Does it matter? they're a Private group anyway.
Calling out the group, really would'nt be different then the Calling out a Site Member.
I just don't feel like manually putting in over 500 people on my Blacklist.
That's a project that could take Months!
I understand if you're afraid that it might be a group that you're in, but unless you've joined a bunch of Politically based Groups, I would'nt worry about it.
They don't like my Politics, and I don't like theirs.
If I can't enter any GA's by them, then it's fair that they not be able to enter any GA's by me.
The group in question uses threats and coercion to further their Political Agenda, and that's not what Steam is about, and Definitely not what Steamgifts is about!
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Why would anything on this site pertain to politics ?!
Excuse the question if it sounded dumbfounded, i guess i assumed this site is a mere public service for gamers to interact about games. You could hope for a kindly and troll-free zone, but it is the internet in that regard.
Which begs the question of site rules about politically based groups, is there any ?! (haven't seen anything in the FAQ).
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True, no Rules against groups, but the behavior of the Group members ultimately refelects on the group, and the people who attacked me, say they're the "Most Accepting" members of their group.
Which leads me to believe that the entire group is most likely made up of people who would treat me the same way.
Would you want to Giveaway a game to people that told you to "F*** Off and Die!"?
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of course not. I have stopped making giveaways for public to avoid those n mostly use invite only/group we can atm with the current rules.
(giving invite only link to people who have the game on their wishlist is another way which takes time but feel most accomplishing/right?)
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I live on less then $12,000 a year, I have several "Disabilities" and am unable to do a great deal of Physical Labor as a Result.
With my lack of College education, this severaly limits what I can do.
Mostly, I try and get the best Deals I can, and be as generous as my $12,000 a year will let me.
My "Best" GA's are often for games that were on sale, or were selling for a Low price due to current issues with the game itself, like a recent Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition GA I did at the start of this month.
That game is buggy as heck right now, but give the Devs a Year and it should be ok.
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Don't ask me why these people are pushing Politics, but they are, and they're Willing to go to any length to make life Miserable for people that don't want to bend over and let them have their way.
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No rules that I know of, even on Steam, it's Vague, mostly so that Steam can claim you violated the Rules and Ban you if they feel it would be to their benifit, but that's basicly the way that all EULA's are. They get all the Rights and privileges, and you get to bend over and take it if you want to use their System/Site/Game.
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This isn't about a witch hunt, I won't name them, they know who they are, I simply don't want to Give away games to people that Treat me badly, and while it's true that not all of them may be bad people, at least one of the 2 people who attacked me was the Group Leader.
The group I have a problem with is fairly small, with less then 600 members, so a function that put all of them on my Blacklist would likely have little effect on the site.
in fact, since there are over 500, I'd likely be losing out on a bunch of GA's, but it's worth it to not have to deal with their BS!
Edit: Also, You can only have 1000 people on your Blacklist appearently, so, this function would'nt work for Groups with over 1000 members, or if your Blacklist was fairly full.
My Blacklist has 1 Person on it ATM, the more Aggressive of the 2 individuals who verbally attacked me.
I reported that Individual, because I believe the Language they Used was a Violation of the Site rules, but I have yet to see anything done about it.
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oh yes -> 75% of my blacklist. Told some "why am I bl...." that even careless joining or "joining just for giveaways "still is a statement and support of an ideology, that they might have...but then I don´t have to share with them anything, not even games.
(But anyway many of those in the group are tagged not only with kkk, also with very rude, 100% leecher, regift/trade, and so on)
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Same as above, I won't call them out by name, but I've been Verbally attacked by their Members twice now, and I don't want to have to deal with them in the Future.
I really Love this site, it has some of the most friendly people I've ever met online.
I think it has to do with everyone winning stuff.
Although I understand that Some people don't win that often, which Is why I belong to a few Private groups that do GA's for Fun and Enjoyment.
Everyone has their own Criteria for a Whitelist, but mine is basicly if you have more CV then Wins Value, I add you, however, if you do exceed your CV, I may take you off my Whitelist, not because I don't like you, but because I use my Whitelist to create GA's for people that Don't win as often as the Many Leechers I've seen that have 2,000-5,000 in Wins, and 0 CV.
While I don't Blacklist those people, I don't add them to my Whitelist, because they Obviously have no trouble winning.
Many of the people on my Whitelist are lvl4 or higher, and have won less then 10 games.
I'm not claiming that this in any way makes me more noble or better, it's just the way I run my Whitelist, but the Recent Attacks have Hardened my Heart, and I don't even want the friends of those who have mistreated me to be able to enter my GA's, and If I miss out on some really great GA's as a result, Oh well, that's life!
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No it's not the "Duck" groups, I'm a member of those still despite the recent misbehavior of certain individuals in those groups.
I understand that being a member of those groups could get me Blacklisted myself with the feature I'm asking for, since many people feel that they should be disbanded due to the nature of what those certain individuals have done.
I think that in that case it was completely the Individual in question, and while I understand, that that individual is High up in the group Heirarchy, It was'nt the Leader, although, the leader did'nt make a very good impression either. T.T
In point of fact, despite belonging to most of those groups, I rarely enter their GA's, mostly because I have'nt contributed any GA's to the Group for awhile, but also because almost none of their GA's have been Titles I was interested in.
If I found that being part of those groups was adversely affecting my experience on Steamgifts, I would simply leave the groups.
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I'm about to head to bed, so I haven't read through all the comments but briefly skimmed through them. I get what you mean about it being annoying to go through and blacklist one by one but I feel as though a group blacklist could cause you to regrettably add someone who isn't like the rest of the group to your blacklist.
Just an example, as you said with the aforementioned group that you're still in, if someone blacklisted the group you'd be blacklisted when you at least from what I've seen don't deserve to be blacklisted.
Another issue I see is when does the blacklist update or does it update etc. Does it only take the current members? What happens if someone leaves the group? What happens if someone joins?
Lets say it checks if you're in the group whenever you sync and then determines if you're still blacklisted. Well, you could leave the group, sync your account, join the giveaways, and then rejoin the group. That being said, that is a lot of work at times, also considering you may not know when the person who blacklisted the group is making a giveaway.
I just see a lot of complications and I don't think it's fair to blacklist an entire group because each individual is different. The only time I might find this viable is if there are few members and you have interacted with them all and they've all been rude/broke rules/etc - but then since the group is small it wouldn't be so bad blacklisting 1 by 1 and this feature wouldn't really need to be added.
Anyways, sorry for the long post, I'm off to bed, G'night c:
Edit: Sorry, just realized how old the actual thread is, still relevant but I also said something similar (shorter) to another person's reply.
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You know, you've thought this out far better then I have. I was truthfully very hurt and offended at the time, and my behavior was not integerous.
You've raised some Valid points, and hopefully I can reason them all out.
Although I have since gotten over the incident, I still feel this would be a perfectly acceptable function as long as it could be done through the current SG method of account Sychronization.
First off, this is outright Guilt by association. When you blacklist a group, you will inevitably be blacklisting some one who does'nt deserve it, but, their Involvement in the group is an endorsement of that group, which in turn endorses the Actions of it's members, kinda like organized crime, or a terrorist organizations. Sure, the guy that Cooks the food at the Terrorist Camp may never have personally harmed anyone, but his involvement with the group promoted what that groups agenda was, and some groups, are just out to make Drama, Trouble, Etc.
Next, the Math! This is vitally important!! Pay close attention!!!
When a user Blacklists a Group, they are automaticly excluded from all GA's of all members of that group.
So, Lets say I blacklist PCgamer. I Automatically forfeit all Ga's by All members that are part of the PCgamer Group, which is over 180,000 People.
Now lets say out of that group, that maybe 50% of the people that use steamgifts are a part of it. I have effectively just cut my chances of ever winning anything by 50%!!! Hundreds, maybe Thousands of Ga's that I will miss out on!
Now, having put them in my Group Blacklist, no one in PCgamer group can enter my GA's, and it's terrible! Horrible!!
They miss out on like maybe 10 GA's a month, that would have to be split between 180,000 Members!!
OH!, I can just feel their terrible Suffering!.
Sincerely sorry for the Extreme Sarcasm here, but this has always been the part that the less intelligent people out there have missed, and I have been attacked about this Thread multiple Times, because people can't be bothered to do simple math.
I stand to lose far more by Blacklisting a Group, then they stand to lose from me!!!
So, Updates.
The way I see it working is that as people Synch their accounts, the members of Groups are updated, so that new members are added, and members that left a group are Removed.
In this way, you almost have a way of stopping Bad groups from getting any GA's.
When I say Bad Groups, I mean Groups that are out to simply cause Drama in the Community and contribute no real value.
People of course will naturally Blacklist "Bad" groups like the "Original Network" has been Branded, and as a result, members may rethink they're membership in those groups if it's adversely effecting their Experience on Steamgifts.
This seems perfectly reasonable to me. The math behind it is sound. While there are People out there who would Blacklist me for my involvement with the O.N. there are quite a few who support the O.N. and there are many who don't care.
These kind of things tend to all balance out in the end, and hopefully, the end result would be a better experience on Steamgifts.
I hope that answered some of your questions, and thank you for your feedback. :-)
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there are many more suggestion regarding blacklisting. i personally don't agree with you. but you can read this. the worsest reason for Blacklisting someone the community came up with.
and i was also very angry once. than i decided that either i'm fine with all cause life's too short and this is a GA site. or just to make a whitelist/groups i like GA. and done.
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I do have a Whitelist, and I do my best to give them a good selection of the best Games I can find good deals on, but I live on less then $12,000 a year, and it's not often that I can treat them to the AAA titles that most people have on their Wishlist. T.T
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I had no idea someone had previously suggested this, but when I created one a couple days ago, I got both good and negative replies back to it. I really hope this is added at some point though.
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That's a well thought out, and expressed Idea, and since others have suggested similar Ideas, I believe it will be implemented someday.
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btw, i think the list can only be 1000 users long.
but it's taken from memory somewhere in the forums, so i could be wrong. maybe someone else will remember better (and link it)
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No, I've heard the same, but I only have 1 person on mine ATM, so there's room for 999 more.
I could add the entire group, 1 at a time, but as I've said in other posts, it would be a real pain to do so.
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Wait a sec... I'm not defending them but... They had a site with rules/instructions that you ignored and then created a thread, asking what rules/instructions they have? If they really behaved like you said, they overreacted but you kinda wished for it. As someone whoI've seen more then my fair share of Steam Group pages you should know better. Even here people get annoyed when new users create topics that can be easily answered if they would read FAQ. I can imageine that after tens of people not bothering to read rules and then asking questions about them, some people might get annoyed.
Also, I think this isn't enough reason to block WHOLE group.
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Hmm... I won't comment on your situation with them, because I don't know the whole story.
So let's cut the chase:
I think that group blacklist is bad idea. Of course, in situation like yours it might help. Of course there might be groups that are created by only bad, hatefull people. The problem is - what about others? Do you really think that people will use that feature only in extreme situations? I can imagine big groups being blacklisted just because GA creator had an argue with few users, or just because someone was bored. And don't forget about generalization - Just beacuse some group have hatefull users that doesn't mean all of them are like that. It's like saying that all black people are lazy criminals, all white policeofficers are racists, every russian is a pathetic drunkard and all americans are stupid fatasses. It's not nice.
Only thing I see that might work is Mutuall blaklist Maybe, that would make that people think about it but before they would blacklist a whole group. Without mutuall blacklist feature on site, your idea is no go for me.
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sometimes i feel that blacklist is the lazy 2.0 tool so users do the mods work, usually generate a toxic comunity. never the less i hope the ppl who was violent to you get punished by the site owners. best of luck you mate!
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They broke no rules. There's no need for the Site to punish them. Removing any contact we may have with eachother is simply the best course for all parties involved. It works for me, It works for the site staff since it nicely eliminates any need for intervention, and it works for the group that does'nt like me, as I'll no longer be entering any of their GA's, it'll probably mean more Wins for you, so in the end, this could benefit you as well!
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Yes, but understand, when you support a group, you're endorsing the activities of all the members.
If the members in your Group are Hostile to Non-Group users, then yes, guilt by association.
But you lose out less then the person who blacklists your Group.
The person who blacklists your Group loses out on ALL GA's by ALL members of your Group automaticly.
That's the whole point behind it. If your uncomfortable enough to give up all the opportunities that an entire group can offer, your reward in return is that they can't enter yours.
In this way, groups that are anti-socal, and create strife in the community, are dealt with in a fashion that actually does them little harm, but allows those they have been abusive towards the ability to simply cut themselves out of the equation.
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Might make things too complicated somehow.
Example would be if someone were to block the whole SG group.
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Pretty self explanatory. The members of Certain Groups on the site are Rude, Arrogant, and Hostile, and I want nothing to do with them.
I fully endorse Maawdawg's Suggestion, of making Blacklisting Dual Directional.
I don't even want to know these people Exist, I want to simply filter them out of my GA's due to their Anti-social behavior, and I don't want to enter any GA of theirs, even by Accident.
Edit: Let me make this perfectly clear. Since the Group has more then 500 members, If Blacklisting is Dual Directional, I stand to lose out far more then they do.
This Isn't a Witch Hunt, I'm not Calling them out. I simply don't want to associate with them in any way.
Adding over 500 people to my Blacklist would be a Time consuming Process, but since I have the Space Available, I could do what I'm asking for, without anything actually being changed. It would simply be a Pain to add each person individually.
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