Don't be disappointed with your CV.

8 years ago

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JonathanKalo you just love to come here after looking on "last bundled games" list and make people sad :D

But yeah, it's getting more and more ridiculous. 1 - 2 more sales and everything will be put on bundle list. Not that I'm saying that putting there games with 95% discount is entirely bad, there has to be some kind of mechanism to prevent hoarding tons of CV using Russian gifts.

8 years ago

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The creation of different CV databases for the different region would solve the problem, i believe

8 years ago

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They should remove them from the bundle list once the base price goes down.

8 years ago

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People should stop worrying about stupid CV and do giveaways because they want to do them and are doing it from their heart (whether they be normal, whitelist or invite only GA's). What does this little bit of imaginary fame do for your real life worlds? To be honest if you doing it for the CV then you shouldn't be doing at all.

I couldn't give two shits about what a GA gives me CV for and anyone obsessed with such is likely to end up on my blacklist at some stage.

8 years ago*

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Basically what CV is simply doing is creating a class system and a mentality that I am better than you which is ridiculous!

8 years ago

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Well the issue is that people from that region can easily raise their CV and enter high level giveaways that others have reached a lot harder.

8 years ago

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Well then they should just scrap the whole CV shit anyway - honestly why bother making giveaways if that is all you are worried about. Your intentions are certainly not noble. You give something to someone because you want to do it.

8 years ago*

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Well I assume the system is in place to encourage making GAs and prevent bots from entering too many GAs. I doubt anything will change, but the system definitely needs tweeking because apparently it can be abused.

8 years ago

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Humans will find many a way of abusing a system. That is just nature. There is greed all around us from big to small but that doesn't mean you should stop giving people the benefit of the doubt unless they abuse your trust. Then that is a different story!

8 years ago

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for some reason, i dont mindnot bcoz im from SEA
coz steam price have region price is have reasons
1$ here =/= 1$ there

the problem is. welll so far i see, that people outside "that" region exploit it.

i hope sg fix this with, user only can make reglock games depend where they from.
so if you not from RU you cant make RU reglock ga's

8 years ago

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Well... you do care about CV too by making level restricted giveaways. And this site isn't only about giving but about winning as well. And some people would like to enter your giveaways too.

And by the way - this level system is for a reason here. I don't blame anybody who thinks about his CV because that's what level system is for. If it is here but we shouldn't care about it at all then it's existence is pointless for me.

8 years ago

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No I dont care about CV - level restricted giveaways are for people on my friends list or whitelist who have earned the right to be there.

8 years ago

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I do care because it allow us to separate users who knows how this site works from ones that (most of the time) doesn't / are rule breakers / are leechers with 1k games on steam (I don't really care about people who has got like 200 games and 50 - 60 are from SG wins).

So creating level 2 - 3 GAs can make giving process far more smooth and enjoyable.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Isn't it about time we had a separate Russian CV system?

8 years ago

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Why people care about this? If everything got bundled, what's the difference?

8 years ago

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Can't wait for the great BundleWars of Steamgifts, it will go down in history as the biggest and bloodiest war we've ever known. ლ(◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

8 years ago

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Just got Wolfenstein: The New Order from Nuuvem - R$17.99

No VPN required, ROW key issued.

8 years ago

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Oh a nice CV-Thread again.....
Again the suggestions of some here, that we need some kind of region-cv, and again I say it would not work.....could be easily abused via we would need cv for public, region restriced, hidden, and every single groups. A user would have about 200 different CVs.
But why care about CV, it just generates levels...that only purpose is restricting giveaways to levels +x.
The better way would be more options to setup giveaways, like combinations of groups+hidden, min. give/win ratios , given in the last couple of month and so on.

8 years ago

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