I know this may be an old and answered topic but there is nowhere I can go except here to voice my issue. I love this platform and have been a member for almost a decade although I've taken a break for a few years. I have surely won my fair share of games here and they have cheered me up when I felt down... I want this application to be more available to people who do not have a lot of time to join giveaways. In my experience it was very difficult to sometimes contact gift receivers or manage the gift and trade as well as timing of it. I hope that it is not a lot at all to ask you to build in a method to automatically trade and hold items to winners instead of having to do it manually.

2 months ago

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Yes guys, lets help bots more.

2 months ago

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lol nice try bot

2 months ago

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If you're asking for an option to automatically send keys when the GA ends, I am all for it.

2 months ago

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Exactly, a checkbox option. Some of us want to check winner's legitimacy, some don't. I often do, but not always.

2 months ago

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Sure. As long as old rule infractions, like non activations and multiple wins lead to automatic re-rolls.

2 months ago

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why people talking about multiple wins? thats not possible! after winning you cant enter the same game ga again!
real question: why is that still a thing after 5 years of impossibility?!?

2 months ago

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Old multiple wins from before. Some with multiple wins made an effort to get them rectified (convincing one of the giveaways' creators to delete the giveaway). Some never tried anything to set their accounts straight.

2 months ago

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But... You have 7 days to do a 2 minutes task?

2 months ago

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But that means you are limited to 5040 accounts ....

2 months ago

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Oh. I see a problem, thought suggestion is to send gifts faster, but it is about automatically reedem them to account? Thought winning on level 0 is way too rare to actually become time consuming.

2 months ago

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They are talking about sending, but looking at their created history ...

2 months ago

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everyone in real life i tell about SG is not interested in winning games (they buy what they wanna play)
once i had someone who forgot his humble membership for over a year and had many good keys - he registered and created GAs - i met him a week later and told him: you have to send the keys too. he was surprised and already blacklisted by ppl. he clicked send and never came back to sg.

2 months ago

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This is the same energy when on a level 2 giveaway a level 3 (now freshly level 4) user told me:

Running giveaways with higher levels encourages users to do giveaways to increase their level. Please prioritize who contributes to the growth of the site and community."

They have 41-209 for their stat over 9 years, with 3 giveaways in the past almost 4 years, all locked to the SA region.
Which would be okay I guess, people do whatever.
But the audacity, asking for higher (I guess level 3, their level) requrements on my giveaways, while preaching about the contributors was a flashbang-level of audacity.

2 months ago

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I hope you do them level 5 now

2 months ago

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View attached image.
2 months ago

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I deserved that well 👍

2 months ago

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I may have joined your giveaway because I think I saw that exact comment. It gave me a chuckle.

2 months ago

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That users auto-comments encouraged me to blacklist them.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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i saw him saying the exact same thing here

You were not the only one targeted.

2 months ago

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I just "prioritized who contributes to the growth of the site and community"... and blacklisted said user =)

2 months ago

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Edit: If you want to be done with the Internet for today, have a look at OPs comment section on his Steam profile.

View attached image.
2 months ago*

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What the HELL did I just read???

2 months ago

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You weren't kidding...

View attached image.
2 months ago

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holy hell o_o wtf is that tho? some heavy drug use, mental illness..? I guess we will never know.

2 months ago

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OP is clearly mentally ill. And completely unhinged. To a point it worries me and I can see violence in OPs future.

BTW: Wiggers.

2 months ago

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My eyes are bleeding!

2 months ago

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Great find :)

1200+ comments written on his own profile? That's damn impressive!

2 months ago

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They're also in 8 groups where they're the only member. There's more random nonsense comments in the 9 groups they're in.

2 months ago*

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Welp, time to play Moonlighter and forget the things I've read tonight.

2 months ago

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Wow. Just.... ?

2 months ago

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WTF? I'm so confused, it's like trying to parse the ramblings of a madman. I think this guy might be legit insane, like the kind of mental illness that requires that someone keeps an eye on them so they don't randomly off themselves.

2 months ago

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Thanks! I am done with the Internet for today.

Also, OP is currently banned on SG for a month.

2 months ago

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Only has 5 unactivated wins and 2 multiple wins, lol.

2 months ago

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  • 1 giveaway 7 years ago
  • 2 not received from that ga
  • 0 giveaways in 7 years
  • total giveaways in 9 years of steamgifts: 1
  • total sent games in 9 years of steamgifts: 0
2 months ago

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I've never seen a profile comment section used as a personal blog before.

2 months ago

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He also made 9 groups for more blog posts.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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I don't think that's a blog, it's a manifesto...


2 months ago

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You're correct. It does read that way.

Probably on some watchlists.

2 months ago

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i am not black list you for being a "bot" but because you failed to giveaway your games

2 months ago

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You are my rake provider mi familia pim jam janice

2 months ago

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What you're describing is a candy vending machine. That's not what this site is.

2 months ago

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That's exactly what this site is....

Some people work for the vending machine company, but even they tend to pluck a piece of candy from the supply from time to time.

2 months ago

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Except the people putting candy in the machine are not a company. They're individuals who have spent money for things that they are now giving away to strangers. So yeah no, not at all a vending machine.

2 months ago

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You get points to spend on the vending machines. You get more points if you contribute. The points are kind of like a currency.

2 months ago

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What are points in this context?

2 months ago

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Except you don't get more points if you contribute.
You get access to a few more vending machines (and if you check out the number of giveaways over level 3 these days, it's not exactly a bounty). And still those vending machines are filled by people.
So really no it's not.

2 months ago

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Most wins come from group giveaways, that's where things really shine here, especially the puzzle giveaways.

2 months ago

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I don't know about most because I'm pretty sure 90% of gibs are public but you're right, the odds are better in group giveaways, provided you are participating in the group. Still doesn't make a vending machine though.

2 months ago

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And still those vending machines are filled, mostly, by people autojoiners, multiaccounters and other cheaters.

I needed to correct your sentence ;)

Ps.: The most autojoiner reports from our group members are still, after more then a year, unhandled.

2 months ago

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I needed to correct your sentence ;)

Bots and autojoiners don't fill the machines much in my experience. They get the candy but they don't put much back.

2 months ago

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You are correct and i am much too sleepy.

Wanted to change the filled to emptied too.

2 months ago

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Heh I know how you feel, brother. Been on quite a few forums with an empty tank after a bad night. Fingers start typing on their own.

2 months ago

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Hello what is this candy you speak of...??/

2 months ago

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View attached image.
2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Giveaways Entered: 39,521
Gifts Won : 59 ($430.44)
Gifts Sent : 0 ($0.00)
Ratio: 0 (0)

2 months ago

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Hi guys! I have seen his profile has been suspended. But why, exactly? I know that it has a very bad rate, considering what has done in 9 years on SG, but it isn't the only profile with this score here. Has it been suspended because he insulted someone or what? And why right now after 7 years of inactivity? Just curious :P

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Yep, you are right. Probably this is the reason, actually. I didn't remember sgtools had this function. Thanks for showing me this :)

2 months ago

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You're welcome :)
Yes, you should always check your winner(s). Always. And if you see a rule violation, please send a ticket to support. Thank you.

2 months ago

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Someone pointed 5 inactivated wins, maybe that was reason. With inactive level 0 it takes some time to check as you mostly cross them if they win your giveaway and just a peak of gifters check winners if they are claiming wins on that account.

2 months ago

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I agree. I confess I have never checked wether the winner had already won the same game before. I think, from now on, I will do it. Thanks for pointing it out :)

2 months ago

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This general apathy of SG users allows cg to postpone any decisive action against the worst offenders indefinitely and bad actors to thrive.

2 months ago

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I understand. Every time that I make a giveaway or look at the discussions page, I learn new things about SG.

2 months ago

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He's also autocommenting on every GA now with the message I copied here, which, in itself, apparently isn't enough proof of autojoiners for mods (according to some distorted views, this must be making the site look like it's lively or something, idk man). But maybe they caught that too.

2 months ago

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Let's say that the mods are spoiled for choice to suspend it :)

2 months ago

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Nah, dont waste your school days playing video games lottery or potentially finding ways to exploit that. Do the lottery part when you can afford to. Maybe this suspension is a blessing in disguise!?

2 months ago

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I wonder what a benecild is.

2 months ago

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With 0 giveaways created in 9 years, a system to automatically trade doesn't seem to benefit you much

2 months ago

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Free Konrad!

2 months ago

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