Hi everyone,
I'm considering buying Far Cry 4 for Christmas and I was wondering everyone's general views on it, is it fun, is the story any better than in Far Cry 3? On top of that I'm considering getting the gold edition, is the content of it any good?

9 years ago*

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Fun - yes, story better - yes, gold - no.

9 years ago

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Played it for 40 hours so far(Got it on xbox as a birthday gift from a friend. So I don't know anything about the PC port status), and It's pretty fun. It fills the same in terms of mechanics and the combat, but the world is interesting with a IMO, much more exciting antagonist.

The story itself is kinda meh for me. The character you play seems to not care at all about his free-will and just do what other people tell him to do. Also kinda strange how a city boy is able to wield guns and ride elephants from the getgo. Liberating outpost and belltowers is fun for the first few but gets repetitive after that, same way it has been for Far Cry 3.

Basically, if you enjoyed Far Cry 3, you would enjoy this too, perhaps even more.

PS: Combat is quite easy too, well atleast on medium difficulty. It's the damn wolfs and wild dogs that are annoying me ><"

9 years ago

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Thanks for your input :) yeah I enjoyed the mechanics of 3 immensely but the story really put me off...after all his ridiculous whinging about his situation and suddenly he had the chance to leave the island and he just chose to stay and be island warrior...it just made no sense and I quit the game at that point...which is a shame cause gameplay wise it's such a good game but that story just ruined it for me. Sorry for the rant lol

9 years ago

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Minor spoilers:

Well you do have a choice to either stay on the island or leave the island. Both with consequences. I personally enjoyed the idea of staying on the island simply because it emphasized how much Jason had changed over the course of the game. One does not simply kill hundreds of pirates and walk away as if nothing had happened. He changed so much that he even rejected his friends whom he had known all his life. It's almost as if he was meant to be on that island all along. I found it more interesting (and definitely more original) than the typical "Escape from the dangerous islands with your generic spoilt friends" ending.

9 years ago

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"The character you play seems to not care at all about his free-will"

Thats because of that, that the game itself begins because the easter egg ending is the REAL ending

9 years ago

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I truly wish that there will be an expansion allowing you to play under Pagan Min. The story isn't really that interesting, standard "liberate and free the country from it's tyrant leader" story..

9 years ago

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One thing I admire in the Far Cry franchise is the villains, real masterpieces imo

9 years ago

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Gotta give them that, yeah, they do know how to write a good villain

9 years ago

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"It's the damn wolfs and wild dogs that are annoying me" sounds just like Oblivion :3

9 years ago

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You're better of getting something else.

9 years ago

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Says the guy who doesnt even own the game

9 years ago

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What is uplay?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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exactly ;)
But yep, forgot about that

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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nice game, i really want it on steam, still playing crack :(

9 years ago

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Shhhh! you cant say those things here. Evil things will happen.

9 years ago

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Wait for wintersale.
I think its really good but I havent really played FC3 so cant compare

9 years ago

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Yeah I'm not paying full price, I'm just wondering if it's worth it.

9 years ago

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Copy-pasted weapons,recycled environment and exactly same gameplay with a random story that could hardly be called a DLC if it was on FC3.

I don't recommend it.I played it a couple of hours on Uplay, it's fun but not worth that price.You're better of playing FC3.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks for your reply :)
What about the environment, is it interesting enough to gather a decent amount of playtime? I found the tropical island of FC3 a bit boring to be honest, but that's personal taste. The Himalayas seem like a really interesting vista-filled location, but is the world interesting to explore? I admit I enjoy pretty graphics but there has to be fun stuff to be found as well.
I'm just hoping the story isn't as bad as to put me off the entire game, as I felt bad for not playing more FC3 but the story just...ugh. And I generally don't have a high bar for stories.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I recommend using the uPlay free version (hint: not steam (also requires uplay)).

9 years ago

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I bought it for only 7 keys on st and gold upgrade for 4 keys. It's worth every penny and they deserved to be the best shooter this year. It's like playing skyrim with epic guns while riding elephants and you can also travel with a mini helicopter. the multiplayer arena is fun too.

9 years ago

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So if I can get gold for a bit extra it's worth it? Are the guns fun enough to use etc. to validate spending more on it?

9 years ago

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The helicopters are worth 90 dollars alone.

9 years ago

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far cry 4 is the same game as fc3. if you enjoyed fc3, youll enjoy fc4. personally i found the setting in fc3 to be better, but fc4's antagonist is SO SO SO much more enjoyable than vaas.

9 years ago

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I really enjoyed Vaas and I get the feeling I will enjoy Min as well. If Ubisoft can do something, it's well-written antagonists...the rest of the cast...not so much.

9 years ago

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too expensive 70-90$ is just too much for such a game. if people stop paying such prices for 80% of a game (the other 20% you have to buy extra as DLC) then perhaps publishers will get back to reasonable prices.

i will buy it next year when price drops to < $10

9 years ago

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Problem is: by the time itll be 10 bucks there will prolly be a Far Cry 5 and 6

9 years ago

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and that's the problem? you won't be eligible to play FC4 when FC5 comes out? come oooooon ;d

9 years ago

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I'd agree with him, I wouldn't feel too great about playing a game if I knew there was a successor out and I wouldn't be able to play it for a long time.

9 years ago

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well, i simply stay ~1 year behind in games.


  • cheaper games

  • cheaper hardware

  • most bugs fixed (if not avoid game)

  • avoiding overhyped, bad games

  • goty edition saves me paying for all that dlc stuff [so i have not to pay extra to actually get the full game]

9 years ago

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