Trust me on this: you don't want to lose sleep on the many reasons why people will blacklist you.
And the answer to your question is no, they can't. If you make a giveaway, the person who blacklisted you cannot see a public/group GA so they can't enter. They can see an invite only GA if you share the link but they still won't be able to enter.
So basically, go ahead and make great GAs, that'll teach them ;)
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Thanks for the answer fellow fluffy one :3
I guess I need to grow thicker skin because my initial reaction was D:
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You're welcome fluffy buddy.
I guess I need to grow thicker skin because my initial reaction was D:
Bah don't take it personally, really. Even if someone blacklisted you after you exchanged words in a thread, you know... their loss. Life goes on. You can't control who gets ticked off and why, and it's not just true of SG. As long as you're in good standing with the mods, that's all you need to worry about.
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Ya, don't be sad about it. I got blocked 32 times now. Most of them were without mentioning and if you're willing to be a part of this community, there will be situations in which you just get on that list. I will not even try to find a reason for it. If you're continuing to be nice and do your GAs you'll earn a lot of bluehearts during the course and you'll forget about that one block.
I think even my comment here could resolve in some blocks: I'll keep you updated, if it happens and you will see what "reasons" people need.
Anyway: Keep your head up ;) I guess your better off without that person, who blocked you.
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It's gonna be okay, a lot of this website has a very community feel to it and there's certain etiquette type things you'll just pick up in time.
Some basic ones just being:
I've been on this site for a few years and while these are pretty common reasons for blacklisting, I learned very recently that binge posting a bunch of garbage giveaways looks spammy and you'll probably get a handful of blacklists for taking up whole pages of the public giveaway area.
But hey, you learn from it and maybe next time I wanna give away 50+ games at one time, I'll do it in a group that appreciates that if I don't want another 10+ blacklists 😅
Blue hearts do help you feel good, even if a majority of those people don't make whitelist giveaways, it's like a "hey congrats! I like this etiquette thing you're doing, keep it up!". That said, have a blue heart from me as a welcome to the community ^-^
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Thank you so much! Not a huge forum person so I guess this is a learning experience for me. I kinda see what people mean now, this post got me 4 more blacklists for asking about blacklists. That being said though everyone has been super nice to me in the community so far.
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Only recently, I gave someone a gift.
The winner will not receive the gift I attached to the email.
I made an effort to get in touch for a week.(no reaction)
It's been a week and I tried to make a friend request on Steam and get in touch, but it was rejected.
In addition, I have been blacklisted.
It's time to use the Support Ticket.
I quickly requested the store for a gift attached to an email and invalidated it.
I consulted Support for a reroll application.
After that, winner couldn't get in touch because of the mysterious reason that the winner didn't have the habit of looking at the comment section of the winning GA.
Perhaps Winner was too busy to see it.
There must have been a mistake.
With the power of Support, we were able to give the prize to the winner and the blacklist was lifted.
Even if you are not 100% defective, it will happen due to an accident or a misunderstanding.
So don't worry about it strongly.
Answer: Don't worry about the reason.
WARNING: Stomachache, headache, insomnia, loss of coping effort, deprived of time to enjoy reality, reduced game time.
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I now feel dumb for not being able to find this lol.
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Welcome to Steamgifts. The first blacklist is meant to inform you that the tutorial is over, you beat the Phalanx, beyond the gate you will learn the community guides on how to survive out here.
it's a guarantee that you will get more just by being an active member, either by participating in GAs, entering and creating them. Or not showing gratitude for a game, or sometimes for showing too much.
don't worry about blacklists, as you are far more likely to surpass that number with whitelists.
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I was also taken aback by the first occasion. People blacklist others for the silliest reasons (if there is any to begin with).
One case stands out for me. I've won a GA. I've got the key, but it was region locked (not set and not written under the GA) and could not redeem it. I kindly notified the GA creator about it. I really was not mean or in any way antagonistic, just told him that we should resolve this as I did not want him to be punished for it, nor myself for not claiming the sent key until deadline. To which he blacklisted me. XD No answer, no attempt at communication, no whatever, he straight up slammed the door in my face. Funnily, he later lifted the BL and contacted me, and we were able to agree upon a reroll, but I just cant understand why he reacted so... refusingly first.
People of all kinds are present here, expect some unusual reactions, but dont take them to heart!
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I got my first blacklist according to my stats page, I am not sure why, when I create a giveaway can people who blacklisted me still enter?
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