Did u like it?

8 years ago

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Did You Like Batman vs Superman?

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I liked it.

I went worried about the complaints about plot holes, but by the editing style I found it to be more than a choice rather than holes. The movie leaves a lot up to you to understand rather than didactic.

At the other hand, I do think the relation between both escalated too much fast. The reason they hate themselves so much was the only think didn't convinced me.

Ben Affleck was very good as Batman tho. I think he fits nice in this version of an older Batman.

Overall I think it was very good.

I'm also in love for Gal Gadot. :>

8 years ago

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Love Gal Gadot too.
I was really heart broken to learn that she is married :,(

8 years ago

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Yeah... :'(

And her husband is not even like the most handsome guy in the world. It makes me like her even more.

8 years ago

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I liked the movie too. For all it's notable flaws, Ben Affleck was not one of them as nearly everyone predicted. I think he's the next best Batman we've had after Christian Bale.

Gal Gadot was great! I'm looking forward to the WW movie.

Yes there were confusing moments, and I didn't like Eisenberg in the role of Luthor. They need to make sure he's explained away as Lex's bratty kid.

I gave it 3.5 out of 5. We've had to endure far worse superhero films that this. (Green Lantern ... cough, cough)

8 years ago

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Exactly. Also the epicness. Oh my god. I think finally a movie featuring Super Man had good action scenes with him. I don't know why this was so much better in that sense than Man Of Steel, since both are from Zack Snyder. But I really want Zack Snyder to direct his future movies in the same way. It seems he was given a lot more freedom this time to do it like he wanted.

8 years ago

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If potato was an option... I'd choose potato...


I'm neutral, ok??!!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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NO! i like the action scenes but the storyline ...

8 years ago

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I liked it.
Pure entertainment, great special effects, lots of interesting cliffhangers on what to be expected from the next DC character movies and an awesome entrance from Diana, the Amazon Warrior.
Also liked the way Doomsday was introduced, very different from the comic books, but plausible in the context of this movie (and the previous Superman movie).
As for Affleck, proved Batman fans wrong, as he was great in Batman role. BTW, loved his "tank" suit. A bit like Iron Man's Hulk suit.
Some incoherent bits along the way, easily forgivable IMO, and a great movie nevertheless.
So, can't understand so many bad reviews, but hey, that's the beauty of the world we live in: lots of different people, lots of different opinions, just gotta respect each other.

8 years ago

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Totally Agree

8 years ago

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I would have to be paid very well to watch this horrible thing... not going to happen!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by sabya2k.