well.. Mine was when i forgot sunscreen. it's ended up being a 1 or 2 degree burn :( but when i thought the worst was over... This began.. maybe there may be a bandaid here for the U who have experienced pain :P

aaand of course i end up hurting myself again xD

This time i was running with my dog and tried to out run him when i lost a shoe. Than there only was one way and that was down. Ended up with 9 huge bruises. 1 week after the crash they turned up yellow, and i still can't sleep on my left side XD

i should go sit on a chair and never move again XD

1 decade ago*

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I touched the operational end of the device.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Ahaha. I also got 2nd degree burns once. I put in sunscreen not knowing it wasn't water proof and went on the donut thing on the back of a speed boat. I was on it all day and when I got off, on the back of my legs, I was redder than tomatoe sauce. it was ridiculous.

then there was this other time when I was riding my bike and swerving for fun and ended up going head over heels. I woke up on the side of the road with gravel all through my hands and face and my two front teeth broke. one broke clean off while the other shattered and I had to pull the individual pieces of tooth out of my gums and face.

I was riding a surfboard with a girl and she was lying sideways on her board when a wave came and through her board out and the fins dug into my back and I couldnt walk for about an hour without falling to the ground.

on the sameday as the surfboard incident, I went longboarding with the same girl and I was going down the road and a car came up so I went off onto the grass but it was too thick and the board stopped but I kept going. I hit a stop sign (ironically) and managed to break my arm in 4 different places.

I once also fell out of a tree and broke my other arm with a greenstick fracture.(that's when it bends in half?


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I somehow managed to come across this a year ago. WARNING: This contains some fucked up shit that no human being should ever hear about. There are no pictures but there are some damn horrifying details.

This has nothing to do with me btw, my most painful experience would probably be falling a few feet down and somehow landing on my thumb.
Fun fact: I've never broken, dislocated or temporarily disabled(am I using the right word?) any part of my body.

1 decade ago

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auch xD how did you manage to land on your thumb?

1 decade ago

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I almost faceplanted but somehow I thumbs upped the ground instead. This happened when I was 10 btw.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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lol cant stop laughing just after reading the title XD

1 decade ago

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I can't stop laughing, why is that so funny xD

1 decade ago

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Broken collar bone was the worst. I also broke a leg, 2 fingers and an arm, but there's nothing to match the collar bone.

I also had quite a lot cuts, but they don't hurt that much.

1 decade ago

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Piece of advice. If you want the broken collar bone to be the most painful thing you've ever felt, don't tear any of your tendons away from your bones. I did it and was lucky not to break my ankle in the same accident, but in reflection it would probably have been less painful and less of a long time thing if I had broken my ankle instead of the tendons.

It was 5 years ago that I tore all the tendons off my foot and I still have to be careful when I step off the sidewalk / pavement, if not I tear them again. Yes I went to the physio but he said there wasn't anything to do except use it. Using it makes it stronger, until I make a mistake and it damages again.
Thankfully though, my pain threshold has now gone up immensely. When I did the injury I was lying on the floor for 10 minutes biting my hand to stop myself from screaming. Now when I injure it it gets an 'OW F#~K THAT HURT' or similar comment depending on who is around and I limp around for 2 minutes and I'm all right.

1 decade ago

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Ouchie. Thank God I've never had that happen to me.

1 decade ago

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I broke my collarbone once before as well. Thankfully it was a clean break and I didn't tear anything. That said, I got a severe case of road rash from it (fell off of my bicycle when I was 15). Thankfully the neighbor was home and let me crash on her couch until my mom got there. That took a while because on her way home a belt broke and she literally hitchhiked her way to me. Thankfully, she got picked up by a nice guy and not a creep. Had to call my grandma and uncle to get a ride to the hospital.

1 decade ago

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Sprained or maybe even broken tailbone, I'm one of those people not giving a shit about pain and stuff, so I didn't go to the doctor xD

But I really need to get there someday, because my wrists are hurting since 5 years and I'm doing lots of sports which makes it worse and better at the same time :P

But even more painful must this be :don't clicky, which happened to a Tricker, and I love doing this sport, but everytime I watch it, I hope it won't happen to me :O

1 decade ago

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i would say that sounds like the best idea in a while xD You just need to wear shoes :P i think that will help a lot

1 decade ago

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I once attempted to vault over a bollard in a luminous green tutu, had an unfortunate miscalculation of the force required to clear said bollard and landed flat on my face the other side. Whilst this was somewhat painful, it had nothing on the the accompanying laughter from fellow patrons of the city centre that loudly reverberated in the early morning air. That laughter pierced my very soul. T_T

1 decade ago

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Physical pain: Probably splitting my knee open on concrete stairs. The scar still hurts like hell when I accidentaly hit it.

Mental/physical pain: After a break up, there were like 2-3 days when I was having these weird mini-heart attacks or something. I felt a nasty pain around my heart and could hardly breathe, which made it even worse. I seriously felt like I was going to die.

1 decade ago

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Panic attacks or anxiety maybe. Both suck.

1 decade ago

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When i rided my bike downhill and i got my leg inside the wheel and broke the both bones inside of my leg (one of them hitted through my skin and i saw the white bone eew) -yes i cried like a girl-...

1 decade ago

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i once broke my finger <.< it becamse twice as big as normal. Never going to play soccer again xD later the docs found out a joint in my finger was broken and not there were the swelling was (wtf?)

1 decade ago

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wtf, how did you manage to do that? ^^

And I myself would probably pass out..yeah, I'm one of this people to pass out when seeing something like that and when thinking myself into it or when it happens to me xD

1 decade ago

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Haha, how i did it? Dude i have no idea, it happend so fast!!!
And ouch on the thread above you o_o

1 decade ago

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And passing out is very normal i guess? I know a guy who passes out when he see blood :D

1 decade ago

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I can't find the "band-aid" :( but the most pain i've ever felt is when i was riding my bike downhill, my chain came off so I couldn't brake was going so fast i couldn't jump off and the only thing i could do was steer somewhere where i wouldn't get as hurt as much as crashing straight into a brick wall, aimed for the lawn of someone's house but didn't make it through the door of the gate and hit the fence at full speed. my leg got caught in a crevice in the fence but with all the inertia was ulled tight out and bam broken knee cap. :( Got better in a couple of months and needed stitches all better now :)

1 decade ago

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Why couldn't you brake because the chain was off? Fixed wheel where braking was pedaling backwards?

1 decade ago

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It's called a "kick-brake." We didn't used to have hand-brakes on our bikes, back then. I had a very similar accident, but I came out of it with only two scraped knees, two scraped elbows, and missing the palm of my left hand. His injury was worse than mine.

1 decade ago

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I've never heard of a kick brake before... It that a motorbike thing?

I only know of rim / v-brake, disc brake, hub brakes, dynamos and fixed wheel as the conventional brakes for a bicycle / pedal bike.

1 decade ago

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kidney stones.

1 decade ago

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'nuff said :C

1 decade ago

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Indeed. Words cannot do it justice.

1 decade ago

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This. If someone had given me a gun I would have killed myself. So fucking excruciating.

1 decade ago

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Indeed, I have never experienced any pain worse than kidney stones

1 decade ago

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Same but worse was operation which was sound waves i can not describe how painful it was. They kinda put a ball kinda thing next to your belly then it starts to shot, at first it's pretty ok but later pain is unbearable and for some time after operation you throw blood from your system because operation kinda damages body :|

1 decade ago

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i had those sunburns too.
Was at a beach near the venice.
Anyway,thing is,i'm more tolerant towards the pain,so i don't feel it as much is it is normal.
So,i was red as lobster,and it didn't hurt nor felt bad.
Went asleep with 39,40 temperature,woke up later dehydrated,and passed out while brushing teeths in bathroom :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I once broke my leg at 2 different places at the same time. :P

1 decade ago

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That's horrible.

1 decade ago

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That itself wasnt so painful. Its more the fact, that the doctors just left me alone and only started to treat me 12 hours later... -__- (I didnt even get painkillers. they just did NOTHING the whole god damn 12 hours)

1 decade ago

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Once at Uni I was bored waiting for some friends to finish their assignments and I was spinning around on a chair. I bashed my kneecap into a table leg so hard I almost blacked out, had to leave the room as I almost threw up from the pain... o.O

1 decade ago

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that sounds.. very painfull

1 decade ago

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Never felt anything like it since, thankfully. :D

1 decade ago

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Go on... No party with the friends afterwards?

1 decade ago

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No, just the next lecture.

1 decade ago

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Hmm... This is weird... I can't think of anything! :D
I remember one time when I was very little (not sure how old) I was running in the house and I slipped and hit my head on the coffee table! Honestly from what I remember it didn't hurt that bad, but when I saw the blood I started crying and my sister took me to the hospital and they patched me up! :D
Besides that, I really can't remember anything else!

1 decade ago

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you're a lucky one :P

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I guess! :D

1 decade ago

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My death.

1 decade ago

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Look at the bright side..you're alive again :D

1 decade ago

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Kidneystone....Nothing more painful than that...

1 decade ago

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+10... there are few things painfull as that, knife through thigh isn't even close

1 decade ago

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Someone else also mentioned this. If it were a torture technique, you'd tell them anything they wanted to hear

1 decade ago

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A wasp flew into my can of coke in summer camp when I was 7 or 8. I didn't realize it until I took a deep sip and the fucking thing stung my tongue. Luckily we had a first aid station and the guys there calmed me down in record time. But man that was painful. I'm really afraid of wasps ever since that happened.

1 decade ago

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Here's a strange one: I was burning alive in three different dreams. First dream had me working in a Nuclear facility inside a mall. I was assigned to fix the central or it's would explode. I got there too late and a explosion got triggered. By the time i started to run, every inch of my body started to burn like hell for several seconds. I was pretty sure the sun exploded outside of my dreams or something else because damn, that was extremely painful.

The second one was me waking up from another dream, but my tv was open and they were talking that we were going to burn alive today and that no one should go outside. Coming out of my room had me burning at the sunlight and i went back on my bed.

The third one was pretty fun. I controlled electricity, but felt pain while handling it with my arms. The good news is that even through the pain was there, it's felt alright for once because i knew it's wouldn't burn my skin. I pretty much became a Super Hero in this dream and had a blast.

1 decade ago

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Unrequited love.

1 decade ago

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Looking in the mirror for the first time in my life and realising that with that face, my life will be a fail.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Did you ever find out what happened? I can't even imagine that level of physical pain.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I just came back to reread this thread and saw your comment... dear god. That is terrible! *Offers hugs*

1 decade ago

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a nail through my shoe then right through my foot, was 2 maybe 3 yers of age

1 decade ago

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Mine is kidney stones but not solely kidney stones. When I had them the first time I thought I just had a virus. I threw up so much from the pain that I tore my esophagus. So imagine being in pain that Doctors say is as bad if not worse that childbirth then on top of that tearing your esophagus which is almost equally as painful. Oh and it was that time of the month too. I was literally praying that I would die. On the plus side the Doctors were super surprised that I was conscious let alone walking on my own so they told me if I ever do have kids I should be able to handle it like a champ. I've had them 2x since then... Each time is awful. Every time my stomach even feels weird I panic because I'm terrified its kidney stones.

There was also the time that I had my wisdom teeth taken out and they had to shave my jaw bone down. My stiches burst and I had exposed bone in my jaw. That sucked.

1 decade ago

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OK, you win. That's worse than the other kidney-stone stories others have already posted.

1 decade ago

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Hmmm the time I had to get stitches in my head... the time I stepped on a nail... or the time my wisdom tooth caused a horrible infection on my bottom gums and the top teeth continuously smashed the swollen part whenever I made any form of mouth movement. Yeah those were all pretty painful.

1 decade ago

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I almost forgot about toothache... You just reminded me it and now I won't be able to sleep! :P

1 decade ago

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I once plucked every hair off of my right leg with a pair of tweezers. Sometimes I would squeeze too hard and break the hair, and have to go digging for it.. I have several scars from doing it. I believe I hit bone on my shin, once. I was messed up when I was younger...

1 decade ago

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No sane person would do that xD luckily you are older now

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by MehtefaS.