Touhou Giveaways TV Show Event!

Opening Giveaway

Welcome dear members of SteamGifts! Today, we present you yet another great event we prepared specially for you, with lots of fun and nice giveaways to join. As you should know from our previous events, we aim for unique experience and always trying to show something you've never seen before, in a very enjoyable SG event form, so you can have lots of fun and lots of winnings!

In order to join us this time, you will need to click here, sign in with your steam account for verification, and game should automatically start for you. Don't rush it, take your time, read carefully every text we present to you, and good luck! Our host will present rules of the game to you the moment you start the game :3. Giveaway links are available after the end of the game.

We confirmed that game works properly on following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera. Please make sure to use one of those for best experience! Also make sure that you didn't disable scripts, javascript and alike! If you get lack of continue button, just try refreshing the page.

And if you already finished the game in the past, and it started from beginning, don't worry, click continue and you'll land where you finished.

Event will last until 31st December 23:59 CET

Please don't cheat

We record your progress through the game that is tied to your steam account, including which giveaways you picked and you're eligible for, in our database. After the event is over, ArchiBoT will automatically check each giveaway for any invalid entries, and report them to SG support, regardless if you win or not. We already did permanently suspend both leaker and cheater in our previous event, and I don't want to go witch hunting after the event is over. Do me a favor and just don't try to take advantage over anybody else, or meet with ArchiBoT in SG suspension :3.

In other words, if you're playing only with one steam account, and you're not asking your friends to leak giveaways to you, then you can't be considered a cheater, enjoy! :3

Have fun!

Mood music

The event was mainly coded by Mole, please thank him, not me! Also make sure to thank giveaway creators for their generosity, if you're enjoying the giveaway that is! :3

We appreciate your feedback very much! It's not possible to respond to everyone as we're only humans, but we do read every single message, and also trying to fix any issues or problems that might arrive :3

Previous Events

Cheating stats

ArchiBoT is doing a great job in catching cheaters + leakers, some of them are already reported to SG for having multiple accounts. Full list is not available on SG due to no calling out rule, but available on Steam.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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View Results

hahaha dat end! what an awesome end!
long time no see a such good event with such fun involved.
good one archi and touhou members!

7 years ago

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Wow, that sure was something different than you get to see else on SG.
Great event! You also got me curious now to enter the Touhou Group!

7 years ago

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Look for an announcement in the group section when recruitment is open :3 (Previous recruitment threads)

7 years ago

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I know, already read through the rules and stuff on the website where the event is too :) But thanks for mentioning it anyway!

7 years ago

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Thank you for the event, I really liked it :D
Last day bump!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This is the best and coolest event i've ever saw in my entire experience her on SG.

7 years ago

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Awesome event! Thanks for all the GAs! :D

7 years ago

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Thank you for the nice event!

7 years ago

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Wonderful event! Thank you and hope to see more from you :)

23 out of the 32 were what I would have picked if I knew what was behind the doors, so I think I did well :)
2 were what I wanted most... but already owned. Why couldn't that be Tropico 5 instead of 4 D: /kidding, I appreciate the event as it is! The other choices weren't highly desired though, so not sad about these.
2 weren't the most desired, but neither of the 3 choices was particularly desired, so not sad about these either.
5 I got wrong, missing things that are wishlisted and highly desired, and getting either something owned or something not particularly interesting. Why Spintires, why did you evade me?! Rebel Galaxy, how could you?! Twice even! And Mad Max and Shadow of Mordor too! D:

The box was good and bad luck, got the extra links, but none of them were the things I was sad I missed.

By the way, was it intentional for some of the tag hints to reveal the game? Since for a few of the tag combinations there are only 1 or 2 matches in the entire store. Probably not unfair though, since sometimes that was deceptive - the game behind the door would not match any of the games that come up in a search of those tags.

And is it okay for me to say all this? If I'm revealing too much, reply with what you want edited out and I'll do it as soon as I see it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump, thanks for such an awesome event and happy holidays~ <3

7 years ago

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Wow, that was an awesome event, I had a wonderful time doing it. This is my first year I have been on SG actually doing stuff since I registered 3 years ago. So this was also my first time seeing anything like this on SG as well which turned out to be a pleasant surprise. What's more impressive is that such a small group set all of this up and got it running, I have quite a bit of respect for the Touhou Giveaways group. I can't wait to see what type of events you may come up with next!
<3 from Bloodgultch

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Welp. Praying for Slime.

7 years ago

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thank you so much for that many awesome games :D
hope i win any

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot for awesome event. I thought i have commented this but as I have tried to search myself in comments, I'm not there.
So, firstly I was surprised by the game how it worked and secondly I must say thanks for all nice giveaways. You guys rocks!

I wish you all happy holidays and to the New Year only the best to all of you!

7 years ago

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Thanks for this event. Happy new year!

7 years ago

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Ending soon: just 9 hours left. Hurry up if you haven't played yet, or if you haven't entered all the giveaways you wanted to.

7 years ago

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No more free gibs? :(

7 years ago

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Most interesting event I ever seen on SG, really cool work there!

7 years ago

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bump :3

7 years ago

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question some former winner decided to troll me and someone else for some reason by clicking not recieved on a giveaway made a year ago eventhough activated now already made a ticket for that question now is when i entered giveawayevent i had and still have a clean slate in terms on giveaways but does this effect my entry at this moment?

7 years ago

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This won't affect your entries at all, provided you entered only the giveaways you were given by the site.

7 years ago

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ty for that Mike :)

7 years ago

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Just shy of three hours left now.

7 years ago

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Finally a good place where to spend the points accumulated with all those Clickteam Fusions...

7 years ago

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Happy new year!

7 years ago

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Haha, site wasn't working for me before sadly, and I just finished going through all the doors. I guess I missed them all by 15 minutes.
Don't worry though, those were pretty nice giveaways but I don't think I would have entered that many, I appreciate the chance though :)

7 years ago

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All gifts are being send out.. saddly there are a few cheaters. It's a weeb aggrement that we remove all blacklist before the event and we all did so. It's sad that new names will be added to the previous empty blacklist.

For all the rest. have a bump and happy 2017

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by JustArchi.