This is huge news:

Introducing GOG Connect
GOG Connect

Important: You can connect only one Steam account with your library. This process is permanent – choose wisely!

Important 2: If you own some of the games and Connect doesn't recognize them, press the Refresh button and wait a while (can be a few minutes, hours or even a day). The reason for this is that GOG is using the Steam API to scan your Steam library and the API has a limit on the number of calls it can make for a given period of time. If you're still having problems, refresh your GOG account (simply clicking the link is enough; this is different that the Refresh button on the GOG Connect page!).

Important 3: In case you are still getting the message "Due to exceedingly high demand this may take up to several days, please check back later. Thank you for your patience." after waiting a while and trying the account refresh link above, then it would be a good idea to contact GOG support. Many users have reported that their problem was fixed quickly after that.

Connect your Steam account and grow or jumpstart your library.

Today, we're launching a new program called GOG Connect. The premise is simple: connect your Steam account and add your eligible games to your library.

Whether you're checking us out for the first time or have been with us for a while, GOG Connect gets you DRM-free versions of your games, digital extras, and a whole lot of freedom of choice (like whether you go with the GOG Galaxy client or not). It gets you our take on game ownership, and we say: why buy the games more than once?

While GOG Connect will stick around, the available games will come and go. These are limited-time offers made possible by participating developers and publishers, so stay tuned as we bring new titles onboard in the future (and grab your copies before they go away)!

I really hope more games are made available, because this could raise GOG's popularity significantly!

Edit on 29-April-2020:

Game Ratings Bundled Retail Price Available Until
Fort Triumph 84% of 257 reviews 0 24.99 6-May-2020 17:00 UTC

Thanks to BrianFarnet: The GOG Connect Steam group is a useful way to get notified about future batches in your activity feed.

8 years ago*

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I really wish it would go both ways. I don't like having more than 1 client, and I'm more than happy with Steam.
If GoG would add games to my Steam Library, I'd be a lot more inclined to buy on GoG. (even games that aren't yet available on Steam, in the hopes that one day it would be unified)

edit: it worked perfectly fine for me. 4 games connected

8 years ago

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GOG probably isn't dealing in activation keys on all products, this why.

8 years ago

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This way people would buy games on GOG (as they are cheaper AFAIK) and would play them through the Steam client. That would be considered abuse I think.

EDIT: Not that they can't already buy them on GOG and play from there (Have no idea how GOG works, don't crucify me :D )

8 years ago

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For me buying on GOG is normally more expensive then buying on steam/steam official retailers; the reason being is that GOG rarely has 75% sales while on steam is mostly the "norm".

8 years ago

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If that's the price I need to pay for a TRUE ownership of my games I am more than willing.
Steam only offers you a "contract" where you can lose ownership at any moment.
If you don't believe me, read the guidelines and user agreement from both clients.

8 years ago

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Steam also doesn't give you 'Software' anymore, but access to 'Content and Services'

8 years ago

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I don't get why if you are paying the prize for the game, they can't give you full ownership. This is a step back from the physical purchases.

The GOG client is gettin better patch by patch, I am going to give them full support even if I like Steam and Valve in general.

8 years ago

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"Full ownership" means the right to modify IMO. That's usually not handed out anywhere.

8 years ago

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Steam only offers you a "contract" where you can lose ownership at any moment.

Did you miss the bit where GOG faked closing down to promote a re-launch?

We're beholden to all of these services license agreements - if they enter financial straits, they can close at the drop of a hat and all purchases are defunct.

8 years ago

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You can download the game installers from GOG, so even if they close down I have the installers on NAS or whatnot.

8 years ago

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you can do the same for some titles on Steam, and for the rest there's usually a workaround

8 years ago

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Except vast majority rely on Steam DRM, by connecting to server telling them 'guy has the game, it's okay to proceed' so if Valve desires, they can instantly shut it down by DRM server not replying to query. Games without Steam DRM are very rare, mostly Indie games and stuff by Paradox. On GOG, there is no DRM whatsoever. True, you can try workarounds with offline mode and whatnow, but a lot of games doesn't support that either, and in the end, you usually need cracked exe from pirated release to beat the above system in case of Steam going dark...

8 years ago

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Most games can be played in offline mode.

8 years ago

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What? That was freakin' awesome of them. Like April's fool in the middle of the year. It wasn't done in bad spirit.

6 years ago

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In retrospect, yes 'haha, lulz'.

At the time, we had a landmark case where a online games store had folded overnight and suddenly nobody had access to anything they had paid real money for. Granted, GOG was smaller at the time and the stuff actually 'lost' was fairly limited and it did restart the conversation about 'what if Valve closed Steam', but they handled it in such a ham-fisted way.

That the spods behind it had to actually issue a proper apology speaks volumes.

6 years ago

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I agree with you i was just trying to say that GOG prices are higher then steam for me, nothing more nothing less.
I currently have around 200 games for GOG so i try to support them.

8 years ago

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Actually GOG may offer DRM free but you still do not fully own the game you are just getting it without any DRM.You never owned the game when you use to have them on DISK you merely had the right to use said content on said media.When you resold it you where by passing it because it was legal to sell the media but not the software.

In fact if you lose your account you are suppose to delete your games just the same as with a cd/movie if you sell the copy you are suppose destroy any backups or mp3.Though technically if you live in the U.S. just merely by passing the copy protection is actually illegal now.

I am not sure where people get this notion you some how have more rights using GOG,you are still only getting a license to use said software just it does not have any DRM.So if for some reason you lose your account legally you are no longer suppose to use the games because you no longer have rights to use said content.As i said though given that it is DRM free and can be stored anywhere there is little they could do to enforce it if you already have backups.

The same with DISK there was little they could do to enforce the TOS you agreed to before installing the game so even if they told you to delete said copies or installed games after you sell/give away the game.There was little they could due to enforce that.The digital ages now lets Publishers enforce those TOS a lot more.Also there was one time use serials before Steam,they just where needed to play online on official servers but still allowed you to install the game and play offline digital also stops that.

I am for GOG because of the DRM free so no client needed or internet to play.There are some exceptions to that like Dying Light needs the client to play online but not to play offline.

In the end though neither one of them allow you full rights to own said game and never did even when you owned physical copies,after all someone else holds the rights to the content on the media and for you to fully own it would mean you would have to own all the rights to them.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Depends where you live, GOG is cheaper for me than Steam, mainly cause they get that £1=/=$1

8 years ago

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hahaha, it's hilarious when stores do the $=€=£
I'd wanna pay with Zimbabwean dollars

8 years ago

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There are plenty of 75% off sales on GOG right now, many eve more and at historically low prices.

They also offer bundles that are cheaper than steams .

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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A) game prices are set by the publisher, and are the same often enough (or the same sales)
B) it wouldn't be abuse any more than legally acquired keys from authorized resellers are abuse

8 years ago

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People buy games from Humble, GreenMan and so on in the form of Steam keys and play them on Steam. Valve doesn't get a penny from those sales, but provides the infrastructure for free. That's how it works and anyone can provide Steam keys for their games, once those games are sold on Steam.

8 years ago

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I have no counter argument on this (if there is any at all) :D
If GOG keys are DMR free, (They are, aren't they?) I can't see why Valve would let those keys be added on their client. After all, they were supposed to be DMR free in the first place.

8 years ago

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GOG is strictly DRM-free. It doesn't mean that a certain game is DRM-free everywhere. Humble routinely provides a DRM-free download and a Steam key. Steam doesn't define itself as DRM, rather as a distribution platform offering optional DRM features to publishers. And to be honest, it's a fairly open one.

In a perfect world, if you ask me, keys would be shared across all platforms and we wouldn't be discussing such things. :)

8 years ago

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Well, we unfortunately do not live in a perfect world and Valve showed not once or twice how greedy they can get.

I have to agree with you, I'd like myself to see keys be shared across all of the platforms (even if I don't use any other than Steam), yet I don't see this happening, at least not in the near future.

8 years ago

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We sure don't. Valve surely likes money, but a big issue I see with them is that they're... unmanaged. They seem to move forward through pet projects, however small or big their impact, unless the shit really hits the fan.

I also don't see that happening, mostly because Origin and Uplay are owned by publishers which think and act more rigidly. And then there's Microsoft hoping to become the next Apple.

8 years ago

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It used to be "Apple is trying to become the next Microsoft" .... times change and companies change and everything else changes too. If you haven't seen it happen yet, you will in the future. :)

8 years ago

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Companies don't really change. Situations change and companies act accordingly. Taking the sweet 30% without doing much is the new black and MS wants in .

I haven't seen it happen because it hasn't happened yet. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Well, that's it: when you buy on GOG, you don't even see a key in most cases. It's not like GamersGate, where their downloads may need a CD key at installation (like in the old days): you buy the game at GOG, you download an EXE, it installs the game in a whiff, and that's it. The game never asks for authentication, the installer can be used by anyone any time, anywhere, any amount of times to receive the same game.

8 years ago

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happy cake day Aseed!

8 years ago

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I buy my games in retail shops (boxed copies, legit shops like Saturn or Empik), because they're usually half as cheap, and I have to play them through Steam anyway.

7 years ago

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The thing with GOG is that you don't need a client.

8 years ago

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But I like the client

8 years ago

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let the never-ending but cycle commence

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I really wish it would go both ways.

I suspect it's just a matter of time before Steam follows suit.

GOG: You know those old games you used to love? We're selling them, again!
STEAM: Hey! We're selling them, now, too!
GOG We're also including soundtracks and goodies!
STEAM: Yeah, we can do that, too!
GOG: And, if you don't like what you buy, you can get a refund!
STEAM: Umm, sure! We can do refunds, too!

8 years ago

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Steam doesn't really have a reason to "support a competitor" though, while GOG of course is desperate to lure in users from competing platforms.

8 years ago

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So you say.

8 years ago

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You sure? Their parent company had a solid few-million dollar net profit before the launch of Witcher 3. GOG is already larger than Direct2Drive and GamersGate. For something that started as a niché market, it is quite impressive already.

8 years ago

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Both Direct2Drive and GamersGate were essentially dumped by their owners and have since done a lot of Not Much. I don't know anyone who still buys at those places. At least compare to GMG or exotic & tropical pages like Nuuvem.

8 years ago

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Gamers Gate has great prices. I've bought a number of things there, most recently Valhalla Hills... last week, I think?

8 years ago

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GMG is now completly confined o UK because of their pricing changes, and Nuuvem is South America only. GOG works globally and outclasses them both.

7 years ago

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How many Steam keys does GoG sell exactly?

7 years ago

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Zero, all of their games are DRM-free.

7 years ago

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Well, it's actually more than zero because there's a minuscule amount of games where at least on request you will be provided Steam keys, but overall.... shopping on GoG is a rather poor way of obtaining Steam games. :)

7 years ago

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...I didn't look at the rest of the conversation, so I thought you were seriously asking. lol. Sorry about that. 's what I get for clicking the "newest post" button without looking at the context.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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GMG is still pretty useful in the US because of their solid sales, especially on preorders.

7 years ago

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Don't forget the part where GOG, great company that it is and no disparagement intended, started carrying modern games somewhere around step 2 or 3... :)

8 years ago

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And pre-orders. And left the two-tier pricing system. And changed to regional pricing.

8 years ago

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Yes. To be honest, I really like gog much more than Steam.

8 years ago

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To be frank, the only platform that can be liked less than Steam is UPay…

8 years ago

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One word: Origin.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Origin has been better for a gaming client than Steam for a good while now. No random outages just because the servers are having a hiccup, normal download speeds, no unnecessary never-used features nobody asked for, and most importantly: support that reacts fast and actually tries everything to solve a problem.
Valve's only lucky because UbiSoft is historically unable to provide customer satisfaction when it comes to DRM and the ability to start up a game, which is now added on top of their usual fuckups in coding. At least Steam works. Most of the time. More or less.

8 years ago

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Just be sure to watch prices during purchases, a new problem Steam has is not applying the discount you should get. Had to get a refund. Thankfully they got the funds back quick enough to still get the discount once I had the cash again.

8 years ago

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Well, since I'm in ROW/EU region, I pretty much stopped buying anything on Steam. I can get most things I want in bundles or at other stores cheaper. Humble Store is gradually becoming my new favourite place to shop for Steam keys, but I am also migrating back to GOG as they undercut anyone with their fair pricing policy.

8 years ago

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I get some trades coming to me because of regional pricing here on certain titles. Trading profits pay for my games now, so much better than spending real money on games. That stuff goes on better food now.

I have biscuits right now. I never had biscuits when I was still buying my bundles.

8 years ago

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gives DeltaBladeX a VirtualCookie™

8 years ago

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I have real ones. Both peanut brownies and some mint slice biscuits. :D

8 years ago

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Did origin support improve that much in the last two years? Back in the day when I still used origin I sure wouldn't have described it as you just did and neither would anyone I know. One of my friends his account got hacked and after a tiresome couple of days it came down to him having to call them which cost him 20$. Steam support on the contrary has always been able to help me within 24h.

8 years ago

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You are the second person I ever saw who said Steam support accomplished anything for them. They could do refunds, remove games from accounts, and… that was pretty much it. I mean… they are so bad it is legendary. So bad that even Valve had to officially admit it.
And yes, origin stepped up big time in the past 2-4 years.

8 years ago

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Truth be told I've never had to contact steam support for anything major but this article you linked sure is a bit of a surprise. From my own experience I would never have thought steam support to be so notoriously bad. Well maybe the time has come to give Origin another shot and play the ME3 SP again :D

8 years ago

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That said Origin probably still has a really embarrassing friend limit and EA's actual games are typically more broken than Steam. From random disconnects to rampant cheating, EA has it all.

Reminds me that I need to research how to best throw a lot of money at Origin to preorder some expensive crap.

8 years ago

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While EA sucks, Origin is easly the second best digital distribution platform after GOG.

7 years ago

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Their client is even better than GOG's Galaxy. I can still feel that Galaxy is in a very framework-like beta state; for example, for me any game update gets stuck at 0% for 10-30 minutes before it is downloaded, and the program hangs in the meantime (and does this on 3 computers with 2 different OSs). The Origin client ever since it stopped being a damn resource hog, feels great to use.

I agree if we look strictly at the distribution platform though.

7 years ago

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Well, I meant GOG website (thanks to their rules and modus operandi), not the software client. The client is still WIP.

7 years ago

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While not automatic, there are some developers/publishers that will send you Steam keys for games that you own on GOG, if you contact them with a receipt.

8 years ago

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I feel pretty much the same way. I prefer to buy my games on Steam. I do have a few GOG games, but not very many.

8 years ago

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there are games on GOG that I want, but my backlog on steam is big enough that I can live without especially as those are mostly older games I'd want for nostalgia reasons more than that I'd actually play them

8 years ago

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Yep. Same. Steam Only for me and I still have enough games for the next 20 years.

I have absolutely no problems missing out on AAA+ crazes that don't come to steam. On the very rare occasion that I purchase something outside of steam, it's generally from the developer direct and then goes into my steam library as a non steam game. and 90% of those ended up on steam anyway.

6 years ago

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8 years ago

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this is great!

8 years ago

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As usual, is in German for me and I can't switch it to English (the language selection at the bottom doesn't work). I think they'll never run out of new ways to anger me.

EDIT: After I yelled a lot in a support ticket, this eventually was resolved.

8 years ago*

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yeah ... it's annoying. I don't even know which of those games
I have because the titles are in German too. Silly localization.

EDIT: not an issue once you're logged in it seems.

8 years ago*

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It was in French for me, but once I connected my Steam account and refreshed the page it finally showed in English:-)

8 years ago

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Have you tried doing it from here?

8 years ago

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Doesn't work for me, connected accounts, but it can't find eligible games, but i definitely own most of them. Refresh button doesn't help.

8 years ago

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Maybe their number of API calls exceeded already for now...

8 years ago

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Give it a little time, they have some baby issues to work out apparently - the Connect page was unavailable not so long ago. I'm sure they'll fix it.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Worked now, 20 new games on GOG account, not bad
Edit: ...but now i can't added them because of some error. Welp, i think i'll back few hours later when they'll fix everything.

8 years ago

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Whilst this is agreat feature none of the games I'm missing offer me anything new in the way of extras which is one of the main reasons I've previously used GOG. I've noticed the recent releases have also been lacking in extras.

8 years ago

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Lacking oldies too, used to be 1 or 2 every week, now it's more indie and new.

8 years ago

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I'm kinda confused...

You can connect only one Steam account with your library.
These are limited-time offers

So I can only connect it once, and I can only get the limited-time games and no more in the future? Or can I connect in the future, and get future offers but can still only use my Steam account?

It would be great if it's the latter, but either way this is amazing for GOG.

8 years ago

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i think that you only can connect 1 steam account per gog account, not your account, friend account ad brother account on the same gog account

8 years ago

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You can connect only one Steam account (if you have a main and an alt account, you will have to choose between them, because you can't change it later). This process is done once. The list of transferable games is fluid, i.e. you can add the games currently listed only until the period it says (5 days from now for the current list). They remain on GOG your account. After that, the list will be updated and new games will be on it. Whether the current ones will be removed or would come back in the future, no one knows right now. From what I could understand, this depends on deals with publishers/developers.

8 years ago

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From the FAQ:

"Once you have imported a game, it's yours to keep. Make sure to import all of your eligible games as soon as you can!"

8 years ago

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It's probably getting so hammered it doesn't work...

8 years ago

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This is pretty awesome! Ty for sharing.

8 years ago

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thx a lot!

8 years ago

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Awesome, thanks for letting us know. I already own a few games on GOG, so I certainly don't mind expanding my collection there.

8 years ago

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FANTASTIC!! I like this idea.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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This just made my day. Amazing news. :D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Please try again later."

Am I the only one?

8 years ago

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Same here

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for the link.

8 years ago

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Просто супер. Я в экстазе....

8 years ago

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Can't get it to work. It's stuck on processing the request...

8 years ago

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Give it a few hours and try again. If it still doesn't work, do it tomorrow. They are probably getting really heavy traffic right now, because everyone is trying to do the same. You also have a huge library, so that would likely contribute to the problem. Oh, and I read on the GOG forums that disabling your Adblock supposedly helps, but not sure how true that is...

8 years ago

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Aye, I'm gonna keep on trying. And I don't use Adblock ;P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago*

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not working for me. the spinner just spins, after connecting steam account.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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worked for me juts now.

8 years ago

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My account seems to be too much to handle for GOG servers :p

8 years ago

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Due to exceedingly high demand this may take up to several days, please check back later. Thank you for your patience.

Let's hope "several days" isn't several days more than before the deal runs out.

8 years ago

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hope.. but i doubt that it will be...

8 years ago

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I got that and the 13 available games I own were added in around 5 minutes.

8 years ago

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Okay, hours later: it shows my Steam account as connected. It even detected my 4 qualifying games.
But then I obviously clicked the wrong button, or something, because now it's not showing anything available
any more and those that were detected previously weren't added to my GOG library either.

8 years ago

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It's very problematic that Steam has a virtual monopoly on pc gaming. Nobody with a significant number of games in their library is going to ditch Steam for another platform and abandon all their games. The only way Steam will see real competition is if there is a law that states that we own the digital products we buy. If it's ours then we can do what we want with it just like if it were physical goods. Which means if we're not satisfied with Steam and no longer want to use it we can leave and take our games with us to another platform. Or if we no longer want a game in our library we can sell it to someone else (for actual money if we choose) and the game will simply be removed from our collection. This is more than fair and reasonable (all this should apply to console users as well). Until then our games and (essentially us) are held hostage by the platform we're using them on.

But I have a feeling that day will be a long time coming. It's nice though that GOG are trying to find news ways to compete.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Very important +1

Right now Steam is holding our games hostage - they make horrible changes, either you accept them, or you lose your account permamently. Thanks, my account is worth $6154, I guess I'll just resort to stop buying at your store, buying games elsewhere, while being forced to activate those games on Steam anyway.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the info !!

Currently on :

Due to exceedingly high demand this may take up to several days, please check back later. Thank you for your patience.

8 years ago

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Same here.

8 years ago

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That's really nice of GOG for doing this :D

8 years ago

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Stay tuned for more games joining GOG Connect.```

That's interesting.
8 years ago

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