Since I didn't see a topic regarding this...

So Dark Souls II is released on steam as pre-purchase and it already seems to be the top seller. Do you think the pre-order bonuses are worth pre-ordering for? Or is it pre-ordered so much because of the hype? Have you pre-ordered it or are considering doing it?

It's a good thing it's not blocked here like the first one (I suspect due to GFWL).

1 decade ago*

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Great to hear news of the second game (especially without GFWL). Now I'm waiting for GFWL to leave the first so I can start playing.

1 decade ago

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A steam buddy gifted me the first Dark Souls and I got really into it and played right up until the final boss. But then GFWL screwed me so bad; refuses to login into GFWL when I start the game, saying that the account doesnt exist (it does, I can sign in via browser just fine) AND it ate my saves.

This was like 3 weeks ago and nothing I've done has fixed it.

I hope Microsoft gets rid of GFWL by ritualistically burning all the servers that host that awful, awful "service".

1 decade ago

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you do know Microsoft already announced theyre closing GFWL?

1 decade ago

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I hope Microsoft gets rid of GFWL by ritualistically burning all the servers that host that awful, awful "service

He is hoping they get rid of it by...

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I do. Like Zrr00's reading comprehension noticed that'd just be my preferred method of getting rid of it.

What I really want to know is if/when they're going to patch out gfwl for Dark Souls and/or use steamworks. Then I'll probably start my game again, since ya know, I wont have to worry about getting screwed again and can actually play online.

1 decade ago

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Despite being reduced in price from $90 to $72, I wouldn't get it (even if I had played the first one). I don't support regional price gouging.

1 decade ago

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I'll only pre-order if there's a Collector's Edition for PC. The main site of Dark Souls 2 displays it but there are no stores that sells Collector's Edition for PC and says the CE is for console Pre-Order only.

1 decade ago

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Uh, do mean like a physical CE for PC? Cause the only difference between the preorder and the CE is actual physical things as far as I can tell, like a figurine and cloth map.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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No, there exists no game in the world worth that much.

1 decade ago

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you gonna die, charlie

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Any tips how to navigate through that site with zero knowledge in spanish/portugese?

1 decade ago

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google translate?

1 decade ago

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49 lev in a local shop region free (bought one for a mate in another country) for a pre-order which is around 25 euro :3. Only hard case copies sorry guys XD. Only one bad thing is that i get it 5 days later, but that's fine with me XD. If i can stop myself being spoiled for a month and a half from the consoles version i can hold on for 5 more days XD. Also the pre order bonuses on Steam are TERRIBLE. Why in the HELL would you want them to give you cool and probably powerful weapons right out of the start? I surely dont! I want to grind like crazy and die 1000 times to a boss if i need to, just so that i can get that cool weapon XD.

1 decade ago

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alright, i need an opinion on this. i asked in the steam forums and got my answer positively, but just to be sure i wanted to ask you guys too. my system specs are down below;

intel core i5-3230M cpu @ 2.60ghz. 2.60ghz.
8 gb ram
64 bit, windows 8
dual graphic cards with intel hd graphics 4000 and geforce GT 720M

you guys think will it run the game?

edit: it played terrible in blighttown and abyss. but i think it's because of the bad optimization.

1 decade ago

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well Its out on consoles already and being reviewed so that may give people some peace of mind to see good reviews. and yes build more hype

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Argeus.