Hi. Quite simple group for occasional giveaways.
Joining requirements are quite simple: Either you have won one of my giveaways or I have won one of your giveaways.

I won't invite anyone by myself, you can join if you meet the requirements and want to join.

How to join:
Post a link to your giveaway i won or giveaway you won from me and request to join in this group.

Please do not request to join if you don't meet requirements. And do not add me on steam or comment on my profile if you want to join, just post down below.

Mood Music


this might help in search

Last accept: December 15th

For those who were declined:

You need to post here and request to join group (if you only request or only post here, you will be denied to enter)
I accept join requests based on avatars. if you have changed your avatar on steam and haven't synced sg, you will be denied to enter

If you still think I made a mistake, write a comment here to explain what happened

4 years ago*

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Hello, your giveaway was my first win on the site, thanks again!

1 year ago

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Wow congrats man

1 year ago

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invited to this point

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Won here (https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/6wk0G/conarium) and submitted request to join!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Welp, I've won one from you: Nya Nya Nya Girls :D :D :D


1 year ago

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sent request

Edit 17/4/2023 : Yaeeks! Apologies, must have switched off brain while browsing through groups!🙈

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I won this, request sent.

1 year ago

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I have won your giveaway in this link: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/5pfZb/shiny-the-firefly

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I just saw that on this post the OP linked to a guide on how to easily search on the post... dumb me! Sorry.

1 year ago*

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It took a while, but I finally won one.

Request sent

1 year ago

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Hi, I won one of your giveaways and have sent a request to join :) https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/lAiUq/this-war-of-mine

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Hi, I won one of you giveaways : https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/PqzGi/12-is-better-than-6
Request sent.

1 year ago

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I also won 12 is better than 6

1 year ago

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Dang you just keep on bringing interesting things to the community 😅
Was the lucky one to snatch Spacecom from you

1 year ago

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Hi ozo! I just won this giveaway:

I really would like to join the group, but I think I messed up. Can I add you to explain?

1 year ago

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can you explain here?

1 year ago

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Of course! See, I'm relatively new to the world of SteamGifts, and when I discovered there were Steam Groups giveaways, I kinda went berserk and added a lot of groups from some people I befriended on Steam, and "We The Winners" was one of them :-/

Unfortunally I asked to join and got denied even before I got to know the rules of your giveaways. After I learned the rules, it was too late and I couldn't cancel the Join request.

If you would kindly reconsider, I would be really grateful! And many thanks for all the giveaways!

1 year ago

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add me

1 year ago

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Sorry for the delay, very busy these days, and also because it failed the first time I tried. It worked now.

1 year ago

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Sign in through Steam to add a comment.