First thing Gaben need release csgo / Dota 2/ Artifact for mobile, Compare to Pubg mobile Csgo port to mobile will be easier than Pubg. I petty sure money will flying everywhere in Gaben home. If this success mobile gaming is real now. Competitive Mobile game will be bigger in future.

6 years ago

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Do Steam need own mobile market

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Yes Please Gaben
No it pointless

People play FPS games on mobile? Would be fun to see them on same servers with console and PC players. :)

6 years ago

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On the go mobile is the only solution!

I'm not the kind that plays on mobile, but i always keep a nice game for moments that i need to wait. PUBG is installed and it's nice to have it on my mobile and play in the bathroom while i'm... you know.

6 years ago

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That's what subscriptions to online comic book services are for. I mean before in the dark ages I had to take a papery comic book with me, but now I can do it on my phone. Did people who play now use to take toys or board games before? :P

6 years ago

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I understand your POV but why do we need to buy it twice instead of paying just the difference?

6 years ago

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I have the doubt if they will have a gross autoaim by default

6 years ago

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Gyroscope is almost perfect and should do the job!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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YOU Can say that once tencent own 90% mobile market , most competitive mobile game like Mobile legend , Rules of survival , Pubg mobile , arena of valor and ton of game always host tournament in Asia. There probability because asia people no money to buy a pc.

6 years ago

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I still have no idea how do people even play FPS games on a tiny screen with no controller or mouse. Browser games that don't require any kind of precision or speed sure. I only ever play Hearthstone on mine because it's slow enough to be playable, not that I play those games on PC either.

6 years ago

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Only Moba work great for mobile but rules of survival more popular for reason in Asia , they alway host tournament even feature in my country newspaper

6 years ago

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Sure, the best thing is that they opt for freemium mobile games, and leave steam aside, because it would not look so lucrative in comparison.
I think it would be a great idea.

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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I mean, apparently Artifact will release on Android and iOS next year, so they're all for that cashgrab mobile life. I'm surprised it's not gonna be a free game, though. Seems strange with how many TCGs already exist.

Just wait. You might get a CS:GO Battle Royale Mobile with in-app purchases soon, who knows? /s

6 years ago

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When they created the mobile version i figured that they were trying to start something, but they're not the kind that innovate anymore.

As i always said. Games sold in multiple stores should be bought only one time and be available to download in all of them, steam can do that with Linux, MAC and Windows, would be amazing to see Android a iOS on that list.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Gaming on mobile? I connected keyboard and mouse on mobile... so much crying every game as am hacker and blah blah shts... no more mobile gaming
... so... i dont care :D

6 years ago

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I've played a couple of games on Steam that were originally mobile games. I would have loved to have them both on my phone and on pc.

6 years ago

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