I just want to say goodbye and good riddances!

I will probably no longer use this account to access this site, due to staff behavior and making up of rules to attempt to silence thoughs who question it. You either need to seriously reupdate your rules and have - No negative feedback about SG allowed, printed in big red letters or get rid of some more of your staff members.

They will probably attempt to ban this account just for this post, proving my point even more.

If I'm still around it will be completely anonymous and undetected anyways, just try and find me.

I would like to WARN anyone using this SteamGifts, not to post any negative comments (inside or outside of SG), including creative criticism to improve this site's bullshit staff management!

The latest example of this...

URL: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/DidQz/staff-seems-to-be-a-lot-smaller

(I didn't create this topic nor attempt to start anything, was just assuming they might of been restructuring/improving their staff after previous questionable actions and agreeing to another member's post)

Image: http://oi44.tinypic.com/neuydl.jpg

My Post:

True some members may do stupid stuff, make mistakes, or completely deserve it...

(This was referring to myself and others, agreeing yes we sometimes deserve it)

However, it's like certain support is fueling their little fire with gasoline and throwing some fireworks into the mix, expecting it to simply go out rather than completely blowing up in their hand. They use abuse, swear and insult to demand respect, then turn around and wonder why they don't get it... They don't even set a good example, if anyone else does what they do, they simply throw a fit and the ban hammer. They beg and even troll for others to make a mistake just so they can throw their power hungry control at them.

(I never called out or broke any rules here, just voiced my own opinion of what I have dealt with in the past)


A buddy on the staff member's friend list asks me for proof, which I ignored and leave the post not to start a war. However, that didn't matter, a couple days later...

Got a 2 days suspended for inappropriate behavior (for don't start... predicting a future crime, wow + so-called lying in that post) + 7 days extention for the hell of it, from the same staff member I was referring to but never mentioned.

The lying "They beg and even troll for others to make a mistake just so they can throw their power hungry control at them." might of been a misassumption due to the fact that the staff member's friends alway reply back and the comments/posts/abuse on his/her own steam profile to other members.

This is one example of what I was referring to as trolling and considering it all a game:

Just because I stopped, he calls me again a lier and considers it all a game...

I won't bother with the pages and pages of abusive name calling / swearing / insults and looking down on others from the same staff member.


That staff member is still here and abusing his/her or whatever it is... powers and control, making up rules that suit his/her own needs.

I have dealt with this behavior in the past... Scientology continues its war against critics who speak out and tell their negative stories of it.

I'm an activist and don't stay idlely by - specially when it affects others. Before this staff member in question showed up, I didn't have a problem with how this site was managed, yes they where firm but just. However, now it looks like all the good staff is leaving and the crap remains.

1 decade ago*

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Little known fact: The opposite of not-enough-paragraphs is too-many-paragraphs. Both are hard to read.

1 decade ago

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That same moderator kicked me from chat on his/her first day of duty.

1 decade ago

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That's kinda pathetic...

1 decade ago

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So . . . where's the hidden giveaway?

1 decade ago

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Oh god finally we are rid of you. Seriously, your permanent suspension was overdue

1 decade ago

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I agree, 100 years of suspension is more than enough for anyone.

1 decade ago

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i dont remember who it was nor i care enough to find out at this hours, but i do remember a mod banned like 6 or more people for 5 days 5 FUCKING DAYS for doing a combo of that "risetto joke" which i wont mention cause i dont want to get banned until humanity dies, i mean 5 days, no warnings or anything just straight up that, then he proceeded to call me a stupid kid or something of the like simply because he ddiing agree with what i said, of course this was during the period of the ban so i couldnt shut his face.

i got banned for a stupid joke then insulted.

this post is probably going to get me suspended.

1 decade ago

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Every time he would post on the forum there would be at least 3 responses ridiculing him with a quote, no matter what he posted. How do you not see that as harassment?

1 decade ago

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Is that what was going on? I've seen suspensions all over the place for it, but I've never found out what really happened.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There's a disturbingly large number of folks like this. Makes me glad I'm cutting back on webforums.

1 decade ago

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Given some of the stuff that crops up in this forum, I tend to think that the staff are, if anything, too lenient and patient with people. It's an utterly thankless job that they do for free, and when someone finally pushes it too far and gets a much deserved suspension, they get an endless stream of bitching.

The most frequent complaint about the staff around here is that there just aren't enough of them around. You're like the guy who keeps getting trouble with the law in a town with one police officer. Rather than assume it's that the cop has a grudge against you, how about looking in the mirror and asking why you keep managing to attract their attention?

P.S. The notion that the site isn't receptive to constructive criticism of the staff is kind of absurd.

1 decade ago

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this is the first I've seen of that page.

1 decade ago

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You were away at the time.

1 decade ago

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ps you were strangely good at writing that story

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You should ask for your money backk

1 decade ago

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Multiple walls of text

Okay, this is a story all about how my life got flip-turned upside down... wait, wrong start.

Sadly, parts of this are lost to history. I can't find a cached version of the Steam Off-Topic thread available and I'm too lazy to add a moderator to undelete it now that I have what I was really after (namely, a wall of text, so I didn't have to retype it all).

Our story begins with a giveaway with NSFW comments. The rule was really just for a laugh and was somewhat relevant to something or other at the time that I can't remember. Anyway, most people accepted it as tongue-in-cheek and posted things of varying quality levels and seriousness (some posted hardcore stuff, others joked around and still got it). Along comes Azzaboi's entry. Like many others, I denied it because it wasn't amusing, relevant or even had any effort put into it. Azza through a fit over it and I replied. I thought it was done with and that'd be the last I heard of it. Nope.

Azza posted this thread where he started gibbering nonsensically about porn and corrupted mods and all sorts of other stuff. The kicker was that he then directly linked to the above giveaway (now edited to be directed towards my thread about it). That got him suspended as directly linking a private giveaway that is not yours and you have not been given permission to link to is a suspendable offence. So, it was. I also added on an inappropriate behaviour suspension for the comment in my giveaway which I was willing to overlook before but considered to be implying homophobia.

In comes the support ticket, entitled "Selective rules / corrupted abusive staff". The excuses are that Azza couldn't be homophobic because boi means bi boy (shrugs), Azza couldn't be suspended for directly linking because it was already posted on the forum and that we are "forcing" our members to be corrupted tools of satan by making them write porn. The ticket went on for a while, then Azza entered chat and... well, have a look for yourself. Apparently, my giveaway was the sole cause of the site's huge downtimes at that time. This is an argument that makes as much sense as saying gay people cause hurricanes. I was AFK at the time, came back, noticed him stirring shit up, banned him for it pretty much instantly. Suspended him further for taking this crap to chat as well, then another one after he reopened the support ticket to post absolutely nothing of consequence (yes, spamming support with bullshit is also not something the moderators appreciate).

Suddenly, everything goes quiet. I idly wonder where he went for the next three days, but it's honestly not important to me at all. Then a new ticket is opened, requesting cg as "all other staff will be ignored." Fair enough, we skim through those tickets to see if it's actually worth cg's time and then we either answer them anyway or we direct cg to them. In this case, I directed cg to it and left the ticket open. The ticket apologised for being immature, then linked to a thread on the Steam Off-Topic forums where he had immediately gone during the quiet period to try to stir up some support for him. It failed, most of the people there were either "shit happens" or suspected they weren't being told the whole story or were "why the hell are you posting this here?" By the time I was made aware of the thread (now deleted, I have yet to find out if it was by Azzaboi or a moderator, but either is perfectly valid, one for being a dumb thread, the other because he didn't get the support he wanted), it was on page three. I basically offered up the same reasoning in my post on this thread. If you are this determined to air out your dirty laundry in public, let's show the really messy stains, shall we? I posted a wall explaining everything that happened, to the best of my knowledge. Here you go. It's formatted to fit Steam's text format and minor edits were made that I don't believe were kept. The later parts of it were in response to Azza using out of context quotes from my profile about dealing with trolls and, well, people like Azza. Go ahead, take a look, it's a riot. SG chat also became aware of this thread around the same time and started making their own comments but were disregarded because a lot of them are on my friends list, for varying reasons (you pick up a lot of people on your list when you're active on SG, I've found). Some were actually friends, others are mostly business (sorry, Hillary Clinton, I never loved you). (side note: Azza then got his friends to start posting, even as he said people on my list couldn't post. Was kind of funny). SG chat pretty much derailed the way Azza wanted to go with the thread for another three pages, posting comment after comment about how much crap Azza was posting, deconstructing every line he said and explaining why it was wrong, every single time he responded. If I care enough later, I might get a Steam moderator to undelete but lock the thread, for historical accuracy.

Anyway, due to all of this, bringing it up all over the place yet again, another suspension happened, which is common practice. The support ticket was commented in some more, I answered it since it was relevant to, it spread to, like, seven different people's profiles, including a huge amount of mine (my posts are still there, Azza's may not be if he deleted them). There were multiple offerings to just PM me and sort this crap out once and for all, all of which were ignored. There were multiple moderators all saying cg had been directed to the post but Azza continued to gabber on about how cg didn't care, including reopening the first ticket, commenting in the second and posting a third just to post identical comments (another suspension for spamming support may have followed, to add to all the others and one for crapping up profiles). Eventually, he just e-mailed cg (inbox@steamgifts.com) and that's where I lose track of things. The thread was already deleted by that point, so I have no idea how much truth of the situation cg got, but the result was that all suspensions were deleted, including the original ones and replaced with two by cg for a total of four more days.

Good. Can we end this now? Finally? Just sodding deal with it and move on?

No. No, we cannot. Every oppurtunity for the last two months he has seen, Azza has taken the time to post crap about this situation, twisting things so he was entirely an innocent who never did anything wrong. I told him to knock it off every time, contact support or cg if he had something to say. Never happened. Finally, I decided enough was enough. I suspended him for two days for the post he linked above and gave him an extension for seven more for ignoring the multitude of simple verbal warnings I gave before hand, one of which I am positive I said would be rewarded with another vacation if he refused to drop it again. I have never told others to make a mistake just so I can ban someone for it. I never will. If I do, I'm either drunker than I have ever been and ever will be again or I'm not the one at the keyboard. I may be a twat, I may talk out of my arse, I may be an aggressive little cunt at times, but I am not someone who does that. No rules have been made up in any of this. No hypocrisy has been shown. Just one user that doesn't know when to quit and refused to go to support to talk sensibly about any issues they had and let a six day suspension warp into three months until he said whatever he did to cg. Make up your own minds, with what information remains. I'm done with Azzaboi. Forever.

"Scientology continues its war against critics who speak out and tell their negative stories of it."

Even Scientology can fairly win against people who constantly twist things to give a false negative view about them.

Here, have some keys. Make some good out of this thread happen.

King's Bounty: Armoured Princess 2R8GL-HTG3H-R9GKL

King's Bounty: The Legend 2DR4W-GZ4VK-LYIFJ

Men of War 2C0Z5-H2ZHX-82NG8

Men of War: Assault Squad GotY 2JD70-GWCXF-ZMQ6M

Men of War: Red Tide 8KVDB-5LAPY-04JRT

Men of War: Vietnam 2X80C-R3PPL-WJQN9

1 decade ago

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Got "Men of War" and "Men of War: Red Tide". Thanks, jade. Do me a favor, keep handling these situations in a way that gets members riled up. I like the end result, where I end up with more games.

Edit: Also, why did you have to re-open old wounds? I should have won that contest. Clearly, further evidence of jade's bias.

1 decade ago

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I really don't think anyone should bottle up their frustrations. The funny issue here is OP fucked with a bear and lost.

Was this whole thing funny to watch?

From multiple perspectives, yes

Is this the end?

I doubt it considering the amount of time op spent on the wall of text

Would every humanoid avian being shake Jade's hands here? Yes, and they'd sell him life insurance

1 decade ago

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Actually it was a falcon. Us bears have been just hanging out. lol

1 decade ago

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I'll wait for the film version. Too lazy to read all that right now

1 decade ago

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Saw Azza's second post in the giveaway and already knew what he was gonna do.
Reading this proceeds to confirm my suspicion.

1 decade ago

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I fucking knew there was something up, otherwise it would've been solved eons ago.
Well, hopefully he won't be bothering again.

1 decade ago

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Wait, he is a Kiwi? Why must I share this country with him?

1 decade ago

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According to Darwin it's only temporary so you're fine in the long run.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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How did I miss all of this?

1 decade ago

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I always loved his posts when he acted like he is a hero freedom fighter fighting for free speech and against dictatorship, censorship and the blindness of the sheep flock.

Reminded me of those "Hitler is still alive and the government is fooling you" guys

1 decade ago

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Well after finally reading threw your massive wall, lol, I see how much of a headache he was. Some people just don't learn.

1 decade ago

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That was the most interesting non-fiction novel I've read.

You've done this community a great service. salutes

1 decade ago

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Wow. Just, wow. I know you heard this dozens of times but I really REALLY know where you're coming from. It looked like from my view that he wanted his joke accepted and decided to just go straight to 'Support/admuns bad' because it was denied. When I worked retail we had those type of people. When I volunteered for a small game we had those people. (Some we even gave a name depending on the event that transpired :D)

Anyway hope things will get better for you from here on.

1 decade ago

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they keep wondering while their database is fucked up with all that slut shit

Damn. that explains why I had to buy a new motherboard and HDD recently. The amount of porn in my PC is too much for it to handle.

Fuck. Coudln't get any of those fucking keys (Can I say "fuck" and "fucking", Azza?)

1 decade ago

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I wish you didn't suspend him, I'd looove to see his response to this. Oh well, guess I'll just watch your wall.

1 decade ago

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I go to the support members walls from time to time just to have a laugh.

1 decade ago

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Why even bother justifying yourself to all of us and ESPECIALLY that little cretin. What goes on around this board should mainly concern you and the other mods...

As a final note... don't feed the trolls

Go with Christ brah

1 decade ago

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My favorite

07:35 - Azza ☠: they keep wondering while their database is fucked up with all that slut shit

07:35 - Azza ☠: they bring it on themselves

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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tl;dr: After mommy watermelon went to bed with daddy reindeer, everyone had to poo.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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+1 for best reply

1 decade ago

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Forums; the place where people bitch because no one wants to listen.

1 decade ago

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Oh no


1 decade ago

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Ah yes, now I remember why I gave you a nickname all those months ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I have "retard", but still don't remember why :( He would've earned it with this thread anyway, so yeah :/

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The forums aren't essential to your Steamgifts experience. If you're having problems, enter giveaways quietly and politely.

1 decade ago

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Staff are a bunch of fkheads, but is good site for just entering giveaways.

By the way, is the staff member in question happen to be "thejadefalcon"? - From what I've been faced with, seems like he/she also likes to abuse the staff power.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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He's objecting to his suspension for trolling a thread about a potentially suicidal person and probably his other multitude of them too. He won't care what I have to say.

1 decade ago

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Multitude of suspensions? D: You guys should watch more baseball, three strikes and you're out.

1 decade ago

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Amen, brother! The staff should be sneaking around and banning for real reasons. I heard of this one guy who got suspended for saying VPN (virtual private network).

So, I personally think, that the staff has to change. Give some responsible everyday guy a banhammer, because they know who should be banned for real.

1 decade ago

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If we mean the same guy he got suspended for advertising illegal methods

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Before making judgement, always make sure you have both sides of the story.

1 decade ago

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i got suspended once for just calling a girl cute lol

1 decade ago

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I think I remember that one, there was some level of harassing going on or something

1 decade ago

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This puzzle has defeated me. Can I have a hint?

1 decade ago

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you take this place far too seriously.

1 decade ago

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Simple stuff : Staff are human too.. they have feelings, they have emotions, THEY HAVE LIMITS... don't cross the limit cuz no matter how patient or professional they are they are still human who can't deny a mistake... like a saying "nobody is perfect" and "before you judge others, look at yourself"


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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"TL;DR: I threw a temper tantrum, and got spanked."

1 decade ago

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actually, that's pretty accurate

1 decade ago

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Long story short, admins and moderators will always abuse their power, this is how forums work. Every time there will be a zealous mod that want's to prove something.

1 decade ago

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Cry some more

1 decade ago

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Damn, ran out of popcorn.

1 decade ago

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As a person who spent two years doing similar job as staff members here do I would just like to say, that it certainly is necessary to have rules, but support/admin should not be blamed for adapting/bending them since they just cannot be directly applied to every kind of situation.

And yea, if you guys are wondering, doing what they do can be quite frustrating. I do not know how it works on SG, but I did what I did for free, just because I liked the game it was involved with and wanted to help the community. Yet the amount of sh*t you get as a reward, from the very community you try to help, because you can never please everyone, pretty much makes it not worth it.

1 decade ago

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Good story

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Azzaboi.