I've noticed something strange on SteamGifts. Just today, when I checked steam gifts at 7:30 AM, there was only one giveaway available. However, when I logged in at 10:30 AM, I noticed there were more giveaways. Not weird yet, right?


These giveaways were created 7 hours ago. That's messed up. What if 2 hours ago, when I logged in, there was a giveaway created 3 hours ago that was about to expire? I wouldn't be able to get into that giveway.

Just something to munch on.

2 years ago

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People can create an GA 7AM, but with starting time to 10AM

2 years ago

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And would it say created 7 hours ago?

2 years ago

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AFAIK, the GA was created 7 houras ago, but started later, something like 2 hours ago. I may be wrong about it

You can test it when you make your next GA: Schedule it to start in the future, and after the GA start, see if it shows the time it was supposed to start or the time it was created.

2 years ago

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Well, if it's how you state it, then I think it is not the clearest marking. Maybe then SteamGifts should add "started at" to better clarify this?

2 years ago

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You come to SG, you browse the giveaways that are visible to you, you enter those you really like. What would be the point of knowing when the giveaway started?

In case you really, really want a game, you can check the archive for giveaways that have been created but did not start yet, although most of these delayed ones aren't public but private ones in preperation of events.

2 years ago

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To most people, doesn't matter what time a GA was created, only the ending time. But you can always suggest it to CG

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This message can only be seen by Steamgifts PremiumÂŽ users.

This is a joke and unfortunately I have to state this.

2 years ago

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I'm confused. Are you saying my initial post is a joke?

2 years ago

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no, "Steamgifts Premium" is a very old joke that now requires stating that it is a joke to not to mess with support :)

2 years ago

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What if 2 hours ago, when I logged in, there was a giveaway created 3 hours ago that was about to expire? I wouldn't be able to get into that giveway.

This is a fundamental truth of being a Steamgifts user: there will be some giveaways that you can't enter. Best to just accept it and appreciate the ones you can enter.

2 years ago

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That's just the way it is. If I created 20 GAs right now, but scheduled them to start in 2 hours, they would have the time I created up on them.

2 years ago

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the time is the time people make them not the time it starts

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago*

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