Ramadan is among us now!
Happy Ramadan everyone!

For this occasion I'm giving away these:

Deus Ex: The Fall
The Last Remnant
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition

10 years ago*

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Thank you!

10 years ago

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Ramadan started yesterday for us. Thanks!

10 years ago

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Ramadan Kareem. :D

10 years ago

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Thanks, to you too!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Thanks, same to you ;)

10 years ago

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Happy ramadan

10 years ago

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My favourite month, thanks!

10 years ago

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I am not Muslims, may I enter?

10 years ago

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'Happy Ramadan everyone!'
Pretty sure everyone means.. everyone :D
Ramadan Kareem

10 years ago

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Happy Ramadan ^^

10 years ago

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Happy Ramadan to you, too! :)

10 years ago

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Ramadan Mubarak, and thanks for the giveaways. I'm surprised I hadn't heard anything about Ramadan approaching. I'm not a Muslim, but I still usually hear it mentioned somewhere.

10 years ago

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Maybe it flew under the radar? )

10 years ago

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Happy Ramadan! I think it just started today for us.

10 years ago

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Shameless plug but, the world would be a better place without religion, and i mean ANY religion!

10 years ago

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Any religion presents X, Y, Z answers to questions that everyone should think for themselves and not take some half-assed "truth" coz X, Y, Z "prophet" or whatnot crazy one said/imagined to be. Furthermore on that, the world of even 20 years ago is different from today's, just like your parents see the world/truth different from you!

10 years ago

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What's wrong with religions? At least most of them cause no harm.

10 years ago

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most of them, that's the key phrase.

10 years ago

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"Most of them" mean a dominant number of religions are harmless. Having a few "bad" religions doesn't make all of them bad. Just like saying "most of the people are peaceful" doesn't mean that it's better off with no people.

10 years ago

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No religion is bad, It's just the people that take bad actions in the "Name of Religion" are the ones making Religions look bad, but none of them actually are.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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Because people are retarded.

10 years ago

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Well, they aren't if you consider "Bad" as influencing people to kill or something similar... but they definitely are because "bad" is even influencing people to believe to LIES and don't "believe" in science. If religion wouldn't exist, world would be a better place.

10 years ago

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You can't really say its lies, its a matter of point of views.

This isn't any toy, People believe in stuff like this, as much as you believe in science

Personally to me, if everyone kept their opinion to themselves, and not make a fuss about it, the world would be a better place.

Don't blame religion. It is but a belief.

10 years ago

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If everyone kept to themselves there were no religion to begin with, coz you guys need to convert others in, so dont start me with We are saints and we dont bother others with our ideas...

Btw science its not something that you can disregard, its the study of what make things around work, so unless you want to be dumb to the world around you -> you need science!

10 years ago

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By saying'' the world would be a better place without religion, and i mean ANY religion!''
Aren't you trying to convert people yourself?

10 years ago

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not really, can you imagine? But that was his point/argument not mine

10 years ago

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Yeah sure, in fact creazionism is the truth!
Fuck off you all and your stupid believing, you should just listen to science and stfu.

10 years ago

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"Should", "Not do that, not do this"...etc.

So you are basically telling people to have the same world view as "you" and do what "you" see as a good thing? The irony is killing :D

How about letting people do whatever the heck they want and think for themselves what's the best for them and what or not to believe, huh?

Or wait, maybe you feel like some kind of.. what's the word?... Oh, prophet! Enlightening everyone of what should be best, huh? haha, oh my! This is too good.

10 years ago

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not really, im just trying to make ppl question whatever ;)

you have chosen to paint the worse out of it, thats up to you

10 years ago

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You aren't making people question anything. You are stating your opinion as a fact. What you said is no different than saying the world would be better off without black people (on a post made by a black person). It's just as politically charged. I rather think of you as a troll, because at least then I couldn't claim you aren't that bright. But even as a troll, your point is played out.

10 years ago

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"not really, im just trying to make ppl question whatever ;) "

The more you post, the more relevant my previous post is! The lack of self-awareness amuse me.

10 years ago

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I don't understand why you need to point this out.

10 years ago

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Because he is behind a monitor and must demonstrate how cool he is.

10 years ago

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He is attempting to instigate a flamewar by making an inciteful comment instead of an insightful one. Inflammatory comments like this are one of the things I really have tried to make sure are against the rules in the version 2.0 FAQ I have been working on. You may have seen it during the open beta.

Comments like that are toxic and the people who make them no less so for the community.

10 years ago

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+1 Couldn't agree more.

10 years ago

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You think thats inflammatory comments? wat?

Inflammatory comments would be something like "Mohammed took aisha or whatever spouse when she was 12"

Now thats toxic, Dont try to pin BS on me just because you dont agree with it

10 years ago

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Or maybe you want to promote Taboos just because person X feels SO BAD talking about it, cant you see that the world doesnt move on because of them?!

10 years ago

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I really hope you get it so far to make shit comment like these banable.

10 years ago

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its funny how you cant see the irony content of your comment ;)

10 years ago

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I don't really have the final say on what ends up on the books, but I to argue for the stronger case against toxic behaviour.

I bring up my suggestions and have the FAQ readable, and whenever I have something crazy I want to add, I bounce it off various people before I put it down.

There is a line to walk between discouraging bad things and just being outright discouraging.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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The world would be a better place without people who think their convictions are better then someone else's.
There, I fixed that for you, now go parrot your hate speeches somewhere else, douche.

10 years ago

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That's a shameless plug..? '_'

10 years ago

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PC Gaming Master race!!!

10 years ago

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Well... We must wait few hundreds years propably, to remove all religions , too bad ;/ Religion = wars & hate!
Don't be afraid to talk with your friends about atheism , smart ppl usually, finally will becoem atheists.

10 years ago

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Too bad not all atheists are smart people... Edit: sorry, "ppl"
All errors can come about with or without religion being a part of it.
Wars, Murders, Theft, it's about people's desires.

10 years ago

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I find it very odd that a non-Muslim would take the time and effort to "crash" a Muslim religious practice (welcoming a religious event) in order to proselytize.

10 years ago

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So is it ok to start a topic just on Welcoming Ramadan and its not ok to discuss religion in it?

Wasnt it Proselytizing in the first place?!

This is just a side topic and not really a crash, im not even trying to defame any particular religion, or the Islam, like i tried to point above

10 years ago

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a) Welcoming Ramadhaan is similar to saying "Merry Christmas." It's a religious act among adherents rather than an invitation to religious discussion.

b) No, it was not proselytizing in the first place. It was fellow Muslims greeting each other.

c) It is only a "crash" in the sense that proselytizing was brought into the midst of a religious practice. Had this been a religious discussion from the beginning, the posting would have been quite at home.

10 years ago

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I agree with most of what you pointed out...

10 years ago

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Don't waste time with whitdemon. He didn't even know this is a forum. He had to go to dictionary.com, look up the definition, post it, and was still unconvinced this is a forum. LMAO

10 years ago

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As long as a person is willing to discuss things without flipping out or plugging their ears, I am perfectly willing to talk with them. When it becomes clear to me, however, that the other person can no longer hear what I'm saying, that is when I stop.

10 years ago

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err you are feeding a troll ;)

As you easily found out, im here for discussion and not mindless flailing, or with the intent of hurting/causing havoc, but things dont change if one doesnt (at least) speak up and discuss!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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the world would be a better place if people try to act according their religion not change their religion according to their deeds

10 years ago

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Based on WHAT? do you understand that religions are born and spread on like any other ideas, they also get replaced by better ones, just like you dont see ppl worship Odin or Zeus today ;) Learn you stuff before you speak up!

Did you know that not all religion condone "deeds"(?) or anyother strict way of life that you have have been feed...

10 years ago

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There are religions older than the Roman Pantheon, which itself borrowed from the Greek Religion of the area and time.

I wouldn't exactly call most religious ways of life strict, most simply teach that you shouldn't be a dick, shouldn't mutilate yourself or others, and that happiness is found in places other than the bottom of a bottle.

10 years ago

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Those are points of views, If you believe that religion is not needed, Then you destroy alot of moral boundaries, And while yes some wars were started due to Religion, let us remember that the people who started it had always interpreted it in a wrong way.

10 years ago

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So you are saying that an Atheist doesnt have Morals? LOLLOLOLOLOLOL

How about not having something to misinterpret to begin with? wow it works

"those are points of view(s)" yep just like you have'em i do too... (not really an argument)

10 years ago

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Your text and your thought and your opinions (and ofcourse not to mension all) are useless like dog barks bow wow :-O

10 years ago

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Yay, happy Ramadan! :D
And thx for the giveaways \o/

10 years ago

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Happy ramadan to you, ty for the giveaway :)

10 years ago

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Thanks :)

10 years ago

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Happy Ramadan!

10 years ago

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Happy Ramadan everyone!!!

10 years ago

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Thank you! :)

10 years ago

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Happy Ramadan!

10 years ago

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Happy Ramadan!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Ramadan? is that some kind of elder scrolls skyrim holiday?

10 years ago

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Should be

10 years ago

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Holy Month of Muslims.

10 years ago

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A for effort, F for failure.

10 years ago

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Thanks. Peace be upon you.

10 years ago

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Ramadan Karim :D

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by bobofatt.