Monday Motivation Bundle #53

2 tiers, 11 games

16 July 2018 - 30 July 2018

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Tier 1 - $1.00

Game Ratings Cards Achievements Bundled Retail Price
Honor Cry: Aftermath 50% of 2 reviews - - 0 $3.99
Vintage Hero 100% of 3 reviews - 🏆 0 $1.99
Life's Playground 0% of 1 reviews - - 0 $2.99

Tier 2 - $3.49 (before price increase)

Game Ratings Cards Achievements Bundled Retail Price
Egony 100% of 2 reviews - - 0 $8.99
Soul Reaper: Unreap Commander 67% of 3 reviews - 🏆 0 $9.99
Flatwaters 100% of 3 reviews - 🏆 0 $7.99
World Destroyers 100% of 4 reviews - 🏆 0 $6.99
The Entity 73% of 15 reviews - 🏆 1 $4.99
Fesnia 100% of 3 reviews - 🏆 0 $4.99
World of Islands - Treasure Hunt 100% of 10 reviews - - 0 $3.99
Stereo Aereo 82% of 17 reviews 🏆 1 $3.99

⚖ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.)


  • Tier 1 = $8.97
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $60.89


  • Tier 1 = 1.35
  • Tier 1 + 2 = 9.13

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!

This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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Will you join IndieGala's Playground?

View Results
[Buy] FlatPurchase... Why do I even buy these?
[GroupBuy] Stereo GroupBuy!
[Repeats / Already Owned] Ths is the Aftermath of buying directly from the Steam Store: they'll eventually get bundled :(
[Skip] These games are truely Motivation Destroyers.

I'm really interested in this bundle...
Thank you for the post <3

6 years ago

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can someone give me a link to this:
⚖ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.)

for better understanding

6 years ago

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Go to the store page of any of the games tagged with that icon. On the right side where you have the game characteristics (Single-player, Achievements, Steam Cloud etc) you will see a new item: Steam is learning about this game. There's a question mark next to it which explains what it means.

6 years ago*

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Hmmm, the price seems a bit steep for the games being offered. Am I missing something?

6 years ago

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IndieGala by default calculates that most everyone will use the happy hour, meaning buying 5 packs of the bundle will cost about 1.50 USD/pack at worst. This is why seemingly their base price is a lot higher than everyone else.

6 years ago

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I understand that. But comparing the contents of this bundle to some of their other recent bundles (some of which were offered for less) and I'm just not sure that I'm getting the best value with this latest offering.

6 years ago

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Thank you for thread and chart, Sensualshakti and have a good week! :D

I was missing 9 games. ^^

6 years ago

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I've been wondering if the recent surge of "Steam is learning about this game" is a bit like a retcon-return of the greenlight feature. I mean I approve of returning quality control but... tinfoil hat

6 years ago

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yeah and they make tons of problems on steamgifts too, I definitely approve the quality control (until 1 month ago every day you had 3-4 5000 achievements shovelwares).. but I don't know how to think about this abundance of "learning".. 2 over 3 new games basically are under "steam investigation" xD

6 years ago

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It's more of Steam revealing on the front-end a gating process they were already using on the back-end.

Lots of games weren't allowed to drop cards because they haven't met the threshold yet. This just puts the information right on the store page.

6 years ago

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yeah, still those hundreds of games will never have trading cards even if they still have the trading card tag, I review games on a daily basis and some of them are from 2, 3, 4 years ago and they have a total of less than 10 reviews xD
it's nice all in all since as you said, Valve sort of "reveals" a process that they were applying in some ways on the back end :)

6 years ago

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word, I have at least 2 games I woulda skipped if not for cards, but they never got those and were just prematurely tagged. now I'm paranoid enough to check if the items exist in the market first XD

6 years ago

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hmm only interested in Fesnia but not worth the bundle for me

6 years ago

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Did you discover your interest by looking at the relatively decent picture on Steam which displays and introduces the game? If so, watch the trailer. You might find that all of a sudden you have lost any interest in this title there's ever been.

6 years ago*

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Really, they should stop calling it Motivation.

6 years ago

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definitely agree

6 years ago

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It's the latest reason to hate Mondays. The only thing it motivates me to do is vomit.

6 years ago

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I've seen some interesting Monday Motivation bundles. This isn't one of them.

The only game of the bunch that looks even marginally interesting is Vintage Hero.

6 years ago

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It looks like a crummy ripoff of classic Mega Man. Honestly, I think it would be more worthwhile just downloading an emulator and getting the Mega Man games for NES and SNES.

6 years ago

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Been there, done that.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Hello guys, is there any chance to hide the "⚖ - Steam is learning about this game" games? Somethimes i see giveaways for this kind of games and hide them instantly. I search a way how to add these games to the 'blacklist' because i own these games and can still enter these giveaways.

6 years ago

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Since these games don't give a +1 to your library, they seem to be excluded from the result of the API request for reading your owned games (they're considered just like banned games), meaning that SteamGifts can't know if you already own these games or not.
I would assume that userscripts that load your (which is accessible to you only and contains the app ids of everything you own) would work, but I don't know if anyone already implemented that by now.

6 years ago

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Which userscript can load this huge list? Will this script add this list to my blacklist (for example this removed games) or how will this script work?

Maybe you've a link for me i can read for more information.

Thanks for your fast reply :)

6 years ago

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I don't think there's any script that's specifically designed to address the issue right now.

What I have been doing is using the Steam Web Integration script, it shows a ✔ besides any game I already own. So whenever one of these pop up I update my games on SG, and if it's still there after that then I hide it.

6 years ago

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Thank you very much. I'll try it :)

6 years ago

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I managed to get my hands on a copy of Vintage Hero and I rather like it. If you like Megaman clones it's a pretty good one, although it's a bit too short.

6 years ago

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