I just want to say goodbye and good riddances!

I will probably no longer use this account to access this site, due to staff behavior and making up of rules to attempt to silence thoughs who question it. You either need to seriously reupdate your rules and have - No negative feedback about SG allowed, printed in big red letters or get rid of some more of your staff members.

They will probably attempt to ban this account just for this post, proving my point even more.

If I'm still around it will be completely anonymous and undetected anyways, just try and find me.

I would like to WARN anyone using this SteamGifts, not to post any negative comments (inside or outside of SG), including creative criticism to improve this site's bullshit staff management!

The latest example of this...

URL: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/DidQz/staff-seems-to-be-a-lot-smaller

(I didn't create this topic nor attempt to start anything, was just assuming they might of been restructuring/improving their staff after previous questionable actions and agreeing to another member's post)

Image: http://oi44.tinypic.com/neuydl.jpg

My Post:

True some members may do stupid stuff, make mistakes, or completely deserve it...

(This was referring to myself and others, agreeing yes we sometimes deserve it)

However, it's like certain support is fueling their little fire with gasoline and throwing some fireworks into the mix, expecting it to simply go out rather than completely blowing up in their hand. They use abuse, swear and insult to demand respect, then turn around and wonder why they don't get it... They don't even set a good example, if anyone else does what they do, they simply throw a fit and the ban hammer. They beg and even troll for others to make a mistake just so they can throw their power hungry control at them.

(I never called out or broke any rules here, just voiced my own opinion of what I have dealt with in the past)


A buddy on the staff member's friend list asks me for proof, which I ignored and leave the post not to start a war. However, that didn't matter, a couple days later...

Got a 2 days suspended for inappropriate behavior (for don't start... predicting a future crime, wow + so-called lying in that post) + 7 days extention for the hell of it, from the same staff member I was referring to but never mentioned.

The lying "They beg and even troll for others to make a mistake just so they can throw their power hungry control at them." might of been a misassumption due to the fact that the staff member's friends alway reply back and the comments/posts/abuse on his/her own steam profile to other members.

This is one example of what I was referring to as trolling and considering it all a game:

Just because I stopped, he calls me again a lier and considers it all a game...

I won't bother with the pages and pages of abusive name calling / swearing / insults and looking down on others from the same staff member.


That staff member is still here and abusing his/her or whatever it is... powers and control, making up rules that suit his/her own needs.

I have dealt with this behavior in the past... Scientology continues its war against critics who speak out and tell their negative stories of it.

I'm an activist and don't stay idlely by - specially when it affects others. Before this staff member in question showed up, I didn't have a problem with how this site was managed, yes they where firm but just. However, now it looks like all the good staff is leaving and the crap remains.

1 decade ago*

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You always have admins abusing power and users thinking they should have these powers.
So what. Dont like it, move along
Imo they are doing an awesome job

1 decade ago

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This is the reason why I moved to Gameminer: fair rules (no one will change them from day to day and do not work backwards) + bundle games = normal games.

1 decade ago

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clicky and clicky and clicky and clicky and clicky. And those are just the ones I tagged. For someone complaining so much about groups...ah well..was always a waste of time to discuss with you ;)

So why are you still here?

1 decade ago

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Drama is fun i should try it once...

1 decade ago

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I believe you OP

1 decade ago

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If you've nothing nice to say, don't say anything.

Enjoy yourself.

1 decade ago

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I have firsthand been baited also, But i avoided responding, if it was a one off with me so be it but i refuse to create any more thread topics, lengthy posts due to the fact it draws the attention of staff and dont fancy a ban.

1 decade ago

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Closing thread. I lost count of the posts that are breaking the site rules here.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Azzaboi.