So Sony has just announced the PS4 Pro and PS4 Slim (link).

The PS4 Slim is a replacement for the original PS4 and has a thinner, lighter body. Also an updated controller. Available 15 September.
The PS4 Pro (or rumoured Neo) is the upgraded version with better performance, graphics, and now supports 4K, and PSVR (depending on country). Available 10 November.

7 years ago*

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Will you buy any of the new PlayStation releases?

View Results
Potato Pro
Potato Slim

I'm hoping to buy a normal PS4 that will hopefully go down in price after this.

7 years ago

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Its being discontinued I heard. Prices will likely drop until supply runs out. Black Friday deals, maybe?

7 years ago

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i don't get the point of getting a ''lightweight console'' , they sit in a corner until they ''expire ''. once it happen they collect dust

7 years ago*

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Well, wouldn't you like to have it sit in the corner and be slick? ^^

7 years ago

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Agree. The so-called "Fat" version of PS3 has the most beautiful design imo.

7 years ago

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Meh 4K, I rather have 60 fps at 1080p. I wonder how the Xbox Scorpio will compare in terms of price, since it will be released next year but it will be more powerful, almost a gen ahead.

7 years ago

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Maybe I'll pick up a PS4 later down the line for like $200 for the exclusives, but I'm happy with my PC for now. Console gaming is way too expensive for me. I get most of my games for less than a dollar each, and that's something that can't be done on console.

7 years ago

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My PS4 plays the like 5 PS4 games it needs to so no. Would buy multiple before I buy another Xbox One tho

7 years ago

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I need a PS4 for KH3, Spiderman and many other exclusives/console exclusives. LIKE BLOODBORNE. :D

So I plan on getting it.

7 years ago

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Nah, sticking with my current one.

7 years ago

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Was thinking about buying PS4 slim when it'd hit 200€ mark, but as Sony will stream console games on PC I may just pick 1 - 2 month subscription, play in exclusives I want, and forget about buying console whatsoever :D

7 years ago

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I take it you already own the original PS4? Not sure what's the big hype with PC streaming, since you still need the PS4, controller, etc. to play. Or am I missing something else?

7 years ago

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Nah. I didn't have any console. #PcPeasant

But I want to play in few exclusives from PS3, and since they awere re-released on PS4 it's better for me to wait for PS4 price drop and buy it then.

And it will be possible to stream PS4 games directly onto PC, you only need controller for that. And pay monthly subscription. There is already free 7-days trial available, but it may be that it won't work flawlesly. That's why my picks are:

  • find out if streaming will work ok
  • if streaming won't work wait for PS4 price drop and buy it


7 years ago

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Wooo, thanks for the link. Seems like a cool idea, especially since it opens up a list of games there without having to buy any.
But, if you pay the monthly fee, you're more than halfway to the PS4 after the first 12 months. So worth taking note of...perhaps play some PS games every few months only.
Would be cool if they could integrate without the controller.

7 years ago

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Hmm, I just want it for Bloodborne, so I'm happy with the current one :P

7 years ago

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Well if i decide to get a console at all yeah the PS4 pro will be my choice... just cant stand the stupid Marketing and WTH WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THY DECIDED TO NOT INCLUDE A 4K BLUERAY-player IN A "4K"(in itself a bad joke barely able to run 1080p30fps with some games predecessor and then just doubling th power to run 4 times the resolution)- Console

7 years ago*

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I don't see why they couldn't add the Blu-Ray support for 4K. It's just a software update. And they used some lame excuse that they're focusing on other aspects that gamers showed more use for on the PS4 and building upon it...but there was no 4K either, so how can it be something they compare against what gamers were using? :D

7 years ago

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Last i heard they actually didnt include a physical player, that is able to play... so the current PS4 Pro is completely unable to play 4k blu ray. Their reason i think was that people weren't interested enought 4k Blurays as a medium compared to streaming(Netflix etc.). Funny enought the first question (posted before the current infos on the console were released) on the storepage for ithe Ps4 pro is asking if it was able to play 4k BR. So for me even that excuse is redundant, at least for me

7 years ago

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Streaming is still a luxury for most countries, especially when you consider subscription and data costs, like here in South Africa.
I work in telecoms, so for me data isn't an issue, whereas the rest of my family all have some limitations on data either due to cost or area they live. But both my brothers have the PS4 and would only have upgraded if 4K was included. I'll stick to my PC, I have never been convinced of switching.

7 years ago

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Anther one?

They started making those faster then cod games....

7 years ago

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Naw, I'm more than happy sticking with my non-slim Xbox One. At least then I can get a constant 50-60 FPS on most games. Plus, I live in rural Arizona, so I have no use for a mini-heater.

Oh man, blacklists incoming O.o Totally worth it though!

7 years ago

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Hahahe, nice one.
The thing about blacklists is that you're never safe. I was added onto someone's blacklist just for starting a discussion it seems. :)

7 years ago

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Hehe. Thank you!
Yeah, everything you do will result in a blacklist, if the wrong person sees you. I see it as a badge of honor though... not only someone took their time of the day to think about me, but I even offended them one silly way or another! Just remember the biggest rule: if you state an opinion on here, be prepared for your blacklist count to skyrocket q:

7 years ago

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Good thing we're writing between spoiler tags so no one will blacklist us ;)

7 years ago

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isn't the 4k gimmick the so called 1080p upscaling thing....

also the fact that 4k tvs are expensive anyway. If you're planning to pair this so called 4k ps system w/ a 4ktv.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Ph03n1xSA.