March 2010

The company says one of their research outposts up north has started misbehaving and they are sending a repair team to fix it. Beats me why they won't wait until the summer months. This thing is unmanned during the winter, after all. But the company pays well, so people don't ask too many questions. The repair team will need some spare parts to fix the transmitter at the outpost as well as some extra provisions - and I'm the lucky guy flying those things into their base camp ahead of time.

They'll be departing from base and journey about 30 or so kilometers to the north-east to reach the outpost - on snow mobiles. I believe the outpost is somewhere just south of the border to the national park. I just hope they know what they're doing. Weather in the winter months can change quickly here. And the ice storms can shred you to pieces. Travel during winter months is usually... not advised.

Which brings me to my own preparations. Nobody in their right mind would fly VFR in these conditions. But this time of year, this is as good as it gets. The company also saw it fit to furnish me with a relic of an airplane. It does not even have GPS. But around here, we make do with what we have. It will be enough. Base camp has an NDB, and if I gain some altitude I should be able to pick it up - I'm just barely out of its effective range, so my ADF should pick it up shortly after take-off. If I get lost in the clouds or have to avoid the mountains, I can always punch through north and follow the coast west to reach base. I will be fine. I'm not so sure about the repair team, though...

Level 2+
Regional restrictions as per EU humble bundle - most titles in the train don't have regional restrictions

2 months ago*

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What a lovely flight chased by the sun over the horizon.
Also no idea what's going on but I'll just walk in the snow and shout Marco for a bit, hoping to get a reply? That sounds like a good plan.

2 months ago

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I'm like 90% sure of what this is referencing, so a bit confused about the answers... Hmmmm. Guess I need to think a bit more.

2 months ago

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I was just going to post the same thing. I know where I'm going and I know what's happening but I just can't zero in on the team names...

Edit: I was looking in the wrong place. If I can do it, you can do it too. I'm a puzzle dummy.

2 months ago*

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If you can't find the team's names, it's not what you think it is. Don't waste any time, and look elsewhere. Perhaps look for more clues from the flight footage.

2 months ago

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Will do. Thanks TMM

2 months ago

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Look for more clues from flight footage? No way! Sorry to say, but the video is 28 mins long, and if you are not an aviation fan, it's boring like hell. Satisfied with just finding from where we have started and where we have landed. Good luck to all. Over and out.

2 months ago

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Well, I agree. Though I love the innovative puzzle idea, but 28 mins video of something I am not interested in at all is something I can't do either. So just skipping the puzzle.
But all the best to others and thanks to TomasMacMordain for putting in this much efforts in his puzzles.

2 months ago

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Bump for solved.

2 months ago

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Gosh. This is stunningly intriguing but I have to go.
Hope I won't forget to check this when I get a bit more free time.

2 months ago

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Bump for solved! Only good things happen on those remote arctic outposts, I'm sure repairs will go off without a hitch and a good time will be had by all. 😉

2 months ago

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I feel like this sent me in completely different direction and yet nowhere

2 months ago

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I feel like I solved it, but at the same time it doesn't accept the names...will keep trying

2 months ago

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To be sure, you can try first name only - if it does not accept it, you're not on the right track - keep looking for something else.

2 months ago

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I guess I did ignore importance of the video due to how it led me nowhere at first. Will try to see what i'm missing...sad my first idea didn't work

2 months ago

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Bump! :)

2 months ago

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Bump for solved!

2 months ago

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Bump! Solved.

2 months ago

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I think Ive got the areas but have yet to find what Im looking for. I definitely think google is misdirecting me though.


2 months ago*

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kinda same

2 months ago

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This one took me longer than it should have. :)
Bump for solved!

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2k attempts. Wow.

2 months ago

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Tired completion bump.

2 months ago

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I found some good hints that I believe leading to right tracks, but after that I'm starting to feel like digging to deep on some stuff. Need to give this some time.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Not sure what I'm looking for, but found another interesting part of the internet with some documents hehe

2 months ago

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Bump for solved :D I have no idea how I managed to solve it but I'll take it xD

2 months ago

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Bump for solved :)

2 months ago

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I've just guessed the previous puzzle, but this one took me longer to solve. It was definitely unusual. Thank you for GAs.

2 months ago

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It was pretty easy to figure out where we are - but identifying the team is proving impossible!
Whether the team is fictional or historical, I can't seem to find anything... Hmm...

I'm also confused why the team will head northeast from base, but to deliver the supplies for them we're flying west? I'm clearly missing something here.

2 months ago*

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It is fictional - and the moment you discover the company name, it's trivial. People tend not to look at what's in front of them...

2 months ago

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Got it! I was scouring every record of research teams in the area, but knowing it's fictional changes everything 😅

2 months ago

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This helped a lot. I think I spent over 2 hours yesterday searching all kinds of things with no luck, but got it in about 10 or 15 minutes today after reading this. Thanks :)

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Great help! Needed that

2 months ago

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Is 414 KHZ supposed to be a clue to the company name?
Is Textron Aviation (a real company) relevant?

2 months ago*

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1 month ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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