Just read this article and I'm honestly disappointed/shocked by Steam's no content control. But to each their own.


5 years ago*

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Allow these games on Steam?

View Results
Not sure tbh, what about those killing shooting hentai games!?

I actually looked up the viewing on this - First off, the game is still under review by Valve. Games that are under review are not officially on the Steam platform yet. At the moment It's a listing. The game could still be rejected and not allowed for release. Secondly, this game plays more like a visual novel which is the opposite of what Hatred is - It's just still images that depict sexual activities, but the story and the title are what gives the premise as to what is actually happening. For example, if the game was called "F*ck Day" how would your view on it change?

Instead of rape and murder, how about consensual sex and killing zombies? If the game was about that I think that some of you might not have too much of an issue with it. While this game does suggest rape, it's far from glorification - this game is cringy as hell. And while the Journalist DID point out Valve's policy (Which read more as "Valve are hypocrites!"), it is that policy that Valve is going on to determine if this game violates those policies and thus determines its fate on the platform.

All in all, this game looks more like a "Rape Fantasy" game than a "game that glorifies rape". It's a fetish game that is still under review, and the journalist that is reporting on this is trying to make it more than that.

5 years ago

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I just think that dev uses controversy to advertise his game to get money from people that he thinks they are stupids enough to buy because of that controversy. Well, sorry for my terrible english. I mean, i don't think dev really cares about what this game talks about either way, it's just a way to get easy money from people frustrated by social context. Game itself will probably be low quality so it's an easy way to advertise and sell at low cost.

5 years ago*

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First of all we do exactly what the dev wants(including me now) and create a controversy , and there is an old saying that there is no bad publicity. There are many games in steam visual anime novels that have nudity, sexual relations between underage and adults, siblings, parents with their kids , student of all ages and the list goes on and no one cared till today cause they dont advertise what they are on their name. To me its simple dev has set as target group for this game horny teenagers (male for the most of it) who would throw away their money for a chance to see sex and not just in a video . They would interact with it so it seems most appealing to them . I wont kid myself saying that steam is marketing it as adult only cause i see too many kids playing adult only games

Now i am conflicted with what i want , i am 33 married with a kid (boy) , and from a point of view its art and fake plus saying that a game with rape will lead someone to actual rape its unwise, cause a game with murder never let to a murder (and if ever in a court someone used it as a defense i believe it was strategy to strafe the blame on games and not the murderer). But from the other hand since most of the players would be boys on heat that would be in more heat after the game and if i count in the factor how porn is portraying women (like super easy) maybe it could lead to a rape or even sexual harassment . For an adult rape and murder as long as he/she has a sane mind is out of question, for a teenager tho that is blasted with porn and learn to never respect women introducing him the idea of rape i think its a bad combination

Now dont get me wrong i dont want this game to not exist on steam ( there is GTA on steam and thief simulator and many more) what i want is a tool to help parents with their children. Since games like these start to exist now days i want measures to be taken so my kid wont be able to see or be able to buy the game without my approval , i think we need somehow to steam really know our real age and not what we type "responsibly". now i dont know how this can happen without presenting a real ID( i am against that) and in a case of hacking that would be bad but maybe there is a way. Also its the parent job to always be around their child and protect him/her , but you cant be around 24/7 when you work , Those games exist in sites that you can download them for free through a web browser but i am fine with that since i can check the web history and the downloads . but a steam account that i dont know about, i dont know how to monitor that.

Anyway i play games so i can do things i would never do in real life or cant do , from saving the world and flying on a dragon to drive a taxi in gta take poeple and flip a coin to see if i would drive them to a destination or just take them somewhere and kill them), rape is not a game i would play tbh but i have played bonetown and i liked it , it was bad and good in the same time so i woudnt mind seeing games like that on steam . All i want is to be able to control a bit more what my kid is playing . Btw i am not talking about my kid here since mine is not even one yet but since i had my son my mind sees threats everywhere and these kind of publicity panics me in general, Anyway sorry for the long read,

5 years ago

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Oh my! What next? Murder, genocide, shooting POWs, dismembering, executions, running over people with cars? We must stop it before it starts!

Also we must closely watch books and movies - it might get there from the games too. Imagine the horror!

5 years ago

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A very strong point.

5 years ago

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Can you imagine some people are even distributing this one book advocating for murdering children for free! And it's also contains rape and such things... Including almost outright porn too!

We surely must ban it. Don't you all agree?

5 years ago

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But how could we ban bible and quran? These people love these books!

5 years ago

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But think of the Children, and woman... And maybe men too!

5 years ago

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People are using the argument that if you prevent rape games, you're opening up a slippery slope of banning things people just don't like. That is bullshit. I'm sorry... let me explain.

Violence is one thing. If you don't like violent games, don't play them. If you don't enjoy horror movies, don't watch them. I don't enjoy gory over-the-top horror stuff. It just doesn't sit well with me. This doesn't mean that I would call for it to be banned. They aren't harming anyone and if people like their horror, let them at it. We all know that they're not going to go out and emulate stuff like that. There's no message in mindless gore/violence, it is what it is.

BUT... glorifying rape and making it a CENTRAL part of a game is harming every victim of sexual assault in an indirect way. The people who make these games have to be a little sick IMO. When you think about the people who have gone through and came out the other side of this type of violation and how others are finding the kind of horrors they went through gratifying to simulate, you're thinking. "WHY? Why would you want to do that?" or "Why would you even stick up for it?" What if it was your sister, girlfriend, wife or mother that was a victim?

There is a HUGE difference between that kind of violation and a horror game. NO one is going to advocate to remove violence or horror from games except people who never play them anyway. The most they would do is stick a big fat 18+ sticker on it. Rape is a different matter entirely.

I'm a political moderate, I don't care about the militant SJW agenda, but there are some things that I do feel strongly about as a decent human being.

5 years ago*

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its not really a different matter. if you are to dumb to difference between fiction and reality you shouldnt have access to content that contains violence. no matter if rape, murder, whatever.
and as you said yourself: If you don't like it, don't play it. That counts for ANY content. And its as simple as that.
As for younger people, you as parent are responsible, what you let your kid play. nobody else. And if someone is again to dumb to restrict that himself, maybe don't get kids. Why should others suffer because censoring, because Parents think their time is to valuable as to parent their kids.
btw: that game is crap and doesn't even deserve 1% of the attention it gets.

5 years ago

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It IS a different matter. I don't care what anyone says on this. I have seen movies where a rape was a necessary part of a story. It wasn't glorified or shown in every awful detail, it was just necessary to the development of a character. It explained why said character was the way they were, or did the things they did. The viewer isn't being encouraged to seek pleasure from it, the idea is to make the viewer feel for the victim. That is acceptable and there is a big difference in that and a game that actually gives you points or enjoyment for raping people.

Glorifying rape as if it's a fun and entertaining thing to do is wrong on every level. If you want to defend it and it's right to exist and be played, that's your prerogative, but I never will. Yes, some could say the same about killing characters, but it's most definitely not the same. And the mindset required to do these things is not the same.

Rhetorically speaking...Would you still say the same if the victims portrayed in the game were 8 year old kids? There isn't really a difference when it comes to how victims are affected. A rape victim does not consent to being raped, so in either case, it's emulating diabolical acts against people who have no control or say over what is happening to them.

I wouldn't have a very high opinion of anyone who would actually enjoy playing such a game, regardless of the ages of the characters.

5 years ago

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but a victim of murder is consent with it? how is it not the same? if anything death is way worse, since its over.
Or what would you choose getting killed, or raped?
as said if you cannot difference fiction and real life go somewhere else instead of censoring others.
"Would you still say the same if the victims portrayed in the game were 8 year old kids?"
yes i would, since i am not that disillusioned that i cannot difference between whats real and what not.
and if i don't like it, cannot tolerate it, i simply wont CONSUME it. instead of trying to censor everyone to fit everything as i want it.

5 years ago

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Considering my friend who was raped committed suicide when we were 23 years old, I beg to differ. Living with the humiliation and shame of being raped can be worse than death for some people. I don't even know if those were the feelings that were truly in her mind. But, she was never the same person after it happened. She was behaving too cheery at times. Oh yes, she had friends and family to talk to. She also had a counselor, but sadly, some people are just not made to cope with such things.

Yes, yes, too right I feel personal towards things like this. She's not the only person in my life that this happened to, but she is the only one that died as a result. I'm female btw and I definitely have empathy for people this happens to. I wrote a post on this forum about a near miss I had myself, so I definitely feel for this stuff more than you do.

You didn't HAVE to respond to my post. It's not like my post is even going to make a difference to the existence of this game, so perhaps it is you that should go away and be quiet, rather than me? hmmm? You are in this case attempting to censor my opinion.

It's just an opinion on an internet forum.

I have my opinion and you have yours and we're obviously not going to agree.

5 years ago*

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Well but not every rape victim kills them self. while EVERY murder victim IS dead. so yeah death is still the worse one.
I never said you aint allowed to voice your opinion nor did i state it needs to get deleted. i only stated my opinion on it. if you read it, ignore it, do whatever you want is your thing.
but i agree, you have you and i have my opinion. and obviously none of us two will change his. and since verything is said, we would only go back and forth if we would continue.
also only to have the obvious stated, don't take / value my words to exact. english isn't my main language, so they way i write could look way more aggressive / direct / whatever than intended.
Wish you still a nice day / night.

5 years ago*

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You're thinking of it as an "alive" vs "not alive" thing. When we die, we feel no more pain, so we cannot go through further suffering. The people left behind after a death or murder are the ones that suffer, the parents, spouse, siblings and friends of that person. BUT... when something so traumatic and degrading happens like a rape, it is the victim who has to relive it over and over in their minds. They get dragged through the courts, being forced to recount every detail of the event in front of a jury. They get treated like a criminal not a victim. They are not only humiliated in the act, they are humiliated over and over in their quest to make the person pay for their crime. The other option is to keep it to herself and don't tell police, it would be easier in the short term. But, he's free to do the same thing to someone else if she does that. The court system does not make it easy for victims of sexual assault, even when the evidence is clear.

With therapy, many can overcome what happened to them and live a happy life again. It all depends on each individual and whether she is able to put the event into a box and move on with her life. It takes a strong individual. There are many women out there who are survivors and they are doing well.

But in many cases a life has been destroyed and will never be the same again. You can say "at least she's alive" but everything about her, her smile, her sense of humour, her ability to enjoy life has been replaced with self-loathing and a mix of other emotions... even mental illness.

I'm not talking about the game anymore. Just trying to get you to understand why it's not quite as simple as "but he/she's still alive."

Have a good evening.

5 years ago

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Ok yeah yeah morals and censorship and all that jazz but most important question is it going to have cards?

5 years ago

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Preferably with no punishment; it is always better to forget that there is always something bigger than <name> in the world.
And <name> is the god, the master of their "own" decisions, entitled and rightful to do any things their shallow mind comes to think of.

In child language, there are people who want to do to others such things which they wouldn't want to be done to themselves.
Oh, this naturally creates a "difference", anthropologic division between counterparts. This would make them feel a better being than at least someone else and at least for a moment. Oh, and maybe at least in games or in imagination? "Power", whatever.
And yes, there are such signs in animal world too, most evidently e.g. in some ape "societies", but humanity can put division of world to "oneself vs everything else" on a new level of egoistic, meaningless existence.

Who says that games with explicit, violent killing should be allowed? Doesn't even matter what is formally allowed and what is not. What is accepted, taken in society as "normal" is significant because its symptoms are growing in the real world. If a person enjoys humiliating and harming others even in virtual space, games, own thoughts, they accept this paradigm of the right of the stronger and propagate it trough own actions in life, however small and petty level this could be. Maybe just being rude to someone weaker, arrogant with someone who needs them. "Power". And fearful/respectful to someone/something which can harm them. Typical life of a human trash. An essence of societies built on stupid, brute force.

Masses of trash don't have even imagination - and games can create for them a ready-made environment with Press X to humiliate <3

5 years ago

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I missed your post earlier, and I am glad that I found it because it raises the most essential issues which some may be missing here.

Murder, torture and rape as strictly antisocial and illegal behaviors have traditionally been admitted into media so long as they are recognized as such. Media that seems to condone and encourage these activities is not only recent, but the jury is still not out on the effect that this material has on society and particularly the young and impressionable. While judges may have ruled that there is not enough evidence to prove that there is a link between media that seems to promote the enjoyment of desensitized and explicit violence against innocent victims and actual crimes that seem to draw influence from it, this does not mean that such evidence does not exist or will not be produced in the future. In fact, in the wake of more recent school killings, this issue is being raised once again.

I consider this not to be a free speech issue. These activities, as well as the condoning of such activities have never been acceptable in a civilized society. In fact, it is precisely the unacceptability of murder, rape and torture that are the most fundamental measurements of just how civilized and progressive a society is. And of course the reverse is true - the lack of condemnation for these behaviors is how a backwards, primitive and degraded society is judged. The latter is not a society that I want to live in. And anything that helps to tear down those fundamental restraints just makes me nervous.

Without these basic brakes, rule of law, personal freedoms, public safety and yes, free speech itself all go out the window. It's not just about one game. And It is an important issue that bears thinking about, because how we react to it determines our direction and progress as a species and a society. It shows us once again who we were (and I don't want to go back there), who we are now and where we are going.

5 years ago*

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They asked for less censorship, and this is what we have received. Thanks y'all.


5 years ago

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Asset flipper fills store page with outrage bait.
Media outlets get outraged, publish said outrage. People now become aware that this is a Thing.
Valve gets shit on again for allowing their storefront to get flooded with shit-tier garbage
Folks who would otherwise ignore asset flip # 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 now buy it because "fuck you game journos" or some other reason that probably has nothing to do with the quality or content of the game.

And the winner is... the asset flipper, because he makes money while for the rest nothing really changes.

5 years ago

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It's sad that these flips get the attention.

At least from Hatred I got feeling it attempted to be semi-competent game... I can't say same about what I see now on Steam...

5 years ago

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No, this is great... Now I'll be able to tell at a glance who the sickos are, and deny their friend request/block them!

5 years ago

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v good point!

5 years ago

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Manhunt's been steam since forever, so...

5 years ago

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The worst thing about this whole article is giving the game a free advertisement. Like seriously, it's probably a piece of shit of a game that was created in less than 8 hours, but the more people talk about it the more potential purchases it might get...

5 years ago

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I didn't read the other comments, sorry, only some tidbits. Also, mine will probably appear to have little to no sense, thanks to my clonazepam pills that have just kicked in.

Free speech? Sometimes, silence is golden.
Violence is everywhere... I play violent games, I loooove horror stuff. But somehow, I draw a line at rape. I guess that over time, most people have been desensitized towards violence because it's, as I've said, everywhere. Is it really, really acceptable? Maybe, maybe not but as a society, we came to somewhat accepts its presence. Also, it depends on what kind of violence.... there are different levels. And sometimes, it can be justified.

As for rape. I kinda consider it to be the ultimate evil. I've read here someone saying that murder is worse, because someone who's got raped still got to live afterwards. This is so wrong on so many levels. What kind of life can you have after being sexually assaulted? You get scarred for life. This is a burden that a lot of victims will have to carry for the remaining of their time on this planet. Some will also commit suicide because they simply can't live anymore.

I also admit I haven't read the article posted in the OP, but I guess the dev is just trying to get attention. And it's gonna work. But in my opinion, a game that focuses on rape shouldn't even exist. But maybe I'm too sensitive. You know... I'm pretty sure that most people agree that killing is not OK, but rape? The cynical me thinks that some people still doesn't consider it to be such a big deal. With the victim shaming and all.

And... ah... I don't know where I was going with this. Again, sorry... but the chill pills made my brain go into tai chi mode. The good news is, anxiety is gone.

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I don't think there are a handful of people who would think that rape is not a big deal. It is a serious issue, and more importantly is not something to joke about.

But the problem here is it isn't the argument about if it's morally ok to sell such a game (because, duh, everybody gets it), this is the argument about Steam and its policies, and no, the game doesn't break any.
If anything, it's Valve's fault for allowing it for as long as it is.

Also, no, I believe, that people aren't desensitized towards violence, because media depiction of it is not the same as reality, which is far more gruesome. If you've ever dealt with it, the differences are obvious. Real life violence is more likely to desensitize a person if it deals with it on regular basis. But that's just my experience, maybe.

5 years ago

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wow, I'm really happy your anxiety's gone! I've been taking clonazepam (marketed as rivotril here in northern italy/switzerland) for 6 years, continuously.. it's the only drug that makes me sleep, my neurologist prescribed it so many years ago in order to treat my chronic pelvic pain syndrome (off-label amitriptyline is the main drug though) and it's magic! without clonazepam I won't really be able to sleep.. I know it has lots of other uses so I'm so happy it's useful to you =P (well I replied even 'cos I'm taking it right now and I felt those words could be my ones)
and because of course..I spent maybe a dozen years under therapy, fortunately I solved everything out after so many years, I'm 31-32 so.. best of luck to you =)
(and I also hope you're benefiting of the Canadian health care system, here in Northern Italy we have all these drugs for free but I think it's not the same in the USA...)

5 years ago

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Who cares? Another case of clickbait media being clickbait media in trying to create an outrage. The game doesn't appear to be released. These so-called journalists have not played it. Why are they making a big deal out of some unknown two-bit game?

5 years ago

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Epic exclusives and now this... Steam sure under a lot of fire nowadays.

5 years ago

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Ye, it's awful. But then again... It doesn't break any of Steam's policies...

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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how does a rape game encourage People raping a Person? cause we already had the same Diskussion about Killer Games and i thought we all agreed that People can difference between game and reality?
and you are right, a porn game isnt for Children. the same as many Killer Games, porn movies, Horror Films, some other violett movies, gambling, Alkohol, cigars, and so on. but i guess its ok for an adult

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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i never played a rape game as well and i´m not interested in this kind of games so i have no own experience in it as well to tell about. but you you get scores in killing games as well or comments like "headshot" which makes you feel like a pro. i guess rape games and killing games are working pretty similar in this way. they want to give you the feeling you are the almighty person and you could do what ever you want.

"But think like that: it is way easier for the the Criminal Law to tolerate and don't penalize the "offender" when he/she commits a murder (e.g.: self defense) rather than when he/she commits a rape."
you mean cause you can kill someone cause of accident or cause he attacked you and so on... sure, killing someone can be cause of a selfprotection while raping someone has pretty no excuse. this argument would maybe work for many killing games. i didnt thought about that tbh.

on the other hand there are killing games where you can kill innocent people just for fun. the question is, should we ban them as well? if yes, i agree that we also should ban rape games. but if we want to tolerate them, we might also tolerate the rape games for same reason.

btw: i have read the same thing about the idea to help people with illeagal wishs to view for example lolicon (=drawn child porn) wich seems to help them to not abuse real kids. at least i have read that lolicon is allowed in japan wich might cause of it now has a lower child abuse rate. but its just what i have found and dont need to be true and also a lower rate could have other reasons as well... its also an other topic as well (a very toxic one). so let us dont touch this pandora's box^^

5 years ago

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But think like that: it is way easier for the the Criminal Law to tolerate and don't penalize the "offender" when he/she commits a murder (e.g.: self defense) rather than when he/she commits a rape.

I think it's actually the other way around. Since the base act of killing someone is gonna attract attention of law enforcement, no matter what the cause was, and it might be ruled it was justified eventually. While the base act of having sex with someone isn't going to attract any attention (exception being if it's with a minor), unless one of the parties involved states later on it was without consent. If they are even being taken seriously by law enforcement.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Approved with my seal of approval.

Fuck SJW and fuck people who complain right and left. As has been said by many, murder game is allowed but rape isn't? Well fuck the world does not revolve around your soft ass.

5 years ago

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Something tells me you are as soft as baby shit too.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This is from the comments section of the article linked in the OP.

For better or for worse, violence has been seen as acceptable mass entertainment for thousands of years, if not longer. The same cannot be said of rape. You can debate the consequences of such mass acceptance of violence, and what it means for us as a species, e.t.c., but I think rape-as-entertainment is still a very different proposition.

Going back to ancient Rome, tens of thousands of people would pack the colosseum to watch people fight to the death. I doubt they would have got such crowds were rape shows staged.

In more modern times, it's not uncommon for protagonists in film and television to kill dozens of people in the name of entertainment, if not more. Over the course of the Rambo films, the protagonist has killed hundreds of people. I cannot imagine a studio wanting to even associate itself with a film where the protagonist raped dozens of women, let alone releasing it globally, as Valve are effectively doing here.

And so it is with games. Again, you can debate the way society has accepted violence as mass entertainment for thousands of years, but it's certainly not limited to games, nor a recent thing. Rape just is an unacceptable form of entertainment.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Those are interesting arguments, and it seems a pretty solid comment at first inspection, but, looking closer, there are a few issues with it. They're not very easy to spot, and I find it unfair to leave them unadressed, so I thought I'd comment on them a little. Okay, not really "a little"; it got rather big.

Important disclaimer: I'm not taking sides on this thread's discussion. I have my opinion on it, of course, just as everyone else, but this comment is not about about my opinion. All I want is to point out the issues I found with the arguments being quoted, because I find it unfair to leave them unaddressed. And for the record, my opinion is "but does it drop potatoes cards?", something I unfortunately didn't have the imagination to be the first to think of. Okay, that's not really my opinion, but you get the idea. :D

For better or for worse, violence has been seen as acceptable mass entertainment for thousands of years, if not longer. The same cannot be said of rape.

Not true. For however unacceptable a form of entertainment it might seem at first sight, rape has been an openly accepted form of mass entertainment since the dawn of mankind. For just one example, wartime rape has been long considered an accepted form of entertainment and stress relief for soldiers. Worse, it was seen by all involved parties as spoils of war, and a right the winners were entitled to. Yes, you read that right; please sit back for a moment and let the horror of that sink in. It was also seen as a form of payment, considering how unusual it was for armies to receive any payment at all, let alone in an appropriate amount and a timely fashion. There is plenty of historical evidence attesting to all of that, and frankly I don't know which part of it is the worst one. Probably all of them. From the perspective of soldiers who fought their way through the horrors of war (and please have it clear that I don't condone that perspective at all), the rape of the losing side's girls and women (and sometimes also boy and men) is the greatest entertainment they could possibly hope for.

Several of the greatest Roman historians, such as Tacitus and Livius, attest to the fact that Roman armies engaged in massive amounts of war rape; at least the former has noted that not only women and girls but also boys were raped. Greek historians also attest to Greek armies engaging in the same practice. The same is true of many other civilizations. The Bible has multiples passages condoning, if not outright encouraging, wartime rape, such as in Zechariah 14:2 ("For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses plundered and the women taken...") and Isaiah 13:16 ("Their little children will be dashed to death before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked, and their wives will be taken.").

These days, wartime rape is considered a crime against humanity, and thus no longer a tolerable form of mass entertainment; nonetheless, it continues to be a thing. Just a few decades ago, in the Bosnian War, systematic rape and sexual enslavement was used as a war weapon, with the establishment of so-called "rape camps"; they targeted mostly females but also males (the males alone numbering several thousand). In that very same war, public rape exibitions were not uncommon. Earlier last century, certain wartime mass rape incidents can be counted among the greatest war crimes in history. Even in this very century, there have been cases involving even UN peacekeeping troops, crazy as that might sound. And let's not get started on certain terrorist groups that use de facto wartime rape for more purposes than I can count.

Going back to ancient Rome, tens of thousands of people would pack the colosseum to watch people fight to the death. I doubt they would have got such crowds were rape shows staged.

Only half true and frankly not relevant. Of course there wouldn't be a crowd for that. For one thing, there was plenty of wartime rape as I mentioned, and Rome was perpetually at war, so there was always someone for the soldiers to rape. For everyone else, there would still be no demand when the crowds could just, you know, either rape slaves instead (quick reminder that slave owners were allowed to rape that slaves and that was not seen as an issue) or pay some cheap change for some time with an enslaved prostitute (for those whose financial bracket did not allow owning a slave they could rape). The idea that the Romans would even have a use for a so-called "rape show", regardless of its acceptability or lack thereof, is just at complete odds with how Rome worked.

I cannot imagine a studio wanting to even associate itself with a film where the protagonist raped dozens of women

The lack of imagination aside, we can also count this as not true, if nothing else for the fact that there are porn studios specialized in rape porn. Anyway, rape (technically, simulated rape) has been a part of mainstream cinema since forever. I'm sure I can dig up very old cases if I look hard enough, but it suffices to say that Jodie Foster received a Best Actress Academy Award (aka Oscar) for a role as a rape victim. What's more, rape and revenge is a (now not as popular as once) subgenre of a film genre called exploitation film. Moving on to actual porn, rape is about as mainstream as a subgenre of porn can get, with, as I said, studios specialized on it; there's not much else to be said here.

For whatever that's worth, people with a rape kink do hide that they have a rape kink, but that's not because their kink is rape; it's because even letting out a hint that you might have any kink is highly taboo in our society. Quite frankly, if people were to openly discuss their sexuality and kinks, I severely doubt that there would be a problem with this specific kink, just as there wouldn't be an issue with a threesome kink or a bondage kink or a what-have-you kink. There are far more... "unusual", for lack of better word, kinks than rape, and if someone is shocked by a rape kink, they really should consider themselves blessed for not knowing more about human sexuality. I've had the misfortune of becoming acquainted with kinks that honestly make rape pale in comparison, and please believe me when I say that those are words I do not write lightly; they are blood-curling things I'd rather not discuss. For the sake of the argument, I'll mention just a couple, and I'm making a point of picking from those that aren't among the very extreme ones: necrophilia (sex with dead bodies, which also doubles as an even sicker form of rape, considering that dead people can't consent) and coprophilia (scat, literally eat shit, 2girls1cup, you know what I mean).

5 years ago

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And I was afraid that you will write about 1man1jar

5 years ago

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I don't know what that is, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm probably better off that way, so I'm not going to ask. :D

5 years ago

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Somebody told me that it's worse than 2g1c... And I was like "no way - that's impossible". And unfortunately I was stupid enough to check it xD
And yeah - you are better off not even asking.
2g1c looks like kindergarten in comparison

5 years ago

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Hmm, yeah, I think I'll stick to the saying that holds that ignorance is bliss. Seems safer that way.

5 years ago

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Considering these comments here, the dev just needs to add the ability for men to be raped by women, and maybe even same sex rape to eliminate any of the possible controversy, then you'll see reviews like "raped 5 trash men today in-game, 10/10 would rape again!"

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Free speech means that you are allowed to speak your mind. That the press is free to report unhindered. That it is totally fine for you to say what ever you want.

It does not mean that you can say and/or do whatever you want without consequences. If what you say and/or do is against the law - criminal or civil - you will get indicted and maybe punished. It is important to remember that.

Free speech is no free ticket to do and/or say what the **** you want and get off scot-free. You still have to own up for what you did and/or said.
Especially in these times this gets forgotten oh so often.

5 years ago

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I'd think a game where the protagonist is a victim of rape - or dealing with the consequences of being raped would be acceptable if dealt with sensibly. However - this game, if I'm understanding correctly, the protagonist IS the rapist. Definitely seems a step too far.

I get the whole freedom of speech argument. I also get that many / most games include killing something or someone, so how could this be worse? But - would the same people defending this also say that a game where raping children or babies is the objective, would be ok too? Are you suggesting that anything and everything should be allowed?

We can be against censorship in most forms, but there really does need to be a line drawn at sexual violence where the objective of the game is for you to be the one doing it.

5 years ago*

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Pretty sure this 'game' is just trolling and won't be allowed.

5 years ago

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I suspect you are right that it won't be allowed. And the developers are going by the old adage of "any publicity..."etc.
A little more troublesome is that nearly 50% of the people on this site seem to want the game...

5 years ago

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The fact that somebody voted for "Hell yeah FREE SPEECH" doesn't mean that the same person wants to buy game. They just don't want to remove it from the store imo xD

The question was: "Allow these games on Steam?" not "will you buy it?".

5 years ago

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Yeah, you're right of course - was just surprised at the poll result to be honest. And on looking at the store page was just as surprised to see quite a few of my SG Steam friends have wish-listed it.

5 years ago

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It's quite obvious case of game that soon will have "removed from the store" status. They won't even play it probably. It just has collection value xD

5 years ago

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It is a sign of the times.

We have people actively trying to exploit themselves and others all over the internet. This 'game' is trying to exploit this 'niche' along with the negative press to gain more sales.

I many times wonder, in this internet age where your personality is listed 'for sale' to the highest bidder, why it seems that good personalities and values are becoming diluted to the point we all might as well live in an echo chamber...

Case in point: this game. There are those who wish to purchase a game like this because they fantasize about raping people I guess; but even more people who simply want the game as some sort of 'badge' to sneer at those who may be offended. They may claim 'freedom of speech' but that is not a valid argument. Freedom of Speech only protects you from government oppression and retribution in most cases - it does not protect you from being vilified or castigated by others.

However, we are not arguing semantics of constitutional law. This is entirely an argument of whether or not this 'game' constitutes any form of socially acceptable art and/or entertainment.

Sexual assault has been depicted in art and entertainment over the ages. Movies/Books like a Clockwork Orange and Shawshank Redemption are both critically acclaimed as art at the top of it's form. However, there is a difference between creating a character arc and making rape the glorified and central tenet of the art itself.

There seems to be some disconnect here, where people feel extra justified in their opinion when it "triggers" backlash, which I feel is a simple sign of these times of self-exploitation. In the end, it seems people just want attention, one way or another, and it is not endearing.

5 years ago

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Great post.

5 years ago

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Comparing murder in videogames with rape... seriously?

Killing in games in general = removing obstacles, there's little to no effort of humanizing enemies, there's no such thing as detailed and prolonged depiction of agony and suffering for the sake of depiction itself (MK fatalities is a comedy of absurd).

Rape simulation IS about causing suffering and humanising fictitious characters. You can't rape something without attributing it independent will first.

Torture in videogames would be a comparable subject and i cant remember any game focused solely on torture exept some studio-s flash shite.

Killing in games is like jerking off to moderately rough porn. A power fantasy, there suffering of others is mostly incosecuential.

Raping/torturing in games is like jerking off to a honest to god snuff. It's a fantasy where you extract a sense of power solely from the suffering you are observing.

Sorry for the incoherent babble.

5 years ago

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"Rampage" in GTA (or Kill Frenzy in the older titles) is no obstacle whatsoever, just a 'kill as many people as you can within a certain timeframe'. And while that might not be a bridge too far for me, it will be for others. The same can be applied to rape in games, while it might be a bridge too far for me, it will not be for others.

The Punisher, from 2004, is heavily focused on torture and was released in conjunction with the movie. Admittedly, that game isn't on Steam as far as I can tell, although I suspect that has more to do with the fact the publisher (THQ) is no more and it's a pretty old game.
Manhunt is on Steam though, and from what I can tell it's focused on torture (or at least killing people in very gruesome ways), but I never played that myself.

The analogy with porn and snuff doesn't fly here, as that is with actual people.

I respect your opinion, but I don't see much value in the points brought forward.

5 years ago

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Say no to censorship.

No woman was hurt. It's just a game which has content you may not like, that is for the individual consumer to decide.

On games you can kill random people on the street of GTA just for fun or you can run people over on Carmaggedon. You can watch real porn where they simulate rape but you can't play a game where you rape? Stop being offended and trying to control everything, the best judge is the buyer.

If you like it buy it, if you don't like it or feel it's wrong, don't buy it. The consumer should decide what he wants or doesn't want, not someone with a censorship hammer who allows some stuff and bans others with a personal opinion on the matter. Censorship will never be fair.

Steam is finally stopping trying to control what we can or can't play and that's good. We should have that liberty.

And please don't use the stupid argument that violent video games will make people violent and that rape on video games will make people rape. There's rape and violence in movies... it's all just fiction. If there are sick people who can't differentiate fiction from reality that's another problem.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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thank you for your post

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by quantr.