Hello, have just started with some group giveaways and was curious about ratio.

I know I receive 1 sent if its exclusive to group and 0,5 if I select two groups etc.
But how does it work if I select my whitelist and one group. Is it 0,5 ratio in that case too? Or does it depend on who wins?

The reason Im asking is because I have 0 users in WL and thought it might be smart to also select WL and add users temporarily if it has low entries.

7 years ago*

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I know I receive 1 sent if its exclusive to group and 0,5 if I select two groups etc.


If you're talking about Sent / Won ratio on Steamgifts in general you will get +1 Games sent for each copy given away.

7 years ago

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Im talking about sent/recevied in a specific group.

7 years ago

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Then it depends on the rules of the group and there is no general anwer. 2hu for example lets you share your GAs with as many other groups (or your WL) as you want but you will only be awarded ratio if a 2hu member (who is not member of any of the other eligible groups) wins.

7 years ago

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Um you are completely wrong

The ratio thing is based on the Group rules tbh , so asking here is kinda pointless to begin with .

In most cases the whole Ratio thing refers to the games won x games sent . And in most cases it just counts if you make group exclusive giveaways , if you share them with other groups the giveaway might not count for your ratio at all.

So just check your group Rules ( some dont mind sharing them with other small groups ) so you get your full Contribution ... other just flat out dont count anything shared with another group :)

7 years ago

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Ok, I guess I misunderstood how it works. Not really helpful answer to just say I was wrong :)

7 years ago

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I edited it , so check it again :p

Also you seem to be member of Giftopolis , the mixed ( aka more than one group ( giveaways are allowed and count fully for your contribution here :)

Also for every 3 games you win you need to make 1 giveaway EXCLUSIVE to the group , aka ONLY for giftopolis members :)

Other then that you are fine sharing them with other groups ... but try to show some love only to Them i guess :)

Uh and also you need to try and keep your ratio positive anyway ... so making a giveaway ( even a mixed one) that includes giftopolis every time you win its the way to do it ... feel free to share it with other groups i guess , but remember that for every 3 wins the GA must be only for giftopolis ppl :)

Gtg to work , but if you list me the groups you are member in i can give you detailed info about the rules and how not to get yourself kicked from them once i get there :)

7 years ago*

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Yeah, I have done 1 exlusive and made another one today because I pretty much won 3 gibs over night and got bad ratio because of that.

I saw this explanasion over group ratio thats why I talked about 0,5 if I selected two groups.

And under users in the group page everyone always have X.X in sent and received and not just a round X number.

I had like -1.3 or something before I had even joined the group because it was other group/wl too on the gibs I won. So not really sure you actually receive 1 in sent on that specific group if you for example include WL or other groups?

7 years ago

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The best would be to ask the group creator for specific rules , as I can only speculate .
But I'm pretty sure as long as it's not shared with any group with thousands of members it should count as 1.

As for how the ratio thing work I think there are 3 ways of calculating it.
Either raw number of won/sent ... Or sent / won meaning if you sent 5 and won 2 you got 2.5 ratio .

Last one is just using the default steam gifts ratio thing , which I don't really understand how it works .

To check your ratio with I just go to the SG group page and find your username there.
Again not entirely sure how that one does it

7 years ago

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Group rules are group rules, and SG ratio has nothing to do with it.

Although if you're wondering how SG group ratio is calculated, on SG group page, then yes, it's 1 divided by number of groups, adding whitelist counts as +1 group.

7 years ago

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This sounded more like the answer I was looking for. But I probably misunderstood the whole group rules of sent/received when they wrote for example 0.5 ratio.

I was sure they ment the calculation in user page of the specific group. :)

7 years ago

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maybe u want to look in to this thread

Science done, by fully clear experiment few days ago =) Man from whitelist win my GA (7P) in private group (and he not member of this group) and FULL value was added to my group stat.
Before +3.3 / +$132.22
After +4.3 / +$139.21
So 100% confirmed - whitelist not counting as addition group and not split or steal you group stats =)

7 years ago

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So...where's the "Deal"? :P

Looks like you got your answers, so I'm just being a smart-ass about this being under the Deals discussion group. :)

7 years ago

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Hmm, was certain I choose general. :) Must have missclicked.

Anyway, closing the thread because I have gotten the answers I want. Two users probably got pissed of that I chose the wrong category and blacklisted me :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by madsession.