So I'm curious about something. I know my limited view is mostly because I'm very picky about games plus not being max level, but I was wondering about the ones I don't see.

So...a poll! Of course it'll only tell me for people who actually DO the poll, but that's still better than nothing.

1 year ago

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Do you often limit giveaways to your whitelist/group?

View Results
Yes, limited to my whitelist.
Yes, limited to groups.
Yes, I often use both.
Nah, I don't really use them - low-to mid level giveaways for me.
No, but I do use fairly high level limits.

I am not sure if I ever made group giveaways, maybe a few? Don't think I ever did whitelist ones.
My giveaways are just lvl 4 or something and open, I voted for low-to mid level since I assume 4 counts as that?

Ps. I just checked and did some Lootboy giveaways for their group, that was purely since I didn't 100% trust the keys I got from them, also noticed I did a few lvl 5 giveaways, guess that was a missclick or something, anyway... ^^

1 year ago

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I think my split is about 30% public, 20% invite, 50% groups and whitelists.

1 year ago

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I used to make puzzles waaaaaaaaayyyy back in the day (guess you could say I was already somewhat paranoid and distrustful of people then... ^_^' ), but nowadays it's basically all Whitelist ("nice people who look trustworthy enough") + two old (dead) puzzle groups + Playing Matters...

I used to include a few more groups but... well, my goal with giveaways is to share good games (mostly ones which I liked a lot) with people and that kinda doesn't work if they just mindlessly "collect" wins and never even attempt to play them... Yeah, my naive assumption that most people are here to play all kinds of fun games has thoroughly been curb-stomped into the dirt over the years. <.<

1 year ago

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These days I just directly give keys to people on the forums. Really enjoy doing events like this every so often.

1 year ago

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Most of my keys are from Lootboy, so I usually limit to the associated group because of the reason which maruten mentioned.

1 year ago

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I only really use groups if I have reason to believe the people in that group would especially appreciate a certain game (e.g. I give away otome games to the otome games group). I don't use the whitelist feature at all. Since I like to give away indie games I think deserve appreciation, I either use Level 0 for something I think no one's heard of or Level 1 for something a little more popular (like Chuchel or Into the Breach).

1 year ago

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Very rare on the whitelist front. I'll usually do a train via discussion from time to time though.

1 year ago

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Seems like about 2/3 of my newer giveaways are public, or private ones linked to in a public thread. I've just been giving away the 1/3 more valuable ones to my whitelist and groups. I only want to give those more of a chance of being played.

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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I try to do at least 75% public, all levels, but leaning toward the lower levels so more people can participate.
I've never much cared for "game-trading" groups, as it diminishes the meaning of gifting.

1 year ago

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I limit most likely all my giveaways to increase chance games may be played and won't end at some alt idle farm.

1 year ago

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I think I only made whitelist giveaways like once or twice, I often forget that those are even an option and I'm also too lazy to actually maintain my whitelist.
Back in the day I used to prefer private GAs since they were a good excuse to create threads and/or trains, but that was when most of my available keys were bundle leftovers. Nowadays most of my spare keys come from lootboy so I limit almost all my GAs to the lootboy group to avoid headaches in the case the key's not valid/duped, even if in reality I've only had to ask support to delete a giveaway in 5 occasions (2 were keys from lootbloy) in almost a decade of using the site.
Right now I'm waiting for the feedback from a giveaway made with a key that's like 7 years old, I just found a tiny stash of forgotten keys in my Humble account, if that one's good I'll go ahead and create a little event for my birthday since it's coming in a bit over a week, those will be the first private GAs I make in over a year.

1 year ago

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I usually do both. I create a bunch of giveaways in one go, some high-level public (because I'm lazy and don't want to deal with the headache of bots) and some limited to group and whitelist. I also do a few private ones occasionally, but not trains unless it's a community train (again, lazy.)

1 year ago*

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I make one public giveaway and one group/whitelist giveaway everyday.

1 year ago

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Outside mandatory group giveaways. I post random threads on forums. When I care enough to make giveaways...

1 year ago

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I've limited myself mainly to invite-only, sometimes in long trains. A few times to groups (lootboy/deleteifnotworks) and of course to my whitelist, but those are the exceptions. Since invite-only it's not an option there, I've not answered.

1 year ago

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🤔I have...
Sometimes make puzzles in fits and starts.
Sometimes make jigsaws in seizures.
May seizurely bind it to a Group or whitelist.

But I only make one Public giveaway each month.

1 year ago

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Only public giveaways, pretty much always at level 3+. I used to have no level limits but sadly had to set a restriction as to not to lose my sanity to bots forgetting to mark the games as received. Absolutely no puzzles either, they just don't feel "right" to me.

Still, I wouldn't have the heart to restrict giveaways to a group or whitelist as I believe this site is best when the giveaways are shared widely, with common sense limits of course.

1 year ago*

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bigger games = hearts and groups, sometimes open.
smaller games = open, level 2 minimum, probably will increase to 3+ lvl

1 year ago

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My giveaways are a mix of everything. I checked SGTools since I was curious to see the specific numbers.

  • Public = 43%
  • Private = 28%
  • Group = 20%
  • Whitelist = 9%
1 year ago

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