Hello everyone!
Before getting to my point I want to explain what got me banned at one point from both Steam Gifts and Steam Forums.
So for as much as I understood, my cousin which I used to share accounts with (who found out about this website) posted some kind of fraud/spam posts on the forums about free games and got me banned from both SG and Steam Forums PERMANENTLY, so I had to struggle for about 10 days on Steam and a month for SG to get my bans revoked, he did get some games and also added some to my account as well but the point is that he kind of screwed me over, I did make some giveaways after wards to cover my shame and to promote my gaming clan since I do care about my name and profile on the internet, you cant be taken seriously while being banned from everywhere and after all it was not even my fault. He got me banned just like this once more before for I think re gifting and from the forums for actually swearing, but I want to come clear that I have now completely got rid of him and hope to leave a better impression here on SG forums.

Now to my main point shall we?

So one day I came across a trading server where we did a server event with the help of some adimins.

The point was to play in a melee only arena till death in a FFA setting and the winner got a random item and some metal.

Now I liked the idea behind that because it sounded like a great way to both play TF2 competitively in a not so serious manner.

I am interested to know if you guys would be interested to do something similar, on regular basis?

The way I was planing is a elimination round games, where the games are played 1v1.
For example 8 people join and the first tier is 4 games of 1v1 where classes are locked to a single class (scout only, sniper only, etc.) and the next round consist of 2x 1v1s where we get the finalists and the top 2 gets to split the prize pool in 2/3 to 1/3.

The prize pool is created by the players, for example at the begining of the game, everyone donates 1 weapon or 1 scrap metal and thats how you join.

The person who gets to hold this could be a SG Admin or a moderator since I do invoke some suspicion having just told you that I had gotten banned before.

So would anyone be interested in such events?

I also tought about a version for Dota 2, but it would be a bit harder since a 1v1 requires only 2 people online at a time and Dota 2 to be played properly, requires 10 people.

Also please write from which continent you are from, it will be good to know since it may be un fair to mach America vs Europe or vs Asia etc. (I havent forgotten Africa, so chill!) sorry Australia :C .

1 decade ago*

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MGE sounds perfect for this. I would be interested.
US East coast here

1 decade ago

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MGE does sound great for it perhaps a good old 3x soldier Ammomod?
I dont know but there are many possibilities!

I hope to see an SG admin drop on this, hopefully some one will be interested enough to be the banker for the games, since I am sure people will trust them far more than any other user :3

1 decade ago

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I wouldn't mind.

Chicago Here.

1 decade ago

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Aw yeee. Reppin' Chi-Town.

1 decade ago

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I'm interested.

Argentina here

1 decade ago

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count me in! europa

1 decade ago

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You forgot South america...
It sounds fun, count me in
I'm from Uruguay

1 decade ago

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I feel up for a tourney.
US East.

1 decade ago

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This sounds like a blast :) USA East Coast here.

1 decade ago

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"but I want to come clear that I have now completely got rid of him"

You killed him? :(

1 decade ago

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Is it bad that I lol'd at this?

1 decade ago

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Yes, yes I did, I am keeping his soul in a jar in case a sacrifice is needed.

1 decade ago

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Last time someone tried this it ended up failing due to too many people wanting to participate, and too few people organizing it. So... best of luck, but I'll watch this one from the sidelines

1 decade ago

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Indiana here. EDIT - US East

1 decade ago

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When would it start? Like what day?

  • US Dirty South
1 decade ago

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as soon as we have enough players to start I think we should begin with 8 players from US/Canada.

1 decade ago

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I think Since I posted this at around 5 in the morning, we are lacking Europeans, we might have to bump this and I hope commenting does help in that regard :3

EDIT: I live in Bulgaria but I am currently working in Turkey until the Ramadan which I think is in about a month or less.
So I can't participate in the next few events but I think we will go with the trust system whereby both player post the result of the game to determine the winner, I am sure everyone will be fair to each other since it isn't much of an honorable move to bitch around because you lost, but just in case we might want have a spectator or/and a replay (better than screen cap).

What do you guys think? (reply to this comment)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by sas41.