how much gifts have you won in the last month? (may)
Allow me to +1 Delta's guide as it's the best to read up on winning. Just wanted to say welcome to SteamGifts! Glad to have you here as a part of our community! Also, If you haven't already, I would advise you to take a look at and read the FAQ and Guidelines and they answer alot of questions new users frequently have about Steamgifts. :)
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Check the giveaways you've entered, check the number of entries and then check the number of copies. Find out what the odds of winning are by dividing copies/entries . There is your answer, no need for poll nor opinions, just cold math.
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Actually all 5 winners are picked at the same time I think, so it's copies/entries
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Since one person can't win several copies within one giveaway it can't be just copies/entries.
upd: well, it can be copies/entries, if at the end of giveaway all entries are divided into number_of_copies groups and then one winner of each group is chosen. but we don't know which algorithm is actually used. anyway, simple division and sum I mentioned above are very close numbers, so lets stop discussing this boring math xD
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Your calculation would allow multiple wins. If you want it for real, calculate the odds for not winning any of the 5 GA-s, and subtract the result from 1.
Let us say 5 copies, 1000 entries:
You lose the first copy with 999/1000 probability, the second with 998/999, the third with 997/998, the fourth with 996/997, the fifth with 995/997. If you multiply them, that will be 995/1000 (see that the nominators-denominators in subsequent components pair up pretty well), and that is the probability of losing all. So winning is really 5/1000, this is a rare case where glancing at the input of a probability problem is enough.
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Think about what they said. You can't have more than one entry per account now can you? Therefore they obviously mean fewer overall entries (i.e. those of participating members) means better chances of winning.
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I see, I thought he meant entries to different giveaways, like something if you enter fewer giveaways you have a higher chance of winning at the ones you enther than the ones who enter more giveaways, which based on what I've head is wrong, that's why I was curious.
Well yeah, what you said it's basic math that I think everybody knows not a winning formula, it's just the comment can be easily misinterpreteded. But rather than entering low entries giveaways you should focus on giveaways for games you really want, this way when you win a game you'll actually win a game you'll enjoy. You'll have a higher chance of winning with the "Less entries formula" but I mean seriously what are the chances ? from 0.01 to 0.03 ? does it really worth it for a game you mightn't enjoy ?
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Yeah true Cata it can be misinterpreted. I must admit I was confused when I first read it :)
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Okay you math aficionados so how do you explain the odds for a particular participant of this giveaway for example. I did the maths, so the chance of winning as much as this are 1.038 e-30 (yes, that's 30 zero's before). Not bad for a 2 month old, 14 win account with 3700 entries (which is a feat in itself). OK,so he's a VERY lucky bugger, but I can find so many accounts with similar scores in less than 2 min just by glaring at the winners section. Haxor????
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remember that the entries got zeroed when SGv2 was launched.
i'm sure he had some entries before (or not)
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Longest running joke so far!
I find it funny how people have a screenshot of the profile handy >.<
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Yes, there is a huge chance to win once you become an active member of the community, gain some levels, get on some whitelists and into some groups.
As a matter of fact, once you do that you'll probably even stop entering giveaways for a while so you don't mess up your win-give ratio xD
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I got 4 this month, but I also ninjad one of Larren101's cake day keys so that would be 5. Probably the most I've ever gotten in one month.
Most of my winnings are from private giveaways from the forums or Group/Whitelist giveaways, cause those have the best chances. So... best suggestion I can give you is be friendly to everyone, make sure to give as well as receive and if your'e really bored there are always some annoying unsolvable puzzles lying around the forums :P
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Wheres the option for 0 :"( havent won ANYTHING in the last 4 motnhs, i guess im just SUPER unlucky...
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I thought that too, but it appears the OP wants to know if using this website is a sure way of winning on a regular basis.. which they would be incorrect in thinking!
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Sorry to hear that, it's kind of not fair but that's how random works.
As far as I know steamgifts, statistics and math:
Everybody in each giveaway has an equal change of winning, comments don't increase the chance although it's nice to thank the OP for the opportunity.
For a giveaway with 1.000 entries you have an 1/1000 chance of winning which is 0.001%. (But not every giveaway has 1000 entries, this is just for the sake of this example)
2 years ago, people said that the average winning rate was a game each 300 entries. That would mean rolling the 0.001% dice 300 times. I don't know how statistics work in this case but it's higher than one giveaway with 300 chances 1*300/1000.
But here's the catch about statistics:
When you say 50% winning chance most people will assume out of 2 tries you win 1, and out of 4 tries you win 2. Though this is not how it works, there's a fair chance you will either win 2 of 2 or 0 of 2, although the 1 out of 2 chance is higher that doesn't mean the other 2 won't happen, they're not "rare", they happen on daily basis.
Winning 0/4 , 1/4/, 3/4 or even 4/4 are also to be expected even if the winning chance is 50%, so yeah, expect those bad luck things to happen because they will happen, it's normal. What really makes the 50% winning ratio 50% is that when you try 10.000 times the winning rate would be somewhere near 50%, hardly ever actual 50%, but it will be somewhere like 52%, 53%, 47%, 56%, 42%. You've got to get to millions for it to get closer to 50%.
With a 50% win rate, you can win 0 times out of 5 tries. And that's not a 1 in a million chance, it's not even 1 in a 1000, it happens.
100 outcomes 50% (1st try) + (50 50% (2nd try)) + (25 50% (3nd try)) + (12.5 50% (4nd try)) + (6.25 50% (4nd try)) + (3.125 50% (5nd try)) = 50 + 25 + 12.5 + 6.25 + 3.125 + 1.5625 = 98,4375% chance winning at least once out of 5 tries. So you have a 2% chance of getting 0/5, apply the wild nature of stats to that and you can get 0/5 even the first try or never get it after 200 tries. What makes it 2% is that out of way many tries you'll always end up with a number close to 2%.
The numbers may be wild, but there is still a science behind it. Poker is said to be 80% math and 20% luck although it's a fully statistics game. And there's always the question: If poker really is a game of luck, why is it that there are always so many familiar faces at the top ? although I doubt you can use that on steamgifts, it's just FYI.
In that example with 50% winning ratio I gave you, it doesn't mean you'll win 50% of the time, nor that you'll lose 50% of the time, you can either have good luck, or bad luck, it happens to all of us at certain points in our lifes, that's the statistics wild nature, you can either beat the odds, or be beaten by the odds.
Sure, the odds in steamgifts are different, but I hope this gives you some confort, I hope you win something soon.
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From the 8 games I won in May, only 1 was from a group, and 2 had a level restriction but not high levels (1+ & 3+)
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I made a lot of friends and participate in the forum, that's how I win most of my games.
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Those are puzzles that you could've solved as well, most are from the trivia nights in the chat, that you could have participated in, but you probably don't even know that we have a chat and some are from friends that invited me.
You are just jelly.
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lol wtf... you are just saying I'm right... you was invited to a chat to have better chances to answer. I can't really get why you would supose I'm jelly... I have almost everygame I want and I get it from trading my artwork... so I don't need to win a giveaway to get something I would like. I can't really understand what's wrong to let people understand that there's some ways to have higher chances to win. you are level 5 anyway... lol
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Well, only two of your last ten wins were normal lower level giveaways (both for DLC). :P
The others are either "higher" level giveaways, group / whitelist giveaways (Btw added you to my whitelist now) and these 1000 / 50 copies giveaways.
It's true that you have higher chances to win games if you're in a lot of groups or have a higher level. I don't see what's wrong with that though.
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14 here, half being dlc and mostly from private groups. The more your give, the more you win .... kinda.
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i won 5 on two websites but 2 were fake and 1 i didn't want.
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I was idling in this thread waiting on you; so predictable. Less typing more winning please (ง︡'-'︠)ง
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17 in the last 4 weeks o_O
more than half of my total wins in 10 months :D
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Yes, you can get very lucky, I won about 20% of my wins last month even though I've been a member for 1.5 yrs, but that is because most of those were group giveaways with less than 10 entries. Overall though I have about 9600 entries and that makes my wins ratio 0.0067935. So by my wins out of every 1000 giveaways I've entered, I've won between 6 or 7 of those. Of course that is with those many smaller group giveaways. For public giveaways it's probably only 1 or 2 out of every 1000 giveaways entered on average.
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Won 2 in the last month or so. At one time 2 a week would have been quite low.
Being in more groups, being a bit less selective about what I entered for and having less games on Steam made a lot of difference.
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i won 5 games in a week before a month,one game per day i was lucky as %^$%$ lol xD
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