentence is refereed to not thankful winner who doesn't wanna wait patiently. My apologies for not clearing that up.

6 years ago

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No problem. My mistake too. All is well. :)

6 years ago

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The majority of my blacklist are those who did not say thanks.Usually in public GAs I write "No thanks necessary unless you win, then it's polite."

6 years ago

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I don't see the point in blacklisting for that, but you can blacklist for whatever you want.
I only blacklist dickheads, and even then only the really big dickheads. Little dickheads don't even touch the sides.

6 years ago

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You can blacklist someone for not having a magenta colored 2.36cm long nail on the index finger.

In other words, use it as you see fit. There is no criteria for it, so make your own.

6 years ago

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"is it ok" is subjective. blacklisting depends on each user and no one can tell them what to do. 🚨
but if i had to pick sides, i would say yes, it's ok. being rude isn't.

anti-blacklist-police should shut up about "rules" they made up and how wrong they get blacklisted by others.

6 years ago

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Lmao I had a quote from about 2 years ago I wanted to paste here, but I started laughing uncontrollably at my own leisure! :O

6 years ago

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your to blind and to biased to see my insulting initial " apartheid "post " :O

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Yeah, you got the one. :P

6 years ago

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That made me LOL. Brilliant.
Is the old man talking about SGTools in that article?"

6 years ago

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yes, but he didn't even know what was that about xD

6 years ago

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I don't blacklist for that reason myself, but it's fine in my opinion. The winner can do whatever they please, but it's a common courtesy and the world would be a better place if people were polite to each other, anyway :)

6 years ago

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I remember I was once blacklisted before I could even thank the giver, just because of some "rule" to not allow the same people to win more than once. As if the odds were high...

6 years ago

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You can always whitelist the ones that say thank you on public giveaways and blacklist the ones that dont say thank you on small whitelist/group giveaways.

6 years ago

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whenever I notice a good one, I always whitelist them. Good people deserves more.

6 years ago

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To answer your question it is ok to blacklist if you feel like it.
I find the BL/WL part of this site as little help to provide more for people who left a good impression on you or the opposite.
I myself say thx for every game I won, excluding the GA where the creator asks not to be thanked or if it is a mass GA 50+ since it is spam then if you ask me.

On the side note I saw people BL winners just cause they won and they want another person to win something from them, so on the side note it is ok to do what ever you want..
I only BL if someone can't get the key I gave for a few days and is online on steam and SG in the meantime..

6 years ago

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I don't really care if the winner say anything because 60% of this "thank you" are from bots.

6 years ago

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I blacklisted people after my last ga creations for joining them (was just those in the first minutes or so) they obviously used bots or something else to enter......doubt that people will find GAs that fast which run for a week ...

6 years ago

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Wouldn't be so sure about that - someone could just refresh the page X and saw your giveaway so he entered 1st, also you need to have points on account so bot can join, if you don't have any - bot will join if you regain some. IMO from all u blacklisted only 60-75% were bots.

6 years ago

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Would doubt it that one enters such a stuff by pure chance 1 Second after creation of it......and as said, it where only people from the first minute (as i just looked at the ga's if the got created correctly) as i highly doubt it that people find such gas by pure chance 1 second after creation of it.......not that i would care if non botters got hit too......but doubt it as it where 75% the same people on the 3 ga which i would have blacklisted.

6 years ago

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Seems pretty wound up or insecure to me. I don't personally care if my giveaway winners say thank you.

6 years ago

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If you put that you will in the description sure, a lot of people just assume that the gifter doesn't care.

6 years ago

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I personally never blacklist anyone because I see no reason to, however I also always say thank you.

6 years ago

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Blacklisting due to a lack of thanks just leads to a lack of sincerity when someone is trying to show their appreciation.

I don't care, but if it makes you unhappy then by all means blacklist your heart out.

6 years ago

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That was always my take. I'd blacklist freely over it if the only outcome of that action was to remind users to use basic manners- but it's far more important to be able to appreciate the sincerity of gratitude which is freely given, and anything which undermines the trustworthyness of that element just isn't worth the loss.

6 years ago

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it doesn't bother me if they don't, but I always do..
unless it's a mass GA, or if they specifically say not to

6 years ago

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Personally, I wouldn't blacklist someone on a public giveaway if they didn't say thanks but if its requested on the description of the giveaway and they didn't, then they are being a bit of a douche and I might BL them if I felt it was needed. Otherwise most people in groups do thank you so its not really an issue there. There's no right or wrong here as suggested by the above posts so do what YOU feel is right.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by OkCurious.