Ya know, seeing people bash Call of Duty can be fun, so can bashing it. But it can be annoying when people don't give legitimate reasons for hating it. So I want to know- Why do you hate (or not hate) Call of Duty? Now, I want to clarify that "Call of Duty" has 2 categories. 1. The Franchise, 2. The Individual games. The franchise includes its fanbase and would include the classic "Same game every year" reason. I expect it to be easy to bash that section. But what about the games? I want to know what makes each Call of Duty game bad. They're well made, albeit a short Campaign. They have tons of weapons, classes, maps, and game modes. So I want you to give me reasons for both. And if you can only bash the franchise, well then we can safely say that your opinions mean nothing. Here is where I stand:

I like the games. While I don't think buying a new CoD every year for $60(Prices are included in franchise), buying a game every few years is perfectly fine. I think the games are pretty fun, and I would play them when I could, just not buy them. As I said before, lots of weapons, maps, and game modes. It's addicting and fun to play with friends. The campagin can leave something to be desired, but I play it for the multiplayer anyways.

1 decade ago*

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Price. 'Nuff said.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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yes price...
the last good COD is COD 2 big red one... other COD ar expensive shit game ;)

1 decade ago

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What? If that's true then you shouldn't be playing ANY AAA-title since they all pretty much cost the same.

1 decade ago

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Wrong, I play AAA games and I never paid more than around $10 for them. I got BF3 for $5 a while back. :)

1 decade ago

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What you just said doesn't make any sense at all. EA also charges like what, 60 or 70 bucks for Battlefield 4. You got Battlefield 3 almost two yeas after it came out... Congratulations. The price drops apply to pretty much any game out there.

1 decade ago

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Did I even mention that I bought those AAA games on they're releases? No, I didn't.
I said that I never paid more than around $10 for them.
So now, tell me what doesn't make sense?

1 decade ago

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I think his point was that Activision rarely put their "newish" games up for sale at more than a paltry discount. I've never seen vanilla MW2 for less than $15, and good luck finding BLOPS 1 or 2 for anything less than 40% off.

By contrast, EA have given away free copies of BF3 to the public and have had the game on sale for at least 75% off multiple times.

1 decade ago

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So you dislike a game just because you don't like the publisher? EA and Origin are complete garbage and I hate to give them money, yet I purchased Battlefield 3 when it came out simply because I wanted to play it. Hating on a game because it rarely goes on sale is child's logic.

1 decade ago

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And if I did, why would you give a shit?

Personally, I don't buy Activision products because of their anti-consumer policies and their consistently shitty library of games. People are allowed to dislike something for whatever reason, and you're allowed to whine about those people. It's a free country.

That said, I'm not sure you're in the right position to be judging what's childish, seeing as how you hate to give companies your money but you do it anyway because you "wanted to play it". Where's your fucking impulse control?

1 decade ago

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I regret to inform you that not everybody on this website lives in the US but thank you for allowing me to express my opinion anyways.

I wanted to have a civil discussion here but you are getting all angry and abusive. I take it you ran out of valid arguments? Let me ask you a simple question: how many and which Call of Duty titles have you actually played yourself to be judging the entire franchise?

And yes, I purchased Battlefield 3 even though I highly dislike EA's policies and the worst DRM platform out there, named Origin. I have spent so many hours playing this title so why should I stop buying their games just because I don't like EA? That's like saying you're not going to watch any more Warner Bros. movies just because you hate the company. That doesn't make any sense to me and it doesn't sound like a good reason not to buy their products.

1 decade ago

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Angry and abusive? Pot, meet kettle. You're not looking for a civil discussion, you're simply looking to bash someone else for their opinion -- that's pretty apparent from reading your responses here so far. If you want a civilized discussion, start acting civilized and others will treat you with the same respect.

How many CoDs have I played? Barring CoD 4, I played them all up to Modern Warfare 2. MW2 is where I lost my patience with the series and realized it was becoming nothing but a quick DLC cash-cow for a company that wasn't interested in innovation or originality.

Just keep in mind that others may be working on a different set of consumer principles than you, and these specific kinds of conversations will turn out much more productive for both sides.

1 decade ago

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It's slow paced and boring compared to TF2 or old unreal tournament games and quake live. CoD is the same game over and over. I wouldn't want to play any game that just comes out with a new game every year.

1 decade ago

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Am I the only one around here that thinks TF2 is one of the worst FPS games ever?

1 decade ago

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No, you aren't.

1 decade ago

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Well when it was first made, it was fine (imo). It was after the first medic update that TF2 spiraled out of control into a big pile of steaming...

1 decade ago

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Nope. I think it's far from what everybody claims it is.

1 decade ago

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I liked the classic version. Got TF2 as a gift (when you still had to pay to play it), played TF2 for ~1 hour and hated it. Never gonna install it again.

1 decade ago

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The game was fun untill they maked all the hats and guns... it was fun at the time.. now the game is full with usless stuffs and boring new game modes.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, the games almost never go on sale, and the game isn't worth the full price, for the multiplayer gets boring after short spans of time.
Edit: forgot to mention how easy the games are, you need no skill to be good whatsoever. But when I look at games like Arma, Battlefield, or Team Fortress it's a whole different story.

1 decade ago

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Forget where I heard this from, but "Call of Duty is easy to learn, difficult to master".

1 decade ago

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Really? Because I never play and If I do I'm at the top of the leaderboards.

1 decade ago

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CoD has been like that since the root, i played CoD2 pirated on release ages ago, single player only. Then 2 years ago i played on a lan party again and i kicked everyone's ass at it. I hardly knew anything about the game anymore but CoD games have always been that easy for true gamers.

Noobs will always be noobs and keep calling "hacks" every death they get, just like in CS. People can't accept the fact that others are better than them, and them comes the consequences to the good people trying to enjoy a match.

1 decade ago

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No recoil.

1 decade ago

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It took everything in the divorce....

1 decade ago

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Don't like casual conveyer FPS with oldy graphics and without original storyline...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Storyline, the least important thing regarding to multiplayer-focused games.
However, I share your opinion about the first part.

1 decade ago

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Ok then, position the game as MMOFPS like Warface, but not like classic singleplayer FPS

1 decade ago

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Price mostly, and that it is so well known instead of other games.

1 decade ago

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Well popular stuff will always overshadow stuff that is significantly better. Which is disappointing

1 decade ago

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Yeah :/

1 decade ago

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I don't hate them... it's just that they're over-priced, over-hyped, and don't seem to change enough from one game to another to really be worth getting every new one that comes along. And while I'm sure they could only do so much in the World War 2 Setting, they only seem to be going for "Modern" or even futuristic things now, what about all the other hundreds of wars they could base some games on?

1 decade ago

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Hate is such a strong word. I would say I don't like it. It is the Justin Bieber or 1D of games nowardays.

Cod 1, Cod:UO, Cod 2, Cod:WaW or Cod4:MW were all good and amazing games. Cod 1 was worth every praise, reinvented modern FPS. Cod2 built upon it. Cod:WaW went for a new theater. MW again used the good movies single player formula and freshened the series up.

Now at about this point Cod decided it wanted to become the CS or Battlefield of games. Only problem they used the FIFA formula to come out with a game every 1 year. Kind of feels like mass produced stuff that is being thrown at someone, the games after not playing them since MW look the same. I wouldn't be able to tell what gameplay footage of the multiplayer I am seeing. Also buying a game knowing I will have to buy a DLC pack or two and a new game will be released in a year is kind of off putting and again feels like they are milking this to the max. They make the game for the money and not really for any artistic motive. I mean all developers are out for the money but they actually put some effort into the games to make them unique. CoD has simply zeroed in on a concept that sells well and milks it to the max. If you enjoy these games all glory to you. My Cod was CS 1.3-1.6 at the time with a lot less expenses as they simply added new maps, modes and weapons with a patch instead of calling it a new game. So I don't like how they milk it so obviously. Danger being other developers see how well it works and go for similar styles. :/

1 decade ago

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So, last worth while thing outta the CoD series was zombies?

1 decade ago

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I actually enjoyed all the ones I mentioned for single player experience. Cod brought Hollywood into games + massive AI battles and teammates in certain CoD games. So I can't talk about the WaW introduced Zombie mode. I tried it but I didn't really like it that much. Other games do it better like Killing Floor, well the type of zombie "arena/waves" game I enjoy at least.

I did play Cod 1 multiplayer quite a lot, also Cod 2 multiplayer I liked. It was fluid and fresh to me. MW I tried but it felt too much "run and gun". In Cod and Cod 2 people actually used somekind of coherent tactics, it wasn't a constant "run at full speed to be good" kind of gameplay.

1 decade ago

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I actually don't have a strong opinion on these CoD games, 'cause I don't play them. :)
However, they seem to be a little bit overpriced.

1 decade ago

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"Same" gameplay, more or less same sloppy work, overhyped and overpriced.

1 decade ago

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Almost any game franchise can be considered "Same" gameplay. Pokemon, CoD, Crysis, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, etc.

1 decade ago

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Bioshock, Skyrims, Mass Effect, etc.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That ^, is pretty fucking funny.

1 decade ago

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I never played Call of Duty. I'm an ARMA fan ( and operation flashpoint the first before that ).

Arma 3 was 25 bucks when bought in alpha.

CoD is seriously expensive. If i want a quick FPS, there is plenty of free options, i do not think that CoD brings enough to justify the price.

I might change my mind if i get to try it.

In the meantime... i will keep playing on a single map... of 270 km².

1 decade ago

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Strange that no one has posted this yet: Why Call of Duty Isn't Good: The Death of Tactics :P

1 decade ago

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.... $90 for a game that presents no new good features compared to the old games, has the graphical fidelity of a $30 title. It is only half an experience as the single player campaign is never good anymore, therefore it relies solely on multiplayer to sell the game (which it boasts as a "free" extra game or at least used to back when i was still buying it which was CoDBO). not to mention its $90 normal edition so you don't even get collectors edition for that price and it will come with about 4, $15 map dlc's that you have to buy later just to find servers that don't lag on multiplayer (since i am australian). Quite literally, the only new feature they have added on this iteration is the alien horde-mode (i didn't care to remember its name) and there seems to be a just as fun version released by Valve for free if you own any game. It is Alien Swarm and all you have to do is add the first person mod and it becomes a much better version of the CoD one...

This is only a handful of the reasons i dislike the new Call of Duty games... I actually liked CoDBO (however the only thing i liked was the zombie horde mode as i could spend about 3-4 hours with some random people and make a few new friends in the process whilst not having to think about it too hard. It was genuinely fun and i had a good time with it. But the multiplayer was the same as the last 4 which came before it when you boil it down to its mechanics. Killstreaks as an idea are good, however it essentially promotes bad gameplay on the user's behalf as it punishes those who do not survive as they actively move around the map instead of staying in one spot. The single player to me was essentially a mess... i had no attachment to anything and i had no problems skipping cutscenes and walking away from the computer whilst they were on as they had nothing to invest me in... all i understood was that apparently I was a character names Mason and I had to shoot people whilst essentially being dragged along by scripted events i played almost no part in.

1 decade ago

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I have quite a few:

  1. The price tag. CoD games are extremely overpriced compared to similar games such as Counter Strike, and hardly ever go on decent sales.
  2. Lack of innovation. Since CoD 4 there has hardly been any innovation in the series, especially in the ones made by Infinity Ward.
  3. Lack of dedicated servers. For me this is a must-have on PC games. It allows for an actual community to develop as well as add some variety to the game.
  4. It doesn't do anything better than other shooters. If I'm looking for competitive team-based gameplay I'll play CS:GO. If I want to play a twitch-skills game I'd play Quake Live. If I want to play casually with some of my friends I'd go play Bad Company 2. If I just want to have some dumb fun, TF2. If I'm looking for graphical fidelity - BF4. A fun singleplayer experience? Borderlands 2 (Still extremely fun even if by yourself). Realistic simulation - ARMA 3. All of these games with the exception of BF4 (which will likely go on far greater sales than CoD) are cheaper than Call of Duty.
  5. I don't like to give Activation my money due to their business practices, and because the games just seem like lazy pandering.

I see no reason to get any of the recent CoDs. I haven't enjoyed one since MW4. I'm not going to bother going around telling people what they should and shouldn't buy though. It's not like it was made through slave labor in India or something.

1 decade ago

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Mostly what I dislike about the CoD series is all of the people on the anti-bandwagon spamming threads all over the place bashing the game. Honestly, pretty much anyone on the PC hates the series - there's no need to keep spamming us with these kinds of threads.

1 decade ago

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I laughed at this.
So funny how true is this. :D

1 decade ago

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Better question: Why do you feel the need to be so vocal about your hatred?

People are going to play what they like. You're not going to change their minds. Live and let live.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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How about live and let die?

1 decade ago

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Ah, yes, the 70's... It was a much different world, back then....

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If I don't like a game then you can't like it either. That's just how it is. Deal with it. :|

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Because it is the Madden Football of FPSs, just like the Battlefield series. Every year or so it comes out with nothing really innovative. It barely adds new guns if any, barely adds a few new maps then charges you if you want more later on, and most people dont even play correctly they just run and gun. Oh and the fanbase is mostly a bunch of bros, idiots, and children who suck at teamwork and are sore losers.

1 decade ago

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"most people dont even play correctly they just run and gun"

Oh, I didn't know there was a correct way to play video games. I thought as long as you were having fun that's all that mattered.

1 decade ago

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I don't know if something about you changed, or if I just haven't seen you in a while, but I like it xD

1 decade ago

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I heard it involved playing games only with the gamecube controller whilst applying voice changers to your microphone input to make it sound really screechy...

1 decade ago

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Leave it to Megaman to defend running and gunning. Lol, I'm just fucking with ya.

1 decade ago

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speaking of EAsports games, There is a funny A.I. glitch for ronaldinho in FIFA 07 that i found... you just long pass the ball from the halfway point at max power towards the enemy goal and the goalie would always jump too early and fall over so it was instant goal every time XD... I think the addition of the player being able to control the goalie in later games may be the only innovation they ever did

(not really related to your point, its just more that you made me remember about it so i felt i should be annoying and tell you)

1 decade ago

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Ahaa well I am quite an expert on Fifa games thankfully. They have made quite good innovation and changes in the recent years.

  • Physics engine, player react a lot more realistically to force and no longer use default animations if they fall. Also ball control using your body to fight is possible.
  • Ball behavior, the ball is no longer just a start/mid/end animation point with statistics rolled between actions. Now it is a object until it reaches near ones players leg. It bounces off the grass, behaves differently when coming in contact with certain body parts etc.
  • Player personality, players run differently and have a lot more diverse body types. High level players are customized per personality to this. Messi has his sharp turns and Ronaldo runs like a...well he has a distinct run with the ball, hands to the side and chest forward. Zlatan makes use of his long legs and agressive body type, well they very well go with their real life abilities, not just "heading 100" , "strength 95%". They have added individual preferences that stats can't fathom very well.
  • Goal scoring, a technology of sort has been added. You can mimic bends, chips, strongshots etc. A lot control has been added to bring up the skill ceiling.
  • The way statistics behave. Players are prone to make mistakes if they are less skilled. The ball bounces from their feet. They make mistakes when capturing the ball with their body. They misjudge headers, tackles even without you tackling. It seems like a small thing but the change in gameplay is noticeable, players don't feel like mechanized robots.
  • Smarter AI, AI goes for runs and is more coherent in placing themselves. You can order runs but usually you had to micromanage your guys. Now their a little smarter and realistic running into good spots.
  • Gameplay system overall. Just recently (2012 I think) they added a new defense system. It used to be hold a indefinitely and you will tackle at some point. Now you actually have to press it at the moment you think a tackle is needed. Again if you are with the franchise this changed the way to play.
  • Besides all the backdrop things they have been working on like making manager mode more realistic with transfers, seasons, being able to lead an international team etc.

I think I have mentioned the more visible and changes I remember myself so I'll stop now.

edit: Out of interest I checked FIFA 2014 features and it seems I have almost named every one of them, they still advertise under old features. :/ so no, they don't really innovate each year but they did quite a lot in the last ones. FIFA 2014 doesn't seem to bring anything new besides player base update.

1 decade ago

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yeah i stopped caring about new FIFA games with the introduction of the player-controlled goalie since i couldn't troll my friends with it anymore... although with your point on goal scoring i do have to say you could do a lot of that beforehand but you had to know how to trick the system a bit... i learnt how to do most of those with the barcelona team but i found it way more interesting just to play using only aerial movesets since that is difficult but fun.

and tbh, alot of the "innovative" stuff they mention is just added statistic bars with set code to occur based on a value given (similar to the over-encumberement in an RPG). It seems new and no-one would argue that it doesn't bring a new aspect to the game, but its not really innovative when you boil it down, much like CoD...

1 decade ago

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this would pretty much voice all of the lack of innovation comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E82ZkHTiVU

1 decade ago

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It's one of the better First Person Shooters to just dick around with friends.
And to make fun of their lack of skills.

1 decade ago

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I like it. Its fun, and that is the only thing I ask of it. Its not really a competitive game or a skill-based game, and you really shouldnt play it if that is what you are looking for. Is a good bit of casual fun..

What I do hate with the strenght of 10 000 suns is bad ports though, and that is what most of them have been lately. I love MW1 and BO1. They are great. MW2,MW3 and to some extent BO2 are crappy ports.

You only need to bring back server list/mod support for multiplayer/ rentable servers, Activision. Making the game not run like shit would be great too( how in hell a game that looks this bad can be having framerate problems with a fucking TITAN is beyond me.Infinity Ward is a complete piece of shit on PC)

Basically, CoD is fun, but the horrible porting completely ruins it for me.

1 decade ago

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It would be nice to have a feature that detects when a little kid is on the mic and it mutes them until they become an adult.

Or maybe the ability to run your own server and with a higher player count than what is allowed now.

1 decade ago

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The game is fun but expensive, and the dlcs are worth almost the same as the base game, and there is a new game every year

1 decade ago

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The only thing I hate about CoD is that it shouldn't be as succesful as it is.

1 decade ago

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i just dislike the newer games because to me mw2 is the best mulitplayer (mw1's story tho for the storyline is my fave), and whenever I play any of the others' multiplayer, I always think of mw2's and then I play mw2, and feel sad because no one plays groundwar anymore (which was the best), and then I see the outdated graphics, and it makes me think of the time in my life when mw2 was the coolest thing I and just feel a little sad.

I do look forward to trying out ghosts one day, but I doubt that it can compare to the first two Modern Warefare games.

I forever <3 MW2 Thank you Infinity Ward for this great game

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bassnium.