I might try to round out my whitelist to some decent number. Or not, who cares.

What I like about sg users is:

  • following rules of site (yeah, easy as that right?)
  • playing their wins (I would always like to hear about your opinion on your most or least favourite win)
  • don't cheat system (if you know, you know)
  • don't like cats (it may be or not have to be real condition; you can share what is your liked animal)
  • actually read what I type (don't highlight my mistypes, I actually haven't read that after myself)

I don't really do whitelist giveaways often, but if someone wants to waste their time they can write there about their favourite win.

Edit: If I create strictly WL giveaway, it usually has a set amount a time when people should have played it and are asked to not enter if they won't. So you should better avoid replying if you hate being enforced to do something.
Edit2: You need at least level 4 to actually be able enter my giveaways.
Edit3: I clicked edit by accident.

Spots 49/??

5 months ago*

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I like dogs :)

5 months ago

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Well, I actually love cats. I have one called Mickey. I guess I'm disqualified now.

Just in case, my favourite win is Hellblade senua's sacrifice. I loved that game. The art was incredible. My least favourite was some weird domino game I won. I was playing it, and wondering what the hell I was doing with my life.

5 months ago

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I tried Greedfall nice story and immersive world , i need some time to start Elex II
By the way appreciate your daily train 😎

5 months ago

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I am really glad you appreciate it, but I am doing no daily train 😅

5 months ago

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my fault I confused with ozo2003 😬

5 months ago

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I love parrots or panache, large pets - that`s not mine

5 months ago

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I like dogs and small humans

5 months ago

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I have Cats as favourite animals for a long time but now... I didn't like them so much. So no favourite animals for now.
Also good luck to everyone who wanna participate in that type of giveaway.

P.s. Last game I received by giveaway was The Pedestrian and it was A-MA-ZING! Hope will enjoy other giveaways from this site!

5 months ago

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I only got around to play one of my wins yet Mars horizon I really liked it but I couldn't finish it since my management sucked and I was always the last in terms of completing mission against other countries :( I wanted to do a new run but then got some exams and completely forgot about it and started my other win not from here dmc 5 and now I want to keep playing it that game is just too fun :)! I haven't really given much in this website but I will keep my won and sent 1:1. I don't have a favourite animal right now but I do have a bird it's a crow! Whenever I see a crow near me I always wave at them it's just funny and looking at how they look at me just makes my day I also do that to pegions! But I only do that when no one is watching me :D

5 months ago

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Guess what? not only that I fit all your requirements (that's what I think at least) but I also like dinosaurs and sharks 😁
I owned dogs and rabbits as pets.

5 months ago

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My most favorite win is God of War. Had a good time with it.
My least favorite win Witch The Bloodlines. Which I won when I am relative new to SG and I won't play those asset-filp wins since then.
I would like a have a dog after I retire.

5 months ago

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I prefer dogs more. When I was a child, I had 4 Pitbulls, it became my favorite breed.

5 months ago

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We are almost like a twins! I once had 4 Redbulls.

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

5 months ago*

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My most favourite win game was Tannenberg WW1.
My least favourite was Double Dragon Trilogy, it's a disappointing collection of the original classics.
I like dogs but never had one.

5 months ago

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i like hamsters! (which they may or may not get along with cats!)
favorite win must be... just ignore them and kraken academy! they were in my wishlist for so long. also just ignore them was fun to play, had a good story and the monsters are so cute! im kinda scared of playing moonscars, they say its hard but we'll see! well i dont think i will be able to play the 2. and 3.batman games bc of my computers state. and lastly, least favorite win is blair witch, sadly, which i was so happy to play but i encountered a bug at some point and couldnt go past that so i had to quit...

5 months ago

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i forgot about reventure! it was such a cool and absurd context, i loved it! (currently stuck at 101th ending)

5 months ago

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that's mine

5 months ago

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I love my dog <3

View attached image.
5 months ago

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My most favorite win that I played was Space Crew - Legendary Edition, you're in control of your own ship and as you pew pew some aliens and discover new places. Weirdly reminded me of Darkest Dungeon.
On the other hand, my least favorite win that I played was Hero of the Kingdom. I really didn't get the positive reviews it received nor the appeal. It felt like a clicking simulator trying to be many genres at once and failing at all of them...

5 months ago

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Cats are superior beings

View attached image.
5 months ago

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As you may probably guessed, I prefer other lizards, dragons, dinosaurs, Godzilla etc.
But we lizards like cats, they are tasty and nourishing :)

5 months ago

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Are you sure you're a lizard?

View attached image.
5 months ago

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Our shaman says so.

5 months ago

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I would like to join your WL if my really low level does not disqualify me.
About pets... I like to watch them, they can be really funny sometimes, but I don't like taking care of them or playing with them :P

5 months ago

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My most favourite win has been Crusader Kings III. This game drains your free time like few. About my least favorite win, Sacrifice Dungeon and some other games I consider "trash". They are some of the first wins, and I wasn't sure if enter them because of the elevate numbers of copies given. That said, I'm only entering games I would like to play now. I already played a lot of my wins, and I'm really proud of it!

I like cats too :P

5 months ago

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don't like cats

I gotta know now: how many BLs did that get you? 👀

5 months ago

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Not enough. I can still see 6 giveaways on main page :/

5 months ago

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Add that people must haste pasta, pizza and ice cream.

5 months ago

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I would never people want to hate pizza. But we may talk about loving pineapple pizza.

5 months ago

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Pro: I can read
Con: I like cats

When I beat a game I try to report back to the giveaway host letting them know my thoughts. Some of my favorites: Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Horizon Zero Dawn, Hell Let Loose, and who could forget The Little Acre?! 😝

That said I've been quite fortunate the last few weeks so I have some catching up to do on my backlog! 🐢

5 months ago

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I do that too and I think it's a really nice practice. If it's a public giveaway, they are often positively surprised that I actually played the game! :D

5 months ago

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I like cats, all cats big and small

5 months ago

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I love cats and dogs equally

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

5 months ago

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Closed 3 weeks ago by xxxka.