Here at my house i can drink soda the whole week, but two of my friends is only allowed to drink soda on the weekends.
Is is more normal to be allowed to drink soda just in the weekend or the whole week?

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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It's all fine in moderation.

1 decade ago

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Iced tea all day errday! ♥

1 decade ago

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gettin skinny anyway

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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As a kid it was weekend only, as a teen it was one glass a day, as of now I drink a 2 liter of sprite a day (and i'm only 140~ lbs)

1 decade ago

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Ever done a blood test recently?

1 decade ago

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Yep quite frequently, I broke my arm recently and I have to go to the hospital once a month since I have so many problems with the metal inside of me

1 decade ago

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Skinny =/= healthy.

1 decade ago

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I was allowed to drink it whenever I wanted, but I controlled myself and avoided drinking it more than three times a week.

1 decade ago

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I only drink soda when going out. And nobody forbids me.

1 decade ago

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Anytime, anywhere, anyday.

1 decade ago

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I'm allowed to whenever I want, but I hardly ever do

1 decade ago

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Weekend soda is best soda!
;p nah but in all seriousness, it's good to try and limit your kids soda intake, that stuff is so incredibly bad for you.

(I was allowed to have it whenever I wanted though)

1 decade ago

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As a kid I drank a lot of soda, now I drink carbonated water only. I always drink it, even when going out. I love that stuff, fuck your soda and your alcoholic stuff, man!

For the actual question: No soda at all. And if you have to choose between the two, I will choose only weekend. Because it's bad for your kids.
But then again there comes a time in every kids' life when it has to take responsibility for itself, i.e. don't limit it anymore. (We're talking about the age of ~27 here.)

1 decade ago

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haven't had soda in years...

1 decade ago

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Used to be so addicted. I'm clean now.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I dislike soda. I used to drink it all the time when I was younger; I heartily regret it now.

Every so often I have the urge to drink one. I usually regret it when I give in to the temptation.

1 decade ago

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i was allowed anything i wanted because and i quote from my father "whatever you do, your brother will have done something worse"... as long as i kept good grades and went to school, i could spend weeks away from home so i quickly learnt a tonne of self control...

long story short i chose to drink energy drinks, coffee or tea on occasions instead of soft drinks, the only time i have soft drinks now is for nostalgia (e.g. ice-cream flavored soda which as it turns out is a real thing) or with alcohol.

1 decade ago

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If you get to drink soda rarely, you start appreciating it and expecting weekends just to experience the sweet treat. When I was little, I was only allowed to drink soda on the weekends, and I really enjoyed to the max. I often drank it so much I got sick... Yeah, now that I'm older I have almost stopped drinking sodas, I have found out juice concentrate mixed with carbonated water suits my taste much better. ^^

1 decade ago

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I drink POP every two or three days.

I've never heard of anyone not being allowed to drink POP on weekdays, but I have had friends who weren't allowed to drink POP too close to bedtime as kids.

1 decade ago

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I'm guessing we are having an English war.
Fizzy bro, FIZZY.

1 decade ago

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I haven't drank soda in almost a year, it's bad for you, and in my case was like the only reason I was gaining weight, I eat plenty healthy, but soda was killing me diet wise, I've lost like 40 pounds just by drinking water instead of soda, and I also switch it up and use that mio energy in my water if I'm feeling edgy

1 decade ago

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I drink soda once a while. mostly drink water.

1 decade ago

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your friends have weird parents, I was allowed to drink soda any day(just a limited number per day), I grew up on diet, changed to regular(please note when I changed I was drinking 3 a day and it had no impact on my health at all(tbh I actually lost a few pounds without changing anything else), and eventually decided to go cold turkey for monetary reasons)

1 decade ago

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Well, I guess thats what happens when you and your friends are 12. I have the opportunity to drink and eat whatever I please, but I choose to limit soda/pop consumption as much as possible. I use to drink tons of the stuff when I was younger, but decided to kick it to the curb. After not drinking any soda for a year/few years, I had a sip every so often and found the taste to be awful. Now, I drink it occasionally but am again trying to kick the habit. First world problems.

1 decade ago

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i drink soda all the week, sometimes its just 1-2 glasses, sometimes im so thirsty i drink up to 6, my brother drinks a lot too, my father is always yelling at us for finishing a whole bottle of coke in 1 day :p

1 decade ago

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Funny thing how sugar needs water to process. It actually dehydrates you.

1 decade ago

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It's interesting how many people miss that. Dasani does the same thing by adding salt to their water.

The more you drink, the thirstier you get, so you drink more, so you get thirstier...

1 decade ago

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I drink ice-tea everyday

1 decade ago

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Don't drink soda at all.

Your body, health, esophagus, teeth, breath, weight, gastrointestinal system, and life will thank you.

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately, his tongue may lodge a few complaints from time to time, and being that it's in the mouth, it makes for a loud minority.

1 decade ago

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I used to be a heavy soda drinker but once the new year came around I decided to start a diet and quit smoking. I haven't had any soda or cigarettes since Dec 31st 2012. I have also been eating healthy, now I need to get back to the gym regularly.

1 decade ago

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Well done. claps

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Hansern97.