So it seems that Adobe is FINALLY listening to people and getting rid of the Flash Player.
Good. The player is old and outdated and seems to slow down a lot of sites.
Read the article here.

6 years ago

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I only care because of Jigidi's jigsaw puzzles, which are so commonly used here on SG.

I know Jigidi has an HTML5 option, but it's seriously inferior to the Flash version. I'm not a fan of Flash overall, but we don't have a good replacement for it. HTML5 is the closest we have to a replacement, and there's a LOT that it's not adequately capable of. I'd be happy about Flash's retirement if someone had developed a suitable replacement prior to its cut-off date.

3 years ago

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I know Jigidi has an HTML5 option, but it's seriously inferior to the Flash version

Actually, it runs pretty smooth now. I agree that it used to be pretty crappy but if you haven't tried it lately, I would encourage you to give it a fresh go.

3 years ago

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I've used it within the last month, and it does run pretty smoothly, but in terms of features and feel, it's lacking. I did find a blog post on their site with keyboard shortcuts that will help somewhat, but it's still a pretty pale imitation of the Flash version.

Hopefully that continues to change. Jigidi isn't the most demanding of cases, so while HTML 5 is inadequate to fully replace Flash, it may be adequate for that relatively simple application.

3 years ago

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Remember that a lot of game sites have workarounds (Nitrome ported many games to HTML5, Newgrounds has their flash player download thingie, Ninjakiwi released games on Steam with own wrapper) and you also have several flash game repositories, the most well maintained on e being Flashpoint

3 years ago

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there appear to be a few Linux-based options as well for those that run Linux, Windows 10 with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), or those not afraid of using virtual machines.

3 years ago

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How can so many people shit on flash so readily here? Its removal was something of a panic attack for me for 2 years now, I went through all the archives I could find and downloaded around 8k flash files because of it, and I wasnt even finished it, and there is around 30k+ more I will never be able to sort out. Sure flashpoint archive is nice, but that is way too big at 200gb and cant download it to sort it out

3 years ago

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The removal has been announcement sometime ago. I know that some sites still use flash and doesn't migrate to html5, but the others have migrated or do a workaround already.

3 years ago

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I know its been announced, I thought back in 2019 that it will end in that december so I made a mad rush and sorted out everything on swfchan (200k+ files) then went to newgrounds and downloaded what I could from there. Took me around 5 months, but I couldnt finish it.
I'm happy that some sites found an alternative so they can be still used, but there are sites that has not been updated for years and most likely disappear because noone can actually access the content (crazymonkey comes to my head and possibly miniclip but that site is a mess so i dont know)

3 years ago

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Yes, i know that some sites that doesn't update it too. I used to frequent one actually, and the other one that i am still using is on a brink of collapse (i think) since they don't have enough resources to migrate. I'm not sure if there is a way to download the flash content now if you want to preserve it, but i believe you would still be able to access these sites with workarounds (older browser, perhaps?)

Also, i think most people don't frequest flash sites anymore, except for some that grow up with it and treasure it, so that's more the reason of why people aren't making a lot of fuss about it. Hope you'll still be able to backup the files that you hadn't though.

3 years ago

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I haven't used Flash in years already. When a site requires it, I just go elsewhere. It's been a crappy technology from day 1.
That being said, putting a kill-switch in it was a dick move. Classic Big Tech paternalism: "we know what's best for you better than you do, and after shoving tech X down your throat for 2 decades now we forbid you to use it any longer".

3 years ago

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I wanted Flash to day since the day it was created. It was slow, freezing and buggy shit. But now, when it's finally dead, I don't feel joy, because now it's replaced by javascript animations, which are slower, and even more buggy shit, and you can't disable it without breaking site completely. Be careful with your wishes, sometimes they come true.

3 years ago

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