This isn't a thread for trading. I am just baffled by the way some people handle the trading of games and I don't know
a better place to discuss this than here.

I myself am not a big trader. I prefer to just give games away to random people so everyone can enjoy playing games.
This makes going over to Steamtrades (Which I did for the first time yesterday) one of the most irritating things I have ever done.


I have game A. It was recently on sale for 75% off on a special sale. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. So now that game is forever only worth 25% of original value when in my hands. The other trader has the same game, but since he spent 7 hours making an insane demands and rules post, his copy of the same game is worth full value.

People sit on an inventory of hundreds and up to thousands of copies of giftable games, list every one they have and when you make a fair offer for a trade. You just get a "no" response. How is that helpful to anyone? JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT! FUCKINGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHaYKWnHHHHHHHHH! Or at least try to make some form of negotiation.

You can make the argument that maybe people just don't want to play the game you're offering. Well then why are they sitting on dozens of copies of the same game?

I apologize for this dumb rant. I just want to make some trades because I missed a few great deals during the summer sale, and people are making it impossible.

Needed to vent I did.

Now to go back to just giving hundreds of dollars worth of games away for almost no personal gain.

Edit: Just to be clear. I realize there are a lot of great traders. I just had a string of rude elitists and wanted to rant.

1 decade ago*

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Always lowball. I've learned it the hard way myself.

Even in dota trading site I act harshly - I'm not going to be ripped off anymore.

And put up thick skin for your face.

1 decade ago

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You've pretty much summed up why I don't trade games with strangers. I hate to say it, but from my experience, is not a nice community of people. The more popular a trader is, the more a douche bag he usually is. And then you get all the newbie traders who give you unbelievably low offers and just end up wasting your time. Everyone is out for themselves and there's no sense of mutual happiness.

1 decade ago

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It's a capitalist world now. For some of the traders, Steamtrades is the only place they could feel like a capitalist.

When you are low rep people tend take advantage of you or just post sarcastic remarks to ruin your trades.

Th WORST are those noobs. They thought they could get a good game for their bad games. God, they are so irritating.

1 decade ago

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And those noobs tend to take rejection or strong language too seriously. It's common for those for those noobs to give neg rep for no rhyme or reason

1 decade ago

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Its not just strades. Traders in general, from what Ive interacted with, behave this way. If a game was ever on sale or given away, its value will always be at that price. They on the other hand will expect 210% of what they paid, (if currently on sale), or 110% of its current retail price.

Or you get wankers that pm the shit out of you tossing up trade offers that you didnt ask for...
Or, you pm someone an offer and you just get ignored. No counter offer, no explanation at all.

Then there is the always present risk of scammers...
I fucking hate trading, wont understand how some people can sit around and do it as a day job.

1 decade ago

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Hey OP, what were the games? So my guess was right? You lowballed and got abused?

1 decade ago

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I saw what he did, but I did'n make screenshot and no reason search hundred topics on steamtrade to find his deleted comment with offer :). So, better I will shut up here, on the forum. If you want, you can add me and I will tell you.

1 decade ago

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So it is a shitty offer?

1 decade ago

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I can't prove my words, so I don't want to post it here.
What about "giving hundreds of dollars worth of games away for almost no personal gain.", look at his ga for last month: Galactic Civilizations Complete Pack(Price mistake 91% off), Strike Suit Infinity ($1,24), Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time (free at Gala facebook), one dollar dlc and private ga(I'm sure it's Just Cause). Somebody just loves himself too much :)

1 decade ago

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I deleted my initial post here because I exaggerated the values. I didn't think that was right of me so I deleted it. And you're incorrect anyway. The whole reason I even posted this thread was because of a chat I had with someone who wanted 6 TF2 keys for an Organ Trail BUNDLE KEY. When I declined and tried to offer 2 keys he got extremely verbally abusive. I'm done with this stupid thread. If you have questions or actually want to be some kind of helpful, feel free to add me on steam and we can chat

1 decade ago

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The problem I see is people trying to push off bundle games for giftable games. They think that the bundle games are worth full price. I know I dont see bundle games worth very much.

1 decade ago

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Buy low, sell high. If you don't enjoy it, then don't do it?

"Well then why are they sitting on dozens of copies of the same game?"

This is my favourite whine that I hear from people. Who are you to say what we should do with our game whether we have one or ten? Should a car dealership cut prices because he has 3 of the same model? Should you start paying more for games since you just received your $1000 paycheck? The only thing the statement shows is that you're jealous of the trader and have a "poor me syndrome" going on.

There is one thing that many people forget, many of these traders who have tons of different games are paying upwards to 50% less than US prices. When you come with LA Noire Complete for $7.50 (75% off US) they won't care because it's $3.87 in Russia for the exact same copy and this applies to many games! Going to someone with 100+ feedback and 100+ gifts is like walking into a car dealership and expecting to get a good deal.

1 decade ago

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Trading is almost purely for profit. This is all that needs to be said.

1 decade ago

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I hate trading. I can't stand it. Most people are bastards. In trading, that only shows more, until you start praying for the end of the world. That's why I try to avoid it altogether (once in a while I need to trade some things in order to get a game that I want... I'm not happy about those times).

1 decade ago

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One day of trading isn't enough to get the full experience nor is it enough to learn the tricks of the trade. As Bunny said below (many interactions with this fine chap) - Only one side of the story. :)

My initial interactions with the site were a little frustrating but once I figured out how things worked, values, etc. And learned that not everyone is fair (to you) - The experience is best kind. My only beef with trading is the time it can consume trying to find the right deal. But thats how it goes.

Tip for others looking into this. Traders Guild Group "Chat" is a well modded chat with lots of (mostly) friendly traders that can allow you to find something you might be interested in. Check it out!

1 decade ago

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Pareto Rule.

1 decade ago

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I must say, most of the times ST is unfair, but yeah, that's how the world does: supermarkets buys cheap from the factories(China maybe) and sell expensive. I know you fell unfair with all this but it's how the world works, the only difference is that you can see all the offers between "supermarket" and "factories".

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Kancer42.