Just read this article and I'm honestly disappointed/shocked by Steam's no content control. But to each their own.


5 years ago*

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Allow these games on Steam?

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Not sure tbh, what about those killing shooting hentai games!?

We all know what kind of people will play this game IF this is coming on steam.
But i am more worried what will be next game someone makes just because they can.

5 years ago

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Maybe if Steam keeps up with its policy, that'll make it less easy for that kind of crap to proliferate. Let's be honest, this wasn't even a game, it was an asset flip with a big bait title and description to make money off the trolls, the women haters and the virgin teenage boys.
So maybe the next ones who are tempted to make one will think it's not worth the time if it doesn't get distributed

5 years ago

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If people cannot differentiate between fiction and real life, then they should not play/watch the fictitious stuff.

No, I do not condone rape in real life. But this is just a game. If people want to ban this, they might as well ban all these gory and murderous games and movies as well. Better, how about we stop using this technology and go back to the stone age? No Internet = No Problemo!

I'll just say one thing. Any kind of censorship is bad. Once CANNOT do selective censorship saying banning this thing is good, this thing is bad. Don't like it? Ignore and do not buy. I personally wouldn't buy it but would not stop anyone from buying it either.

Say NO to Censorship. Save the Internet.

5 years ago

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I dont care about it "omg a videogame about rape, its the end of the world" just stop the drama, there are way more important things to worry about

5 years ago

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Like cookies?

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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IMO that's a blatant hypocrisy. Nobody cares about games/movies with a violent mass murdering.

5 years ago

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Terrorists win.

5 years ago

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You need to look up terrorism.

5 years ago

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Where can I buy the game? :D

5 years ago

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Well, whatever.
The public shitstorm over this was enough to make Valve step in because they're afraid it might actually cost them money, so it's no longer on Steam. Until Gabe decides it all doesn't matter and it's allowed back on anyway, just like the outrage-mongering that was Hatred.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/1808664240304050758

5 years ago

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Good riddance. Now close this thread 👍

5 years ago

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So I just found out that the game got removed from steam. So congratulations everyone. You have actually done absolutely nothing.

I will start by saying that rape is revolting and this game is most likely supposed to offend people. It honestly tries so hard and people still ate It up hook, line, and sinker. Controversy sells you see. And no publicity is bad publicity.

While the game it self has been removed it really does not solve anything. Instead of removing the game I would have liked better filters and checks to make sure that children don't see this and to give people the ability to hide games based on tags (future and present). But nope, you gave the game and the developer free publicity just like they probably wanted.

Next point. Supply and demand. As much as everyone around here hates this(me included) people are revolting at best. So as long as there is demand for games like this there will always be someone to profit off it. So the best thing to do is to actually control the supply through a medium. Not saying steam should do it. I'm simply raising a point that most people in this thread don't seem to grasp. And if steam actually did this and did this right then it would have been better than this.

As for rape in games. It's fiction. Worse things happen in stories. Doesn't mean that they are OK and that we should all start raping each other. But depicting it is a whole other thing.

5 years ago

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Looking at this thread saddens me. So many justifications for this game. You can hide behind the "freedom of speech", "it is only virtual" or "you can kill and mame in other Steam games" excuses all you want, this just revealed the true character of some of SG's forum users. This makes it easier to tell all the fuckers on this forum to enjoy your game on whatever platform it sells and for me to leave this place. So with a final mooo I will greet you Rape Day fans who want to indulge in an interactive experience (we know some of you are going to play it) in my native langauge "fok of julle kak dose".

Edit: Google translate sucks so that last part means "fuck off you shit pricks/bastards/assholes"

5 years ago*

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haha - ek stem saam

5 years ago

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Are you dumb, or are you just pretending? Where do you see "fans"? Nobody said they would enjoy this game, and want it. And if they did, they were clearly trolling. Looking at your post saddens me, because you can't think rationally. Better to attack others and scream, instead of giving a proper argument, I get it...

5 years ago

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And what is that true character exactly? Not trying to have double standards?

Fok of jullie kak dose, doesn't that translate to "fuck off you box of shit", which would be quite equal to bag of shit/shitbag?

Come on man, there's a world of difference between enjoying something, and defending it's existence. I'm also in favour of distributing methadon to junkies in a controlled environment so they don't resort to stealing and shit, doesn't mean I'm in favour of being a junkie in the first place.

5 years ago

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I happen to agree with Valves decision. Rape is nothing to joke about. Nothing to be taken lightly. It's a serious matter, and in many countries, a wide spread action not being dealt with accordingly.
I happen to have known TWO girls in my life that were raped, not once, but multiple times. So I happen to take this matter seriously.

People that make these kinds of games are nothing but scum and need to find a better outlet.
So lets all applaud Valve for taking the high road, even after pressure, and removing this offensive piece of garbage from our store.

And if anyone doesn't like what I have to say, then tough.
Edit- I forgot to say that whoever greenlighted that game needs to be fired.

5 years ago

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Kind of hard to fire an automated system that greenlights anything as long as an equally automated payment provider says $100 has been paid though.

And you want me to credit Valve for once again sitting around doing nothing and pretending everything works perfrectly, until a shitstorm grows big enough to make international headline news, at which point they undertake minimal action and go back to pretending again ?

Nah, I don't roll that way. They won't get my respect or my money until they address the fundamental issue that having minimal oversight on their storefront and allowing it to turn into a dumping ground for all sorts of shit was a really bad idea.

5 years ago

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I'm glad they did the right thing. i suspect it was entirely for legal reasons (the minute some guy charged with rape had this game in this library, they would have been in a PR mess) but at least they did it.

I know how you feel. I dont have a lot of people in my life I rely on but the three women who are my rocks are all survivors, one of them of multiple assaults. This is not a freedom of speech issue, because this. is. not. speech.

5 years ago

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So....did anyone here actually think that Steam would allow this game?

5 years ago

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Of course not. At least it started the great SG blacklist war.

5 years ago

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Mine doubled (which I'm on) :D

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5 years ago

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And take that, another one wink wink, don't forget you must not have critical thinking

5 years ago

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But, but.. ! Now I have to put you on mine too you bad bad person! :D

I find it kinda funny though to be honest.

Although I have to admit I nearly ended up putting one from here on mine, as I don't like the personal attack route (regardless of opinion involved). But ended up putting a couple others that I disagreed with on the other list for keeping a cool head. :P
If you're discussing, it shouldn't be personal in my opinion. But hey, people are also free to disagree with me on that right? :D

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I'm the culprit. I'm the gifter. And I played it too, because curiosity.
It really was a terrible game showcase of still images.
And the writing was... atrocious(ly funny, in a way).

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Also... while there was non-consensual sex, I think I remember the protagonist ended up liking it. Which proves that the "dev" doesn't know what non-consensual sex really means.

5 years ago

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the game literally look like a poorly made game using a 3D as it foundation, in other word it look like someone just cobble up it together without much effort into them,i seen eroge games make by japan better then this piece of garbage, hell even rapelay the first controversial eroge game by japan literally shock the world asunder is even better then this one, i feel like the dev just did this for some quick buck instead something that permanently stick , i not going to debate because rapelay already done that but i just here to provide a possibility that maybe the dev don't give a damn and just want to make some quick buck then move on to the next quick money game

as Someone who have play eroge games before, i like to say there is a lot of vanilla eroge games out there that can you give heartwarming feeling with a smile of happiness on your face (No Rance doesn't count no matter what you son of the gun may say) , i recommend finding those type of games if rape,mind break and etc is not your style

5 years ago

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I'm not surprised Valve disallowed this. These types of games sell very few copies and Valve wouldn't be missing out on much by prohibiting it.

It'll end up on one of those two-bit porn game sites and will sell 80 copies or whatever. You can get it these if you are really interested.

5 years ago

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Valve backpedaling on this is so sad to watch, "anything that isnt flat out illegal or trolling" my ass.
And before people say anything, digital rape or anything really is not illegal.

5 years ago

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At least we learned an important lesson today: rape is immoral, but killing is totally fine.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Valve made the right call I think.

5 years ago

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Oh yeah. It's good to kill,crush and slah people and animals, blow buildings, buy/sell drugs, drink alcohol in games... But rape.... No-no-no, it's very baaaad.

5 years ago

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Initially it sounded a bit weird to me. While I generally believe each to their own. I wonder about the motivations to make a game like this?

I also noted there are quite alot of images in the preview of the game.

Last thought I had while reading through the threads. Westworld is a popular tv show with some pretty horrific content, the abuse they dish out to the women and some of the men even through they are "robots".

I loved the show but then I felt so uneasy when I described some of the themes to my wife.

Anyone interested in the steam decision to remove might find JRE talk to Jack Dorsey interesting also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZCBRHOg3PQ

5 years ago*

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Except that Westworld offers a pretty harsh criticism of those behaviors, which is one of it's central themes.

5 years ago

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People calling it a slippery slope don't realize the slope can go in the other direction.

And what "message" is this "game" trying to convey? Why is refusing to publish this garbage against free speech?
And why does it have a price? It seems to me, that this product is just commercial in nature, riding on the wave of controversy.

Good riddance.

5 years ago

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Good riddance.

My thoughts exactly.

5 years ago

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My opinion in general: if it's real aka irl, it's bad and wrong and never should happen (murder, rape, etc.) If it's in a game i just don't care what people play.

5 years ago

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In my opinion, the case here is Steam allowing the game, not about what we personally don't care about, because we think it doesn't affect us because we would never play the game - YOU and I personally may not want to play the game (you said rape is wrong) - but if Steam allows the game, they are saying (whether it's a game or in real life) that rape is ok.

This game is glorifying rape. There are some games which may have a rape scene in them (implied or explicit), but it's not to glorify rape and make it ok - whether we were to ban these games as well is definitely much less of a pressing issue than the superfluity that this game exudes.

5 years ago

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Game was removed from steam store R.I.P seemed like a great game. (this is a joke)

5 years ago*

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Rape is wrong. Allowing rape, itself, is wrong.
This also has nothing to do with free speech, rhe game was made to cause controversy. Not for kt to be "fun" and that ks also a rule on steam. To not allow trolling games.
This was a good PR and business decision by steam. And i'm glad it was took.
And ic you are condoming rape, that's sad my man.
This game whole purpose was to generate controversy and the gamepoay wss just harrassing, raping and killing women. Which guess whar, its not okay.

5 years ago

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Congratulations new regulations incoming?

5 years ago

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Regulations aren't the answer.

5 years ago

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"British MP questions how Valve is "able to get away with this kind of stupidity" Maybe because Valve is an American company? Good luck trying to regulate it.

5 years ago

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Yeah exactly why I think these kind of games aren't a good idea on a platform as big as steam. It makes enough controversy that suddenly a bunch of stuffy old people with too much power, turn their attention to everything else on the platform and decide that the platform as a whole should be blocked or heavily restricted in their country. So to all those questioning why Valve acted and angry that you won't be able to play this game on Steam... this is literally why they acted. Not because they listened to one side or another of the argument but because they know this kind of bad PR is a sure fire way of getting governments more interested in them then they should be.

5 years ago

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Well, nothing of value was lost. i just wish to point out that other games on steam have explicit rape on them, but not you and certainly nobody at valve would know without actually playing them.
why was this one allowed on steam? because there is no sort of algorithm that could apply the very same rules to every single game on the platform.
Having no curation is kinda crazy for a store this size, its bound to happen, and it did, a few times before.
it's not much of a victory, and no steam did not immediately become a safe platform for your children.You literally took the only rape game with "rape" in their title. But, you still have games like dragonia where a girl is raped by dragons so...good like finding those!

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by quantr.