We all know the "Steam way" is to purchase excessive amounts of games at rock bottom prices and never actually get around to playing them. I'm guilty of it, for sure... and I'm guessing most of us probably are.

That being said... I have an issue where a game piques my interest, I'll install it, get reasonably far, start getting bored and then think of a different game to play somewhere throughout my 8 hour work day. A vicious cycle. Depending on Steam Cloud support and my current achievement progress, most games wind up remaining installed too out of fear of losing it.

This leaves many unplayed games installed on my PC (which has more than enough hard drive space to support it).

Leading to another unintended issue, of making it WAY too easy to jump from game to game... and my ADD takes over... and I accomplish nothing.


Anyways, long story short... how many games do you have actually installed at this moment in time? Could be games you finished and never bothered uninstalling, or perhaps you're like me and jump around too frequently leaving an excessive number of installed games in your wake.

My magic number is 53... and that's after a cleanup a month or two ago. Maybe I'm due for another.

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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80 / 80

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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79 native Linux Games, 5 on my Windows 7 Support System and the rest on my Linuxbox via Wine

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I haven't even started some of the stuff installed.

10 years ago

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14 Steam games, 4 Non-Steam. Even though I have a lot of space left, I have the tendency to always delete a game when I install a new one.

10 years ago

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131, i think i've not played the most of them :x

10 years ago

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Just on Steam, 2,529 (including F2P).

10 years ago

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All Games are installed? We don't speak from the Liblist. Real installed on Harddisk?

10 years ago

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This is how my Steam Library Folders section reads (I've acquired more games since my original post):

F:... 1434 (installed) 3,017.49 GB (used space)
H:... 1257 (installed) 3,870.44 GB (used space)

Edit: I believe those figures also include Tools and Software.

10 years ago

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Christ, how many TBs do you even have?

10 years ago

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Here are the internal drives on my computer (I have a few TB more with my external drives):

C: 512 GB SDD RAID 0




So 14.5 TB internal, more including external drives.

I like having all my games on local storage :) It puts me in good stead for the potential "Valve Shuts Down Steam but Everything Still Works in Offline Mode" event.

10 years ago

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Some I haven't touched in months just because "heee I might play it soon" each time I think about uninstalling it.

10 years ago

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18/233 and I only play CS:GO

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm at 43 games, out of 100-ish.

10 years ago

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134/1536, just cleaned up my steam games aswell.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm at 99/545 installed games, plus another dozen or so backed up on a external HDD. If I had a larger HDD and didn't have to keep making room, I'd be at least at 200. I really need to get a second internal drive.

A second drive is something I've had on the backburner for a long time, as I waited for GB/$ ratio to improve. Plus, I was saving for a car (wanted to pay in cash, rather than have a car payment).

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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20/130 (because my brother play my games via Family Sharing, I only play 4 or 5)
Never bought a game only for the price, all games are expensive to me. I have games that never played too much, but I played all (except for some free games) and reinstall some of my old games. I love my library :P

10 years ago

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currently 77 (out of 532!)

I would put around 30 of those as 'permanent' ones- small arcadeish games i don't bother to uninstall, multiplayer games i fire-up ever so often and a few big to download games that i like replaying. Almost all my couch co-op games remain installed to be always at hand when some friends comes over.
Around 20 are on my 'queue-checking' list, mostly games from bundles i hadn't played and a few impulse buys from sales that always remained 'for later'

And the rest... games im 'currently playing', few of wich i ever finish.

If i would add up the time i lose choosing what to play over a year it would amount to 5 or more games i could have finnished :P

10 years ago

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I must concur with you tought- having that many a click away drawns lots of my attention spam but... truth be told... over the years i became less and less a completionist by choice.

Surely my backlog haunts me with lots of games i want to finish cause i liked them and want to see the end, but my time is precious and most games are LONGER THEN NEEDED. Truth is rare games have just about the right length- its horrible to play a short game and we know a game is amazing when we finish it wanting more, but around half the time of any game is repetitive gameplay.

Time is precious, it never comes back. As soon as i get the least bored i jump to another game without remorse- to come back later. I found out i squeeze more enjoyment of each game that way. Im currently on my second hiatus of DS II for example, and i know that when i get back it will be more refreshing then if i kept playing.

Only bad part about that is that with around half the games i need to replay the tutorial or something like that to re-acquaint myself with the controls(after long times on the drawer).

10 years ago

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I try to finish and delete larger games and ones that i've had for a long time to free up hard drive space but this summer sale is not helping me.

10 years ago

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yipes 278/550

sadly most of them I havent played yet...

10 years ago

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