well.. Mine was when i forgot sunscreen. it's ended up being a 1 or 2 degree burn :( but when i thought the worst was over... This began.. maybe there may be a bandaid here for the U who have experienced pain :P

aaand of course i end up hurting myself again xD

This time i was running with my dog and tried to out run him when i lost a shoe. Than there only was one way and that was down. Ended up with 9 huge bruises. 1 week after the crash they turned up yellow, and i still can't sleep on my left side XD

i should go sit on a chair and never move again XD

1 decade ago*

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I got hit by a van that jumped the curb and hit me on the sidewalk, suffered a broken leg, lacerations some required stitches and staples, a sprained wrist, minor internal bleeding, split lip and chipped teeth. my friend on the other hand only suffered brusies that were caused from when I pushed him out of the way when I heard the screeching of breaks. fucking drunk drivers.

1 decade ago

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You are a hero :) sort of.. i doubt i would have thought of pushing him away. I truly thinks that is heroric

1 decade ago

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Cut cut cut cut that sausage and then BOOOM i cut my finger!!!!!!!!! :c

1 decade ago

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i stubbed my toe,that was the most painful thing i had ever experienced,had to have my nail removed ,isn't really the most painful,but the one that i can relate to every day,poor pinkies are attracted to table,bed,couch legs :c

1 decade ago

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They are indeed :C

1 decade ago

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Bump :3

1 decade ago

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a german shepherd and my balls...

1 decade ago

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Steam sales.

1 decade ago

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brain concussion was in hospital for 7 days

1 decade ago

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When I was 5 a rottweiler bite me in the face.

still have scars

1 decade ago

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I was on holiday and had a stomach pain. We thought nothing off it as I had fallen off my bike just before going on holiday and so we assumed I had just hurt my stomach in the fall.

We ended up cutting the holiday short when my little sister kept arguing and stressing out my parents and we went home. The pain didn't go and after 2 days I was unable to walk. I could barely speak or move. My dad carried me into the car and took me to the doctors (Lol what, he didn't just take me to hospital!). They insisted I go immediately to the hospital, they told me I had appendicitis and needed to be operated on immediately.

During the operation I stopped breathing and was medically 'dead'. Luckily those surgeons/doctors/nurses managed to complete the operation and keep me here. I was told I was probably within minutes of my appendix bursting when they operated. If it had burst, it could've caused peritonitis and possibly death.

The second worst physical pain I have felt, was after that operation. I was 10 or 11 at the time, sat in my hospital bed. There was a girl about the same age in the bed next to me and we talked most every day as we were both there for a couple of weeks. Every time she said something funny I had the most excruciating pain every time I laughed. I would end up curled in a ball, crying from the pain of just laughing. That wasn't fun!

1 decade ago

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I just clicked here to see how many people mentioned kidney stones. :)

I think it's a common misunderstanding to think it's only going to hurt when it's coming out of your body, but for me I barely even felt that. The part that hurts is when it's trying to pass into your bladder. For me, that meant two sessions of writhing in bed all night, wide awake, feeling like someone was twisting a knife inside of me. In total, it was about 13 hours where all I could do was squirm and make whimpering noises.

1 decade ago

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When I got backstabbed by a spy...really painful...though he was dead but he wasn't

1 decade ago

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Dislocated shoulder, toe and thumb.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Torn anterior cruciate ligament, although appendicitis was fairly painful too.

1 decade ago

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Got a sliver in my eye, it tore a hole in my Iris, and it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced.

1 decade ago

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I'm pretty sure I've broken my pinkie toe at least once. It get stubbed way too easily.

1 decade ago

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When I was little, a toe nail broke and it ALMOST came off of my toe. That ALMOST was the painful thing, my parents had to take me to a doctor, who, with no anesthetic what so ever, decided to pull it out with some tweezers. My screaming was heard by everyone in the city I think. It still hurts to remember that moment, so I'm gonna stop typing now.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by MehtefaS.