Briefing: A while ago I got a Dota 2 beta test invite, because I'm friends with Icefrog (or because I subscribed on the site, who knows...). I didn't play the game that much, since I didn't have time to do so. But some days ago I received two invites to gift!!

So, tomorrow starts (hiperbolically) the worst week in my life: final exams!! But on the end of the week starts the holidays \o
And to celebrate that I'm giving away one of the invites to Dota 2. The other one I'm giving to a friend, so no begging >:) I know that this invite is not too much of a deal, but I hope whoever wins it may enjoy the game a lot more than I did until now. xD

Naturally, the giveaway ends on the 29th, the great day, at midday. I won't tell you where it is (wow, a hidden giveaway!!). Don't worry, it's reaaaaaally easy to find. And there will be no hints, since I'll be busy studying (or playing DE:HR).

Good luck everyone!!

tl;dr: Yeah, brace yourselves, finals are coming!!

PS: Yay, first topic and first giveaway! ^^

EDIT: Thank God, it's nearly ending (and I'm alive \o)!! This means you have to hurry if you still want the game. ;D

1 decade ago*

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Then I don't understand xD

1 decade ago

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Wait, what?

EDIT: I see nothing to find a giveaway... no logic, no decoding, etc...

1 decade ago

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It's not THAT well hidden, the link is just not at plain sight.

1 decade ago

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Mine ended about 3 weeks ago. Your school is so late.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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thanks for giveaway, good luck with exams :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LucasMP.