Here at my house i can drink soda the whole week, but two of my friends is only allowed to drink soda on the weekends.
Is is more normal to be allowed to drink soda just in the weekend or the whole week?

1 decade ago*

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Avoiding soda as much as possible, on diet constantly more or less, exception made of one meal a week home and I tend to roll with it at restaurant, still being careful. Fast food is a no go.

Also avoiding coffee for months now, salt for years (no water retention), green/black tea works for me.

I'm not sure what is normal, but since my fiancΓ©e is vegetarian... I "try" to keep it clean as we go to prepare myself to live with her. I'm not the right person to answer this, but once you get used to it, you can pretty much get rid of anything, depends on how much you like soda.

Like anything else I guess, just don't drink gallons (count of sugar cubes per service, forget about aspartame based soda which is as bad in the end).

P.S. : I save the crap for holidays, then I really let go to mess up the whole rest of the healthy diet huh but I used to be a soda addict when I was younger so...

1 decade ago

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I don't think there really is any observed etiquette or standard for this. But for me it's at most one per day. It's best to avoid it as much as possible

1 decade ago

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This post makes me remember someone who was banned months ago..
Random posts up in this.

1 decade ago

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i don't like soda so much i prefer to drink water all the week

1 decade ago

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I'm a grown ass man so I drink soda whenever I want.

1 decade ago

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You're a grown ass bear so you chuckle/care whenever you want.

1 decade ago

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Drinking soda everyday got my friend diabetes and Neuropathy(like when your nerves die and rot inside your body). So like maybe drinking soda isn't so good for you. The less you drink the better.

1 decade ago

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I drink soda whenever I want but I usually drink water

1 decade ago

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It's called water. It's delicious.

1 decade ago

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It's actually pretty gross. It requires a few tea leaves to be palatable.

1 decade ago

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I don't really know how something insipid can be delicious.

1 decade ago

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I think a study was made that if you drink a can of soda a day for a year, you would gain 10 pounds from that year. I dont know if those were the correct numbers but it was somewhere along those lines.

Anyways I use to drink soda all the time as a kid, but now I just drink water/milk or juice on rare occasions.

1 decade ago

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I never really drink Soda (or any sweet drink for that matter) unless I get a massive sugar craving which happens like once or twice a month... I hate the feeling it gives me on my teeth =/ Water is the way to go !

1 decade ago

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I'm allowed to drink soda whenever I want to! In reality I only really drink soda either when I really need a quick energy (sugar) kick or alternatively when I mix drinks. The former is quite rare, it happens about once every second or so months, the later is more common.

When someone actually had the rights to tell me what I could & could not do, in regards to soda drinking, I was, during my pre-teens only allowed to drink soda when my parents wanted me to drink soda, which was during special occasions or when out somewhere. When I got a small job, I was allowed to do what I wanted to do with my money, so my soda consumption went up a tad bit, but not a whole lot.

1 decade ago

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Drink beer instead!

1 decade ago

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Almost never

1 decade ago

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all week ;p but i dont drink soda only

1 decade ago

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When I was younger I used to go through 2-4 litres of sada a day, bad times.
Now-a-days I drink at most 3 cans a day, if any at all.

1 decade ago

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I drink soda once at 2-3-4 hours. That's kinda instead of water, anyways I don't have any disease because of it.

1 decade ago

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My parents don't buy soda for us anymore. We have to buy it ourselves. When they did buy us soda we could only have one for dinner.

1 decade ago

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I drink water. End of story!

1 decade ago

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Well, I used to drink soda much more, but then I discovered water is good too and it doesn't leave aftertaste that makes you want to drink more. Now I drink mainly water, especially when it's cold. When it's hot, I like to drink soda with ice once in a while.

1 decade ago

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I would say that drinking more than 1 small can per day is not going to be good for your health. I often go weeks without 'soda'. I drink juice/squash/cordial or whatever you call it there.

1 decade ago

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I drink "soda" whenever the hell I like because I'm a grown-up. BOOYA!

1 decade ago

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I use to drink about 30oz-50z everyday , I have like 1 year since i quit drinking soda, now i drink like 15 oz every 2 weeks

1 decade ago

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I drink whenever I want it. Mostly weekends though...

1 decade ago

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I stopped drinking normal soda about 6 months ago, I only drink soda drinks without sugar and caffeine now :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Hansern97.