Easier than you'd think. Don't need that much paper.
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Well... it's hard to tell only by desk (atleast for me). I think my life is going well actually, i'm resting and playing RP games with friends, playing Magic The Gathering with friendsm, getting new books (hunting on Warcraft books right now, hard to get them in Poland). I don't any photo of my desk to post but i don't have too much on it anyway. Btw. Mirror's Edge on Steam, Pigeon's eye ya know.
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You dont live in a house made out of plastic bags and poop. Your life isnt even close to sucking.
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While i understand that failing that exam could lead to such disappointment and thinking your life sucks, rest assured it's nothing in the long run. You can take exams again. You will think back on these moments and realize they are insignificant if your life actually goes to shit some day. You could find yourself unable to get a job and not knowing what/how you're gonna eat the next day. Or, similar to what was said above, living in a cardboard box in some alley. That imho is a "life sucks" moment.
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+1 Same here :D I went so far as to invent a "thing" which is impairing my life's quality. I call this superbeing "an Astral Dck." It hovers above me and every time I try to improve my life it comes down, nay, plummets, striking me down. "Astral Dck" has 5 levels. Average person would be destroyed by lvl 1 AD. I cope with lvl 3. So... My life's great :D
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my life sucks so much i've only contributed half of what is needed to enter your giveaway :DDD
also your life doesn't suck
if your life would really suck you wouldn't have all those things and every day in your life would be a hell and the only thing you would wish is for it to end but you're unable to end it no matter how much effort you put into it
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My life doesn't suck because my parents have a pretty good income (as you can see by the size of my gaming library) but it'll suck when they die since i hate what i'm studying for. Since i can't change degree i pretty much got a recipe for a sad future.
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If you didn't see my post a week ago, my life pretty much sucks harder than a Japanese Prossie at shore leave at the moment. 8 days ago my wife left me at the hospital 8 miles away, (I'm disabled, I walk with a stick due to balance and extreme pain, so walking home is impossible), and used the 2 hours I was stuck there, (1 and a half, technically), to get her stuff and the kids, move out of the house and leave me. No note, not prior warning, nothing. I thought we'd been burgled, that's the kind of extent she went to while getting "her stuff". Left me with pretty much nothing apart from this PC and the bed, and even then she took the duvet, I've slept on top of the bed with nothing to cover me for the last week, and no, I can't buy a new duvet because when she left, she had my benefits stopped, so right now I'm living off nothing, luckily my mother is helping me out, but I can't rely on her for everything so I'm trying to get Income Support, (a UK benefit for those who can't work), but I can't get Income Support with a Dr's letter, (which costs about £40), but I can't get a Dr's letter without having Income Support to be able to pay for it.
She's left me royally screwed. She even, on her FB, thanked about 9 people for helping her sort her new house at, yet I have 1 person helping me, which is my mother, and the cheeky bitch even pulled her face at that! All "our" friends have gone supporting her because she's lying and playing the victim so that leaves me with nobody outside of my family. Which is partly why I posted last week, it was a release. I have nobody to talk to, (a sounding board, if you will), as they've all gone to her because she's "scared of me for her safety", funny that, I'm disabled, so can't really do much, and I've never hit a woman, and I hope never will, but because she's bullshitting everyone, I'm the bastard that needs to be exiled all of a sudden
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Thank you very much, that's very kind of you, I appreciate that :)
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Indeed. Luckily my son slept last night, he wanted to go back to his mother's tonight as his cousin wants to sleep over, (we've been trying to get them both together for a sleepover for months, at my son's request, so, as painful as it is for me to let him go back early, I can't stand in the way of that). I've got my daughter sleeping over tonight, so it's not all a loss, as such. They're both supposed to stop all weekend, (a compromise made through some VERY heated text messages), but my daughter has this stunt cheerleading thing she goes to every Saturday with one of her cousins, and I can't get to where it is, I have no car, so either her mother takes her or her auntie does, so she gets dropped off after that's finished.
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lol Strangely enough, you're not the first person to say that
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Marriages split up and people leave for all sorts of reasons, but to do it in this manner is especially cold. She'll just end up as someone else's problem now. Its always rough on the kids, though. Adults have a hard enough time processing crap like this. Just imagine how it is for people without fully formed brains.
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I know, whenever my kids are here, I ALWAYS make sure, and really drum it in to them, that they know it's not their fault. On the day, my daughter was crying, thinking it was something her and my son did. I calmed her down and promised her it wasn't. (I always keep my promises, so she knows to believe me on that). Her mother has been calling me nasty names to them but I'm trying not to return the favour, for 2 simple reasons, 1. I don't want to turn my kids away from her, in my opinion, (even though it seems to be very old fashioned these days), kids need BOTH parents about, unless there's a very good reason, of course, (abuse, violence in the home, molesation, etc), and 2. I want them to find out themselves what their mother is really like. Maybe then they might ask to move in with me, which would be nice but I'm not holding my breath on it lol
You're probably thinking the kids should already know what she's like, but I've always been there as a buffer against the arguing. My daughter is 11, nearly 12, so her hormones are everywhere right now, anything can cause a screaming fit, sulking, stomping around and so forth so shouting matches are commonplace, but when her mother has been disciplining them while I was there, I've always interjected myself in to the argument before it got out of hand. Now I'm not there so stop their mother, she'll be free to discipline them however she wants. But let me make this point clear, if she beats my kids, it WON'T end well for her.
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You seem like a great dad and remind me of my father, hope things get better for you.
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what the ..... man????
after years she left you like what???
This is painful now but how was it in all those years??
better ??? idont think so ...........but i believe you tried to keep it good or at least made it look good....
Any way if you ask me its hard its painful but somehow its the start the 0 point i had these 0 points in my life sometimes just passed it with "oh shit what should i do" like an idiot and sometimes i tried again and again and surprisingly the best came out of this something that i could never expect .......
at least 1 thing that you got is a lifetime of experience and thats a good thing imo....
and again im telling this to you but im f*ucking stuck in a situation which i cant move forward or get back im stuck between lots of choices and these choices are screwing my mind choices are one of worst nightmares (i mean important choices in my life not games)
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We were married for 12 years, together for 17. As much as I loved her, I don't actually care that she left, I care about the WAY she left me and I miss the kids something fierce. I get them at weekends but I need to get it in writing with a solicitor ASAP so then it's legal and then she can't legally turn round and say, "You're not seeing them anymore", which is something I think she'll resort to.
I think she even wanted me on the street. She never gave me any notice, knowing that I wouldn't have time to get another tenancy agreement, even though she's had the other house for over 3 weeks, I found out recently, but I went to see the housing association that rents this house and they said they wouldn't just kick me out. I have to go through the courts, if they say, "Yeah, he needs that 2 bedroom house as he has the kids for the weekend", then they can change the tenancy agreement to my name, on the other hand, if the court says, "He doesn't need that house, give him a 1 bedroom flat", then we have to comply with that instead.
As for the marriage, it was, most of the time, fairly average (or so I thought). We argued a bit, everyone argues. Admittedly when we argued there was a LOT of shouting but there was never any violence, despite her going to the HA, lying and saying she was scared for her and the kids' safety so they would house her somewhere else. Scared? She slept next to me for 17 years, never flinched away when I walked past, no signs of fear whatsoever, I even asked the neighbours and even they couldn't believe that she went that route.
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Dude, don't forget that you are awesome for getting through that. Plus, don't forget that your kids love you and remember to let them know that you love them too. I've witnessed a suicide of a father who was in a similiar situation. It broke many hearts.. So those words can make a huge difference. Let people know how you feel. It may save lives. :)
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In my opinion, but this is just the way I see it, once you have a child, if you're anywhere near a half-decent parent, then you negate the right to kill yourself automatically. I mean, am I down about it? Upset? Depressed? Feelings to the point of an anger so extreme that nothing will shift it? Absolutely, but if I committed suicide, what kind of legacy is that to leave for my kids? Plus the fact that when they start getting older, they're going to think about it, realise it's a very selfish act and start hating me. What kind of parent would want something like that to happen?
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To be fair, he could be the loneliest person on the planet. Material possessions don't mirror the situation you're in mentally
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and you have best life in the world with a tablet a laptop a pc and some books?????
Thats Great man its all possible with something around 5000$(even less)...
i dont have a house....
Thats not an ipad.....
i know people who can buy a city but their life is worse than hell(according to what they said themselves)
im not rich....
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It sucks, why, well things just are not good for past 2 years, so yeah...it is not end of the world but my life was a lot better 2 years ago, anyway I don't see it getting better soon, hope for 2015 to get some things sorted and hopefully nothing will go worse.
Ohter than that I don't like to talk about my problem, so yeah I will just say that it sucks and will not go to details, thanks for giveaway also.
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Well if you think your life sucks, theres always ways to improve it, that is up to you!
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Just remember: No matter how bad things get there's always somebody, somewhere, worse off than you are
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sometimes I think my life sucks
but is mostly my fault that it sucks
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I've been thinking what to say for a few minutes, and no, my life doesn't suck is just a wierd kind of average.
On the other side, I am very incompetent at living. Nothing goes particularly bad, yet I'm stuck in a depression that not even I completely understand its origin.
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my live sucks for sure, i dropped out of school in 11th grade, and im 25 years old now, lived with parents whole life, never had a job, never had a friend in real life before, last time i hung out with someone in real life was over 3 years ago, i leave the house once a month if that. and ive been online for 16 hours a day for the last like 7 years lol ... i think i win
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I'm 39 now, last time i 'hung out' with anyone was about 13 years ago. I'm living with parents and haven't left the house for about 11-12 years except maybe once or twice a year to see the doctor. Often thought about ending it, but while my parents are still alive i dont think i can, once they are gone i guess thats it, but i need to make sure when i do it i do it right, very scared of f'ing it up and being in a worse situation surviving but being crippled or brain damaged.
There you go, either that might help you to try and change things or just bring you down more looking at what your future could bring..
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a glimpse of my life>>>> here
So what do you think of mine does it suck ??? i dont know about it yet.....
or let me ask you something else does your life suck???
or how does a life which suck should look like???
Edit:Here is the Giveaway
Edit 2:right now im stuck between lots of important choices and thats the worst thing can happen to me and it becomes worse when there are more than just 1 choice .........ahhhhhhhh..........F*ck......
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